Stormwater Alert 2012_revised

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 30, 2012
CONTACT: Kate Wilson,, (707) 433-1958
Heavy Rain Poses Serious Threat to Russian River
This Weekend's Heavy Rains to Cause Toxic Soup in Russian River
(HEALDSBURG) Friday, November 30, 2012 – As a series of powerful storms marches into the
Russian River region, Russian Riverkeeper reminds Sonoma County residents and businesses that
polluted runoff is the greatest threat to water quality in the Russian River. Every time it rains, a
toxic soup of pollutants makes its way from our rooftops and roads to the river.
“Today’s biggest pollution problem is no longer caused by one major polluter,” said Russian
Riverkeeper Executive Director Don McEnhill. “Our biggest threat to water quality is urban
runoff, and every single resident can play a role in reducing it.”
Russian Riverkeeper reminds residents that they can take steps today to reduce the runoff impact
such as using fewer pesticides and fertilizers, picking up litter and yard waste, using reusable
items and cleaning up after their pets.
Known as the single biggest threat to water quality in California, urban runoff creates many
negative impacts for the Russian River and the coastal waters. As the rainwater washes over manmade surfaces in densely populated areas, it will pick up the materials collected on the surface
such as oil, grease, pesticides, metals, bacteria, viruses and toxic chemicals that have cumulated
after many dry months. As this runoff washes into the waters with heavy rains, the river
experiences dangerously high levels of pollution. In addition to carrying pollutants, the rain also
transports litter scattered across the county into our waterways.
To learn more about Russian River water quality and other river issues, visit Russian
Riverkeeper’s website at
Russian Riverkeeper has been successfully protecting the Russian River since 1993. Russian Riverkeeper
actively pursues conservation and protection of the Russian River through public education, citizen action,
scientific research and expert advocacy. Its mission is to inspire the community to protect the Russian River
PO Box 1335 Healdsburg, CA 95448  707-433-1958  Fax 707-433-1989 