Science and Plants for Schools – Student Project Starter Colour changes during ripening . . . of fruits and vegetables This is a project starter, suitable for Advanced Higher biology investigations or A-level extended projects. Don’t forget to credit this resource in your bibliography by including the title, the website, the web address and the date you accessed it. How do YOU decide whether a fruit is ripe? . . . squeeze it? . . . smell it? . . . or does colour give you the most useful guide? Domesticated plants have been the subject of intensive selective breeding programmes and, amongst the many features selected for, colour of the fruit certainly must have been one of the features. The skilful greengrocer arranges a display of fruits and vegetables to entice customers to purchase them, and, for many artists and cooks, the aesthetic appeal of fruit and vegetables depends on their appearance as much as their taste and texture, especially when they are arranged in a still-life or stir-fry! We can see that an important biological role of these fruit colours is to appeal to animals, and these animals then have a role in the distribution of the seeds within the fruit. It is important that the fruit is eaten only when the seeds are mature, and presumably ready to face the jaws and digestive systems of the dispersal animals. It seems logical that most fruits have an unappetising flavour and insignificant colour until the time is ripe (ouch!) for them to be eaten. In a more modern context, the colour of a fruit is often used as a means of determining their shelf life. The green colour of the unripe fruit is due largely to the presence of chlorophylls, and the development of different colours during ripening is due to the disappearance of these pigments and the synthesis of carotenoids - or just revealing carotenoids that were already there, masked by the chlorophyll. Anthocyanins also make a contribution to colours in some ripe fruits and vegetables. It is now known that several of these pigments are valuable items in the human diet. You can set up investigations to follow the changes in the concentrations of these pigments during ripening by trying to answer some of the questions below. How do the pigment levels change during the ripening process? How do the conditions of storage affect the colour changes? An investigation from Science & Plants for Schools, How do pigment levels change if a fruit / vegetable is allowed to become over-ripe? How do pigment levels change if the fruit / vegetable becomes infected by a fungal or bacterial pathogen? How do the pigment levels change during food preparation and cooking? How many anthocyanin pigments contribute to the colour of a particular fruit? In what sequence do they appear? Practical protocols and other suggestions to explore 1. Measurement of the relative amount of red versus green (anthocyanins v chlorophylls a & b) pigments in plant tissues using a colorimeter 2. Measurement of relative amount of chlorophyll-a, b, and carotene in plant tissues using a spectrophotometer 3. Thin layer chromatography of plant pigments Measurement of the relative amount of red versus green pigments (anthocyanins vs chlorophylls a & b) in plant tissues With a colorimeter, it is possible to make comparative measurements of green and red pigments in plant tissues, using some of the broad band colour filters provided with the colorimeter. A colorimeter filter passes a beam of light consisting of a whole range of wavelengths through a solution. Different coloured filters allow different sections of the visual spectrum (400 nm to 700 nm) to pass through, but the range of wavelengths might include as much as 20% of the spectrum. Green pigments get their colour from the fact that they absorb visual spectrum wavelengths other than green, and, as it happens, chlorophylls absorb red wavelengths particularly well. Red pigments get their colour from the fact that they absorb visual spectrum wavelengths other than red, and, as it happens, anthocyanins absorb blue wavelengths particularly well. Hence, by measuring the absorbance of a plant pigment extract, using a red and a blue filter, it should be possible to estimate the relative amounts of the "red-absorbing" and "blue-absorbing" pigments present. Chlorophylls Use a small volume of absolute ethanol to extract chlorophylls from plant tissues, ground in a mortar with silver sand. Then centrifuge this solution to remove any solid debris. Keep the resulting clear supernatant and, using the blue filter and a green filter in the colorimeter, make two readings of the optical density of this solution. For each reading, first set the instrument to read zero An investigation from Science & Plants for Schools, absorbance with a tube containing ethanol alone (the blank). Then replace this tube with the tube carrying the coloured extract. If the absorbance reading is off the scale (greater than 1.0), dilute the extract with ethanol, by a known factor, until a reading can be made. Then use the dilution factor to calculate the original absorbance value. The figure for chlorophyll content is calculated by subtracting the value for absorbance with the green filter from that with the blue filter, as follows: absorbance with blue filter - absorbance with green filter Anthocyanins Use a small volume of acidified methanol (1 part concentrated HCl : 99 parts methanol) to extract anthocyanins from plant tissues, ground in a mortar with silver sand. Then centrifuge this solution to remove any solid debris. Keep the resulting clear supernatant and, using the blue filter, make two readings of the optical density of this solution. For each reading, first set the instrument to read zero absorbance with a tube containing acidified methanol alone (the blank). Then replace this tube with the tube carrying the coloured extract. Do the first reading with the original supernatant, which has a pH of much less than 3. At this pH, anthocyanins are coloured ions. Then add 1 M NaOH dropwise, until the pH of the extract is greater than 5 (which causes the anthocyanins to become colourless), and measure the absorbance again. Note the actual volume of NaOH added, and calculate its dilution effect. Once this is done, any remaining difference between the absorbance values at the two pH values is the result of anthocyanin concentration. Measurement of relative amount of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotene in plant tissues If a spectrophotometer is available, measurements can be taken, at four key wavelengths, of the absorbance of light by a plant pigment extract. It is then possible to calculate the concentration of each pigment in mM. Grind up equal fresh masses of the fruit skin, in measured volumes of absolute ethanol (say 10 cm3). Place the ground material in centrifuge tubes (equal volumes in each tube) and spin at high speed for 5 minutes to remove debris. Decant the supernatants to clean small capped specimen tubes. An investigation from Science & Plants for Schools, Take absorbance measurements of the whole ethanolic extract, at the following crucial wavelengths, using absolute ethanol as the blank for zeroing the machine. 663 nm, 645 nm, 480 nm Calculate concentrations of pigments as follows: Chlorophyll a concentration in mM = 12.7 x A663 - 2.69 x A645 Chlorophyll b concentration in mM = 22.9 x A645 - 4.68 x A663 (where A663 and A645 are the values for absorbance at wavelengths 663 nm and 645 nm respectively) Carotenoid concentration in mM = (A480 + (0.114 x A663) - (0.638 x A645))÷112.5 Once the value in mM is known, this information can then be used to estimate the total quantity of extracted pigment, by taking account of the mass of plant material used for extraction and the initial volume of extract that was made. It is worth noting that the ratio of carotenoids to chlorophylls can be affected by environmental stresses experienced by the plant tissues. (Think, for example, about the changes that happen to colour of the grass on a lawn, if a paving stone is left in one place on it, say for a week.) The basis for this protocol is taken from:pp148-152 in Methods in Comparative Plant Ecology - A Laboratory Manual. edited by GAF Hendry & JP Grime. Chapman & Hall 1993 An investigation from Science & Plants for Schools,