GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES September 21, 2009 at 7:30 p.m., Middle School Commons Present were Brian Clark, Brian Curtis, Angie Cobelens, June Weyers, Brady Rohlfs, Jim Kucera and approximately 15 band family parents. Introductions were made around the table. Shannon Berry summarized the fundraising activities of what has been done to date. 1. Estimated date to have Poinsettia order received is October 10th. 2. Candy bar orders are due now. 3. Blood drive is October 20th with a bake sale. 4. Cookbook information will be handed out soon. Overall fundraising went well. The committee didn’t want to pass up any ideas so had to scramble a bit and work hard. Next year will be better. Brian Curtis discussed the Waffleman night on December 4th. Doug Callum asked that the dollars made go to the general fund for the transportation cost for the CA trip. Mr. Rohlfs asked to schedule the parent to work the later shifts so that students can play in the pep band for the game. Mr. Rohlfs discussed marching band contests. 1. Columbus itinerary will be coming out this week. Mr. Rohlfs wanted all parents to understand that he does not get our marching times until close to the date of the contest. He mentioned that the kids are doing an awesome job! 2. Lori Richard asked to use the booster email group to get parent volunteers to help with each contest. 3. Discussed that last year the school play was same time as band contest. Will this happen again? Mr. Rohlfs and Mr. Kucera discussed the band program’s list of needs. 1. Mr. Rohlfs had a good discussion with Dr. Heimann about what the District can help with for the band program. 2. Band program had ~$4,000 for instrument repairs right now. This does not include the tubas. 3. If the District wants a band program, District needs to help with instrument purchases. This cannot be solely the Boosters responsibility. 4. Lori Richard asked about renting instruments and what the band director’s priorities would be for replacing old instruments. Cannot rent tubas. Used instruments were also discussed. 5. This is the 8th year for the uniforms. Will need to replace them in a couple years. 6. Trailer is high visibility item for the band program. Angie Cobelens handed out the Accounting and Finance Summary sheet. She went over each account balance. Brian Clark discussed where do we want to spend the booster money and how do we prioritize the many items needed for the band program. 1 1. Deb Kucera suggested that the band directors need to prioritize the instrument purchases. 2. Brian Curtis proposed to spend money on a trailer. a. Trailer can save money for the boosters and the District. i. Last trip to Florida cost boosters $1,600 for U-Haul rental ii. Last year marching contests cost District $1,300 for U-Haul rentals 3. Dale Rolofson has a bid from S&S Trailer for ~$9,000 for 8’x24’ trailer plus money for logo. It will take them 6 weeks for build time. They get busy in January. Dr. Heimann indicated that a District vehicle would have to pull it on trips and for contests. 4. Brian Curtis made a motion to approve up to $10,000 for a trailer. Daryl Bohac seconded this motion. Daryl likes the idea of getting trailer for visibility of the Band Program. Vote was taken following this motion with those present voted in favor. 5. Dale will work with his committee to acquire 3 bids, put numbers together to go to School Board meeting so that we can get our order in before November. 6. Shannon Berry made a motion to approve up to $4,000 for tubas. Shelly Johnson seconded the motion. Vote was taken following this motion with those present voted in favor. General discussion on splitting the fundraising dollars between students and the General Fund. 1. Kimberly Kaufman wants to make sure that we have money left for a cushion and for those families that may need help in paying for the trip. Volunteers are still needed. Should send home with students, out via email and possibly at parent/teacher conferences. Kimberly Kaufman will organize this. Brian Curtis discussed how the By-Laws and Student Account Policies were drafted by the Leadership Team. Then handed out the draft copies of each to discuss at next meeting and then hopefully finalize. Next General Membership meetings: Monday, October 12, 7 p.m. at Middle School and November 16, 7 p.m. at Middle School. Next trip payment is due October 16th, 2009. Angie Cobelens will send out a reminder. NEXT LEADERSHIP TEAM MEETING: September 28, 2009, 6:30 p.m. 2