Contribution to irrigation from shallow water table under field conditions C. Babajimopoulos1, A. Panoras2, H. Georgousis1, G. Arampatzis2, E. Hatzigiannakis2, D. Papamichail1 1 Laboratory of General & Agricultural Hydraulics & Land Reclamation, Faculty of Agriculture Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2 Land Reclamation Institute, N.AG.RE.F. SUMMARY The mathematical model SWBACROS was applied to estimate the contribution of a shallow groundwater to the water needs of a maize crop. The model was applied with the top and boundary conditions defined by the observed irrigation/rainfall events and the observed water table depth. The simulated water contents of the root zone were very close to the observed values. Furthermore the model was applied with an assumed free drainage bottom boundary condition. The difference of the computed water content profiles under the presence and absence of the water table gave a very good estimate of the capillary rise. It was found that under the specific field conditions about 3.6 mm/day of the water in the root zone originated from the shallow water table, which amounts to about 26% of the water, which was transpired by the maize crop. Keywords: shallow water table, irrigation, capillary rise, SWBACROS 1. INTRODUCTION World population today is about 6.5 billion and it is estimated that it will be increased to 9.1 billion by the year 2050 (UN, 2004). Irrigation supplies approximately 40 % of the world foodstuffs on less than 18% of the arable land and has a significant future role in meeting the projected world food demand (Ayars et al., 2006). It is estimated that irrigation consumes more than 80% of the good quality water. This makes it the greatest user of water, very far from its other competitors, namely urban, industrial and environmental use. It is more than certain that competition among agricultural, urban, industrial and environmental needs will be even more intense in the near future. Any effort towards improving irrigation efficiency is worthwhile because it can lead to saving large quantities of good quality water. Shallow ground water table exists in many areas of the world. This shallow ground water can be used by plants either by using drainage water for irrigation or through in–situ use. Saline drainage ground water has been studied extensively as a supplemental source of irrigation water (Rhoades et al., 1989; Ayars et al., 1993; Ayars et al., 2006). In–situ use of ground water by crops is a more complicated matter than irrigating with drainage ground water. It depends on several factors such as depth to the water table, hydraulic properties of the soil, stage of the crop growth, ground water quality etc. Quantification of the water taken by the roots from the shallow water table is of great significance and has been a topic of extensive research in the last few decades. Wallender et al. (1979) found that 60 % of the evapotranspiration (ET) of a cotton crop was extracted from a 6 dS m-1 shallow water table. Ayars and Schoneman (1986) found that capillary rise of water of ECe = 10 dS m-1 from a water table of 1.7 – 2.1 m deep contributed to up to 37% of evapotranspiration (ET) of a cotton crop. Prathapar and Qureshi (1998) observed that under shallow water table conditions irrigation can be reduced up to 80 % without affecting crop yield and increasing soil salinization. Soppe and Ayars (2003) by using weighing lysimeters maintained a saline (14 dS m -1) water table at 1.5 m depth and found that ground water contributed of up to 40% of daily water used by safflower crop. On a seasonal basis 25% of the total crop water use originated from the ground water. The largest contribution occurred at the end of the growing season when roots were fully developed. The applied irrigation in the presence of a water table was 46 % less than irrigation applied to the crop without a water table. Kahlown et al. (2005) investigated the effect of shallow water tables on crop water requirements by using 18 large size drainage type concrete lysimeters. They found 2 that when a water table was kept at a depth of 0.5m, wheat met its entire water requirement from the ground water. Sunflower required only 20 % of its total need from irrigation. However maize and sorghum were found to be waterlogging sensitive crops whose yield were reduced with higher water table. Most of the previous research is conducted by using weighing and drainage lysimeters. The method is very accurate but has serious limitations because of the cost of construction, operation and maintenance of the lysimeters. A common characteristic of most of this research is that it is focused on the existing conditions of the experiment and the conclusions are difficult to be extended to other situations. Thessaloniki plain, Greece, covers an area of about 100000 hectares. The plain is cultivated with cotton (34%), maize (12%), rice (17%), sugarbeets (6%), alfalfa (3%), orchards (20%) and some other crops in smaller extend. Bad irrigation management, non functional drainage systems and also seepage from the rice fields, which are covered with water for long periods of time, result to high water table during summer in many parts of the plain. Salts accumulate in the root zone but are leached in winter when the water table deepens. In some areas of the plain the depth to the water table during the cultivation period can be as low as 40–50 cm. Capillary rise is very large and contributes to crop water requirements significantly. Even though farmers reduce irrigation taking advantage of this shallow water table, contribution of this to transpiration has never been quantified. It is obvious that if it is managed correctly, groundwater can contribute significantly to crop water needs and therefore reduce applied irrigation. The objective of this paper is to estimate ground water contribution to transpiration. Towards this goal, the mathematical model SWBACROS (Babajimopoulos et al., 1995) is used. The model is used with the top and bottom boundary conditions defined by the observed irrigation/rainfall events and water table depths, respectively. The simulated water contents are very close to the observed values. Furthermore a free drainage bottom boundary condition is assumed. The difference of the computed water content profiles under the presence and the absence of the water table is an estimation of the water used by the crop because of the capillary rise. It is found that about 26% of transpiration of a maize crop originates from the shallow water table. 3 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 The Mathematical model The mathematical model is based on the equation which describes the unsaturated, transient, water flow in a heterogeneous soil under the presence of a crop: C h h K 1 S h t z z (1) where C(θ)= θ/ h is the specific moisture capacity function (1/L), h is the pressure head (L) which is negative in unsaturated soil, K(θ) is the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (L/T), θ is the volumetric soil water content (L3/L3), z is the vertical dimension directed positive downward (L), t is the time (T) and S is the root water uptake (1/T). A detailed description of the model is given by Babajimopoulos et al. (1995). It is referred here that the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and the specific moisture capacity functions are computed as in Van Genuchten (1978,1980). The sink term is computed as in Belmans et al. (1983) by: S h hSmax (2) where a( h ) is a dimensionless prescribed function of pressure head and Smax is the maximal possible water extraction by roots. Figure 1 is a graphical representation of eqn (2) with the x axis representing absolute values of the pressure head. Water uptake is maximal between h1 and h2 and varies linearly between 0 and h1 and between h2 and h3. Actual transpiration is computed by integration of eqn (2) with respect to depth. Figure 1: General shape of the sink term S (Feddes et al., 1978) The potential transpiration rate, E, is computed by 4 E ETP EV (3) where ETP is the potential evapotranspiration rate computed by the modified Penman method (Doorenbos and Pruitt, 1984) and EV is the potential evaporation rate from soil surface computed as in Al–Khafaf et al. (1978) by EV ETP exp 0.623LAI (4) where LAI is the Leaf Area Index function. If irrigation/precipitation is less than 10 mm/day (Belmans et al., 1983) then evaporation from soil surface is computed as in Al–Khafaf et al. (1978) by EVA t 0 .6 t 1 0 .6 (5) where σ is a soil dependent parameter and t is the time in days after the dry period starts. When evaporation is given in mm/day then according to Al–Khafaf et al.(1978) and Ritchie (1972) σ varies between 3.34 and 5.8. Equation (1) is solved by the Douglas–Jones predictor–corrector method (Douglas and Jones, 1963, Babajimopoulos, 1991, Babajimopoulos, 2000). 2.2 Area of study and field data The model was applied in a 6 acre experimental field situated in the area of the Thessaloniki plain (φ: 40 39΄ 13΄΄ , λ: 22 46΄ 01΄΄ WGS84 projection) and cultivated with maize. The experimental field was irrigated by surface irrigation methods. The water table of 0.93 dS m-1 was observed at an average depth of 0.6m below soil surface and its variations were recorded by two piezometers. Figure 2 shows the variation of water table depth with time. 0.0 0.1 Water table depth (cm) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 22/06/04 02/07/04 12/07/04 22/07/04 01/08/04 11/08/04 21/08/04 31/08/04 10/09/04 Date Figure 2: Variation of water table depth with time 5 The soil retention curve was estimated by pressure cell and pressure plate methods (Childs, 1969). The coefficients a and n of the Van Genuchten model were determined by non linear regression of the soil water retention data. The results of the mechanical composition and the values of the parameters describing the hydraulic properties of the soil (measured or computed) are given in Table 1. Table 1: Mechanical composition and hydraulic parameters of the soil Van Genuchten retention parameters Depth Sand Silt Clay USDA θs θr a Ks (cm) (%) (%) (%) texture n (cm3 cm-3) (cm3 cm-3) (m-1) (m/day) 0 – 30 33.2 47.0 19.8 L 0.452 0.000 2.497 1.089 0.5 30 – 70 32.4 53.5 14.1 SiL 0.517 0.160 0.349 1.736 0.003 The values of the parameters h1, h2 and h3 of the function S(h) were obtained from Al–Khafaf et al. (1978) and are the following: h1 = -100 cm, h2=-600 cm, h3=-15000 cm. Α value of σ equal to 4 (Al–Khafaf et al., 1978) was chosen in eqn (5) for the calculation of evaporation under non potential conditions. Root depth was measured by isolating the root zone and carefully washing it. The Leaf Area Index (LAI) function with respect to calendar day was measured by a Delta-T Devices SunScan Canopy Analysis System. An equation of the form (Dale et al., 1980): A Amax 1 a exp[b(t to )] (6) was used to describe LAI and rooting depth (RD), where t is calendar day. The parameters appearing in eq. (6) are defined in Table 2. Table 2: Values of parameters of eq. (6) A(LAI or RD) LAI Amax α b to RD 111<=t<=219 219<t<=255 4.7 14971.6 0.18076 111 4.7 0.242·10-3 0.2752 219 50 223331.2 0.156892 105 Climatic data were obtained from an adjacent weather station. In addition to rainfall, a total of 73.9 mm of water were applied by the farmer during six irrigation events to cover crop water needs. Disturbed soil samples were used to measure gravimetrically the soil moisture content twice a week. Undisturbed soil samples were used to determine the saturated hydraulic conductivity of each layer using a falling head permeameter. 6 3. RESULTS The mathematical model was applied to predict the moisture content of the field under observed irrigation/rainfall conditions and observed water table depth. The simulation period started on 15 June 2004 and ended on 11 September 2004. The simulation ended on that particular day because after that an extreme rainfall event (82.8mm) flooded the experimental field for 7 consecutive days. Figure 3 shows the moisture content of the top zone of the soil predicted by the model and the observed moisture content. The average mean error was 0.53·10-2 cm3/cm3 and the coefficient of variation (CV) was 6.7%. In the same figure, the predicted moisture content under an assumed free drainage bottom boundary condition is also shown. 16/06/04 01/07/04 16/07/04 01/08/04 16/08/04 01/09/04 20 0.6 30 0.4 0.2 0.0 Legend Irrigation + water table Irrigation, no water table Θobs 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 16/06/04 01/07/04 16/07/04 01/08/04 16/08/04 Groundwater contribution (mm) moisture content (cm3 . cm-3) 10 irrigation and precipitation (mm) 0 01/09/04 Date Figure 3: Observed moisture content, simulated moisture content with the existence and absence of a water table and groundwater contribution to crop needs. The difference between the two simulated curves of this figure is due to the capillary rise because of the presence of the high water table. Groundwater contribution to the moisture content of the root zone for the simulated period is also shown in Figure 3. For the period from July 1st to September 11th, 2004 which was simulated, this contribution varies between 1.68 and 4.83 mm with an average value of 3.6 mm day-1. This sums up to about 282.2 mm. When this amount is added to the applied irrigation of 73.9 mm this gives a sum of 356.1 mm. It is pointed out that potential evapotranspiration for the period of 1st July to 11 September 2004 as it is computed by modified Penman method is 344mm. 7 Rooting depth below surface and groundwater contribution are shown in Figure 4. Groundwater contribution is higher when roots are fully developed. It is worth mentioning in this figure that a large amount of the water originated either from irrigation or from ground water is added to the top zone when the crop is not fully developed yet. Therefore this amount is not contributing significantly to the transpiration of the crop. That is obvious in Figure 5 where the computed transpiration under the presence and the absence of a water table is shown. It appears that about 26% of the transpired water is due to the shallow water table. That seems to be in contrast with the fact that the water of the root zone for the simulated period was 356.1mm while the estimated evapotranspiration was 344mm. Actually it is not because a large amount out of the 356.1 mm was added to the top zone before the time the crop was able to use it. 16/06/04 01/07/04 16/07/04 01/08/04 16/08/04 01/09/04 10 0.0 30 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 16/06/04 01/07/04 16/07/04 01/08/04 16/08/04 Groundwater contribution (mm) Rooting depth (cm) 20 irrigation and precipitation (mm) 0 01/09/04 Date Figure 4: Variation of rooting depth and groundwater contribution with time 16/06/04 01/07/04 16/07/04 01/08/04 16/08/04 01/09/04 0 Transpiration (mm) 20 Legend Potential transpiration Actual transpiration (irrig and water table) Actual transpiration (irrig, no water table) 400 irrigation and precipitation (mm) 10 30 300 200 100 0 16/06/04 01/07/04 16/07/04 01/08/04 16/08/04 01/09/04 Date Figure 5: Cumulative potential and actual transpiration under the existence and absence of a water table. 8 It is apparent that groundwater contribution, as it is estimated in this work is restricted to the specific field conditions. Even though our experimental field represents a typical soil type in the plain of Thessaloniki, application of the model to the rest soil types of the plain will lead to a very good estimate of the groundwater contribution under different field conditions. This will certainly lead to a much better management of irrigation in the plain of Thessaloniki. 4. CONCLUSIONS Crop water use from shallow water tables is affected by several factors such as depth to water table, rooting depth, ground water quality, crop salt tolerance, soil type, irrigation frequency and application depth. Because of this complexity it is impossible to conduct experiments that cover all the factors at once and the research is focused on only a single component, i.e. water use relative to the water table depth, or ground water quality or soil type (Ayars et. al., 2006). The method which was used in this paper is relatively easy, does not have the limitations of the weighing lysimeters (cost of construction, operation, maintenance) and can study several factors at the same time e.g. depth to the water table, crop growth stage, soil type. It was found that under the specific field conditions groundwater contribution to the root zone was about 3.6 mm/day. This amounts to about 26% of the transpired water for the period of 1st July to 11 September 2004. The model can be applied to the prevailing soil types in the plain of Thessaloniki. This will lead to a very good estimate of the groundwater contribution to crop needs and therefore to a significant improvement of the irrigation efficiency. REFERENCES Al–Khafaf, S., Wierenga, P.J., Williams, B.C., 1978. Evaporative flux from irrigated cotton as related to leaf area index, soil water and evaporative demand, Agronomy Journal, 70, 912–917. Ayars, J.E., Schoneman, R.A., 1986. 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