
Minutes of PTFA meeting
Thursday 26th February 2015 8.45am in School Staff Room
Present: Maryann P, Rachel J, Carol A, Vanessa S, Hannah W, Julia J, Jenny E, Anna M, Kim G, Dawn
P, Jane P & Elaine P
Apologies: Simon Jones, Dulcie B
Previous minutes were agreed and signed by Maryann.
Jane P started by thanking Judy Gallimore for decorating the staff room during half term with the
help of Bella and making it look more cheerful.
Next Project?
Maryann asked what they want as the next 'big project' Jane said there are a few things to be
finished on the Quiet area, Maryann said the structure needs cleaning and some new flowers planted
as the badger has eaten them all. Jane suggested perhaps some wild flowers. Julia asked for a list of
jobs then we can sort them out.
Jane thanked Dawn & Hannah for all their hard work in helping to get the kitchen to ready for the
Health & Hygenie visit which has happened and we got a 5 rating.
Further discussion then followed and it was felt that perhaps the next project should be raising
monies towards extending the kitchen so that we had better facilties for washing up, using it as an
extended classroom for cooking lessons etc. Dawn said she has had a quote which comes in at
approx £10k. Maryann suggested that we could have a picture of a dishwasher outside school with
the target amount at the top and fill in where we are on reaching the target.
Requests for Money from School
Magna Carta trip - Jane said that Fiona Payne has asked what our decision was on helping towards
the cost for all KS1 - 21st April & KS2 - 12th June trip to Salisbury Cathedral to see Magna Carta cost is
£13 per child (inc transport). Maryann said the PTFA had decided to pay £4 per child towards the cost
of the trip. Jane said there are 144 children in the school at the moment.
Mathletics - Jane said that they have looked at the statistics and KS2 are the major users with only a
handful from KS1 using it. Jane said that Katrina Halford wants to do staff training on it as there is a
lot of info to be obtained / used. PTFA have been asked if we will still pay for this, the cost is £5 per
child if KS1 & KS2 do it. It was felt that this was a lot of money to pay out for something which is not
used by all of KS1. It was decided to pay only for KS2 which is then £6 per child. It was suggested to
discuss this at a coffee morning so that there is parental understanding of what matheletics is and if
any KS1 parents wanted their child to have access to this then they could pay on an individual basis.
We will review this again when it is next due for renewal.
School Flag & Library Chairs - Dawn said they have had the money for these and the items will soon
be bought they are sourcing where to buy them from.
Class Donations - Each class has had £100 to use as they wish.
Swimming Pool Committee
There was no one present at the meeting but Dawn said they have paid for all the chemicals they use
but have not paid for the water & electric that is used she has worked this out and it is costing the
school £1500 to run. Dawn has spoken to Sharon M who will transfer the money to school. Dawn is
happy as long as costs are reimbursed and the pool is not costing the school anything to run.
Chairpersons Report
Christmas Fayre – Maryann thanked all the teachers that attended aswell as Simon Jones & Paul
Hollock for being the Father Christmas' and Simon Brignall. Maryann & Julia both said we need more
people to help asit was a bit hectic. There will be a report in March's wriggle valley magazine.
Christmas' Performances - Maryann thanked everyone who helped with the raffle, teas & coffees at
the performances & the profit made was given to the Ebola Charity.
Maryann thanked Carol for getting the ice lollies for the school panto.
Coffee Morning – Maryann said this went really well under the circimstances and Jane said there had
been a lot of positive reactions about it. Jane said she would like this to be a regular event Rachel
suggested holding it once every ½ term.
Treasurers Report
Julia said we started off the year with £5,354.85 in the bank and currently have £5,177.40. The
Christmas Fayre made £200 less than last year. The Sppoky Disco was up on last year, the glow sticks
are going to be sourced from a different company next time, the chocolate fountain is liked by all
although a bit messy. Julia said having disco tickets sold in advance worked well and no one
complained about them being £1.50 on the night, so will continue with this in future.
Julia thanked Vanessa for manning the stall at the table top sale which made £2.
Forthcoming Events
Easter Disco – This is in place of the postponed Valentines Disco and will be held on Friday 27th
March 6.30 – 8pm. We will do advance tickets again as this works well. Class Reps will sort stalls this
will be discussed at the next meeting. Anna M asked if she could get the sweets and Willow class run
the stall.
Quiz Night – Friday 24th April Maryann said Anna Taylor is doing the questions again. No alcohol
licence required as it is bring your own drink.
Race Night – Sat 28th February Maryann said this is being organised & run by the church. Tickets are
£10 each inc Fish & Chip Supper, Sandra is selling tickets. Would be great if there could be some one
from school as we will be getting some of the funds.
Barn Dance - Maryann said this is still being looked into, will be discussed further at next meeting.
Bingo – We will look at doing this next term.
Paul Miller Memorial – Jane said they are looking to set up a working party to arrange something, at
the momnt they are not sure hw much is in the fund. The children / school etc will decide what they
want. Maryann said there is a meeting next Thursday in school about this.
Any Other Business
Book Fair - Nicola Berry has asked if any parents could help at the book fair which runs from 11th 16th March. A sheet was handed round for parents to indicate what days & times they could help.
Coffee Morning - This will held on Thursday 12th March 9 – 10.30am in school. Carol & Rachel are
going to do the uniform sale.
Farmers Market – Anna M said she wanted to set up monthly a Farmers Market in the school car
park, £10 a pitch. They would need access to the swimming pool toilets.
Newsletter – Anna M suggested a paper newsletter is sent out each term with what is happening.
perhaps printed on coloured paper still continue with it on the website we need to reach out to
other parents. Will be discussed further at next meeting.
School uniform – Maryann said we had received an email from Dulcie saying that they discontinuing
the cardigan and if the school would like to buy the existing stock at cost for £309.60 or the shop will
sell this stock before the new design cardigan is sold.
Date of next meeting
Monday 9th March 7.30pm Anna Matthews House
Rachel Jones
PTFA Secretary