Friends of Hillside Newsletter 24th October 2013 Thank you to everyone who came and supported the Nearly New Toy and Bike Sale. The new format worked well and, despite only having a handful of sellers and bikes, we raised £154.90 for school funds. We’re hoping that now everyone has seen the new system, ie that you don’t have to pay for a table OR stay with your toys & bikes, we’ll have even more sellers next time and hopefully raise more funds! We’ll be looking to hold the next sale in May, and we’ll let you have a date as soon as it’s confirmed. Friends of Hillside Avenue Logo Competition – Could your child design a logo for us? We would like to invite children to come up with a logo for the Friends of Hillside Avenue as we don’t have one! We can then use the logo on our website, posters for events, this newsletter etc., so the logo needs to be suitable for all these formats. If you are using colour, we would need the logo to also work in black and white, so please bear in mind that some colours will merge into one when photocopied. Entries will be judged by the Friends Committee, together with Andy Dodds, a parent and a Graphic Designer. Deadine for entries is Monday 11th November. Entries, clearly labeled on the back with Child’s Name and Class should be posted in the Friends Box in the School foyer. Happy designing! Spooky Night, Year 1, 2 and 3 – Wednesday 23rd October A massive “Thank You” to Mrs Bradley and Serena Scroggins (Mum to London in 3C and Lucius in 2B) for all their hard work arranging this event, it was great fun for both parents and children alike!! Mrs Gutteridge had a tough time choosing the best costume in each class, well done to everyone for making such a great effort! Bag 2 School – Wednesday 6th November Your Bag 2 School bag should have come home with your child last week, but don’t worry if you’ve mislaid it, there are spares in the School Office. If you’ve filled the donation bag and still have more clothes etc, then you can use any other bag to donate your items. Please bring your bag/s to the Year 4-6 Playground in front of the empty classroom, (next door to Nursery) AFTER SCHOOL Tuesday 5th November or START OF SCHOOL Wednesday 6th November. Christmas Fair – Saturday 7th December Plans are coming on well for this important event in the Friends fund-raising calendar! Our next planning meeting is on Tuesday 12th November, this is at Natalie’s house and if you’d like to come along and get involved, please either leave a note in the Friends Box or ring Natalie on 07500 060818 for directions. This is an informal get together, so if you fancy getting involved with the Friends, this is the perfect introduction to the team! Free Event for Year 4,5 and 6 Children – Tuesday 10th December Pop the date in your diary if you have a child in Year 4, 5 or 6. Full details after half term! We hope you all have a fab half term and don’t forget to have a go at designing a logo for the Friends! Autumn Term Dates for your Diary Monday 4th November – Committee Meeting, 7pm in spare classroom next to Nursery – All welcome Wednesday 6th November – Bag 2 School, Morning collection Tuesday 12th November – Christmas Fayre Planning Meeting – Natalie’s house, 8pm Monday 2nd December – Committee Meeting, 7pm in spare classroom next to Nursery – All welcome Saturday 7th December – Christmas Fayre, 11am to 2pm Tuesday 10th December – Free Event for years 4, 5 & 6 – Full details after Half Term Friends Box on the wall near the office | CONTACT FRIENDS |