Index For Wetlands, Oceans And Watersheds

Index for Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds for WEFTEC
1. Coastal Condition
I. National Coastal Condition Report IV
II. National Coastal Condition Report IV Factsheet
III. Marine Debris Information
IV. Website: National Coastal Condition Reports
2. Gulf Coast
I. Gulf of Mexico Regional Ecosystem Restoration Strategy
II. Hypoxia Gulf Coast Information
III. Nitrogen and Phosphorous Pollution in the Mississippi River Basin
IV. Websites: Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia and Interactive Map of Eutrophication & Hypoxia
3. Healthy Watersheds
I. Folder-Watershed Management Tools
a. Catalog of Federal Funding for Watershed Protection
b. Watershed Management Resources
c. Watershed Central and Wiki
d. Watershed Webcast Flyer
II. Community-Based Watershed Management (full document)
III. Community-Based Watershed Management Cliff Notes
IV. Economic Benefits of Healthy Watersheds
V. EPA Watershed Tools
VI. Healthy Watersheds Initiative
VII. Healthy Watersheds Initiative Factsheet
VIII. Healthy Watersheds Newsletter (latest)
IX. Websites: Watersheds, Healthy Watersheds and A Watershed Approach
4. Learning Tools
I. 20 Lessons on Source Water Protection
II. Marine Debris-The Urban-Coastal Connection Lesson Plan
III. EPA's How's My Waterway app information v. ATTAINS
IV. Websites: Nutrient Pollution-For Teachers, Watershed Academy Website and
Wetlands Education Website
5. National Aquatic Resource Surveys
I. NARS Update
II. NARS Timeline
III. Websites: Monitoring and Assessing Water Quality and NARS
6. National Lakes
I. National Lakes Assessment 2010
II. National Lakes Assessment Update Factsheet 2012
III. National Lakes Assessment Webcast
IV. Healthy Lakeshores Webcast
V. Website: Clean Lakes
7. Nitrogen and Phosphorous Pollution
I. Nitrogen and Phosphorous Pollution YouTube Video
II. Do You Want Green Water or Clean Water?
III. Hypoxia Caused by Excess Nutrients
IV. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution Data Access Tool (NPDAT)
V. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution in the Mississippi River Basin
VI. Nutrient Pollution Factsheet
VII. Reduce Nitrogen and Phosphorous Pollution
VIII. Supporting the Reduction of Nutrient Pollution
IX. Website: Nutrient Pollution
8. Rivers and Streams
I. Folder-Rivers and Streams
a. National Rivers and Streams Assessment Factsheet 2011
b. Websites: National Rivers and Streams Assessment and National River and
II. Folder-Wadeable Streams Assessment
a. Wadeable Streams Assessment 2007
b. Wadeable Streams Assessment Factsheet
c. Website: Wadeable Streams Assessment
9. Smart Growth, LID and Stormwater Management
I. Concrete Washout Stormwater Management BMP
II. Questions and Answers-Reducing Stormwater Costs through Low Impact
III. Reducing Stormwater Costs through Low Impact Development Strategies and
IV. Reducing Stormwater Costs through Low Impact Development Factsheet
V. Sustainable Communities
VI. Websites: Low Impact Development, Stormwater Outreach Materials and Water
10. Total Maximum Daily Loads
I. Recovery Potential Tool Factsheet
II. TMDL Results Factsheet
III. EPA's How's My Waterway app information v. ATTAINS
IV. Websites: Impaired Waters and Total Maximum Daily Loads and TMDL Information
11. Wetlands
I. Benefits of Wetlands
II. Threats to Wetlands
III. Wetlands Protection
IV. Wetland Survey Factsheet
V. What is a Wetland?
VI. Website: Wetlands