Carbon and Water Cycle Story 5E Lesson Plan

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Title of Lesson: Carbon and Water Cycle Story
Content/Level: Biology Grade 9
Pacing: 2, 50 minute periods
Analyze the movement of matter and energy through the different
biogeochemical cycles, including water and carbon
Relevant Achievement Level Descriptions
Analyze the movement of matter through different biogeochemical cycles
 Water and Carbon Station Cards
 Student Handout-Cycle Story
 Carbon Atom and Water Molecule Cards
 Carbon Reservoir Cards
 Carbon Flow Scenario Cards
 Carbon Flow Observation Log
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(hook, demonstration,
free write, brainstorming, analyze a
graphic organizer,
KWL, etc)
Recalling the water cycle (Day 1)
 Have cards (water and carbon) taped up around the room to
represent different “stations”
 As students enter the room, randomly distribute drops of water
with starting locations written on the back (9 PDF different drops,
duplicated as necessary)
 Give each student a cycle story worksheet and explain that they are
going to be a water molecule
 Students will record their first location, their form, and then report
to their first “station”
 Students continue to travel to all water stations, recording their
location, form, and process that takes them to the next station
 Have students return to their seat to write their water cycle
“journey” according to the prompt on the student handout
The purpose of this activity is to recall the previously learned water cycle
and associated vocabulary, and to become familiar with the protocols of the
 Teacher note: Listen for misconceptions and misuse of terminology
as students circulate and write. This will inform any necessary future
 Teacher note: Be explicit about activity procedures, expectations,
and classroom management (what will signal movement, how much
time will they have at each station, how will you know that are being
successful, how will they know they are being successful)
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(investigation, solve a
problem, collect data,
construct model, etc.)
Discovering the Carbon Cycle (Day 1)
 As students write their water cycle story, randomly hand out
carbon atom cards (11 different cards, duplicated as necessary)
 Explain to students that they are now tasked with being a carbon
atom/molecule and they will follow the same procedures as they
did in the previous activity
 Students will travel to 10 different “stations” around the room,
recording the location, their form, and the process that takes them
to the next station before returning to their seats
 As students finish, have them sit in groups of 4 to begin writing
their narrative about their journey as a carbon atom/molecule
 Students should compare their recorded data with other group
members to look for patterns or trends
The purpose of this activity is for students to collect data about how carbon
moves through the environment and have exposure to relevant vocabulary.
Students will also be able to summarize their experience with a paragraph,
and have the opportunity to collaborate and discuss their new knowledge
with others.
 Teacher note :Listen for students challenges with the content, as this
will inform your future instruction
 Teacher note: Look for student understanding of what it means to
“cycle” in group discussions and writing.
(student analysis,
structured questioning, reading and
discussion, teacher
explanation, compare,
Completing the water and carbon cycle (Day 1)
 Direct students to the student handout (carbon cycle graphic and
associated questions)
 Instruct students in their groups of 4 to complete #1, and #2 on
the student handout, providing assistance to groups as necessary
The purpose of this activity is for students to affirm their understanding of
how carbon and water cycles through an ecosystem (main components and
basic processes), diagramming the path of both using their recorded data.
Students are given opportunity to ask questions of group members and
teacher to ensure their understanding.
 Teacher note: whole group instruction as necessary
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(problem solving,
decision making,
experimental inquiry,
compare, classify,
Carbon Flow Game (Day 2)
 Pass out carbon reservoir cards to each group of 4 and carbon flow
game instructions
 Distribute Carbon Flow scenario cards, Carbon Flow Observation
Log, & poker chips (or other game piece) and instruct students to
follow provided game instructions
 After game is complete, ask students to compare their “before
game” carbon data to the “after game” carbon data (refer to
Carbon Flow Observation Log)
 Instruct students to answer #3 in their student handout
The purpose of this activity is for students to extend their knowledge of the
carbon cycle and the impact of humans on the environment.
 Teacher note: listen for the students to make connections with what
is “natural” vs “human impact”
 Teacher note: opportunity for direct instruction regarding renewable
and nonrenewable resources, climate change, and human impact
Writing Task (Day 2)
(any of above, develop
 Lessened amounts of precipitation over an area for an extended
a scoring tool or
period of time has many effects on farmland and crops.
Rubric, performance
Drought conditions result from a lack of precipitation and this
assessment, produce a
has many effects on the surrounding land and weather
product, journal entry,
conditions. Drought conditions can worsen after prolonged
portfolio, etc.)
periods of no rainfall, especially in areas where the water supply
is short. Discuss two possible impacts a drought can have on
the carbon cycle, and therefore, the overall impact it can have
on the environment. Your answer should be at least 2
paragraphs and make reference of data and discussions that
you have used over the last 2 days.
 Teacher note: Answers can/should include
o Loss of vegetation=increased levels of atmospheric carbon
o Wild fires= increased levels of atmospheric carbon
o Reduced biodiversity=increase or decrease in atmospheric
o Increased demand for crop products=increased
traffic/shipping=increase in atmospheric carbon
o Carbon reduction in soil/sediment
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References (web
sites, Gizmo, other,
paste hyper-links or
URLs here)
Life and Times of Carbon
Teacher Guide
Visual Aids
Student Workbook
Carbon Atom Cards
Water Molecule Cards
Carbon Cycle Station Cards
Cycle Story
Life and Times of Carbon (Full Document for Carbon Flow Game and
Reservoir Cards)
Life and Times of Carbon Student Questions
Written By:
Hannah Graziano
Science Coach-Leto High School
Hillsborough County Public Schools