User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ User Manual (Admin) For e-Tracking Pollution Control Department National Environment Agency Singapore ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Definitions and Acronyms .....................................................................................3 Admin Main Menu .................................................................................................4 Code Master .........................................................................................................6 User Master ........................................................................................................14 Generator Master ................................................................................................18 Link Generator ....................................................................................................24 View Consignment ..............................................................................................27 Parameter ...........................................................................................................35 Reports ...............................................................................................................38 9.1 Quantity of Toxic Waste ............................................................................................ 38 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.1.3 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Month wise ....................................................................................................................... 38 Collector-wise ................................................................................................................... 41 Generator wise ................................................................................................................. 44 Movement of Toxic Industrial Wastes ........................................................................ 47 List of Drafted Consignments .................................................................................... 50 List of Generators without Internet Access ................................................................ 52 Generators without Collectors ................................................................................... 54 ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 2 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Definitions and Acronyms NEA TOTAL TMTS NA National Environment Agency Total Systems Technology Pte. Ltd Tuas Marine Transfer Station Not Applicable ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 3 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Admin Main Menu Tasks 1. To view the list of submitted consignments 2. To link a generator to a collector 3. To change the password To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on View hyperlink to view the list of submitted consignments Collector – Generator Link hyperlink to link a generator to a collector Change Password hyperlink to change the password ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 4 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The submitted consignments screen is opened on clicking View hyperlink. Note: Click on the consignment id hyperlink to view the details about the consignment 3. The Link Generator screen is opened on clicking Collector – Generator Link hyperlink. 4. The User Master screen is opened on clicking Change Password hyperlink. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 5 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Code Master Tasks 1. This screen is used to add/ modify/ delete the following a) b) c) d) Toxic Industrial Waste Sub Toxic Industrial Waste Hazardous properties Package type To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on Code Master in the Menu ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 6 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The Code Master screen is displayed ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 7 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. To insert/ update/ delete toxic waste type, select Toxic waste in the ‘Select Type’ combo. The following screen will be displayed ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 8 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. To add a new Toxic Waste, enter Code, Description into their corresponding text boxes, select Unit type and click on Save to save the values. Please note that fields denoted with * are mandatory. 5. Unit types are given as kg/MT, m3/litre and drums/carboys/IBC tanks/metal containers. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 9 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. To modify an existing toxic waste, click on the toxic waste type hyperlink. The details will be displayed in the corresponding fields. Only description and unit type can be modified. Click on Save to save the values. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 10 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. To delete a toxic waste, select the text boxes and click ‘Delete’. The selected toxic will be deleted if it has no references. If there are reference records, the system redirects to an error page. 8. The same process applies to both hazardous property and package type. 9. For Sub Toxic waste, apart from ‘Type’, the user needs to select the main ‘Toxic’ category. All the other processes are same as Toxic Waste. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 11 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Screen shot for hazardous property ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 12 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Screen shot for Package type 12. The following validations are done for the fields In Package type, deletion of ISO Tank from the list is not allowed The records which have references in other tables cannot be deleted Items Code Mandatory Yes Description Yes Format Char (6) – Toxic Type Char (10) – SubToxic Type Char (100) Remarks Unique Allows Alphabets and Numbers Modification not allowed in modify mode Unique Does not allow special characters ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 13 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4 User Master Tasks 1. This screen is used to add/modify/delete sub-admin users 2. The system has a super user that shall not be modified/deleted by admin users. The user id for the super user is “SYSADMIN” To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on User Master in the menu ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 14 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The User master screen is displayed 3. To add a new sub admin, enter values into Login Id, Name, Password, Confirm Password and click on Save to save the values. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 15 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. To modify details about the user, click on the hyperlink User Id. The detail about the clicked user is displayed in the corresponding fields. Please note that the Login Id field cannot be modified. After modification, click on Save button to save the modified details. 5. To delete a user, select the checkbox and click on ‘Delete’. The user will be deleted and the system redirects to the following message. 6. While inserting a record, if the login id already exists, the system redirects to the following error message. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 16 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. If the Sub Admin user logs in, the screen appears as below 8. If the user logs in as Sub Admin Creation of new Sub Admin users is allowed Modification is allowed only for the logged in user’s details Deletion of a user is not allowed 9. The following validations are done for the fields Deletion of super user ‘SYSADMIN’ is not allowed Items Login Id Mandatory Yes Name Yes Password Yes Confirm Yes Password Format Char (20) Char (40) Char (12) Char (12) Remarks Unique Allows Alphabets and Numbers Modification not allowed in modify mode Allows Alphabets and Numbers Allows Alphabets and Numbers Allows Alphabets and Numbers Must be same as Password ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 17 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Generator Master Tasks 1. The PCD Administrator can create the Generator profile with a new user id (Company’s Registration No.) for every new Generator. A default system generated password will be assigned to a new user id. 2. Admin users have a provision to create multiple login id and password for a Generator. 3. System has the flexibility for the admin to modify the generator details. 4. System has the provision for the administrators to enable/disable a generator for using e-Tracking. 5. System has the provision for the admin to delete login ids and the generator To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on Generator Master in the Menu ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 18 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The Generator Master screen is displayed ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 19 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. To add a new Generator, enter values into all the fields and click on Save. The values are saved into the database and the record is opened in modify mode. If the generator has internet access, an email is sent to the generator about the login info. 4. To search for a particular generator, enter the company registration no. partially or completely and click on Search button. If only one record returns in the Search, the details are displayed in the screen. If more than one record is returned, a search screen is opened. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 20 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. In case multiple records are returned, the following search screen is opened. The generator can be searched based on both Registration No. and Organization Name. Clicking on the Generator Id hyperlink opens the generator master screen. 6. To add a new login id click on Add button. The Add new user screen is opened. The password is auto generated. Click on OK to save the details and close the screen. If the generator has Internet access, an email is sent to the generator about the Login info. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 21 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. To modify a login detail, click on the Login id hyperlink in the main screen. The modification of User name and password is allowed. Click on ‘Change Password’ button to change the password. Click on Ok to save the details. If the generator has Internet access, an email is sent to the generator about the Login info. 8. While adding a new generator, if the Company Registration number already exists, error message is displayed 9. While deleting, if the record has references in other tables ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 22 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. If the record is deleted 11. The following validations are done for the fields To delete, the record should not have references in other tables Deletion of login id of master user is not allowed Items Company Registration No Mandatory Yes Format Char (20) Name of the Organization Pick Up Address Yes Char (60) Yes Char (200) Postal Code Transport Approval No Name of the Declarant Phone No Internet Access E-mail Address Yes No Number (10) Char (12) Yes Char (30) Yes Yes Yes, If Internet Access is “Yes” No Number (9) Char (1) Char (50) Length must be less than or equal to 200 Allows only Numbers Allows only alphabets and numbers Allows only alphabets and numbers Allows only numbers NA Must be a valid email address Char (1) NA Account Disabled Remarks Unique Special characters not allowed Modification not allowed in modify mode Special characters not allowed ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 23 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Link Generator Tasks 1. Admin has the provision to Link a generator for a collector. 2. Admin has the flexibility to search a Generator by providing the Company Registration No. or the Name of the Organization. 3. System has flexibility for the admin to block a linked Generator from a collector. 4. System has a provision for the admin to de-link/ delete the linked Generator for a collector. To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on Link Generator in the menu ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 24 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The link generator screen is displayed 3. Select the collector name by clicking on the collector name combo. The following screen will be displayed. 4. After entering a valid generator company registration no., on Search button click, the generators list is displayed for the admin to add/ block/ remove a generator for the entered collector. To add a generator, check the add check box and click the save button. To block/ remove an already added generator, check the respective check box and click on Save button. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 25 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. To unblock previously blocked generators, simply deselect the check box and click on the Save button. 6. The following validations are done for the fields Either Company Registration No. or Name of the Organization has to be entered for the Search Items Collector License No Mandatory Yes Format Char (20) Remarks Special characters are not allowed Company Registration No Yes Char (20) Special characters are not allowed Name of the Organization Yes Char (60) Special characters are not allowed ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 26 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7 View Consignment Tasks 1. The PCD Admin shall have a facility to view the confirmed consignments submitted by the Generators and accepted/rejected consignments submitted by the Collectors. 2. The Admin shall have a provision to search a consignment by providing Consignment id, Name of the collector, Name of the Generator, Consignment Date, Status (All/ Accepted/ Rejected/ Discrepancy/ Pending), Toxic Waste and Sub Toxic Waste. To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on ‘View Consignment’ in the menu ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 27 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The View Consignment screen is displayed 3. The search can be based on any of the following criteria Consignment Id Collector Generator Consignment Date Status (All/ Accepted/ Rejected/ Discrepancy/ Pending) Toxic Waste Sub Toxic Waste 4. Enter the required fields and click on Search. The system validates the input and retrieves the records based on the entered search criteria. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 28 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. To search, click the search button and the list of consignments will be shown. To view the details of a consignment, click on the respective Consignment Id hyperlink ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 29 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. The consignment details screen is displayed. To view details about the toxic, click on the Toxic Type hyperlink. Click on “Save” button to save the page as HTML document into hard disk. “Print” button to print the page. “OK” button to close the screen and return to the previous page. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 30 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. The following screen is opened on click of the Save button. 8. The following screen is opened on click of the Print button. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 31 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Toxic Details screen is displayed. Click on “Save” button to save the page as HTML document into hard disk. “Print” button to print the page. “OK” button to close the screen and return to the previous page. 10. The following screen is opened on click of the Save button. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 32 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. The following screen is opened on click of the Print button ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 33 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. To clear all the values, click on Reset 13. The following validations are done for the above fields Items Consignment Id Mandatory No Format Char (20) Remarks Special characters are not allowed Name of the Collector No Char (60) Special characters are not allowed Name of the Generator From Date No Char (60) Yes, if To Date is entered Yes, if From Date is entered Char (10) Special characters are not allowed Must be a valid date Must be less than current date No No No NA NA NA To Date Status Toxic Waste Sub Toxic Waste Char (10) Must be a valid date Must be less than current date Must be greater than or equal to From Date NA NA NA ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 34 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Parameter Tasks 1. To set the following parameters. a) b) c) d) No. of days to delete the drafted copies From Year (start year for the reports) To Year (end year for the reports) No. of records per page. To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on ‘Parameter’ in the menu ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 35 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The Parameter screen is displayed 3. Enter the number of days after which the drafted consignments will be deleted. 4. Enter the report parameters i.e. From Year and To Year for the reports selection criteria. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 36 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Enter the Number of records per page in “No. of Records” text box. This value will be used for pagination in the search screens. 6. After entering all the values, click on Save. The entered values will be validated and updated in the database. 7. To restore all the previous values, click on Reset. 8. The following validations are done for the parameters Items Mandatory Delete drafted Yes copies in Report From Year Yes Format Number (5) Remarks Accepts only numeric input Number (5) Report To Year Yes Number (5) Records Display/Page Yes Number (9) Accepts only numeric input Must not be less than 2000 Must not be greater than current year Must be less than To Year Accepts only numeric input Must not be greater than current year Accepts only numeric input ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 37 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Reports 9.1 Quantity of Toxic Waste 9.1.1 Month wise Tasks 1. System generates the Toxic Waste Total Quantity report submitted by the collector. The report is grouped by Toxic Waste. 2. The Total Quantity of the Toxic Waste is calculated as the Total Quantity submitted in a month. 3. System has provision to specify the report parameters as date-wise, month-wise and year-wise. 4. Reports have the Total for each Type of Waste and Grand Total is calculated by grouping the wastes units in metric cubes, metric tonnes, drums, carboys, IBC Tanks and metal containers. 5. Reports have a Yearly Grand Total for every year. To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on Quantity of Toxic Waste Month wise in the menu ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 38 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The Search screen is displayed. Select the radio button to generate reports in term of date-wise, month-wise or year-wise. Click on Generate button to generate the report. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 39 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The report is displayed. 4. Click on print icon to print the report. 5. Click on OK button to return back to the search screen. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 40 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9.1.2 Collector-wise Tasks 1. System generates the Toxic Waste Total Quantity report submitted by the collector. The report is grouped by Toxic Waste. 2. The Total Quantity of the Toxic Waste is calculated as the Total Quantity submitted in a month and for the selected collector. 3. System has provision to specify the report parameters as date-wise, month-wise and year-wise. 4. Reports have the Total for each Type of Waste and Grand Total is calculated by grouping the wastes units in metric cubes, metric tonnes, drums, carboys, IBC Tank and metal containers. 5. Reports have a Yearly Grand Total for every year. To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on Quantity of Toxic Waste Collector-wise in the menu 2. The search screen is displayed. Select the radio button to generate reports in term of date-wise, month-wise and year-wise. Click on Generate button to generate the report. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 41 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Note: The Collector name is mandatory. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 42 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The report is displayed. Click on the print icon to print the report. 4. Click on the OK button to return back to the collector-wise report search screen. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 43 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9.1.3 Generator wise Tasks 1. System generates the Toxic Waste Total Quantity report generated by the collector. The report is grouped by Toxic Waste. 2. The Total Quantity of the Toxic Waste is calculated as the Total Quantity generated in a month and for the entered generator registration No. 3. System has provision to specify the report parameters as date-wise, month-wise and year-wise. 4. Reports have the Total for each Type of Waste and Grand Total is calculated by grouping the wastes units in metric cubes, metric tonnes, drums, carboys, IBC Tank and metal containers. 5. Reports have a Yearly Grand Total for every year. To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on Quantity of Toxic Waste Generator wise in the menu 2. The search screen is displayed. Select the radio button to generate reports in term of date-wise, month-wise and year-wise. Click on Generate button to generate the report. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 44 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Note: The Generator Registration No. is mandatory. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 45 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The report screen is displayed. Click on the print icon to print the report. 4. Click on the OK button to return back to the generator-wise report search screen. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 46 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9.2 Movement of Toxic Industrial Wastes Tasks System generates the details of different Toxic Waste report with the sort order by Toxic Waste and by Consignment ID. System has the provision to enter the following: Name of the Collector Name of the Generator Date of Consignment Toxic Waste To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on Movement of Toxic Waste in the main menu ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 47 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The search screen is opened. Select and fill in the fields for searching and click on Generate button to generate the report. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 48 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. If the user selects sort by as Toxic Waste wise, then the report is displayed as follows: 4. If the user selects sort by as consignment id wise, then the report is displayed as follows: ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 49 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9.3 List of Drafted Consignments Tasks 1. To generate a report which lists all the drafted consignments To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on List of Drafted Consignments in the menu 2. The Draft consignments criteria screen is opened. Enter required criteria and click on Generate to view the report. Note: No. of Days is the number of days the consignments are drafted. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 50 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. If no records found for the entered criteria, then the following message appears 4. The following validations are done for the fields Special characters not allowed for consignment id and generator fields No. of days field is mandatory ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 51 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9.4 List of Generators without Internet Access Tasks 1. To generate the list of all generators without internet access To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on Generators without Internet Access in the menu ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 52 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. List of Generators without internet access report screen is displayed 3. Click on print icon to print the report or OK button to return to the main page ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 53 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9.5 Generators without Collectors Tasks 1. To generate a report which lists all the generators without collectors. To achieve the above tasks 1. Click on Generators without collectors in the main menu ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 54 of 55 User Manual (Admin) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The list of Generators without collectors report is displayed. 3. Click on print icon to print the report or OK button to return to the main page. ____________________________________________________________________________________ e-Tracking Page 55 of 55