Diocese of California THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Executive Council Minutes September 27, 2011 Wilsey Conference Center A/B Grace Cathedral, San Francisco.CA The meeting was called to order at 4:05 pm by Roulhac Austin, Chair of Executive Council. The Gospel reading and opening prayer were offered by Brenda Paulin. I. Attendance: Council Members Present: The Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus, President; Roulhac Austin, Chair; Matthew Burt; Bronwen Howes; Dana Corsello; Gary Hunt; David Lui; Jay Luther; Christopher Martin; Donald Mulliken; Richard Patenaude; Brenda Paulin; Pamela Redding; Dianne Smith; Deborah White; Mary Jane Wood. Conference Call: Gabriela Strand Bruce. Bishop’s Appointees: Melissa Ridlon; Jay Watan. Ex-Officio Members: Bob McCaskill, Treasurer of the Diocese; Christopher Hayes, Chancellor of the Diocese. Guests of Council: Canon Michael Barlow, Congregational Development; Jim Forsyth, Director of Finance; Sean McConnell, Communications; Julia McCray-Goldsmith, Ministry Development; Kathleen Piraino, Executive Director of Episcopal Charities, Joe Jennings, St. Mary the Virgin, San Francisco; Richard Firth, Shelton Ensley, Sharon Mitzo, Wendy Peterson, and Steve Mason, St. Timothy’s, Danville- Members of The Dougherty Valley Shared Ministry Team. Absent: Peter Jensen, Lauran Pifke, Don White, Dewitt Bowman. Our Mission: Embodied Justice for All People & for God’s Creation – Church Vitality – Rooted• Spirituality• Transparent & Accountable Leadership• Inclusive Community Diocese of California THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH II. Modification/Adoption of Agenda: Because the Treasurer of the Diocese will be leaving the meeting early, a request was made for the Endowment report to be moved to follow the Program and Budget report on the agenda. The agenda was approved as amended. III. Approval of the August 16, 2011 Minutes and the Minutes of the Special meeting of August 23, 2011. Both the regular and the special meeting minutes were approved as presented. IV. Financial Reports: Department of Finance (Three written reports attached): Bob McCaskill, Treasurer, reported that the Finance Committee met on September 20, 2100 and reviewed in detail the three monthly statements summarized below. a. Income Statement YTD 8/31/11: The Assessments line shows that our assessment receipts through 8/31 are on budget. This statement does not reflect receipt of approximately $172,000 in outstanding assessment payments from St. Timothy’s, Danville. YTD expenses are about 10% below budget. This is comparable to last year at this time. b. Aging Report: Receivables are similar to last month’s amounts. Congregations listed at the bottom of the report are those with persistent arrearages in amounts owed to the Diocese. There are no parishes that are currently over 60 days delinquent in payroll and benefit reimbursements to the Diocese. c. Union Bank Line of Credit: Bob indicated that there are no significant changes from last month’s report. Our Mission: Embodied Justice for All People & for God’s Creation – Church Vitality – Rooted• Spirituality• Transparent & Accountable Leadership• Inclusive Community Diocese of California THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Finance Committee held a special meeting by conference call on September 13 to discuss a request from St. Stephen’s, Orinda for a new $300,000 line of credit for a roof replacement and new solar installation. The Committee agreed to approve the request subject to receiving a letter from St. Stephen’ s committing to: (1) launch a capital campaign as quickly as possible to repay the loan, and (2) immediately seek bank financing to replace the existing $371,000 line of credit that has been outstanding for one year. V. Program and Budget: Treasurer Bob McCaskill reported that, in accordance with Canon 18.02 (c), the Finance Committee agreed to recommend to Convention a new assessment formula based on a top assessment rate of 17% in place of the previous 20% rate for income above the minimum clergy salary for 2012. Accordingly, the proposed 2012 assessment formula is as follows: 1. Five percent assessment on the first $63,392 of the parish or mission’s operating income for 2010, and 2. 17% assessment on all operating income above $63,392. VI. Endowment Report: Treasurer Bob McCaskill discussed the “Annual Treasurer’s Endowment Report” for the year ending December 31, 2010. (Written report attached). This report contains information about the state of the endowment and the impact of repayment to the Endowment for funds borrowed for maintenance on the Lyon Street property. VII. Bishops Report: Bishop Marc reported that he has had a busy and productive month. He recently returned from attending the meeting of the House of Bishops in Quito, Ecuador on September 15 through 20th. Bishop Marc updated EC on tensions within the Diocese of Central Ecuador, which includes Quito. He asked for prayers for leadership in the area and for the Our Mission: Embodied Justice for All People & for God’s Creation – Church Vitality – Rooted• Spirituality• Transparent & Accountable Leadership• Inclusive Community Diocese of California THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH continued work of Bishop Naudal Gomes of our companion diocese of Curitiba, Brazil. Bishop Marc described the first Diocesan Leadership Webinar as a fantastic success with more than 100 people joining him “live” over the internet to discuss Church Vitality. Bishop Marc said that the recent Clergy Conference at Bishop’s Ranch was also very productive. The meeting included presentations from the Reverend Eric Law from the Diocese of Los Angeles, who discussed the multicultural/antiracism ministry of Kaleidoscope. Bishop Marc indicated that he had asked Diocal clergy to communicate with one another and share best practices for Church Vitality. Bishop Marc commented on the development of the Church Growth and Vitality agenda. He expressed enthusiasm for the work of the Church Growth committee, which has already met under the leadership of EC member Gary Hunt. He announced that he would be speaking about Church Vitality at next month’s convention and reiterated that all of the people of the Diocese – DioHouse staff, Clergy, and laypersons, need to work together to renew it. Bishop Marc noted that there will not be break-out sessions during lunch at the Convention this year. Bishop Marc talked about how the changes in the governance structure of the Diocese were an important step for Diocal. He recommended that the Executive Council, as a group, explore its current leadership role, including teaching and modeling church governance for our vestries. To that end, he recommended “the book, Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Leadership, by Dan Hotchkiss” for EC members to read and discuss as it applies to our work. VIII. Dougherty Valley Shared Ministry: Shelton Ensley provided the EC with an update on the Dougherty Valley church planting project. He Our Mission: Embodied Justice for All People & for God’s Creation – Church Vitality – Rooted• Spirituality• Transparent & Accountable Leadership• Inclusive Community Diocese of California THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH indicated that the Dougherty Valley is comprised of a geographical area between San Ramon and Livermore which is now home to approximately 45,000 people of mixed ethnicity, language, and cultures. He indicated that it is the group’s plan to go out into the community to get to know residents and their needs prior to deciding whether or not they should build a church in the area. Shelton said he recognizes the enormity of the project and is glad the diocese is partnering with their group. Bishop Marc mentioned St. Gregory of Nyssa’s in San Francisco as a model for starting a congregation that is responsive to the desire of its membership. The Bishop expressed his gratitude to St. Timothy’s for their initiative and the group’s willingness to work on this project. Donald Mulliken asked that EC members receive regular reports on the group’s progress. IX. Episcopal Charities: New Executive Director, Kathleen Piraino was introduced and reported on the continuing work of Episcopal Charities. Bishop Marc noted that Kathleen was chosen from a long list of applicants; she is a lawyer and has served with Ohloff House Ministries. According to Kathleen, Episcopal Charities is enacting a new vision, which involves use of the Regional Action networks that were introduced last year. Action Networks are located in five of the deaneries of the Diocese of California. Episcopal Charities annually awards $10,000 to each of five deaneries. Kathleen announced the “Pennies from Heaven” Dinner and Auction being held on Saturday Nov 5th at Grace Cathedral. X. Staff Reports: 1. Communications: Sean McConnell reported on the Adobe Connect software installed by the Diocese for the Webinar. He announced that it can also be used for other Diocesan (including Executive Council) events. Convention planning is in process. The theme for the event will be the Beloved Community. According to Sean, the Diocese is providing Our Mission: Embodied Justice for All People & for God’s Creation – Church Vitality – Rooted• Spirituality• Transparent & Accountable Leadership• Inclusive Community Diocese of California THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH encouragement for delegates wishing to carpool; the block of California between Taylor and Jones will be blocked off this year for parking for vanpools and busses. The Peninsula Deanery has already reserved a bus. (A 15 passenger van is the smallest that can park in the blocked off area). Sean reported that the Music for Haiti concerts have been arranged and he is assisting with publicity for the fundraiser. He offered thanks to Matthew Burt for organizing the event. 2. Congregational Development: Michael Barlowe is back from sabbatical. He described his travels abroad and in the United States. Michael thanked EC for our prayers and support during his absence. 3. Discipleship Ministries: (Written report attached) Julia McCrayGoldsmith reported on the search for a Diocesan Youth Minister. She reminded EC that this is a part-time position. Julia indicated that she has received 12 excellent applications for the position and feels we will find someone well-qualified to fulfill the requirements of the vision statement developed for the job. XI. Standing Committee Report: Standing Committee Liaison Bruce Smith was not able to attend the meeting so no report was offered. XII. Chancellor’s Report: (Written report attached) Christopher Hayes has been in a jury trial this week. He submitted a written report responding to a memorandum from Jay Luther regarding the Congregational Growth Program (CGP). It was determined that, since EC will not be asking for specific powers in regard to facilitating the CGP, neither Jay nor Christopher need to provide legal expertise to EC at this time. XIII. Church Growth Program: Gary Hunt is serving as convener for the Church Growth Program team. He welcomed Joe Jennings of St. Mary the Virgin, San Francisco, who initially developed the program, to the meeting. Our Mission: Embodied Justice for All People & for God’s Creation – Church Vitality – Rooted• Spirituality• Transparent & Accountable Leadership• Inclusive Community Diocese of California THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Gary noted that his team has already met once (Workshop #1 took place on September 18th) and has monthly meetings scheduled through the end of 2011. They are: Workshop #2: October 15, St Clare’s, Pleasanton, Workshop #3: November 12, St Alban’s, Brentwood, and Workshop #4: December 10, Holy Innocents, San Francisco Gary reminded the group that CGP involves a multiyear plan and will require broad-based diocesan involvement. The website for the CGP is: churchgrowthprogram.com XIV. Brief/No reports: Audit Committee: Don White did not offer a report. Convention Nominating Committee: Melissa Ridlon reported that we are in excellent shape for the upcoming Convention and the Committee is moving forward into the next phase of its work. Deanery Coordinating Council: Melissa Ridlon said there is nothing new to report at this time. Convention Update: David Frangquist was not at the meeting. Diocesan Institutions Working Group: Gary Hunt reported that this work is in process. Executive Council Bylaws and Policies: Jay Luther said he has nothing to report at this time. Haitian Music Project: Matthew Burt reported that 41 members of the Les Petits Chanteurs, their Chaperones, and the Holy Trinity Music School Our Mission: Embodied Justice for All People & for God’s Creation – Church Vitality – Rooted• Spirituality• Transparent & Accountable Leadership• Inclusive Community Diocese of California THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Chamber Ensemble will arrive tomorrow. They will be giving concerts in Diocesan churches and institutions. Matthew noted that a documentary film about the school will be released in 2012. He said that he hopes the group will return next year or in 2013. Investment Committee: No report was made. Racial Reconciliation Task Force: Dianne Smith reported that the film “Traces of the Trade” will be shown at St. Augustine’s, Oakland in the fall. According to Dianne, the Task Force is continuing to expand its work. Retired Clergy Health Benefits Task Force: Jim Forsyth reported that he is researching the benefit practices of other Dioceses. There has been no task force meeting as of yet. Task Force on Council Meeting Dates and Times: Deborah White reported that she conducted a poll of members of the EC. Results suggest that most want to keep the same meeting time. Several people expressed their concern, however, that Council members did not realize they were voting on a time change for future Councils. Discussion about who should be polled and the best way to conduct a survey followed. Deb said she will speak with Sean McConnell and ask his advice about this. XV. Old Business: Officer Nominating Process: Richard Patenaude has agreed to serve as the Chair of the Executive Council Steering Committee Nominating group. Executive Council officers are usually elected in December. There is a desire for the officer election process to be as transparent as possible. Update on Call to Right Relationship (C2RR): Canon Michael Barlowe notified the Council that the existing C2RR policy needs to be brought in line with the new Title IV disciplinary Canons. He clarified that individuals are Our Mission: Embodied Justice for All People & for God’s Creation – Church Vitality – Rooted• Spirituality• Transparent & Accountable Leadership• Inclusive Community Diocese of California THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH expected to take refreshers after taking the original course. Michael said that he believes that our Diocese has done outstanding work on this subject. Informational update on Anti-racism training for clergy and lay leaders: Julia McCray-Goldsmith thanked the EC for taking the Antiracism training. She explained that there is a new small group training that will allow more flexibility for individuals needing to take Antiracism training. According to Julia, we are need of a more trainers and more advanced trainings. XVI. New Business: Announcements: Bishop Marc announced that the 2011-2012 class of diocesan interns has arrived. They are: Dawn Bailey, Grace Babcock, Jon Hoose, and Eric Stallman. Chaplain Tom Poyner will direct the program and serve as their spiritual advisor. Reports requested for the October 25, 2011 Meeting: 1. Assessment Appeals Committee: The Reverend Chris RankinWilliams. 2. White Privilege issues: Roulhac asked Council members to please consider and come prepared to discuss the topic of how we might identify and root out white privilege issues on Executive Council. XVII.Closing Prayer and Adjournment: The closing prayer was offered by Canon Michael Barlowe. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM. Respectfully Submitted by: Mary Louise Gotthold Recording Secretary Our Mission: Embodied Justice for All People & for God’s Creation – Church Vitality – Rooted• Spirituality• Transparent & Accountable Leadership• Inclusive Community