BARBARA CLAIRE FREEMAN - 1 BARBARA CLAIRE FREEMAN Department of Rhetoric University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94704 Home: (510) 525-4470; e-mail: Education: University of California, Santa Cruz, History of Consciousness, Ph.D., 1989. Dissertation: “Conjunctions: Studies in Feminist Theory and the Sublime,” directed by Hayden White Ecole Normal Supérieure, Rue d'Ulm, Paris, France, 1985-86. University of California, Berkeley, Philosophy, B.A., 1980. Professional Positions: 2000Visiting Associate Professor of Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley 1994-2000 Associate Professor of English and American Literature, Harvard University. 1989-94 Assistant Professor of English and American Literature, Harvard University. 1986-89 Lecturer in the Feminist Studies and Western Culture Programs, Stanford University. 1985 Visiting Lecturer, Literature Program, University of California, Santa Cruz. Poetry Publications: 1. Book Publications: Every Day But Tuesday, collection of poems forthcoming from Omnidawn Press, 2015, with an Introduction by Charles F. Altieri Incivilities, collection of poems pub. by Counterpath Press, 2009. 2. Contributions to Books: "from Hologram," in Fragments/Phrases: An Anthology, Achiote Press, 2011. "St. Ursula's Silence," in An Instance: Three Chapbooks, pub. by Instance Press, Spring, 2010. 3. Chapbook Publication: “#343,” Chapvelope Press, 2014. 4. Edited Collections: "Pieces on Pieces of Air in the Epic," editor, Jacket Magazine, Summer 2007. 5. Publication of Poems: I. From Every Day But Tuesday: “Parable” and “Sequel,” Laurel Review, issue 47.1, 2013. “Every Day But Tuesday,” Lana Turner: A Journal of Poetry and Opinion, October 2013. “Consequences,” The Offending Adam, Fall 2013. “Downtown,” Washington Square Review, no. 31, Winter/Spring 2013. “Downtown” also appearss as a “Pocket Poem, ” an annual series published by Mrs. Dalloway’s Bookstore (Oakland, California), in honor of National Poetry Month, April 201 “Prequel” and “On the Ship (2), Maggy Poetry Magazine, December 2012. 1 BARBARA CLAIRE FREEMAN - 2 “Nonescape,” Denver Quarterly, vol 47, no. 1, Fall/Winter 2012. "Untitled," The Boston Review, September/October 2112. “Datebook,” Wave Composition, August 2012. “Draft,” The Volta, August, 2012. "Forward," The Colorado Review, Spring, 2012. "The Gift," Agriculture Reader, 2012. from #343, Seattle Review, vol. 4, no.2, 2011. "Hologram," A Public Space, issue 13, 2011. "Evening on the Other Island," With+Stand no. 5, 2011. "Two Sonnets," "Symbolic Logic," and "Kigali Memorial," Volt: A Magazine of the Arts, vol. 16, 2011. "Derrida," Berkeley Poetry Review issue 41, 2010 and Forklift, Ohio issue 22, Fall; 2010. "from Potlatch," Noo Weekly, July, 2010 "Four Poems," Jacket Maqazine, no. 40, Late 2010 "Heraclitus" and "Blindness and Hindsight," in Crazyhorse, no. 76, Fall 2009 II. From Incivilities: "Six Poems," in Calaveras: Series One, December, 2009 "First Inaugural," "Second Inaugural, "The Hurricane of Independence," The Laurel Review, vol. 43, issue 2, Summer, 2009 "Asyndeton for Lincoln," The Colorado Review, Spring, 2009 "In The Garden of Still Life," Parthenon West Review, Spring 2009 "Incivilities, 2," A Public Space, Winter, 2009 "When the Moon Comes Up," Boston Review, May/June ,2008 "Lept from the Steeple into the Blood Grass" and "The Closing Bell," Crazyhorse, Spring 2008 "First Georgic," "Second Georgic," "And Stepped from the Asphalt into the Quaking Grass, “Walking Barefoot through the Panic Grass," Denver Quarterly, Spring, 2008 "Sisters," and "Fathers," The Modern Review, Summer, 2007 "The Apocryphon of St, Ursula," (eight parts), Beloit Poetry Journal, Summer, 2007 III. From “St. Ursula’s Silence”: "St. Ursula's Mirror," New American Writing, Summer, 2007 "Two Poems," The Modern Review, Summer, 2007 "Saint Ursula and Father Time, "The Harvard Review, No. 14, (Spring l998): 34 “Saint Ursula’s First Tornado, ”The Denver Quarterly, Summer, 1999 “Saint Ursula’s Origin,” The Boston Review, Nov.-Dec., 1999 “Your Horse,” The Iowa Review, Summer, 2000 “Sacred Art,” The Colorado Review, Winter, 2000 2 BARBARA CLAIRE FREEMAN - 3 5. Interviews: with Adam Fitzgerale, Omniverse, January 2013. with Joshua Marie Wilkinson, Omniverse, April 2012. with Andrew Wessels, Omniverse, June 2012. with Edward Sugden, Omniverse, September, 2012. Poetry Awards: Runner-Up, Cleveland State University Press Open Book Competition, 2012 Finalist, University of Notre Dame Press, 2012. Finalist, Iowa Review Poetry Prize, 2011 Pushcart Prize nominee, 2008, 2009, 2010 Finalist, Cleveland State University Press First Book Prize, 2009 Discovery/Boston Review Poetry Prize, 2008 The Campbell Corner Poetry Prize, Sarah Lawrence College, 2007 Academic Publications: Book Publications: The Feminine Sublime: Gender and Excess in Women’s Fiction, University of California Press, 1995; Paperback edition, Spring 1997. Article Publications: “Moments of Beating: Writing and Addiction in Virginia Woolf’s ‘A Sketch of the Past,’” Diacritics, ed. Marc Redfield, Special Issue on “Addiction and Culture,” Vol. 27, No. 3 (Fall l997): 65-76.. “Psychoanalysis and Pedagogy: A True Story," Common Knowledge, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring 1995): 7-19. "The Rise of the Sublime: Sacrifice and Misogyny in Eighteenth Century Aesthetics," Yale Journal of Criticism, Vol. 4, No. 3 (Fall 1992): 81-99. "A Union Forever Deferred: Sexual Politics After Lacan," Qui Parle, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Spring 1991): 119-131; reprinted in Signs of Change, ed. Stephen Barker, SUNY Press, (1996): 237-246. "Amour post-moderne et désir nucléaire," "L'imaginaire du nucléaire," a special issue of LES CAHIERS DU GRIF, ed. Melinda Jo Guttman and Peter Schwenger, No. 41/42 (Automne 1989): 129-139. "'Plus corps donc plus écriture': Hélène Cixous and the Mind/Body Problem," Paragraph, Vol II, No. I (March 1988): 58-70. Review of Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory, Canadian Philosophical Reviews/Revue Canadienne de Comptes rendus en Philosophie, Vol. VII, No. 12 (December, 1987): 512-514. "Frankenstein with Kant: The Monstrosity of Theory, or a Theory of Monstrosity," Substance, No. 52 (1987): 21-31, reprinted in New Casebooks: Frankenstein, ed. Fred Botting, MacMillan, 1995: 191-205. "Irigaray at The Symposium: Speaking Otherwise," special issue on "Sexual Difference," Oxford Literary Review, Vol. 8, Nos. 1-2 (1986): 170-177. 3 BARBARA CLAIRE FREEMAN - 4 Contributions to Books and Encylopedias: "From The Feminine Sublime," The Sublime, ed. Simon Morley, the MIT Press, 2010: 64-67. "Practicing Christian Rock,” Religion in Americas, ed. Marjorie Garber and Rebecca Walkowitz, Routledge, 1999:221-234. " The Feminine Sublime,"The Encylopedia of Aesthetics, ed. Michael Kelly, Oxford University Press, Vol. 4, 1998: 331-334. "Epitaphs and Epigraphs: 'The End(s) of Man,'" Bearing Arms: Feminist Essays on War, Gender and Literary Representation, ed. Helen Cooper, Adrienne Munich, and Susan Squier, University of North Carolina Press (1989): 303-322. "(Re)Writing Patriarchal Texts: The Symposium," Postmodernism and Continental Philosophy, ed. Hugh J. Silverman and Donn Welton, Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Vol. 13, SUNY (1988): 165-177. Edited Collections: Ed,, “Writing Rock,” special issues of Literature and Psychology: A Journal of Psychoanalytic and Cultural Criticism, Vols. 44-45, Nos. 3-4, Fall/Winter, l998. Fellowships and Honors: Clark Fund Grant, Harvard University, l997, 1998. Nominated for the James Levensen award for excellence in undergraduate teaching, Harvard University, 1993, 1995, 1997 Innovative Teaching Fund Grant, Harvard University, 1996. Nominated for the Phi Beta Kappa teaching prize, Harvard University, 1994. American Express Award for Curricular Development in Ethics, Harvard University, 1991. Minton Faculty Fellowship for Studies in Popular Culture, Harvard University, 1990. Innovative Teaching Fund Grant, Harvard University, 1989. University of California Humanities Grant, 1985. University of California Graduate Research Grants, 1983, 1985, 1986. French Government/Fulbright Grant, 1984-85, 1986. Mabelle McLeod Lewis Memorial Fund Grant, 1983-84. Woodrow Wilson Women's Studies Research Grant, 1983. University of California Regents Fellowship, 1981-82. Invited Talks at Universities and Institutes: NEH Summer Institute on “How Background Practices Produce Intelligibility: Contrasting Conceptions,” University of California, Santa Cruz, July, l997: “Cultural Practices and the Intelligibilty of Rock Music.” Departments of Musicology and Women’s Studies, Wellsley College, April, l997: “Women in Rock: Post Riot-Grrrrls.” Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, Harvard University, Seminar on “Discipline Problems,” March, l997: “Isn’t It ‘Amazing’: Findind A/eros/mith in Academe.’” Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, Harvard University, Seminar on “Psychoanaltytic Practices,” December, 1996: “Addiction and Inscription in Virginia Woolf’s ‘A Sketch of the Past.’” Department of English, University of North Carolina, April, 1994: "Edith Wharton's House of Risk." 4 BARBARA CLAIRE FREEMAN - 5 NEH Summer Institute on “Ethics and Aesthetics,” University of California, Berkeley, July, 1993: "GenderStruggle: A Response to Judith Butler." Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, Harvard University, February, 1993: "On Psychoanalysis and Pedagogy: A True Story." Department of Comparative Literature, Emory University, October, 1993: "The Awakening: Waking Up at the End of the Line." Centre for Research on Philosophy and Literature, Warwick University, England, April, 1993: "Sexual Difference in the Discourse of Sublimity." International Philosophical Seminar, Alto Adige, Italy, June, 1991: "Love's Labor: On Truth in Mourning.” Departments of Comparative Literature and Philosophy, SUNY at Stony Brook, November, 1990: "The Rise of the Sublime." Department of English, University of California, Berkeley, April, 1986: "Frankenstein's Daughters: A Vindication of the Rights of Monsters." The Institute for Research on Women and Gender, Stanford University, December, 1986: "'Feminist Theory in the Wilderness': The Question of Essentialism Revisited." Presentations at Conferences MLA, Division Meeting on Philosophical Approaches to Literature, l998: “Beatitudes: Between Flesh and the Word.” MLA, Division Meeting on Philosophical Approaches to Literature, 1997: “Sublime S/M.” Conference on “Religion in America,” Harvard University, l997: “Rock and Religion: Contemporary Christian Music’s Leaps of Faith.” Conference on “A Celebration of Women at Harvard,” Harvard University, l977: “Women in Popular Culture.” Conference on “Representing Rock,” Duke University, l997: ”Writing Rock: Before the Pleasure Principle.” Conference on “Psychoanalysis and Social Change,” George Washington University, 1996: “Psychoanalysis as Pedagogy.” Conference on “Addiction and Culture,” Claremont Graduate School, 1996: “Moments of Beating: Addiction and Inscription in Virginia Woolf’s ‘A Sketch of the Past.’” MLA, Division Meeting on "Teaching as a Profession," 1994: "Pedagogy and Ethics: Postmodern Perspectives." MLA, Session on "Engendering the Sublime," 1992: "Sexual Politics of the Sublime." Conference on "Passions, Persons, Powers," University of California, Berkeley, 1992: "Ending the Line: A Reading of Neil Hertz' 'A Reading of Longinus.'" MLA, Division Meeting on Comparative Studies in 20th-Century Literature, 1991: "Kate Chopin's Oceanic Sublime." MLA, Division Meeting on Ethnic Studies in Literature, 1991: "The Work of Mourning in Toni Morrison's Beloved.” Conference on “Change,” University of Montreal, 1991: “A Union Forever Deferred: Sexual Politics After Lacan.” MLA, Division Meeting on Comparative Studies on 18th-Century Literature, 1990: "Fictions of Feminine Compliance in Kant's Third Critique." 5 BARBARA CLAIRE FREEMAN - 6 Conference on "Narrative," Tulane University, 1990: "Strange Bedfellows: Kant, Rhys, and the Misogynist Sublime." MLA, Session on "Women and War: Contemporary Revisions," 1989: "Hiroshima Mon Amour and the Poetics of Nuclear Desire." Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Annual Conference, Duquesne University, 1989: "Conjunctions: On Femininity and the Sublime." Conference on "Dialectic and Narrative," Emory University, 1989: "Towards a Feminine Nuclear Sublime: On The Book of Revelations and Hiroshima Mon Amour.” Conference on "Gender and Perversion," Paris-New York Psychoanalytic Workshop, New York, 1989: "Stories of O: On Gender and Naming." MLA, Session on "The Ethics of Ethics: Difference," 1988: "The Ethics of Feminine Misogyny." Conference on "Politics, Hermeneutics, Aesthetics," University of Notre Dame, 1988: Respondent, "The Aesthetics of the Holocaust." Conference on "Postmodernism: Texts, Politics, Instruction," University of Kansas, 1987: "Kant's Critique of Isis.” Fourth Colloquium on Twentieth-Century Literature in French, Duke University, 1987: "Hiroshima mon amour / Histoires d'amour: Nuclear Desire and Post-Modern Love." MLA, Session on "Feminist-Nuclear Criticism,” 1986: "Epitaphs and Epigraphs: 'The End(s) of Man.'" Conference on "The Future of Writing," Centre for Research on Philosophy and Literature, Warwick, England, 1986: "Frankenstein with Kant: The Monstrosity of Theory, or a Theory of Monstrosity." Third Colloquium on Twentieth-Century Literature in French, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 1986: "'Plus corps donc plus écriture': Hélène Cixous and the Mind/Body Problem." Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Annual Conference, Loyola University, 1985: "Rewriting Patriarchal Texts: The Symposium." Conference on "Sexual Difference," Southampton, England, 1985: "Irigaray at The Symposium: Speaking Otherwise." Teaching: Graduate Courses: The Gay Nineties: Genealogies of Gender, Harvard University, 1997. Literature and Psychoanalysis, Harvard University, 1995, 1997. Issues in the History of Aesthetics , Harvard University, 1993. Undergraduate Courses: The Rhetoric of Poetry, University of California, Dept. of Rhetoric, 2000 -. Gender and Popular Culture, Harvard University, 1996, l998. (taught for the Women’s Studies Program). Topics in Twentieth-Century British Women’s Fiction: Jean Rhys, Jeanette Winterson, Virginia Woolf, Harvard University, 1994, 1995 Contemporary American Women’s Writing: l965 to the Present, Harvard Univeristy, l997. Issues in Contemporary Feminist and Gender Theory, Harvard University, 1995. Feminism and Deconstruction, Harvard University, 1994 Fictions of Feminine Desire, Harvard University, 1990-98. 6 BARBARA CLAIRE FREEMAN - 7 The Politics of Sexuality, Harvard University, 1993, 1994 (taught for the Women's Program). Issues and Approaches to Twentieth Century Literary and Cultural Theory, Harvard University, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1997. Twentieth Century American and British Women's Fiction, Harvard University, 1990, 1992, 1995, 1999 (taught for the Harvard Extension School). Sophomore Seminar: Introduction to Literary Criticism and Theory, Harvard University, 1989-. Contemporary Issues in Feminist Studies, Stanford University, 1988 (taught for the Feminist Studies Program). Feminist Theory and Post-Structuralism, Stanford University, 1987 (taught for the Feminist Studies Program). Great Works of Western Culture, Stanford University, 1986-1989. Rhetoric and Composition, University of California, Santa Crus, l984-l986. Professional Activities: Associate Editor, “Literature and Psychology: A Journal of Psychoanalysis and Cultural Criticism,” l997-. Chair, Seminar on “Psychoanalytic Practices,” Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, Harvard University, 1996-l998. Member of MLA Division Executive Committee on “Philosophical Approaches to Literature,” 1996-1999. Chair, Session on “Forgetting,” Conference on “The Persistence of Memory,” Harvard University, October, 1995. Consultant for and guest on PBS Show, "The Group: Advertising and Popular Culture," produced by Steven Atlas for WGBH, Boston, Spring 1995. Member of the Pedagogy Committee for the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, 1994 -. Founder and Chair, Seminar on "Psychoanalysis and Culture," Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, Harvard University, 1990-1995. Member of Screening Committee and reader, Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Grants in Women's Studies, 1993-l998. Session leader and organizer of International Association of Philosophy and Literature Panels on "Envisioning Race, Duquesne University, May, 1993. Delegate of the "Philosophical Approaches to Literature" Division to the MLA Delegate Assembly, 19901993. Session leader and organizer of MLA Special Session, "Engendering the Sublime: Sexual Difference in the Discourse of Sublimity," 1992. Session leader and organizer of panel on “Empowerment and Disempowerment in the Discourse of the Sublime,” Conference on “Passions, Persons, Powers,” University of California, Berkeley, April, 1992. Session leader and organizer of International Association of Philosophy and Literature panel on "Nuclear Paradigms: Writing, Technology, Monstrosity," University of California, Irvine, April, 1990. Session leader and organizer of MLA "Philosophical Approaches to Literature" Division Meeting, "The Ethics of Ethics," 1988. Session leader and co-organizer of MLA Special Session, "Ends and Beginnings: Feminist-Nuclear Criticism," 1986. 7 BARBARA CLAIRE FREEMAN - 8 Service: Member of Curriculum Committee, English Department, Harvard University, l998-99/ Cultural Studies Ad Hoc Faculty Committee, Harvard University, l996-. Chair, Doctoral Conference in 20th Century Literature and Cultural Theory, Harvard University, l996-. Member of Search Committee for Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Harvard University, 1996-97. Member of Search Committee for Assistant Professor in the Literature Program and Department of English, Harvard University, 1994-95. Member of Committee on Degrees in Literature, Harvard University, 1994-. Reader and Grader, Graduate French Exams, Harvard University, 1992-94. Member of Undergraduate Steering Committee, English Department, Harvard University, 1991-95. Member of Committee on Degrees in Women’s Studies, Harvard University, 1991-. Assistant Head Tutor for Juniors, Harvard University, 1990-91 Member of Search Committee for Assistant Professor in the African-American Studies Program and Department of English, Harvard University, 1989-90. References: Professor Charles Altieri, English Department, University of California, Berkeley Professor Lawrence Buell, English Department, Harvard University. Professor Judith Butler, Rhetoric Department, University of California, Berkeley. Professor Cathy Caruth, Department of Comparative Literature, Emory University. Professor Marjorie Garber, Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, Harvard University. Professor Walter Benn Michaels, English Department, Johns Hopkins University. Professor Hayden White, Professor White resides in Venice. Please contact him by email at: Dossier Available: Dossier Service Office of Career Services Harvard University 54 Dunster Street Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 495-2787 8