Polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam

Polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam…
What are the health risks ?
Which foam should you choose ?
These two foams are used in the manufacture of lightweight boards ( graphic arts, display
boards, digital printing).
The Central Laboratory of the Préfecture de Police of Paris (n° accréditation Cofrac 11350) carried out during the month of November 2007, a comparative combustion analysis of
a polyurethane foam and a polystyrene foam.
The polyurethane foam gives off during combustion hydrogen cyanide (HCN). 1 gramme
of polyurethane foam contains approximately 25 mg of HCN.
In comparison, polystyrene foam does not contain any at all.
In combustion, polyurethane gives off 5 times more carbon monoxide (CO) than
What are the health risks ?
Hydrogen cyanide is an inflammable gas, highly dangerous for the human organism even in
very small quantities.
The Inéris France (National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks) carried out in
2005 a study on the toxic levels of hydrocyanide acid. The lethal level for a human being
corresponds to the inhalation of 431 milligrammes de hydrogen cyanide in 1 minute ! That
represents the combustion de 18 grammes of polyurethane foam in 1 m3 of air !
Carbon monoxide gas is also a toxic substance for the human organism. Its presence can be
observed with the use of heating apparatus (wood, fuel). Without diminishing the
dangerous aspect of this gas, it is always preferable to use materials which generate less CO
emissions in the case of an accidental fire.
Which foam should you choose ?
Without any hesitation, polystyrene foam, which represents a much lower toxic risk in the
case of accidental fire.