OFFICER DUTIES EMINENT ARCHON Preside over meetings of the chapter, chapter elections, executive committee meetings, and other assemblies of the chapter as he sees fit. Appoint officers and committees not otherwise provided for. Review and understand the Fraternity Laws, Standards of Excellence, chapter bylaws, and campus policies relating to fraternities. Prepare the submission of the following forms to the Fraternity Office by the dates specified: Form A – Initiation Form (within ten days of the initiation ceremony) Form B – Eminent Archon’s Report (December 15th and May 15th of each year) Form C – Membership Roster (each semester) Form D – Election of Officers Report and Certification Document (December 15th and May 15th of each year) Form P – Pledge Form (within ten days of the pledging ceremony) Act as the chief representative of the chapter in relation to the college or university administration, the Interfraternity Council, the Province, and the Fraternity Office. Maintain contact with and solicit advice from the Chapter Advisor, House Corporation President, Province Archon, and Education & Leadership Consultant. Provide motivational and directional leadership to the chapter in terms of setting and reaching its goals and standards. Direct the opening and closing ceremonies of the ritual at all chapter meetings. Approve the appropriations for collection and disbursement made by the Eminent Treasurer. Keep accurate and complete records of actions taken during his term of office and submit a report of those developments at the end of his administration. Learn and understand the rules of parliamentary procedure. EMINENT DEPUTY ARCHON Manage the internal judicial system of the chapter, whether as chairman of the judicial board or simply as an enforcer who helps the Eminent Archon maintain order in the chapter. Oversee the various officers of the chapter and make sure they are maintaining officer notebooks and fulfilling their duties. Serve as an ex-officio leader of the Executive Council. Perform duties entrusted by the Eminent Archon or all of his duties in his absence or in case of his inability to carry out the duties of his office. Conduct reviews and revisions of the chapter bylaws when necessary and manage proposed amendments to the laws. Maintain an environment of proper decorum in chapter meetings such that they run according to parliamentary procedure; pay attention to issues of quorums, motions, and seconds. Take the lead in organizing brotherhood retreats (especially if the chapter has no brotherhood chairman). EMINENT TREASURER Prepare a budget to be submitted to the Fraternity Office, which includes all expected revenues and expenses of the chapter during the following academic year. Set and adjust accounts receivables in the form of membership dues. Account for all fines levied against members of the chapter. Maintain the checkbooks and accounts of the chapter. Manage the chapter’s account with Omega Financial or any other billing group, if applicable. Help to emphasize and direct the fundraising program of the chapter. Prevent the accumulation of debt to the Fraternity Office and other claimants and, if applicable, develop a plan to reduce or eliminate past debts. Approve and sign off any expenditures of the chapter, either in person or by use of a reimbursement form. Send in all amounts payable to the Fraternity Office, including pledge fees (within ten days of the pledging ceremony), initiation fees (within ten days of the initiation ceremony), liability insurance premiums (October 15th), fidelity bond insurance premiums (May 1st), and national dues (February 1st). Cooperate with other officers of the chapter to set up financial incentive plans to award or punish certain behaviors by members of the chapter. Update the Form C (Roster of Members) each semester and send to the Fraternity Office. EMINENT RECORDER Take minutes during all chapter meetings. Keep a record of all minutes during his term and make them available to all members and advisors. Be responsible for taking the roll at the beginning of each chapter meeting. Inform the Eminent Treasurer of any fines resulting from absences from chapter meetings or interruptions thereof. EMINENT CORRESPONDENT Conduct the correspondence of the chapter. Give notice of all expulsions, probations, and reinstatements of the chapter. Send out notices to National and Province officers and alumni concerning chapter functions. Be especially charged with the responsibility of inviting alumni to formal initiation. Send out greeting cards, thank-you notes, invitations, newsletters, Christmas presents, and funeral flowers. Send noteworthy reports of chapter and individual activities to all publicity media including The Record, the college newspaper, the yearbook, and other appropriate media. EMINENT WARDEN Ensure that proper decorum and order is maintained at all functions of the chapter. Have fining and dismissal power at all meetings. Prepare the chapter house or lodge for all meetings. Decide, based on the bylaws of the chapter, who may be admitted to a meeting or function and who may not. Assist the Eminent Treasurer in collecting accounts receivable. EMINENT HERALD Plan and organize the pledge ceremonies and initiation rituals of the chapter. Attend to the maintenance and replacement of ritual equipment. Maintain all trophies and composites for the chapter. Summon chapter officers, pledges, and active members to chapter meetings at the appointed time. Educate chapter members on the Fraternity’s ritual and its meaning. ALUMNI CHAIRMAN Maintain a mailing list of chapter alumni and send out email updates or chapter newsletters as often as possible. Work closely with the Chapter Advisor and/or House Corporation President to schedule and advertise alumni events. Utilize the help of the Fraternity Office to secure two sets of free labels per year for mailings to alumni. Cooperate with the local Alumni Association or help to establish such an Association if none exists. Ask alumni to help out in such areas as rush, pledge education, fundraising, and community service. Manage the chapter’s internet page on INTRAMURAL CHAIRMAN Assemble chapter teams for the various intramural sports competitions and register these teams with the IFC or Intramural Board. Organize tryouts and/or practice sessions. RISK MANAGER Read and understand the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Risk Management policies and appropriately educate members of the chapter in their use. Endeavor to reduce the chapter’s exposure to risk by hosting events that are alcohol-free or that do not include distribution of alcohol by the chapter. Work with the pledge educator to minimize pledge activities that could be construed as hazing. Maintain adequate fire safety in the chapter house or lodge by testing fire and smoke alarms as well as fire extinguishers and by disposing of fire hazards such as trash or cigarette butts. Coordinate the designated driver program of the chapter. Monitor the entrances to chapter property, especially during social functions such that guests must show college I.D. cards or their driver’s licenses. Make sure that several brothers are assigned to stay sober at chapter social functions. Identify and arrange repairs for any part of the chapter house or lodge that presents a risk of physical harm. RECRUITMENT CHAIRMAN Develop a recruitment strategy with a target audience, a set number goal, and innovative activities. Utilize recruitment brochures such as those available through the Fraternity Office. Keep records and contact information on all prospective recruits and educate chapter members on recruitment practices and strategies. Endeavor to establish a long-term recruitment network drawing from certain high schools, towns, families, or groups of friends. Recruit men who make scholarship a top priority and have the potential to be leaders. Make sure that there is 100 percent brotherhood participation at rush events. Endeavor to portray the ideals of the Fraternity by planning dry rush functions. SOCIAL CHAIRMAN Coordinate all social functions of the chapter following the wishes of its members. Operate in a manner consistent with the ideals and policies of the Fraternity, particularly relating to risk management. Work within an allotted budget set by the Eminent Treasurer and Executive Council. Furnish the Eminent Treasurer with receipts for all social fund transactions. Ensure that sound risk management practices are followed at all social events. Register all social events with the college of university if required by the administration. PLEDGE EDUCATOR Develop a written pledge education program before the pledge period and make copies available to all brothers, pledges, the chapter advisor, the University administration, and the Fraternity Office. Encourage an attitude of mutual respect between actives and pledges, specifically forbidding anything that could be construed as hazing. Make sure that there is 100 percent brotherhood participation at all pledge events. Keep track of how the pledges are doing in their academic classes and how they are doing overall in terms of their emotions, their motivation, and their enthusiasm. Keep the pledge period as efficient as possible, limiting its duration and phasing out any useless or degrading activities. Emphasize the teaching of the True Gentleman, not just to memorize, but to live out in everyday life. Schedule events that will cause pledges to unify with the entire chapter, not just to create pledge class unity. Give the pledges positive incentives to help them learn what the chapter wants them to know in order to become active members. SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN Keep track of how members are doing in their academic classes and set up a system to help those who are struggling, such as by holding brother study halls, quiet hours, or tutoring programs. Award the positive accomplishments of brothers in academics as well as in campus leadership positions. Explore with the alumni and with the Executive Council financial incentives for members of the chapter to improve their scholastic efforts. Provide chapter members with information about the scholarships, loans, and grants available through the Fraternity Office. Maintain files with information about classes that brothers have taken, including copies of old tests and even used books, unless such a system is forbidden by the college or university. Be aware of the current cumulative grade point average of the chapter and its pledges and keep records of how that average has changed or trended over the previous years. Encourage group norms that are supportive of good study habits rather than critical of them. Work with the rush chairman to make sure that the chapter is recruiting men who hold scholarship as a high priority. Be acquainted with the resources available through the University for support in academic areas. Encourage members to become more involved in campus activities so that they might live a well-rounded life at college. HOUSE MANAGER Under the direction of the Executive Council, manage the house and grounds, employ help, and purchase supplies. Set a deadline for brothers who voluntarily wish to move into the fraternity house to secure a room. Assign cleanup duties or call general house or lodge cleanup sessions and inform the Eminent Treasurer of any fines resulting from an unwillingness to help clean up the chapter house or lodge. Work with the Risk Manager to maintain a safe condition in the house or lodge. PHILANTHROPY CHAIRMAN Work with the Executive Council to establish and/or perpetuate an official chapter philanthropy that will be done every semester or every year. Motivate members of the fraternity to get involved in philanthropic activities, whether or not they are sponsored by the chapter. Have an eye towards public relations and image-making, such that all philanthropies done by the chapter are advertised to the University, to the campus and community, and to the Fraternity Office and alumni. Cooperate with other Greek organizations as well as non-Greek campus organizations in planning and carrying out community service projects. Encourage the chapter to pursue Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s preferred philanthropy, the Children’s Miracle Network. Work with the Eminent Correspondent to be sure that all activities receive attention from the media. FUNDRAISING CHAIRMAN Plan and organize the fund raising projects of the chapter in coordination with the Eminent Treasurer. Encourage 100 percent brotherhood participation in fundraising projects. EMINENT CHRONICLER Take pictures at all chapter events and maintain a scapbook for each semester. Record in a journal the history of the chapter and maintain all archives and artifacts of the chapter. EMINENT PRECEPTOR Act as the coach for the ritual initiation team in coordination with the Eminent Herald. Memorize the Eminent Preceptor portion of the initiation ritual. BROTHERHOOD CHAIRMAN Plan and coordinate brotherhood retreats and brotherhood-building activities. Maintain an awareness of the motivational and emotional wellbeing of the chapter members as a whole. MEMBERSHIP EDUCATOR Schedule guest speakers on such issues as risk management, time management, study skills, leadership skills, diversity, sex education, recruitment, alcohol awareness, resume building, etiquette, or any other fraternity-related issues. Assist Executive Council members with completing awards applications. CHAPLAIN Offer prayers or devotions appropriate to the setting of various chapter activities. Be available as a trusted counselor for members or pledges in need of assistance. Kevin White January 2000