Optical Property profiles of SiO2 films Containing Si Nanocrystals Formed by Si+ Implantation Y. Liu*1, T. P. Chen1, M.S. Tse1, P.F. Ho1, A.L.K. Tan2and Y.C.Liu 2 1 School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798 2 Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore 638075 Abstract Experiment Introduction Silicon, due to its indirect band gap (which makes Si a poor light emitter) and to the absence of linear electro-optic effects, has been considered for a long time not suitable for optoelectronic applications. In recently years, it is suggested that Si nanocrystal (Si-nc)/SiO2 system would be the best one to couple the information processing capabilities of microelectronics with the interconnection properties of optoelectronics because of its mature technology in microelectronics and its electroluminescence property. As the Si nc is introduced into the SiO2 films, the optical properties of the films will change. For applications such as light-emitting structures, single-electron memories, optical storage devices [1-4], it is essential to have detailed information on the exact depth profiles of optical properties of the Si-doped SiO2 films. In this paper, we report an approach to determination of depth profiles of optical constants at various wavelengths of Si-nc embedded in SiO2 films. The refractive index and extinction coefficient (n and k) of the films are obtained by spectral fittings to the experimental ellipsomitric data using a MATLAB program developed in this work. Based on the depth profiles of optical constants obtained, we believe a light wave-guide may exist in the Si-implanted SiO2 films. * Corresponding author. Email: P150531616@ntu.edu.sg Silicon nanocrystals were prepared by ion implantation of Si+ into SiO2 layers (550nmthick) grown by 1000C on p-type Si (100). The SiO2/Si samples were implanted with doses ranging from 21016 to 11017 atoms/cm2 of Si+ at 50 keV. Then the wafers were annealed in nitrogen ambient at 1000C for 1 hour to induce Si crystallization, namely the formation of Si nc. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements on the as-implanted samples showed the characteristic absorption due to the stretching vibration of the Si-O-Si bonds at about 1010 cm-1; this frequency was remarkably lower than that of a stoichiometric SiO2 film (around 1080 cm-1), due to the induction effect resulting from the replacing of O atoms with Si atoms in the network of the sub-stoichiometric SiOx ( x<2) films [5]. A weak dependence of the Si-O-Si stretching frequency on the composition of SiOx films in the dose range used in this study was observed (for example, the frequency for the dose of 21016 atoms/cm2 is 1012 cm-1 while it is 1008 cm-1 for the dose of 11017 atoms/cm2), as shown in Fig.1. SE measurements before and after Si-nc formation were carried out in the wavelength range of 400 to 1200 nm. 0.20 0.15 Absorbance (a.u.) A quantitative approach to determination of depth profiles of optical properties of Siimplanted SiO2 films based on spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) is presented. From the SE measurements, the depth profiles of the complex refractive index of SiO2 films containing Si nanocrystals (nc) are obtained with an effective medium approximation (EMA) in the wavelength range of 400-1200nm. The optical profiles obtained imply the existence of a wave-guide in the Si-doped SiO2 films. 0.10 0.05 0.00 dose=1e17/cm2 dose=8e16/cm2 dose=2e16/cm2 -0.05 -0.10 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 Wavenumber (cm-1) Fig1. IR spectra of Si-doped SiO2 films with different implantation doses (pure SiO2/Si substrate was taken as background). SE Analysis and Results 2.4 i SiO2 SiO2 vi nc Si i 2 SiO2 nc Si 2 SiO2 (4) where i (=Ni2, i=1, 2,…m) is the complex dielectric function of the ith sub-layer, sio2 is the complex dielectric function of SiO2, nc-Si is the complex dielectric function of nc-Si in the SiO2 film, and i is the volume fraction of nc-Si. Therefore, (2) and (3) now can be written as = f1( v1 , v2 , …vm , Nsi , Nnc-Si , ) (5) = f2( v1 , v2 , …vm , Nsi , Nnc-Si , ) (6) A spectral fitting based on (5) and (6) to experimental and can yield one set of (v1 , v2 , …vm ). Then i (i=1, 2, …m) can be calculated with (4), and thus the depth profile of the complex refractive index, i.e. (N1, N2, ... Nm) (note that Ni = i ) is obtained. Wavelength Refractive Index n 2.2 400nm 800nm 1200nm 2.0 1.8 Pure SiO2 1.6 1.4 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Depth (nm) 0.030 Wavelength 0.025 Extinction coefficient k As the Si-nc concentration in the SiO2 films is a function of the depth, the optical properties of the films will vary with the depth. We divided the SiO2 film into m sub-layers with equal thickness d = Tox / m where Tox is the total thickness of the films. Each sub-layer has its own complex refractive index. In the ellipsometric formalisms used in this study, ‘‘characteristic equations’’ are used to describe the individual sub-layers. For the total system, the ratio of the complex reflection coefficients for the p and s polarizations is given by [6] Rp / Rs tan( ) exp( j ) , (1) where and are the ellipsometric angles. Each sub-layer can be characterized by its complex refractive index Ni =ni+ jki (i= 1,2, … m) where ni and ki are the refractive index and extinction coefficient of the ith sub-layer, respectively. For a fixed incident angle and a given d, and can be written as = f1( N1 , N2 , …Nm ,NSi, ) (2) = f2(N1 , N2 , …Nm ,NSi, ) (3) where NSi is the complex refractive index of Si substrate, is the wavelength, and f1 and f2 are two complicated functions which can not be shown analytically. As NSi is known, and can be calculated with (2) and (3) for one set of (N1, N2, …Nm) at a given wavelength. The parameters (N1, N2, …Nm) can be converted to the depth profiles of nc-Si concentration in the SiO2 film through the following effective medium approximation (EMA) 400 nm 800nm 1200nm 0.020 0.015 0.010 Pure SiO2 0.005 0.000 -0.005 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Depth (nm) Fig.2. Depth profile of complex refractive index as a function of wavelength. The Si implant dose is 11017 atoms/cm2. Fig.2 shows the depth profiles of the refractive index and extinction coefficient as functions of wavelength for an implant dose of 11017 atoms/cm2, respectively. For all the wavelengths, there are dramatic changes in both the refractive index and the extinction coefficient in the depth range of about 50 - 150 nm with the maximum changes occurring in the depth of about 90nm. In the region deeper than about 200nm, the optical constants are basically the same as those of pure SiO2. Actually, the depth profile of the optical constants is just an analogous of that of the excess Si atoms. The depth profiles can be roughly divided into three regions including the surface region (depth < ~ 50nm), the active region (depth of ~ 50 - 150nm) and the bulk region (depth > ~ 150 nm). As shown in Fig.2, the changes of the optical constants due to the excess Si atoms depend on the wavelength with larger changes at shorter wavelengths, and the wavelength dependence of the change of the extinction coefficient is much stronger than that of the refractive index. For all wavelengths, the refractive index in the active region is significantly larger than that in the surface and bulk regions (the maximum difference could be as large as about 0.45). For short wave lengths, the extinction coefficient (and thus the absorption coefficient) in the active region is much higher than that in the surface and the bulk regions; however, for long wavelengths (near-infrared to infrared), the extinction coefficient is almost zero and thus there is almost no light absorption in all the three regions. This could provide a possibility of using the Si implanted SiO2 film as an optical wave-guide for long-wavelength applications as the light could be confined and transmitted in the active region. And importantly, the refractive index and the extinction coefficient and their profiles can be accurately controlled through Si implantation. Fig.3 shows the influence of Si implantation dose on the refractive index and the extinction coefficient, respectively. Obviously, a higher dose leads to higher refractive index and extinction coefficient in all the three regions and also a broader depth profile. Based on the above discussions, an optical wave-guide could be formed in the Si-doped SiO2 films, as shown in Fig4. based on the SE. In the SE analysis, a Si-doped SiO2 film is divided into m sub-layers with equal thickness. The depth profiles of excess Si are obtained from the spectral SE fittings first, and then the depth profiles of the complex refractive index are determined with the effective medium approximation. In such a Si-doped SiO2 film structure, light-wave trapping may exist in the middle active region of the films. Fig.4 Schematic illustration of light trapping in the Sidoped SiO2 film on Si substrate. 2.0 @ wavelength 400nm Acknowledgment Refractive Index n 1.9 Si+ Dose 2x1016 / cm2 1.8 6x1016 / cm2 1.7 1.6 Pure SiO2 1.5 1.4 0 50 100 150 200 250 Depth (nm) @ Wavelength 400nm 0.010 Extinction Coefficient k This work has been financially supported by the Academic Research Fund from Nanyang Technological University under project No. RG 8/01. The Authors wish to record their sincere thanks to the technical staff of Micro-Fabrication Laboratory Ms. Yang Xiao Hong, Mr. Li Wen, and Mr. Liu Kai Yu for their skillful technical support. 0.008 References: Si+ dose 2x1016 /cm2 6x1016 /cm2 0.006 0.004 0.002 Pure SiO2 0.000 0 50 100 Depth 150 200 250 (nm) Fig.3. Influence of Si implant dose on the complex refractive index and its depth profile. The wavelength is 400nm. 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