Assessment of Uncertainty in Urban Air Toxics Simulations: Monte Carlo Study of the Houston Ship Control # 1160 David Heinold, Robert Paine and Elizabeth Kintigh ENSR International, 2 Technology Park Drive, Westford, MA 01886 Steven Hanna Steven R. Hanna, Hanna Consultants, 7 Crescent Ave., Kennebunkport, ME 04046 Dan Baker Shell Refining, Houston Texas Richard Karp American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 ABSTRACT Because of the interest in accurately predicting air toxics exposure in urban areas, a Monte Carlo (MC) probabilistic uncertainty study has been conducted by the American Petroleum Institute (API). The API study, based on a 15 km by 15 km receptor domain centered on the Houston Ship Channel, complements a MC uncertainty study which was carried out by the EPA for the entire Houston metropolitan area. The focus of the API study is on uncertainties in ISCST3 and AERMOD predictions of annual averaged concentrations of benzene and 1,3-butadiene, due to uncertainties in emissions and meteorological inputs. The uncertainties in emissions components were estimated based on observed data variability supplemented by guidance from an API-EPA workshop held on this topic (typical emissions uncertainties are about +/- a factor of three (i.e., covering the 95 % range) for 21 benzene emissions categories and 13 1,3-butadiene emissions categories). The uncertainties in meteorological inputs (such as wind speed, wind direction, mixing height, cloud cover and temperature gradient) were also determined from analysis of the field data plus consultation with experts. Uncertainty in the dispersion coefficients applied in the models were also evaluated. ISC3ST and AERMOD were each run 100 times in MC mode, using random and independent perturbations of all inputs in order to estimate 1) the total uncertainty of the annual averaged concentrations, and 2) the inputs with uncertainties that are most strongly correlated with uncertainties in predicted concentrations. The results of the MC runs with ISCST3 and AERMOD in terms of overall uncertainty are discussed and the primary sources of uncertainty are identified. The implication of these findings to urban air toxics modeling is also discussed. 1 STUDY OBJECTIVES The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) published guidance for modeling air toxics in urban areas as part of EPA's Integrated Urban Air Toxics Strategy (IUATS). Because the UATS represents EPA OAQPS guidance for modeling air toxics in urban areas, the American Petroleum Institute (API) is interested in subjecting the methods employed to a thorough sensitivity analysis. A previous studies sponsored by API examined the sensitivity of these modeling techniques to modeling parameters.1 The current paper involves a quantitative Monte Carlo evaluation of the level of uncertainty involving a wide range of parameters. The study area for both the sensitivity study and the Monte Carlo analysis is a 15 km by 15 km portion of EPA's Houston air toxics example application, centered on the Houston Ship Channel. The UATS Houston case study is of particular interest because the emissions and modeled the impacts of mobile and industrial sources are comparable and the contribution of petrochemical-related activities to hydrocarbon emissions is pronounced. The study evaluates the modeling uncertainty of two hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) benzene and 1,3-butadiene. Two dispersion models are used in the analysis: ISCST3, which is the basis of current EPA guidance, and AERMOD (with PRIME), which will soon replace ISCST3 in EPA's Guideline on Air Quality Models2. In the previous sensitivity study, the various models and parameters are varied in a oneat-a-time procedure, allowing the sensitivity to each particular parameter to be clearly determined. In the Monte Carlo uncertainty study the modeling parameters are independently varied. In the Monte Carlo probabilistic uncertainty methodology, the modeling system is run 100 times for random choices of variations in the input parameters and the responses of the key model output parameters are analyzed. The objective of the study is to gain insight into the following questions: Question 1: What is the total uncertainty in the annual average (among all receptors and maximum at any receptor) and which input variables and model parameters have the most influence on this total uncertainty? Question 2: What is the relative uncertainty between the emissions and the transport and dispersion model? Question 3: How do the total uncertainties and correlations differ for different source categories and could these differences impact conclusions regarding source apportionment? Question 4: Are conclusions concerning uncertainty depended on model? HOUSTON STUDY AREA The Houston Ship Channel, which contains a wide variety of source types as well as transportation routes and heavily populated areas. The study area is shown in Figure 1. The inner portion of the study area is a 15 km x15 km area where model receptors are located and a 30 km x 30 km outer portion where additional emission sources are modeled. The larger emissions area is shifted slightly to the east in relation to the 2 receptor area to capture major point sources. This nested design provides a buffer area that helps to reduce "edge effects". Most of the study area is comprised of “urban” sources as specified by EPA, based on the land use within a 1 km grid.1. The previous sensitivity analysis identified the specification of rural sources within a highly urbanized area as a source of substantial uncertainty2. Therefore, for the Monte Carlo analysis ISCST3 was applied with mix of rural and urban sources and all urban sources. AERMOD was run using the EPA rural/urban designations. Figure 2 shows the forty-three model receptor used by EPA1.2 to represent population centroids of census tracts, plus three ambient air quality monitors located within the study area. The focus is on annual average concentrations, since that model output is used by EPA1 as the basis for estimating health effects to the population. The modeled concentration averaged over this set of centroid receptors is representative of the ambient air to which the population is exposed. In addition, the Monte Carlo analysis evaluated the maximum annual concentration among all receptors. MONTE CARLO PROCEDURE The Monte Carlo analysis consisted of 100 separate runs using the 1996 meteorological data from Busch International Airport. Two types of uncertainty were evaluated, the uncertainty associated with each run (“site-to-site” uncertainty) and, for some parameters, hour-to-hour uncertainty. Depending on the parameter either a log-normal or normal distribution of the uncertainty was evaluated. Log-normal distributions were applied to parameters that are by nature positive and unbounded (such as wind speed) and normal distributions are applied to bounded variables (such a cloud cover). Table 1 lists the parameters that were varied on a site-to-site basis (100 variations) and on an hourly basis (8784 variations for 1996, a leap year). Random numbers were generated for each modeling parameter listed in Table 1 and for individual benzene and 1,3butadiene emissions categories. Each random distribution was checked to verify that the desired statistical attributes were approximated and that no value deviated from the mean by more than 5 times the standard deviation. Table 1a Log-Normally Distributed Modeling Parameters Parameter Emissions Wind Speed Mixing Height Surface Roughness Bowen Ratio dT/dz σy and σz Model AERMOD ISCST3 x x x x x x x x x x x x Variability Site-to-site Hourly x x x x x x x x x x x x 95% Uncertainty Factor 3 1.3 1.2 3 2 2 1.5 Geometric Stand. Dev. 0.549 0.131 0.091 0.549 0.347 0.347 0.203 Arithmetic Mean Stand. Dev. 1.163 0.690 1.009 0.133 1.004 0.092 1.163 0.690 1.062 0.379 1.062 0.379 1.021 0.209 Table 1b Normally Distributed Modeling Parameters Parameter Wind Direction Cloud Cover AERMOD x x ISCST3 x x Site-to-site x x Hourly x x Arithmetic SD 15 0.05 Range zero to 360 Zero to 1 3 Figure 1. Facility-Related Sources in the API Houston Monte Carlo Analysis Study 4 Figure 2 Discrete Receptors (large dots) and Monitor Locations (triangles) 5 The these parameter uncertainty distributions were based on professional judgment and were determined in collaboration with EPA, which had conducted a separate uncertainty assessment, in parallel with the API-sponsored uncertainty study. The two groups (EPA and API project managers and their contractors) collaborated by exchanging work plans, data files and ideas, and by having conferences calls and meetings. For example, Scientists from both groups participated in the emissions uncertainty workshop on 26-27 August 2003 from which the source categories and uncertainty levels were established.4 EMISSION CATEGORIES The benzene and 1,3-butadiene emission categories are listed in Table 2 and 3, respectively. The category assignments and numbering scheme was adapted from the categories used in EPA’s air toxics uncertainty assessment. Due to their small contributions, as noted, some categories were combined with categories with more substantial emissions. Individual sets of random numbers were generated for each emission category. The thousands of modeled sources include sources representing individual facility emission points as well as gridded area sources which include contributions of several emission categories. For individual sources the corresponding emission category uncertainty factor was applied. For gridded sources the effective uncertainty factor was computed according to the emission-weighted contribution of each contributing emission category. ANALYSIS OF MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS The100 AERMOD and 300 ISCST3 runs were executed to estimate annual average concentrations of benzene and 1,3-butadiene. For ISCST3 two sets of concentrations were developed, 1) mixed urban and rural sources and 2) all sources as urban. For AERMOD one set of results was produced, representing mixed rural and urban sources. Receptors were placed at 43 population centroids and three monitoring locations shown in Figure 2. Individual results for all 46 receptors have been archived. The following summary concentrations were calculated for each model configuration: Spatial average concentration over the 436 population-based receptors and Peak concentration among all 469 receptors and receptor location. 6 Table 2 Emission Categories for Benzene Category Description 1&2 Light Duty Gas Vehicles (LDGV), Light Gas Trucks (LDGT), Combined Road Segments TPY % of Total 474.972 28.5 3 Petroleum refineries 412.657 24.7 4 Nonroad 4-stroke gas engines, Internal Combustion Engines 145.766 8.7 5 Nonroad 2-stroke gas engines 34.271 2.1 6 Nonroad diesel (construction, farm, and industrial) 26.217 1.6 7 Oil and gas production 10.244 0.6 8 Natural gas transmission and marine transport 63.677 3.8 9 Heavy Duty Gas Vehicles (HDGV) (Assigned to 1&2) 0.000 0.0 10 Forest wildfires, Municipal Landfills 5.842 0.4 11 Solid waste disp (sewage treatment, aeration tanks) 59.182 3.5 12 Acetylene production (butylene, ethylene, propylene,olefin) 47.850 2.9 13 Fuel oil external combustion, External Combustion Boilers 37.861 2.3 14 Typical ethylene plant 16.967 1.0 15 Gas service stations stage 1 9.616 0.6 16 Petroleum industry fugitives 26.838 1.6 17 Managed burning, prescribed 0.654 0.04 18 Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles (HDDV) (Assigned to 1&2) 0.000 0.0 19 Chemical manufacturing; fugitive emissions 16.718 1.0 20 Aircraft 6.533 0.4 21 Petroleum industry; fugitive emissions; misc., Evap. losses 121.826 7.3 22 Process vents in refinery production 14.954 0.9 23 Loading, ballasting, transit losses from marine vessels Chemical manufacturing, general processes, fugitive leaks Assigned to 19) Industrial Processes Total Emissions 21.596 1.3 24 25 0.000 0.0 113.347 6.8 1667.588 100.0% 7 Table 3 Emission Categories for 1,3-Butadiene Category and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Fuel oil external combustion, petroleum and solventt evaporation,organic solvent evaporation, fuel fired equipment, natural gas, flares, industrial processes, petroleum industry, process gas Styrene-butadiene rubber and latex production, nitrile butadiene rubber production Chemical manufacturing fugitive emissions, industrial processes, general processes, fabricated metal products fugitive emissions, plastics production Industrial processes, chemical manufacturing, butadiene fugitive emissions Ethylene plant, inidustrial processes chemical manufacturing butylenes. Ethylene propylene, olefin production fugitives emissions Loading, ballasting, transit losses from marine vehicles Industrial processes, petroleum industry cooling towers and fugitive emissions from flanges and all streams Aircraft Unknown Road Segments On-road Gridded Non-road Non-point Total Emissions TPY % of Total 271.774 40.1 105.800 15.6 118.848 17.5 17.099 2.5 26.257 10.660 3.9 1.6 13.886 5.120 6.420 42.438 29.975 17.523 12.647 678.447 2.0 0.8 0.9 6.3 4.4 2.6 1.9 100.0 8 The following statistical analyses were conducted for each of the summary concentrations: Cumulative frequency distribution plots 5th, 10th, 25th 75th, 90thand 95th percentile values Rank correlation coefficient for spatial average concentrations. Rank correlation coefficient for peak receptor concentration. Scatter plots of the modeled concentration versus perturbed variables In addition, the rank correlation coefficient were calculated for each for each of the 469 receptors. The goal of these statistical analyses is to identify the parameters that contribute most to modeling uncertainty. Five parameters with the largest correlation coefficients have been included in a multiple linear regression analysis. DISCUSSION and CONCLUSIONS [Authors’ note: The Monte Carlo analysis is in its final stages and results are still being generated at the January 24th draft manuscript deadline. We will replace this draft manuscript with a complete manuscript suitable for review in early February. The author’s appreciate the consideration of the reviewer’s in this matter. ] REFERENCES 1. US EPA. Example Application of Modeling Toxic Air Pollutants in Urban Areas U.S. EPA OAQPS (EPA-454/R-02-003). (2002).US EPA. 2. Heinold, D., B. Paine, and H. Feldman, 2003: Quantitative evaluation of the EPA urban air toxics modeling strategy: Results of sensitivity studies. Paper number 69639, Proceedings of AWMA Annual Conference, San Diego, June 3. 68 FR 18440 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Part 51, Revision to the Guideline on Air Quality Models: Adoption of a Preferred Long Range Transport Model and Other Revisions: Final rule (April 15, 2003). 4. Hanna, S.R., 2003: Summary of 26-27 August 2003 Houston Emissions Uncertainty Workshop on Benzene and 1,3-Butadiene. Prepared for the 9 American Petroleum Institute by Hanna Consultants, 7 Crescent Ave., Kennebunkport, ME 04046, 31 pages KEYWORDS Air toxics Urban dispersion Modeling sensitivity 10