Maria Trujillo Prof. Betne MAT 120.1605 November 3, 2008 PROJECT 2 CARBON DIOXIDE AND GLOBAL TEMPERATURE Evidence of the reality of global warming continues to accumulate. Consistent with predictions of the IPCC since 1990, global average temperatures have indeed been rising while atmospheric CO2 increases at a rate of approximately 1.6ppm per year. Following table gives the average temperature and CO2 concentration between 1960 and 2005. Year 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Global average Temp (o F) 57.2 57.1 56.9 57.0 57.3 57.2 57.7 57.7 57.7 58.0 CO2 concentration in parts per million (ppm) 315 320 324 334 340 348 354 361 370 375 1. Draw a scatter plot of CO2 concentration versus year. What is the shape of the graph? The graph has a positive linear relation between CO2 concentration and the year. This means that as the years will pass by the CO2 concentration will increase. 2. Use the above data to estimate the rate of change in the CO2 concentration between all two consecutive years and find the average rate of change. Do your results support the fact that is stated above the table (i.e. the atmospheric CO2 increases at rate of approximately 1.6ppm)? Correlations Co2 concentration in Year Year Pearson Correlation parte per million 1.000 Sig. (2-tailed) N Co2 concentration in parte Pearson Correlation per million Sig. (2-tailed) N **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). .998** .000 10 10 .998** 1.000 .000 1 10 Year CO2 Concentration in Rate of Change Parts per Million (ppm) y2 – y1 x2 – X 1 1960 315 1960-1965 = 5 5/5 = 1 1965 320 1965-1970 = 4 4/5 = 0.8 1970 324 1970-1975 = 10 10/ 5 = 2 1975 334 1975-1980 = 6 6/5 = 1.2 1980 340 1980-1985 = 8 8/5 = 1.6 1985 348 1985-1990 = 6 6/5 = 1.2 1990 354 1990-1995 = 7 7/5 = 1.4 1995 361 1995-2000 = 9 9/5 = 1.8 2000 370 2000-2005 = 5 5/5 = 1 2005 375 ∑ of Rate of Change = 60 ∑ Slopes = 12 x= ∑x n x = 12 x = 1.33 9 The rate of change in the CO2 concentration between CO2 concentration and consecutive years is 1.33 So my results do not support the fact that is stated in the table. 3. Use the fact that the atmospheric CO2 increases at a rate of approximately 1.6ppm to write the equation of a straight line using CO2 concentration in 1960 as the base value and X being the number of years since 1960. Then use the equation to predict the CO2 concentration for 2010. Model Summary Model 1 R Adjusted R Std. Error of the Square Estimate R Square .998a .996 .995 1.413 a. Predictors: (Constant), Year ANOVAb Model 1 Sum of Squares Regression Residual Total df Mean Square 3958.936 1 3958.936 15.964 8 1.995 3974.900 9 a. Predictors: (Constant), Year b. Dependent Variable: CO2 Concentration in Parts per Million F 1983.977 Sig. .000a Coefficientsa Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 B (Constant) Year Coefficients Std. Error -2402.564 61.666 1.385 .031 Beta t .998 Sig. -38.961 .000 44.542 .000 a. Dependent Variable: CO2 Concentration in Parts per Million y-intercept = 315 y- intercept = 315 slope = 1.33 slope = 1.66 y = mx + b y = mx + b y = 1.3(50) + 315 y = 1.6(50) + 315 y = 65 + 315 y = 80 + 315 y = 380 y = 395 Using the fact that the atmospheric CO2 concentration increases at a rate of approximately 1.6ppm the CO2 concentration for the year 2010 is 395ppm. But if I use the fact that the atmospheric CO2 concentration increases at a rate of approximately 1.3ppm the CO2 concentration for the year 2010 is 380ppm. 4. Draw a scatter plot of CO2 concentration versus the temperature values. What pattern do you observe? What can you conclude from this graph about the relation between CO2 concentration and Global temperature? 5. Obtain equation of the regression line using CO2 as independent variable and temperature as a dependent variable. Use the equation to predict the average global temperature when the CO2 level becomes equal to 380 ppm. ANOVAb Variables Entered/Removedb Model 1 Sum of Variables Squares RegressionModel Residual 1 df Variables Mean Square Entered .940 Removed 1 F Method .940 Sig. .001a 27.222 CO2 .276 8 .035 Concentration in . Enter Total 1.216 9 Parts per Milliona a. Predictors: (Constant), CO2 Concentration in Parts per Million a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable: Global Average Temperature b. Dependent Variable: Global Average Temperature Model Summary Model 1 R Adjusted R Std. Error of the Square Estimate R Square .879a .773 .744 .1858 a. Predictors: (Constant), CO2 Concentration in Parts per Million Coefficientsa Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 B (Constant) CO2 Concentration in Parts per Million Std. Error 52.089 1.016 .015 .003 a. Dependent Variable: Global Average Temperature Coefficients Beta t .879 Sig. 51.279 .000 5.217 .001 y- intercept = 52.089 slope = .015 y = mx + b y = .015(380) + 52.089 y = 5.7 + 52.089 y = 57.789 The average global temperature when CO2 level becomes equal to 380 ppm is 57.8. 6. Estimate the change in the global temperature value if the value of CO2 level increases by 2 units. Years Rate of Change 1960-1965 7 7/5 = 1.4 1965-1970 6 6/5 = 1.2 1970-1975 12 12/ 5 = 2.4 1975-1980 8 8/5 = 1.6 1980-1985 10 10/5 = 2 1985-1990 8 8/5 = 1.6 1990-1995 9 9/5 =1.8 1995-2000 11 11/5 = 2.2 2000-2005 7 7/5 = 1.4 ∑ Rate of Change = 71 ∑ x=∑x n x = 15.6 9 x = 1.73 The estimate change in temperature if the CO2 increases by 2 units is 1.73 = 15.6 7. Compute the residuals then draw a residual plot (plot of X vs. residuals) and interpret the plot. x 315 320 324 334 340 348 354 361 370 375 (y – y ) 57.2 – 56.814 = 0.386 57.1 – 56.889 = 0.211 56.9 – 56.949 = -0.049 57.0 – 57.099 = -0.099 57.3 – 57.189 = 0.111 57.2 – 57.309 = -0.109 57.7 – 57.399 = 0.301 57.7 – 57.504 = 0.196 57.7 – 57.639 = 0.061 58.0 – 57.714 = 0.286 y 56.814 56.889 56.949 57.099 57.189 57.309 57.399 57.504 57.639 57.714 CO2 CONCENTRATION VS. RESIDUALS .4 .3 .2 .1 RESIDUAL 0.0 -.1 -.2 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 CO2 Concentration in Parts per Million Model Summary Model 1 R .045(a) R Square .002 Adjusted R Square -.123 Std. Error of the Estimate .185805 a Predictors: (Constant), CO2 Concentration in Parts per Million According to the Box-Plot there is no a linear relation between the data because R is closer to 0.