Pi Nu Epsilon, Inc. 2007 National Convention April 14, 2007 National Meeting Minutes Name Chad Baker Darius Hatcher Todd Drennen Danette Feathers Brandi Dickinson Jeffrey White Tim Bieniosek Theodore Bieniosek Richard Price Christoph Shipley Mary Stewart Meaghan Hull Renen Bassik Jeremiah Swanger Ashley Schumacher Kevin Snow Mandee Staub Lori Ashnoff Kelly Deneen Rich Spangler Nick Ray Hope Feldman Heather Blumenthal Shannon Storm Jenn Kowa Jamie Carbaugh Steven Lauer Jessie McLucas Lauren Gohde Josh Hanna Lara North Attendance Chapter Delta Alumnus Delta Beta Alumnus Delta Alumnus Beta Alumnus Beta Alumnus Beta Alumnus Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Beta Alumnus Delta Delta Alumnus Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Alumnus Delta Alumnus Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Alumnus Delta Position Nat. Treasurer Historian Nat. Service Director Nat. Historian Nat. Vice President Nat. Events Director Nat. President Sub. Chapter Rep. Member Member President Vice President Member Nat. Expansion Dir. Member Alumni Vice President Member Member Member Chapter Rep. President Alumni Alumni Member Member Secretary Member Member Alumni Member President Bieniosek called the meeting officially to order at 11:12 am. Minutes from 2006 Mini Convention were reviewed. No questions or changes. Motion to Approve: Jeff White Motion to Second: Chad Baker Motion carried Officer Reports: President Bieniosek – Thanked Shippensburg for hosting National Convention and thanks all those who were in attendance. Vice President Dickinson – Has received all expansion materials from previous Vice President Needs all completed Anti-Hazing Policy Forms from each chapter Secretary Sotzing – Excused. Treasurer Baker gave the report in her absence. Newsletter to be produced at the end of the academic year. All chapters and council members are asked to provide any information pertaining to this newsletter. Treasurer Baker – The National Treasury currently has $639.79. Report is attached. Historian Feathers – Asked chapters to provide her updated dates for events within the chapter at respective schools Asked for access to the photo album Cabinet Reports: Service Director: Information has been collected regarding the Performance Group service project Info needs to be organized and put on the website, with the ultimate goal of an accessible database Events Director: Annual Hershey Park trip scheduled for May 26. The cost is $25.00 per adult. All money should be to Chad no later than April 25. Chapter Reports: Drexel University – Beta Chapter 25 active, 19 inactive Approx. 7-10 associate Approx. $4000 in the treasury Events – o Emphasis on fundraising to prepare for National Convention costs in 2008 Magazine fundraiser was held and generated some strong revenue for the chapter Last fundraiser for year will be annual sale of flowers at graduation o Worked with the theatre organization on Rocky Horror Picture Show o Strong emphasis on community service Created a chair to handle this specific topic Participate in activities with the Northern Home for Children, after school program talk about music and participation Caroling was done around holidays Planting trees for Earth Day o Battle of the Bands being planned for this year o Love’s Labor’s Lost – will be performed on campus New head of music department is very interested in working with Pi Nu Epsilon o Shown interest in advancing organ project Shippensburg University – Delta Chapter Delta Chapter 22 active, 4 associates now in, 1 inactive Approx. $1700 treasury Events o Sold Wolfgang Candy o Pie-a-Professor – Students donated money toward a professor they wished to see get pied in the face Band instrumental in getting band director pied o Sold Marti Gras beads o Stuffed animal drive to kids who have suffered from domestic violence o Relay for Life – participating with a large group o Senior Send-Off to be held in the next few weeks o Act 5, the SU performing group will be performing Grease April 26 o Pi Nu Service Award given to two chapter members by SU Music Department o 2 Honorary Members to be inducted at the closing ceremony for convention Break and Ice Breaker Old Business: Millersville Dissolution Review and discussion of events leading to National Council’s recommendation to dissolve the Zeta Chapter Motion made to dissolve Zeta Chapter: Chad Baker Motion to Second: Danette Feathers Motion carried Founders’ Day Both chapters held Founders’ Day events o Weather once again an issue, despite later date this year. Faculty Appreciation Both chapters working to develop better and stronger relationships with faculty National Council will develop a letter to be sent to the faculty introducing them to the National level of the organization and projects we are involved with Faculty can be used to develop expansion contacts with their colleagues at other schools Review of National Involvement Strong emphasis on better communication of meetings and goals from the National Council Chapters would like to have more involvement with the planning and implementation National issues o Council recognizes concern and will seek further assistance from chapter in the future Discussion of more service oriented events, less meetings New Business: Bylaw Changes Vice President proposal o Motion to redevelop current Vice President position into two separate positions: Chad Baker o Motion to Second: Darius Hatcher o Motion carried Events Cabinet proposal o Motion to move Events Director position from Vice President to Treasurer: Chad Baker o Motion to Second: Jeff White o Motion carried Term Limit Clarification o Motion to clarify official term limits for National Officers: Chad Baker o Motion to Second: Danette Feathers o Motion carried Dues collection proposal o Motion to table until next National Convention: Chad Baker o Motion to Second: Hope Feldman o Motion carried o Delegates are to take back to chapters for suggestions on possible solution New bylaws attached. National Elections: National President: o Chad Baker National Vice President of External Affairs: o Todd Drennen National Treasurer: o Tim Bieniosek Officers will be installed at closing ceremony. Open Floor: Tabled until Sunday morning at 9:00 am. Meeting Adjourned