CBA NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENERGY LAW SECTION COUNCIL MEETING Minutes for the meeting held April 28, 2008 Todd Caldwell, Secretary/Treasurer Present: Ann Lane Anne Weber Todd Caldwell Chris Hayes Scott Campbell Ken Wonstolen Amy Seneshen Bob Hoehn Ken Jones Jan Steiert David Phillips Gretchen Eoff Ann Lane presided as Chair: 1. Quorum Established. Ann Lane took roll and determined that a quorum was present. 2. Approval of Minutes. The minutes to the previous council meeting held on January 29, 2008, were distributed. There was an error contained in the Chair’s Report regarding the DU student/practitioner luncheon. Minutes were corrected and “Anne Weber” was changed to “Ann Lane.” Once corrected, the minutes were approved by unanimous vote and adopted. 3. Treasurer’s Report. Todd Caldwell distributed the most recent Treasurer’s Reports prepared by the CBA, which were reviewed and discussed by the council. It was noted that section luncheons appear to be breaking even. It was noted that the $1,000.00 contribution to the Steamboat Conference had yet to be deducted from the section account. 4. Chair’s Report. Ann Lane contacted the University of Denver regarding the student/practitioner lunch. DU and the section were unable to agree on a date for spring of 2008. Ann Lane offered to work with DU to arrange a lunch in the fall of 2008, suggesting the possibility of a joint CU/DU luncheon. Also, Ann discussed the pre-annual meeting cocktail hour. Gretchen Eoff noted that the Crown Plaza was willing to work with the section. The section still does not have a cost for the cocktail hour. However, a motion was made to have a cocktail hour prior to the annual meeting in June, which was approved by unanimous vote. Finally, the chair will be preparing an annual section report for the CBA. 5. Vice Chair’s Report. Anne Weber reported that to date, the section has planned and implemented nine CLE luncheons, three evening social events, and a multi-day CLE conference. The section has had difficulty getting Gale Norton to commit as speaker of the June luncheon. Anne will contact Rebecca Watson to see if she would be interested in speaking to the section at the June luncheon. A proposal was made to have someone assist the Vice Chair in scheduling luncheon speakers. Also, a suggestion was made not to have one of either the December or January luncheon. 6. Board of Governor’s Report. The next Board of Governor’s meeting to be held in Pueblo May 17th. Various ballot initiatives are to be discussed, including an initiative for judicial term limits. 7. Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Update. David Phillips mentioned the Surface Institute, Climate Change Institute, Mining Law Short Course and Annual Institute. Cecilia Dalupan has been named Associate Director of the foundation. 8. Old Business. Gretchen Eoff to confirm that Council Membership has been unrestricted on the CBA website. 9. New Business. The 2008-2009 Officers are: Ann Lane as Past Chair, Anne Weber as Chair, Todd Caldwell as Vice-Chair and Amy Seneshen as Secretary/Treasurer. Suggestions for new At-Large Council Members are: Michael Elliott, Dave Brody, Keith Tooley, JoAnn Herlihy and Marti Whitmore. A motion was made to select Marti Whitmore as a new At-Large Council Member, which was passed unanimously. Ann Lane will contact Ms. Whitmore. Also, a motion was made to have Bob Hoehn serve another two year term, which was passed unanimously. However, a question was raised whether consecutive two year Council membership violated section bylaws. The possibility of amending the bylaws to allow for consecutive At-Large Council membership was raised. Ann Lane will conduct a conference call in a few weeks to discuss the remaining At-Large Council position. The meeting was adjourned Respectfully submitted, Todd R. Caldwell Secretary/Treasurer