EHMM Course Coordinator Contract Template

Under Northern California Chapter- Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals
(NCC-AHMP) Policy number XXX , it is required that a Contract for Services be entered
into between the NCC-AHMP and the Course Coordinator in order to secure course
oversight and overall coordination for the Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management
(EHMM) Course. The Board will select a Coordinator and review the stipend payment
amount by February 1 of each year. The first payment of 50% of the stipend amount will
be paid when the coordinator signs the contract. This should be no later than 30 days past
the date of coordinator selection. The final 50% of the stipend amount will be paid no
later than 10 days after completion of the course and completion of sections 8.3, 8.4 and
8.5 of the Contract. Electronic delivery will be considered equivalent to the written
delivery criteria.
This contract is entered into with (Contractor) and is legally binding after approval by the
NCC-AHMP Board of Directors (the Board).
The Contractor is expected to obtain qualified instructors to deliver competent instruction
using the National AHMP EHMM course materials (Power Point Presentation). A binder
containing copies of the course instruction material and an electronic copy of the AHMP
Desk Reference must be provided to each of the students. The Contractor must request
completed course evaluation forms from students, and supply a summary and copies of
course evaluations to the Board following the conclusion of the course.
Failure to supply the instruction material and instructors for all modules identified in the
AHMP prepared material without the prior consent of the President of the NCC-AHMP
or his/her designee will result in the forfeiture of all monies due under this contract.
Payment for services will be a fixed stipend sum for labor of $1500.00 USD for the
performance of terms listed above and duties listed below. It is expected that the
Coordinator will spend 100 hours or more of labor directly related to this task during the
six to twelve months leading up to the Course.
Any expense over $200 related to the EHMM course must be pre-approved by the
Board (as required by other NCC-AHMP policies) prior to purchase in order to be
reimbursable. Approval can be written or electronically captured.
Document preparation costs, textbooks, and instruction materials/supplies will be paid
independently of the above labor sum, either as a reimbursement to the Coordinator or as
direct payment to a contracted vendor. Any labor fees for collation of binders, etc. must
be built into a vendor’s document preparation price in order to be reimbursable. All
receipts must be submitted as original copies to the NCC-AHMP Treasurer in order to be
Required coordinated responsibilities include:
1. Facility:
1.1. In conjunction with NCC-AHMP Board of Directors, secure an appropriate
facility for the 3-day class with sufficient space, tables, and chairs for the
expected number of students and instructors. Establish a maximum capacity for
the course and notify the Webmaster. The contract for rental of the space is to be
signed by the NCC-AHMP President or his/her designee. Invoices for the
deposit and final invoice are sent to the NCC-ACHMP Treasurer for payment.
1.2. Arrange a catering vendor to provide continental breakfast, snacks, and lunch for
the expected number of registered students and the instructors, coordinator, and
assistant expected to be present for each meal. Confirm numbers a few days
before the course. The catering contract is to be signed by the NCC-AHMP
President or his/her designee. Invoices for the deposit and final invoice are sent
to the NCC-AHMP Treasurer for payment. If not provided by the catering
vendor, the Coordinator obtains drinks, food service supplies/cutlery, snacks, etc.
The Coordinator can request advance Chapter funds to pay for food service items
if needed.
1.3. Arrange for Audio-Visual needs including a slide screen, lap top computer, slide
projector, cordless presenter, video projector (if needed), and applicable
extension cords. Establish secure overnight storage arrangements for equipment.
The Chapter-owned lap top, projector, and cordless presenter are to be used for
the course.
2. Advertising:
2.1. Develop a current flyer advertising the EHMM Course. Obtain approval for the
flyer from the Board.
2.2. Transmit flyer to Secretary and Webmaster for distribution via Constant Contact
mailing list and posting to Chapter’s website.
2.3. In conjunction with the Board, identify additional advertising venues for the
course. Distribute flyers to the venues.
3. Course Content:
3.1. Obtain training materials such as presentation slides and other required materials.
Training materials will consist primarily of the National AHMP EHMM Course
Power Point Presentation obtained from the National AHMP organization, and
may be augmented or corrected as needed by Instructor- or Coordinatordeveloped handouts. The NCC-AHMP President obtains slides from AHMP a
minimum of two months before the course, if available, and distributes these
materials to the Course coordinator, who then will distribute to the instructors in
advance of the course.
3.2. After the class concludes, the Coordinator communicates the number of students
to National AHMP and the Treasurer, and the Treasurer pays AHMP’s invoice
for use of the Power Point Presentation.
3.3. Order electronic copies of AHMP Handbooks from the National AHMP
organization sufficiently in advance to ensure the handbooks are received in time
for distribution at the Course using standard shipping methods. Electronic copies
of handbooks may require printing for distribution to students or distribution via
electronic media. If the Coordinator chooses, the electronic copies of handbooks
may be sent to students by the Coordinator in advance once the Student’s
payment has been confirmed to assist student with advance study for the
certification exam. The Coordinator orders the electronic copies of handbooks
from AHMP’s National office, with the invoice sent to the NCC-AHMP
Treasurer for payment.
4. Register students:
4.1. Create a registration roster to track student name and contact information and
verify payment.
4.2. Coordinate with the Webmaster to facilitate registration payment process and
collect registration forms.
4.3. Respond to questions/inquiries from prospective students via email and telephone
regarding the course, course logistics, and limited aspects of certification. The
Coordinator refers in depth certification queries to the Institute of Hazardous
Materials Management.
4.4. The Board may provide a designated number of scholarships for the course.
Some portion of the fees for scholarship students may be paid by a sponsoring
organization (fee may be paid in full, partially subsidized with the student paying
the balance, or an ‘at cost” fee paid with NCC-AHMP taking no profit or a
reduced profit). The Board will communicate student names and fee information
to the Coordinator for his/her use in verifying the appropriate amount has been
paid by the student. It is the responsibility of the scholarship student to complete
forms to formally register for the course and pay any co-payments.
4.5. Send a welcome e-mail to students with logistical information including the
course location, times, meal information, public transit and parking instructions,
and names of nearby lodging facilities.
5. Instructors:
5.1. Recruit qualified volunteer instructors to present the modules of instruction
included the AHMP EHMM PowerPoint slide set. As a screening measure, the
Coordinator must present instructor names in advance to the NCC-AHMP
President or Board.
5.2. Perform administrative duties necessary to coordinate instructors and instruction.
5.3. Develop a Table of Contents (TOC), listing module numbers, topics, instructor
names, and speaking dates/times.
5.4. Revise TOC as necessary to accommodate changes in instructor availability.
5.5. Send instructors e-mails with an electronic file of the AHMP EHMM Power
Point slides for their module, the TOC, and other relevant information.
5.6. Provide CHMM Continuing Education Unit (CEU) certificates to instructors.
6. Course Materials
6.1. Create a master binder of handouts, copies of which will be distributed to
6.2. The binder must include printouts of all AHMP EHMM Power Point slides, any
supplemental handouts, the TOC, and a list of student attendees. Inclusion of
instructor contact information/bios is optional.
6.3. Organization of the syllabus and the order of module presentation must be logical
and coherent.
6.4. Arrange for copying of binder contents and insertion into individual student
binders, with tab dividers between each module. The Coordinator orders binders
and contents, with the invoice sent to the NCC-AHMP Treasurer for payment.
6.5. Arrange for delivery of binders to the course facility for distribution at the
beginning of the first day of the course.
6.6. Distribute electronic copies of Handbooks on the first day of the course (this may
be done in advance by mail if the Coordinator chooses).
7. Oversee Course
7.1. Host the three-day class.
7.2. Create a sign-in sheet and check in registered students. Collect payment and
student information for any on-site registrants.
7.3. Give instructions to the students
7.4. Introduce instructors and effect adherence to the time schedule.
7.5. Monitor the room and make adjustments as needed for appropriate ambient
temperature, outside noise control, meal deliveries/cleanup, restroom availability,
7.6. Obtain one or more course coordinator assistants to help with logistics during the
three day Course. The assistant may remain in the classroom to coordinate the
course for brief periods in the event the Contractor needs to leave to perform offsite tasks (e.g. obtain supplies, obtain copies, check on catering). Additional
compensation for course coordinator assistants is not included.
8. Course Evaluations:
8.1. Develop an evaluation form which students use to rank and comment on course
content, instructor quality, and venue.
8.2. Provide evaluation forms to students and remind them to complete forms
throughout the course. Gather completed evaluation forms at end of course.
8.3. Analyze the completed course evaluations and instructor performance, and
prepare a written summary document.
8.4. Provide a full copy of all evaluation sheets to the Chapter President or his/her
8.5. Provide a written summary of evaluations to the Board.
8.6. Attend a NCC-ACHMP Board meeting after the course and present a synopsis of
the event and recommendations for future courses.
Course Coordinator
NCC-AHMP President
NCC-AHMP Treasurer