TUESDAY, AUGUST 21 - The University of Tampa

Dean of Students Office  Box C  401 W. Kennedy Blvd.  Tampa FL 33606-1490 (813) 253-6204  E-mail: Deanstudents@ut.edu
Vendor Day: Area banks, newspapers and other vendors will be on the Plant Hall West Verandah.
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Music Room, Plant Hall
Check-in for Families
Families, please check in at the assigned time of your student.
See student schedule for assigned times.
To expedite registration, one parent or family member should
check in the entire family.
10:00 a.m. – 12:00
H.B. Plant Museum
Museum Tour
In 1891 railroad magnate Henry Bradley Plant constructed the most
astonishingly magnificent hotel of its day, then filled it with treasures
from around the world.
With splendid Moorish architecture and
opulent furnishings, a visit to the Henry B. Plant Museum and the
authentically restored rooms of the Tampa Bay Hotel will transport
you back to a time of indulgent 7-course meals, waltzing on the
veranda and alligator hunting by moonlight. Don’t miss the Museum
Admission free for students with a UT ID or nametag.
Parents: $5 (50% discount off regular admission)
11:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Vaughn Center Dining Room
Students and parents with starting times for 12:00 noon and later
should have lunch before checking in.
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
West Verandah, Plant Hall
Campus Tour
Every ½ hour, last tour at 3:30 p.m. Meet at the flagpole.
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Bailey Art Studio 117
Art Prospective Majors Meeting
Students and families welcome.
Plant Hall 215
Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Forensic Science Prospective
Majors Meeting
Students and families welcome.
Cass Gymnasium
College of Arts and Letters Prospective Majors Meeting
Majors represented at this meeting include Communication, English
and Writing, Language and Linguistics, Music, Philosophy and Religion
and Speech, Theatre, Dance. Students and families welcome.
JS 134
College of Business Prospective Majors Meeting
Majors represented at this meeting include Accounting, Finance,
Financial Services Operations and Systems, Management, Marketing,
Entrepreneurship, Economics, International Business, and
Management Information Systems. Students and families welcome.
Plant Hall 210
Criminology Prospective Majors Meeting
Students and families welcome.
Plant Hall 447
Education Prospective Majors Meeting
Students and families welcome.
Dean of Students Office  Box C  401 W. Kennedy Blvd.  Tampa FL 33606-1490 (813) 253-6204  E-mail: Deanstudents@ut.edu
Plant Hall 220
Government and World Affairs Prospective Majors Meeting
Students and families welcome.
John Sykes 334
Health Sciences and Human Performance Prospective Majors
These majors include allied health, athletic training, exercise science,
physical education K-12 and public health. Students and families
Plant Hall 313
History Prospective Majors Meeting
Students and families welcome.
Plant Hall 240
Math Prospective Majors Meeting
Come and meet the Math faculty. Learn about the Math major and
career opportunities. All students and families are welcome.
Lecture Hall B
Nursing Prospective Majors Meeting
Students and families welcome.
Lecture Hall A
Pre-Health Professional Prospective Majors Meeting
This meeting is designed for students interested in a pre-health
professional career including pre-medical, dental, veterinary,
optometry, pharmacy, and podiatry. Students and families welcome.
Plant Hall 325
Sociology Prospective Majors Meeting
Students and families welcome.
Falk Theater
Undeclared Majors Meeting
It is okay to be undecided, but not okay to be uninformed! Come
learn about all the exciting ways we can help you explore the wide
variety options available to you for careers and college majors, while
also letting us get to know you better.
Students and families
4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Vaughn Center Dining Room
Your nametag is your entry ticket.
7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
Welcome Reception for parents and family members
(Rocky Point Area)
Meet President Vaughn and the Gateways faculty at this informal
reception, co-sponsored by the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay.
7:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
Late Arrival Check-In for Families
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.
Audubon Ballroom Lobby area,
Continental Breakfast
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
Concurrent Family Sessions
This conference style program contains hourly sessions on topics such
as Student Services, Residence Life, Student Engagement, Parents as
Counseling Center, Academic Assistance Programs, Gateways Program
and Transfer Student Families designed with families in mind.
session is offered several times during the morning so family members
Dean of Students Office  Box C  401 W. Kennedy Blvd.  Tampa FL 33606-1490 (813) 253-6204  E-mail: Deanstudents@ut.edu
can tailor their own sessions according to their interests and student
Family members may want to make note of the room
occupancies listed below and plan their choices accordingly.
8:00 a.m.
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
The following sessions will run concurrently:
Audubon B/C
Student Services
Dean of Students Stephanie Russell Holy will explain the steps in
parenting a UT student. She will be joined by Kevin Howell, Director
of Safety, to discuss campus safety issues.
Uncharted Waters:
Audubon D/E/F
Navigating Your Student’s First Year of
Join Dr. Catherine Chastain-Elliot, Associate Dean for Baccalaureate
Experience Programs, and Dr. Edesa Scarborough, Director of FirstYear Experience, for an exploration of the journey upon which your
student is embarking (and what UT, and you, can do to help).
Audubon A
Residence Life (Vaughn Center and Stadium Center)
The Residence Life staff will discuss what parents need to know about
residential life.
This session is designed for families of students
assigned to Vaughn Center and Stadium Center.
Sandhill Crane
Parents as Career Coaches
If students need help in selecting a major, choosing a graduate school,
or finding a job, our excellent Office of Career Services is available.
Our Career Services staff will discuss how your student can take
advantage of these opportunities.
Herring Gull
Student Engagement
Kim Northup, Director of Leadership Engagement, and Charles Yezak,
Director of Campus Recreation, will discuss co-curricular opportunities
for students.
This session is designed to provide information for
parents on the over 150 student organizations, campus recreation
programs, leadership and service opportunities, fraternity and sorority
live, and the advantages of co-curricular involvement.
Snowy Egret
Residence Life (Brevard Hall, Urso Hall, ResCom, and Straz
Krystal Schofield, Associate Dean of Residence Life, and members of
her staff will discuss what parents need to know about residential life.
This session is designed for families of students assigned to Brevard
Hall, Urso Hall, ResCom, and Straz Hall.
White Ibis
Study Abroad
Information will be provided to families by the International
Programs Office regarding education abroad opportunities available to
UT students.
Roseate Spoonbill
Transfer Student Family Information Session
The Director of Academic Advising, Michael Ranahan, will present
information on the University’s academic program, along with tips for
families to help each transfer student make a successful transition to
the UT community.
Dean of Students Office  Box C  401 W. Kennedy Blvd.  Tampa FL 33606-1490 (813) 253-6204  E-mail: Deanstudents@ut.edu
9:00 a.m.
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
The following sessions will run concurrently:
Audubon B/C
Student Services (repeat session)
Audubon D/E/F
Uncharted Waters (repeat session)
Audubon A
Residence Life (Austin Hall)
Krystal Schofield, Associate Dean of Residence Life, and members of
her staff will discuss what parents need to know about residential life.
This session is designed for families of students assigned to Austin
Sandhill Crane
Parents as Career Coaches (repeat session)
Herring Gull
Student Engagement (repeat session)
White Ibis
Study Abroad (repeat session)
Roseate Spoonbill
Transfer Student Family Information Session (repeat session)
Snowy Egret
Academic Center for Excellence
Help your student make the vital connection between academic
support services and academic achievement.
Learn about all the
unique resources such as tutoring, individual assistance, and academic
skills courses. Presented by Janice Law, Director of ACE. Jennifer Del
Valle Associate Director,
will present important
students with disabilities.
10:00 a.m.
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
The following sessions will run concurrently:
Audubon B/C
Student Services (repeat session)
Audubon A
Residence Life (Howard Johnson)
Krystal Schofield, Associate Dean of Residence Life, and members of
her staff will discuss what parents need to know about residential life.
This session is reserved for families with students assigned to the
Howard Johnson.
Sandhill Crane
Parents as Career Coaches (repeat session)
White Ibis
Student Health and Wellness
Sharon Schaefer, Director of the Health and Wellness Center, will lead
a discussion on college health and personal counseling issues.
Roseate Spoonbill
Residence Life (McKay Hall, Smiley Hall, and the Boathouse)
Krystal Schofield, Associate Dean of Residence Life, and members of
her staff will discuss what parents need to know about residential life.
This session is designed for families of students assigned to McKay
and Smiley Halls as well as the Boathouse.
Herring Gull
Parenting a Safe Spartan
College is a pivotal time for our students to learn to make safe and
healthy decisions. Join our Associate Dean, Gina Firth, for a frank
Dean of Students Office  Box C  401 W. Kennedy Blvd.  Tampa FL 33606-1490 (813) 253-6204  E-mail: Deanstudents@ut.edu
discussion of issues facing students, specifically the use and abuse of
alcohol and other drugs.
11:00 a.m.
Snowy Egret
Academic Center for Excellence (repeat session)
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
The following sessions will run concurrently:
Sandhill Crane
Residence Life (Sheraton Suites – temporary housing)
Krystal Schofield, Associate Dean of Residence Life, and members of
her staff will discuss what parents need to know about residential life.
This session is designed for families of students temporarily assigned
to the Sheraton Suites.
White Ibis
Student Health and Wellness (repeat session)
Snowy Egret
Academic Center for Excellence (repeat session)
Herring Gull
Parenting a Safe Spartan (repeat session)
Roseate Spoonbill
Family Association Information Session
This session will provide information on joining the UT Family
Association Board of Directors, an advisory board of parents from
across the country who volunteer their time and resources in the areas
of Admissions, Career Services, and Fundraising. Meet Gregg and
Pamela Rosen, current Family Association Co-Chairs, and learn more
about this exciting opportunity to become involved with the UT
To assist you in planning your program attendance, we have listed the capacities of the conference rooms below. We encourage you
to attend the program sessions in the low-capacity rooms earlier in the day as the programs get increasingly crowded as the
morning progresses. Maps of the Hyatt facility will be available at Family Check-In.
White Ibis - 120
Snowy Egret - 120
Audubon A – 320
Audubon B/C – 230
Roseate Spoonbill - 50
12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m.
Sandhill Crane - 100
Audubon D/E/F - 320
Herring Gull - 50
Audubon Ballrooms
Concluding Luncheon
Dr. Janet McNew, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs,
will provide information to families on the rich educational tradition
at The University of Tampa.
(Lunch service ends at 12:45 p.m.)
3:15 p.m.
Family Farewell
Return to your student’s residence hall room or other pre-arranged
location to bid your final farewells.
Garden Room, U
Dean of Students Office  Box C  401 W. Kennedy Blvd.  Tampa FL 33606-1490 (813) 253-6204  E-mail: Deanstudents@ut.edu
August 23:
August 24:
August 25:
3 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
9 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
(approximately every 30 minutes)
(approximately every 15 minutes)
(approximately every 30 minutes)
(Travel time is approximately 20 minutes)
The shuttle bus leaves the UT campus at the Plant Hall Fountain.
The shuttle bus leaves the Grand Hyatt from the hotel's Back Parking Lot.
You may leave your vehicle in a UT parking garage and take this shuttle.
The Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay does offer complimentary self-parking.
Family Weekend Information
Plan now to attend UT Family Weekend on Friday, October 14 – Saturday, October 15, 2011. For more information or to register,
please visit www.ut.edu/family.
Our host hotel is the Hyatt Regency Tampa. You may contact the Hyatt Regency at (813) 255-1234 for the special UT rate.