HCAC6-12-07minutesRev - Hampshire County Arts Council

Hampshire County Arts Council
June 12, 2007
Present: Co-Director and Meeting Chair, Michael Hasty, Co-Director Robin Teas, Co-Director
Nancy Williams, Treasurer-Jane Plante, Ann Renee Livingston, John Wood, Michael O’Brien,
and Shari Gallery.
The Minutes from the May Meeting were not available and approval was tabled.
The Treasurer’s Report was distributed by Jane Plante, reviewed and approved as submitted
with Robin Teas making the motion to accept and Nancy Williams as second.
The Co-Directors commended Jane for the excellent job she does as treasurer.
A discussion of the draft budget for 7/01/07 – 06/30/08 was tabled until Shari Gallery could
participate (note: Shari was present but participated in the Loy Foundation Meeting, being held
concurrently at the Bottling Works).
Committee Reports
NEWSLETTER: Michael O’Brien reported progress on the HCAC newsletter. He asked
about how the maintenance of the membership list occurs. A problem was identified in the
sequence of events to update the list, as members may pay dues at concerts, may mail dues to
the P.O. Box, and that delays in updating naturally occur during that sequence. Robin Pancake
volunteers to keep the list updated, working closely with the treasurer and other members as
needed. A recent inquiry from a member regarding membership was resolved.
Michael hopes to disseminate the print newsletter to members quarterly. The target date for the
next edition is mid-August in order to include information about the Heritage Days HCAC Art
Show. The Co-Directors commended Michael for his fine effort in re-establishing publication
of the print newsletter.
VISUAL ARTS & PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP: John Wood reported the photography group
recently made a trip to the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley where group members took
photos. They will compare photos for discussion at their next meeting.
John reported progress on tasks related to the Heritage Days HCAC Art Show. Sixty brochures
have been disseminated using his lists of other arts councils, prior participants, and interested
parties. The HCAC website will also list important information regarding the Art Show. Letters
to donors will go out with SASE this week. John hopes to add an award for the best “seasonal”
depiction of Hampshire County. He proposed purchase of additional Walker System hangers in
order to expand artwork display capability. During registration of art work for display at
Heritage Days, John will provide registry information for participants to be included in the
proposed HCAC Regional Artist Directory.
The Hampshire Heritage Days Committee had made arrangements to host an exhibit:
Snapshots in Time: A Photographic History of West Virginia
This exhibit provides a glimpse into the state's past. Its 100 images from the West Virginia
State Archives collection depict more than 140 years of history, culture, family, work, conflict,
celebration and tragedy in the Mountain State. Collectively, the images document a distinct
spirit that defines West Virginians. The West Virginia Division of Culture and History
developed this exhibit in honor of the 100th anniversary of the West Virginia State Archives,
which was celebrated during 2005.
(from http://www.wvculture.org/museum/te_snapshots.html)
The exhibit is planned for display at the Hampshire County Library during Heritage Days.
ART CAMP: Nancy Williams reported that she and Shelly Draper had completed scheduling
artists for camp. Nancy presented the draft camp schedule Shelly had provided. A few of the
30 slots for campers remain available and camp cost is $30 for the week. Camp will be held at
the WV Secondary School for the Deaf, M-F, July 16-20 from 9 a.m. to noon. Nancy Judd
provided a design for camp T-Shirts and Nancy Williams is making arrangements for getting
shirts made for campers and instructors.
BUDGET DISCUSSION: Jane Plante, HCAC Treasurer, distributed copies of the draft
budget for the next fiscal year. Minor changes were suggested to align items in proper
categories with the overall budget remaining the same.
CONCERTS: Shari Gallery reported on upcoming concerts and briefly discussed grant
support of concerts. She is completing the Penn Pat grant application to support concerts for
HCAC and workshops in local schools. Simple Gifts will perform at Romney Elementary this
coming school year. Ernie Hawkins will present a blues performance/workshop at Capon
Bridge Middle. Osabi Craig will present a community concert July 15 and continue the next
day at HCAC Arts Camp, providing a workshop for Arts Camp and the School for the Blind
summer school.
WEBSITE: Shari Gallery reported that the HCAC website can add pages/links for HCAC
member artists and HCAC concert performers. Discussion ensued. A recommendation was
made that pages should be available and limited to dues-paid HCAC members.
LOY FOUNDATION: Shari Gallery reported an exciting development for the Loy
Foundation. Doris Fields (aka Lady Dee) has established a statewide vocal only competition
called “West Virginia’s Finest.” Regional auditions will be held around the state. The Bottling
Works will be a satellite site for the eastern portion of the state. Three judges will be needed.
Two sessions are scheduled, one in August and one in September. Winners will go on to
Charleston. Shari noted that, unlike American Idol, judges are requird to provide constructive
feedback to competitors.
Shari also reported the Loy Foundation has given the Arts Council the go-ahead to plan for
display of visual arts in the Bottling Works. Robin Teas presented HCAC with a draft proposal
for Bottling Works Intermediate Gallery Area and a list of assumptions for discussion. The
discussion was tabled due to the advent of a severe thunderstorm at which time the HCAC
meeting was adjourned.