Atmospheric Issues – Objective Sheet

Air Pollution Objective Sheet
Air pollution Ch. 18
Name __________________________
1. Briefly describe the structure of the atmosphere, including the troposphere, stratosphere,
mesosphere, and the location of the ozone “layer”.
2. What is the normal chemical composition of our atmosphere? (What gases are present in
what percent?)
3. Distinguish between primary pollutant and secondary pollutants; stationary source and mobile
4. List several air pollutants of concern in the Houston area. For each, identify their source and
their effects.
5. What are the NAAQs ? What pollutants do they measure?
6. What are ppt, ppm and ppb? Which is the greatest concentration? The least? Give an
example of a pollutant that is measured at the ppb level.
7. What are the effects of ground level ozone?
8. What are the chemical formulas involved in ozone formation? How are VOC’s involved?
9. How is ground level ozone monitored in Houston? Why is the current system inaccurate?
What changes need to be made to improve the accuracy of the monitoring?
10. Compare the characteristics, sources and effects of smog and ground level ozone.
11. List several strategies for dealing with ground level ozone.
12. Define acid deposition. What is the pH of normal rain? What is the pH of acid rain?
13. Explain how pH is calculated.
14. What are the chemical reactions involved in the formation of acid rain?
15. What are the sources of the precursors for acid rain?
16. What area(s) in the US are most greatly affected by acid rain? How does soil type affect
this pattern?
17. Why can the sources of acid rain and the areas affected by acid rain be far apart?
18. Describe the effects of acid deposition on organisms and buildings.
19. List several strategies for dealing with acid deposition.
20. Define emissions trading policy and tell which pollutants are being regulated by this policy.
21. What is the role of stratospheric ozone? How does it help life on earth?
22. Why were CFC’s created, how do they react with stratospheric ozone, and how long do
CFC’s last? What are some other chemicals that deplete stratospheric ozone?
23. Explain the how the ozone hole is formed over Antarctica and why it occurs seasonally.
24. Explain the potential consequences of ozone depletion.
25. Describe the Montreal Protocol and the current status of the ozone situation.
26. Describe the similarity and differences between stratospheric ozone and tropospheric
Key Terms
acid deposition
air pollution
atmospheric pressure
carbon oxides
industrial smog
nitrogen oxides
nitric acid
ozone layer
Instructor's Manual: Chapter 18
photochemical smog
primary pollutants
secondary pollutants
sulfur dioxide
sulfuric acid
temperature inversion
volatile organic compounds
Mon Jan
Tue Jan 6
Wed Jan
 PPT Ch 18
 Start Lab
 HW: Read Ch
18-Air Pollution
 HW: Objs 1-10
 HW: Current
Mon Jan
Tue Jan 13
Mon Jan
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 HW: Finish
 Current events
Tue Jan 20
Mon Jan
 Lab Due
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Tue Jan
Instructor's Manual: Chapter 18
Thur Jan 8
Fri Jan
 Lab
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 HW: Objs 1120
 Finish Ch 18
Wed Jan
Thur Jan 15
 Air Quality in
 Acid Rain
Wed Jan
 Review
Thur Jan
Wed Jan
Fri Jan 16
Fri Jan
Thur Jan
Fri Jan