Membership form for Letterkenny Tennis Club

Membership form for Letterkenny Tennis Club
ANNUAL 2010 SUBSCRIPTIONS – December to December (tick as appropriate)
€200 ( )
Husband and wife
€180 ( )
1 parent & children €150 ( )
Single adult
€130 ( )
Junior (< 18)
€40 ( )
€70 ( )
Country adult
€100 ( )
Country junior < 18
€40 ( )
Annual levy for ACTIVE LIFE MEMBERS €50 ( )
Tennis Ireland Affiliation Fees are included in membership Fees/Levy so it is essential that they are
collected by the club.
To be completed and signed by applicant/s. Please read conditions of membership overleaf.
Full name 1: ___________________________ Full name 2: ____________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________ E-mail: _________________________
I/we hereby apply to Letterkenny Tennis Centre to include family members:
Child’s name
1._____________________ ___________
Child’s name
4._____________________ _____________
2. _____________________ ___________
5._____________________ _____________
3. _____________________ ___________
I have read the conditions of membership and will abide by the Conditions of Membership and
Constitution of Letterkenny Tennis Club.
Signature of applicant:
Date application received:
N.B. For Parents:
1. ________________________ 2. __________________________
I have read conditions of the Junior Safety Document and will abide by the Rules as stated.
Signature of parent/guardian: __________________________
I enclose € __________________ payable to LETTERKENNY TENNIS CLUB
Signature of Committee member receiving application __________________________________
Signature of Treasurer _______________________
Signature of Chair __________________________
Return completed form to Assistant Treasurer:
Louis Bradley, 44 Solomon’s Hill, Letterkenny. Mobile 086 6037288
1. Membership fees/Annual Levy 2010 include Tennis Ireland affiliation fees.
2. Active Life Members pay a €50 annual levy to cover Tennis Ireland affiliation fees,
insurance and general running cost.
3. Monies to be made payable to Letterkenny Tennis Club.
4. Membership is valid until the end of December 2010 from date of completed
5. Family membership is inclusive of all children who are not in paid employment and
still studying.
6. The application form must be fully completed and signed by the applicant/s. Names
and D.O.B of children must be included on the form.
7. Applications for those under 18 (Junior) must be signed by parent or guardian
Parent or guardian must read the JUNIOR SAFETY DOCUMENT and sign to indicate
their acceptance of same and return to Treasurer (address on membership form).
8. All members will receive a key to outside gate.
9. Please ensure gate is locked when leaving.
10. A fob key is available on request on payment of €25 to either Jane Watt or Louis
Bradley (Treasurers). This allows access to the Clubhouse-kitchen, toilets, table
tennis etc. This fob key is NOT AVAILABLE to Juniors ie under 18s, and they may
not be left unsupervised by an adult in the clubhouse.
11. Booking of courts must be done in advance and on the hour. Full members must
write names in book (in green box outside clubhouse door) to book a court.
Non-members can ring the club mobile – 086 3360747 and will have their name
entered to book their court.
12. Full members may book a maximum of 1 court for 2 hours; non members may book
a maximum of 1 court for 1 hour.
13. Block booking of courts is not allowed – members may only book 2 weeks in
advance, non-members only one week in advance.
14. If a booked court is not occupied within ten minutes of the hour it may be reallocated.
15. All players must wear appropriate footwear when on court i.e. flat soled nonmarking tennis shoes. Black soled footwear is not permitted.
16. Floodlights are available on a token system which may be purchased for €5 from
Michael Gillen, Heel Bar, Tesco Shopping Centre or Harris’ Stop n Shop (near Station