SOUTHAMPTON LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF THE 2010 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Held at the Atherley Bowling Club, Hill Lane, Shirley, Southampton At 7.30pm on Wednesday 17 November 2010 INTRODUCTION The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologised that Simon Johnson, Tennis Development Manager for Hampshire & Isle of Wight LTA, who was due to give a talk had not been able to make the meeting. APOLOGIES John Farley MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS AGM Having been circulated, the Minutes were taken as read. Their adoption was proposed by David Thomas, seconded by Jonathan Bliss and unanimously approved by the meeting. These were then signed as being a true record. MATTERS ARISING – none CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The Chairman reported that Association continued to operate successfully and was in a sound financial position. The Apsley Summer and the Winter Leagues remained popular and continued to be well supported with the results being displayed on the Webside. The support of the LTA Level 1 Tennis Coaching Assistant’s Courts for club members had continued and so far eleven participants have taken the course. After eight years as Honorary Secretary Judy Greensmith was standing down and on behalf of the Committee and himself the Chairman expressed his sincere thanks for her having been a very efficient secretary. The Apsley Summer League had again been run very successfully with Hampshire Club regaining the Premier League Championship. Maureen Windle (Secretary), Margaret Houlton (Chairperson) and Ken Grainger (League Co-ordinator) were thanked for all their hard work. The Winter League Annual Meeting had been held at the Atherley Bowling Club on Wednesday, 8 September 2010. Presentations were made to the League Winners and fixtures for the coming season were made. Geoff Prince was thanked for his efficient running of this league. The Junior Tennis Tournament had been held at the David Lloyd Club during the week beginning 26 July 2010. The entries had been slightly down on the previous year, but those participating had had an enjoyable tournament. The Chairman thanked the David Lloyd Club for their support and also Chris and Jenny Whiting for their usual sterling job in running the event. He informed the meeting that there would be a change of venue next year as the tournament would be held at Totton & Eling Tennis Club. Due to the incapacity of the Editor, John Farley, who was wished a speedy recovery, the Tennis Talk newsletter had not been published this year, but those articles which had been received who be published on the website. The Southampton LTA Website had operated very successfully since it’s inception and Richard Cutler was thanked for all his hard work. Belatedly the Chairman had learnt of the death of John Beirne, who had been a member of the committee for many years and was well known and popular in Hampshire tennis circles. He had been a leading figure in the establishment of the Europa Tennis Club, the first of the major indoor tennis centres in the area. Sincere condolences were offered to his wife and family. The Chairman concluded by thanking the Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Members of the Southampton LTA on behalf of all those present for giving their time and support during the past year. TREASURER’S REPORT Angela Bassam, the Treasurer, presented the accounts, copies of which had been circulated at the beginning of the meeting. There had been a deficit at the end of the year of £1302.40, leaving a figure of £4319.90 to be carried forward. The Junior Tournament had made a loss of just £47. The Chairman thanked Angela Bassam for all her hard work and called for the adoption of the accounts, this was proposed by Pam Cooper (Committee member), seconded by Margaret Houlton (Apsley League) and carried unanimously. AMENDMENT TO THE WINTER LEAGUE RULES A proposal to amend the rules, which had been circulated to all the clubs prior to the meeting, was put forward by Geoff Prince, the League Secretary. This involved shortening the format of the league whilst maintaining the same number of players and was in three parts. Firstly to establish whether or not there should be a shortened format. Secondly, if the format was to be shortened, should it be (1) two short sets (first to 4, 2 games ahead, or tie break at 4 all); (2) one pro set, (first to 8, two games ahead, or tie break at 8 all) or (3) a sudden death deuce with the receiving pair deciding who should receive. Thirdly, should there be a deciding tiebreak for each match. A vote was then taken by a show of hands amongst the representatives of the clubs affiliated to the Southampton LTA (all but River Park, Winchester, were present) and the result was as follows: First proposal: Second proposal: Third proposal: 15 votes for shortening the format, 14 against. (1) 3 votes (2) 3 votes (3) 23 votes 4 votes for a deciding tiebreak, 25 against. ELECTION OF OFFICIERS AND COMMITTEE The election of the officers and committee members was as follows: Chairman Tony Thompson Proposed by Dave Thomas (Thornden), seconded by Pam Cooper (Committee Member) and re-appointed unanimously. Secretary Marietta Maidman Proposed by Ruth Spencer (Hampshire Tennis) Treasurer Committee seconded by Angela Bassam and appointed unanimously. Angela Bassam Proposed by Ruth Spencer (Hampshire Tennis) seconded by Geoff Prince (Winter League Secretary) It was agreed to re-appoint the current committee as a block as there were no further nominations. This was proposed by Dave Thomas (Thornden), seconded by Les Brown (Littleton) and carried unanimously. JUNIOR TOURNAMENT Chris Whiting told the meeting that the support for the event was very disappointing there were not enough girls to run any events and in the boys section it had only been possible to run limited draws. It had been decided that if the event was cancelled it might disappear from the calendar, in which case a longstanding and traditional tournament would come to an end. Next year, Richard Cutler of Totton & Eling Tennis Club, had offered to amalgamate this tournament with one he runs at almost the same time and the Committee had agreed that this was a good solution, particularly in view of the costs incurred at David Lloyd. The event would therefore be run from Thursday to Sunday making it family friendly and hopefully leading to more entries. He explained that there had been quite a few changes in Junior Tennis over the last few years due to a grading system which gives all players the ability to progress in a constructive way and to manage their tennis in a more time friendly way. Parents’ time is now a major consideration in managing events, with a one day competition at the weekend usually well attended and Grade 3 events regularly have 200 or more entries competition, so it is what is on offer elsewhere which determines the level of participation. He therefore hoped that the change of venue and date would revive interest in the Southampton LTA Junior Tournament. APSLEY LEAGUE Maureen Windle presented a report to the meeting, a copy of which is attached to these Minutes (Appendix 1). The Chairman again thanked Maureen Windle, Margaret Houlton and Ken Grainger for all their hard work. WINTER LEAGUE Geoff Prince presented a report to the meeting, a copy of which is attached to these Minutes (Appendix 2). The Chairman again thanked Geoff Prince for all his hard work. HANTS & ISLE OF WIGHT LTA Jonathan Bliss, the Association’s Representative on the Committee, presented a report to the meeting, a copy of which is attached to these Minutes (Appendix 3). The Chairman thanked Jonathan Bliss for all his hard work. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (a) Retiring Secretary – Judy Greensmith was presented with a number of gifts and thanked for all her hard work. (b) New Indoor Tennis Courts – Stuart Levy (Winchester Tennis Club, informed the meeting that they now had a number of indoor courts which were available for hire. The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm and confirmed that he would be standing down at the next AGM. Appendix 1 APSLEY LEAGUE REPORT for SOUTHAMPTON LTA AGM 2010 2010 had been a very successful, enjoyable and problem-free season. All matches, with one exception, were completed although a little later that usual as the last match was played on 2 October. Re-arranged matches, using the new forms, were a huge success and improvement. It helped to keep records up to date and Margaret to arrange her visits which, as always, proved very popular. I did join her on some occasions and hope to do more visits next year. Ken Grainger has the website up and running and working well. We sent out e-mail address lists to all clubs who requested it. Score sheets were good with very few missing, a great asset as these are essential to check the players and where they have played. Hopefully, next year will be as successful as 2010. Maureen Windle Secretary, Apsley League Appendix 2 WINTER LEAGUE REPORT for SOUTHAMPTON LTA AGM 2010 2009-2010 We lost 3 Sundays to rain before Christmas, but then after Christmas, the snow came and stayed for a number of weeks, but the last match was played on the 24th of April. There were 28 walkovers, an increase on last year and 1 void match. The Men’s cup was won by Winchester A, with the Ladies’ cup returning back to Hants Club A. There were 4 unbeaten teams in the Men’s leagues and 3 in the Ladies’. There was a very close finish in the Men’s Division 3, with Thornden B and Winchester C equal on points, and in Division 4 where Bassett C won with 9pts followed by 3 teams within 1 point. There were also close finishes in both the Ladies’ 1st and 2nd divisions with Hants Club A and Winchester A equal on points, with Salisbury A one point behind in Division 1 and in Division 2, Winchester B and David Lloyd had equal points, with Waterside only 1 point behind. The fixtures meeting was again held at the Atherley Bowling Club with representatives from all 27 clubs present (Sandleheath have withdrawn) to receive the awards and make fixtures for the coming season. 2010-2011 We started with 48 men’s teams in 7 divisions and 33 ladies’ in 5 divisions. The fixture dates and nominated names came in generally well, although I did receive the final name from one club only on the 1st of November. We are now 7 weeks into the new season and have only lost 2 Sundays to rain, firstly on the 3rd of October and last weekend, although some of you did play on Sunday. I am still awaiting re-arranged dates for some of the fixtures. Finally I would ask that the result sheets are returned fully filled out, with all the names plus division entered and also the club submitting the sheet clearly shown, not just a signature, plus an email or sheet from both clubs, if a match is conceded. Enjoy your tennis Geoff Prince League Secretary Appendix 3 HAMPSHIRE & ISLE OF WIGHT LTA REPORT for SOUTHAMPTON LTA AGM 2010 I have continued to represent Southampton LTA on the Hampshire & Isle of Wight LTA Council during 2010. Two other Southampton LTA Committee members also sit on the Hampshire & Isle of Wight LTA Council in their own right – Chris Whiting (County Matchplay Co-ordinator) and Richard Cutler (Club representative for Totton & Eling Tennis Centre) – so we are well represented. Current membership of the Hampshire & Isle of Wight LTA is 81 clubs, 3 Associate clubs, 9 Other Organisations, plus 231 Individual members. From 1st October 2010 Registration of clubs as “Places to Play” replaced the old Affiliation system. Revised fees are £100 per hard court and £50 per grass court, with a maximum registration fee of £1,200 for 12 courts. This new system has resulted in a substantial savings in annual fees for the vast majority of clubs. It is expected that the clubs will use the savings generated to re-invest in their own facilities and development activities for the benefit of British tennis. Following significant down-sizing of the national LTA Council during 2009, Hampshire & Isle of Wight have retained the right to appoint 2 councillors. Bob Battersby and Peter Grinyer represented Hampshire & Isle of Wight on the national LTA Council in 2010, and it is proposed that they should continue to do so for 2011. It is very likely that during 2011 the LTA and The All England Lawn Tennis Club, which runs the Wimbledon Championships, will incorporate. There will be a flow through impact on the County LTA’s and the Clubs which would be expected to follow suit shortly thereafter. The principal reasons for incorporation are to limit potential liabilities in the case of a major claim and to improve governance. After incorporation the County LTA’s will be the shareholders and members of the LTA, and will exercise rights over the Main Board of the LTA, of which Bob Battersby from the Hampshire & Isle of Wight LTA will become a board member. The immediate change for individual Clubs is that they would become affiliates rather than direct members of the LTA, and would no longer be able to vote at General Meetings of the LTA. The Clubs would continue to be members of the Hampshire & Isle of Wight LTA, and influence overall decision making via their votes at the County level. In due course full explanations of the proposed changes will be circulated to the Clubs, and a task force from the LTA will provide presentations and handle queries. A template of standard changes to the Statutes of the County LTA’s and individual Clubs will be prepared by leading lawyers, and it is the LTA’s intention that no County nor individual Club will suffer any negative financial, fiscal or legal consequences from these changes. Draft accounts from Hampshire & Isle of Wight LTA indicate a surplus for the year ended 30 September 2010 of £40,000 and net assets of £190,000. The County LTA is prudently managed and funded, and is pleased to look at requests for individual small projects through the Facility Support Grant scheme. The Clubs are expected to utilize savings on affiliation fees towards suitable projects, supplemented by additional funding at the County or national level as appropriate. The proposed Vetting and Barring Scheme, affecting the recruitment of individuals working with children and vulnerable adults in England & Wales, has been suspended by the Coalition Government pending remodeling of the criminal records, vetting and barring schemes. Further news should emerge during 2011. Turning briefly to tennis development within the County, the following operational priorities have been identified: Increasing and improving junior and adult competition; Optimising player programmes; Growing and professionalizing the coaching market; Improving Places to Play; Improving the tennis experience. Our key contacts within the County office are Simon Johnson, Tennis Development Manager, and Sandra Holmes, County Secretary, and thanks are due to them for their help and support. Jonathan Bliss Soton LTA Representative