Fowlerville Band Boosters General Meeting August 8, 2012


Fowlerville Band Boosters

General Meeting

August 8, 2012

*Meeting called to order by President Chris VanWynen, at 7:01pm.

*Pledge Allegiance said.

*Introduction of new Board announced.

President: Chris VanWynen

Vice President: Joe Shaw

Treasurer: Monika Copland

Asst. Treasurer: Kris Litz

Recording Secretary: Sharon Bolling

Corresponding Secretary: Paul Martin

*Recording Secretary Report: June minutes read by Sharon Bolling and are available for review.

Motion to accept May minutes by Kris Litz, seconded by Joe Shaw.

*Treasurer Report: Monika Copland report as of August 8 th

2012: Regular checking$3,951.13;

Student Savings $10,034.33; Regular Savings $1,603.61; Fair Bingo $3782.53; Texas Hold ‘Em

$4,536.50; Uniform Fund CD $15,326.06.Motion to accept Treasurer Report by Paul Martin seconded by Joe Shaw.

*Corresponding Secretary: A thank you letter was read by Paul Martin who was written by Isaac

Parker for thanking the Boosters for nominating and receiving the Memorial Scholarship.

*Assistant Treasurer: Kris Litz reported that Family Points are available for review in the amount of 3,555.85. Motion to accept the assistant Treasurer report by Joe Shaw seconded by Paul


Kriz Litz also motioned about any family or student points from seniors who left over points,

Board stated to her that they will be moved to the general fund.

*Band Director Report: Bill Vliek stated that he has planned on going to Dewitt for our first invitational Saturday, October 13, 2012.

On Monday night there will be rehearsal before school starts, starting August 13, 2012 7-9pm, until school begins. (There will be no Labor Day Rehearsal due to falling on a Monday) At

Homecoming the Band will perform pre game, ½ time routine, and occasionally some pop tunes.

The Band will be sitting in the student section start this band season, and will continue to have

3 rd quarter off of playing. Homecoming Parade will be Sept 21, 2012 and the dance Sept 22,


Senior Night for Band Students will be October 19, 2012.

Bill Vliek would like to see an increase in private lessons; band students are allowed to use family points and student points to pay for these lessons.

*Band President Report: Mike Hindy reported that Band Camp was very different this year, but a lot of fun, also reported that the seniors and the freshman had a lot of fun.

*Fundraising: Texas Hold’em is available for sign up for September 13 thru September 16 th

2012. Glad Wear will continue to be sold at band concerts. Bottle Drive will be in the works after the board is to talk to Sarah Miller. Sharon Bolling will check on bumper stickers for the band at sports apparel. Chocolate will continue as a fundraiser and sold in April.

VG’s receipts will continue to be apart of fundraising, please turn into Joe Shaw.

New fundraisers mentioned were Fan Cloth Artwork out of Texas to spice up are band decals for are shirts and apparel, Bill Vileck will look into this. Candy boxes from Gordon’s/ Sam’s club to be sold.

*Finance Report: No Report

*Social Committee: Tailgate party for the senior night will be hosted October 19 th

2012, Kris

Litz, Pam Hindy and Kathy Shaw will help set everything up for this day. $250.00 allowed for spending Motion accepted by Joe Shaw and seconded by Monica Copeland.

*Scholarship: No Report

*Uniforms: Gloves have been ordered, any one wanting to turn in there old shoes can do so, to band director.

*Old Business: No report

*New Business: Getting together for bingo before your assigned, in order to fully understand the task you signed up for. Will discuss this when the time is closer. Landscaping for the gazebo is to be looked at and possibly have people donate to help spruce it up a little.

*Announcements: Continue to follow on Facebook/Twitter New Website and also note anything that is posted to this account must be approved by the band director especially Video.

*Next Meeting September 19 th

2012 @7pm in the Band room.

*Adjournment: 8:32 Motion accepted by Joe Shaw Seconded by Sharon Bolling.
