Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts

Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Motions – December 2012 through September 2013
December 2, 2012 Board Meeting
Treasurers Report: Don Wells presented the Treasurer’s Report. All Districts have paid their membership dues in full.
Don made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and file for audit. Second by Peterson. Decision to accept and file
Don Wells will present the full legislative agenda at the Tuesday membership business meeting. Motion to accept the
Legislative Agenda as discussed and present to the full membership made by Wells. Second by Mike Altizer. Decision
Director Wells discussed the VASWCD policy book as included in materials and filed with the minutes. The policy book
will be presented to the full membership at the Tuesday business meeting. Wells recommended the VASWCD policy
book be updated to reflect any changes that have been previously approved and to reaffirm the position on Uranium
mining. Motion by Don Wells. Second by Richard Chaffin. Vote unanimous.
DCR Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Area Chair Representation - Currently VASWCD policy says that the
Area Chair is a member of the TAC committee and his/her alternate must be a Director. Director R. Chaffin expressed his
interest in changing the policy so that Area Chair should not be required to serve on this committee without the option to
appoint a proxy. Director Jim Christian, Area II Chair, commented that he has a proxy that attends the TAC Committee.
Director Robbins, Area I Chair, commented that he also sends a proxy. Director Wells commented that the proxy should
be a consistent member. Director R. Chaffin feels a Director should have the option to appoint a staff member and not be
limited to a fellow director as an alternate on the committee. Director Wells feels it would be acceptable to take this
recommendation to Director Johnson. The motion was made to request the Director of DCR to allow the VASWCD Area
Chair to appoint a representative to the TAC Committee that can be a fellow Director, Associate or SWCD staffer. Motion
by Richard Chaffin. Second by Jim Christian. Vote unanimous.
Nominating Committee Report -Ward Robens presented the report from the nominating committee. The following
individuals were recommended for officer: Lou Ann Wallace, President; Chris Simmons, First Vice President; Richard
Chaffin, Second Vice President; and John Peterson as NACD member. Motion to accept the nominating committee’s
recommendations and present to the full membership at the upcoming business meeting made by Mike Altizer. Seconded
by Jim Christian. Vote unanimous.
Having heard Area Reports and details on consolidation discussion, Lou Ann Wallace made the motion, seconded by
Richard Chaffin, to adopt the following:
Motion: In order to provide the most effective and efficient water quality planning, management, and operation for all the
citizens of the Commonwealth, the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts supports the
consolidation of Virginia’s water quality programs within the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) under the
following conditions:
 All voluntary programs administered by soil and water conservation districts will remain voluntary after the
consolidation of water quality programs within DEQ.
 DEQ will provide technical and financial assistance to districts through a DEQ division completely separate from
DEQ regulatory programs.
 Conservation District Coordinators and other Department of Conservation and Recreation employees providing
support for district programs moving to DEQ will be transferred to DEQ.
 The Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board (a state citizen board) will retain oversight of soil and water
conservation district programs, making decisions on district operational funding, Agricultural Best Management
Program, nutrient management regulations, resource management plans, and other programs related to districts.
Regulatory programs including erosion and sediment control, stormwater management, MS4 and Total Maximum
Daily Load should be transferred to the State Water Control Board.
Wilkie Chaffin made the move to formally adopt the two amendments as presented by Area II (noted above in the Area II
 Nays – Mike Altizer, JC Berger, and Carey Copeland
 Ays – Jim Christian, Wilkie Chaffin, John Peterson, Chris Simmons, Don Wells, Lou Ann Wallace, Ed Overton,
Ward Robens, Richard Chaffin
Motion to approve motion as amended:
 Aye Vote – Jim Christian, Wilkie Chaffin, John Peterson, Chris Simmons, Don Wells, Lou Ann Wallace, Ed
Overton, Ward Robens, Richard Chaffin, JC Berger
 Nay Vote – Carey Copeland, Mike Altizer.
Motion as approved (10Y, 2N):
In order to provide the most effective and efficient water quality planning, management, and operation for all the citizens
of the Commonwealth, the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts supports the consolidation of
Virginia’s water quality programs within the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) under the following
 All voluntary programs administered by soil and water conservation districts will remain voluntary after the
consolidation of water quality programs within DEQ.
 DEQ will provide technical and financial assistance to districts through a DEQ division completely separate from
DEQ regulatory programs.
 Conservation District Coordinators and other Department of Conservation and Recreation employees providing
support for district programs moving to DEQ will be transferred to DEQ.
 The Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board (a state citizen board) will retain oversight of soil and water
conservation district programs, making decisions on district operational funding, Agricultural Best Management
Program, nutrient management regulations, resource management plans, and other programs related to districts.
Regulatory programs including erosion and sediment control, stormwater management, MS4 and Total Maximum
Daily Load should be transferred to the State Water Control Board. Recommends that districts be placed under a
division of soil and water conservation and a logo be developed to be placed on all forms and correspondence and
that DEQ recognizes that the Division of Soil & Water Conservation is a non regulatory advisory service to the
citizens of the Commonwealth.
 Districts will not be expected to report suspected regulatory violations.
The approved motion will be taken to the full membership at the Tuesday, December 3, 2012 business meeting as a
recommendation from the VASWCD Board.
With no further business, a motion to adjourn the VASWCD meeting was made by Overton. Second by Wallace.
Adjourned at 7:36pm on Monday, December 3, 2012.
April 4, 2013 Board Meeting
A motion to approve the minutes of the December 2012 meeting made by John Peterson with a second by Ricky Rash was
approved unanimously.
Wells moved to accept and file for audit the treasurer report, seconded by Peterson and the motion was approved.
Wells moved to increase support service fees by $100 per district. Richard Chaffin seconded the motion. Jim Christian
asked if this would cover VASWCD needs. Wells was uncertain it would be a great enough increase to cover all
VASWCD needs but believes that this $100 increase along with other grants received will be of great assistance.
Additionally, Wells noted that the amount of the increase can’t be too significant or high as we must also recognize local
SWCD needs. Richard Chaffin asked about a two-tier approach with a $100 increase this coming fiscal year and $100 the
following year. Wells commented that this approach might be difficult with the uncertainties that exist about future
SWCD operational funds. Jim Christian would like to see a one page justification of why we need to increase support
service fees to assist him with educating districts in Area II for this need. Ward Robens reiterated the need for a support
document. Peterson called for question. Motion to approve support service fees passed unanimously.
Area VI – Gary Cross, Area VI Vice Chair, attended as Area Chair Carey Copeland was unavailable to attend. The Area
VI meeting was held in Wakefield earlier in March. Gary Cross commented that Area VI districts recently held
discussions on proxy voting and eligible voters at the Annual Meeting. Districts in Area VI have requested the VASWCD
look into proxy voting or the advent of one vote per district. All but one district in Area VI had preference that the
VASWCD recognize membership as member districts and that each district is allowed one vote at business meetings.
Appomattox River SWCD felt there was better interest in addressing proxy voting and allowing an associate director to
carry the vote for a Director who is unable to attend the Annual Meeting. The Area however would not like to enact
anything to lessen participation in an Annual Meeting. Don Wells added that Area III has discussed the issue of proxy
voting also, specifically having districts that send associate directors be provided to carry the vote for a Director unable to
attend. John Peterson will touch base with NACD to determine how this issue is handled across other states. Motion:
Mike Altizer made a motion to appoint a committee dedicated to discussing this issue if need exists. First, Area Chairs
will discuss this issue of proxy voting with their districts and Area Chairs will provide a report on this issue at the June
board meeting. At that time it will be discussed whether a change to the bylaws is necessary. John Peterson seconded. All
in favor, motion approved.
Discussion of Soil and Water Board meeting times preceded this action. At this time the VASWCD Board discussed
candidates for representation on the Soil & Water Board. Area V and Area VI positions will be subject to reappointment
as of July 1, 2013. Information on nominations is included with the official minutes. Motion: Don Wells moved to
recommend Daphne Jamison and Wilkie Chaffin as Area V Reps to SWCB and Frank Brickhouse and Granville Maitland
as Area VI Reps to SWCB. Recommendations will be submitted to the Virginia Soil & Water Conservation Board. The
motion was seconded by John Peterson and approved unanimously.
June 20, 2013 Board Meeting
Motion to approve minutes from April 4 quarterly board meeting by Ricky Rash. Second by Don Wells. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s report included in board materials and filed with the minutes. Don Wells presented the treasurer’s report
noting that all districts paid dues in full this fiscal year. Wells thanked Area Chairs for this level of support from districts.
Wells also noted that administrative assistance funds are being provided from the educational foundation to the
Association in the amount of $5000 this fiscal year and $6000 this coming fiscal year. These funds are provided from the
Dominion Envirothon grant to the Association for overhead and staff costs incurred when implementing the program.
Don Wells made a motion that the treasurer’s report for FY13 be accepted and filed for audit. Second by John Peterson.
Motion approved.
Motion by Don Wells to recognize Senator Frank Ruff, Delegate Ed Scott, and Delegate Dave Bulova as Legislators of
the Year. Second by Mike Altizer. Motion approved unanimously.
President Wallace asked the group if a letter to Secretary Domenech noting concerns on the cost share policy and the
development process be sent. This would be an Association position letter. Board members agreed this would be a
worthwhile follow up and district chairs, administrative staff, and state soil and water board members would receive a
copy of this letter. Motion to write a letter to Secretary Domenech made by Ricky Rash; second by John Peterson. Motion
approved unanimously.
Noting the many concerns among districts and little explanation from DCR to date, Ricky Rash made a motion to write a
letter to Director David Johnson in which to ask for a written response from the Director explaining his rationale for
proposed cost share policy changes. Motion to approve by Rash, second by Don Wells. Motion approved unanimously.
The letter to Director Johnson noting concerns with the cost share policy and requesting explanation would identify the
following items of concern as noted by individuals at the board meeting:
SL-6 practice provided with100% payment
Issue of no cap ability at the local district level
50-30-20 vs. 60-30-10 method split of cost share funds
Technical assistance calculation
Richard Chaffin made a motion that the VASWCD support the recommendation of the DCR convened stakeholder
committee to continue the current cost share practices and allocation process for FY14. Seconded by Mike Altizer.
Motion approved unanimously. This information will be conveyed to DCR in the aforementioned letter to Director
September 26, 2013 Board Meeting
Motion to approve minutes from June meeting by Don Wells. Second by Richard Chaffin. Motion approved.
Don Wells presented the Treasurer’s Report which showed expenses and income through the end of fiscal year 2013. The
FY14 budget is shown from July 1 thru September 1. Motion by Mike Altizer to accept treasurer’s report, second by Jim
Christian. Motion approved.
Don Wells moved that the legislative agenda be approved to include the policy on uranium mining. Second by John
Peterson. Motion approved. The approved legislative agenda will be taken forward to the membership at the December
Annual Meeting.
Lou Ann Wallace presented that James River SWCD has requested to move from Area III to Area VI. Margie Davis,
Chairman of James River SWCD, spoke to the decision of the board. She clarified that the SWCD does not feel that the
Area III leadership is lacking but that geographically the SWCD feels more similar to Area VI districts. Additionally, the
SWCD believes Area VI would provide them a stronger voice as Area VI is the smallest Area with only five districts
currently. J. C. Berger, as Area III chair, stated no objection as Area Chair and made aware to board members that he had
spoken with Margie Davis about the request. Don Wells moved that this body concur with James River SWCD request to
move from Area III to Area VI and notify the membership, per bylaw requirements, that this will be discussed and voted
at the annual meeting as a bylaw amendment. Second by Area VI Chair Carey Copeland. Motion passed.