1. authorized discharges - Ministry of Environment

Pollution Prevention
Box 5000
British Columbia V0J 2N0
Telephone: (250) 847-7260
Fax: (250) 847-7591
Under the Provisions of the Waste Management Act
City of Prince Rupert
424 West Third Avenue
Prince Rupert, B. C.
V8J 1L7
is authorized to discharge effluent to Prince Rupert Harbour from the sewage system located
in the City of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, subject to the conditions listed below.
Contravention of any of these conditions is a violation of the Waste Management Act and
may result in prosecution.
This permit supersedes and amends all previous versions of Permit PE-5577, issued under
Part 2 Section 10 of the Waste Management Act.
Outfall A
This subsection applies to the discharge of effluent from OUTFALL A. The site
reference number for this discharge is E103469.
1.1.1. Rate of Discharge
The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 27,700 m3/d. The discharge
is authorized to occur 24 hours/day.
1.1.2. Characteristics of the Discharge
The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than
typical effluent from a combined sanitary sewer and storm sewer system.
Date Issued: September 10, 1980
Date Amended: February 22, 2000
(most recent)
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J. Hofweber, P. Eng.
Assistant Regional Waste Manager
Pollution Prevention
1.1.3. Authorized Works
The authorized works are the sewage collection and conveyance system, a
710 mm diameter outfall terminating at a depth of 18 metres below the
Canadian Hydrographic Survey chart datum geodetic low water level and
extending seaward approximately 60 m from the shoreline, and related
appurtenances located approximately as shown on Site Plan A.
1.1.4. Location of the Source of the Discharge
The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates is the
City of Prince Rupert, sewage area A.
1.1.5. Location of the Point of Discharge
The location of the point of discharge is a portion of Plan 1039, Water
Front Block E, District Lot 1992, Range 5, Coast District.
Outfall B
This subsection applies to the discharge of effluent from OUTFALL B. The site
reference number for this discharge is E103470.
1.2.1. Rate of Discharge
The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 17,000 m3/d. The discharge
is authorized to occur 24 hours/day.
1.2.2. Characteristics of the Discharge
The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than
typical effluent from a combined sanitary sewer and storm sewer system
and may include typical effluent treated by rotary screens from a small
fish processing plant.
1.2.3. Authorized Works
The authorized works are the sewage collection and conveyance system, a
450 mm diameter outfall terminating at a depth of 6 metres below the
Canadian Hydrographic Survey chart datum geodetic low water level and
extending seaward approximately 71 m from the shoreline, and related
appurtenances located approximately as shown on Site Plan A.
Date Issued: September 10, 1980
Date Amended: February 22, 2000
(most recent)
Page: 2 of 12
J. Hofweber, P. Eng.
Assistant Regional Waste Manager
Pollution Prevention
1.2.4. Location of the Source of the Discharge
The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates is the
City of Prince Rupert, sewage area B.
1.2.5. Location of the Point of Discharge
The location of the point of discharge is a portion of Lot 1, Plan 7892, and
Lot B, Plan 6797, District Lot 1994, Range 5, Coast District.
Outfall C
This subsection applies to the discharge of effluent from OUTFALL C. The site
reference number for this discharge is E103471.
1.3.1. Rate of Discharge
The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 35,500 m3/d. The discharge
is authorized to occur 24 hours/day.
1.3.2. Characteristics of the Discharge
The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than
typical effluent from a combined sanitary sewer and storm sewer system.
1.3.3. Authorized Works
The authorized works are the sewage collection and conveyance system, a
1200 mm diameter outfall terminating at a depth of 15 metres below the
Canadian Hydrographic Survey chart datum geodetic low water level and
extending seaward approximately 58 m from the shoreline, and related
appurtenances located approximately as shown on Site Plan A.
1.3.4. Location of the Source of the Discharge
The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates is the
City of Prince Rupert, sewage area C.
1.3.5. Location of the Point of Discharge
The location of the point of discharge is a portion of Water Front Block E,
District Lot 1992, Range 5, Coast District.
Outfall D
This subsection applies to the discharge of effluent from OUTFALL D. The site
reference number for this discharge is E213264.
Date Issued: September 10, 1980
Date Amended: February 22, 2000
(most recent)
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J. Hofweber, P. Eng.
Assistant Regional Waste Manager
Pollution Prevention
1.4.1. Rate of Discharge
The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 110 m3/d. The discharge is
authorized to occur 24 hours/day.
1.4.2. Characteristics of the Discharge
The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than
typical effluent from a combined sanitary sewer and storm sewer system.
1.4.3. Authorized Works
The authorized works are the sewage collection and conveyance system,
an outfall and related appurtenances located approximately as shown on
Site Plan A.
1.4.4. Location of the Source of the Discharge
The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates is the
City of Prince Rupert, sewage area D.
1.4.5. Location of the Point of Discharge
The location of the point of discharge is a portion of 25 and 26, Section 7,
District Lot 251, Range 5, Coast District.
Outfall F
This subsection applies to the discharge of effluent from OUTFALL F. The site
reference number for this discharge is E213266.
1.5.1. Rate of Discharge
The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 100 m3/d. The discharge is
authorized to occur 24 hours/day.
1.5.2. Characteristics of the Discharge
The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than
typical effluent from a combined sanitary sewer and storm sewer system.
1.5.3. Authorized Works
The authorized works are the sewage collection and conveyance system, a
200 mm diameter outfall terminating at a depth of 15 metres below the
Canadian Hydrographic Survey chart datum geodetic low water level and
Date Issued: September 10, 1980
Date Amended: February 22, 2000
(most recent)
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J. Hofweber, P. Eng.
Assistant Regional Waste Manager
Pollution Prevention
extending seaward approximately 50 m from the shoreline, and related
appurtenances located approximately as shown on Site Plan A.
1.5.4. Location of the Source of the Discharge
The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates is the
City of Prince Rupert, sewage area F.
1.5.5. Location of the Point of Discharge
The location of the point of discharge is a portion of 25 and 26, Section 7,
District Lot 251, Range 5, Coast District.
Outfall G
This subsection applies to the discharge of effluent from OUTFALL G. The site
reference number for this discharge is E103464.
1.6.1. Rate of Discharge
The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 4,500 m3/d. The discharge
is authorized to occur 24 hours/day.
1.6.2. Characteristics of the Discharge
The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than
typical effluent from a combined sanitary sewer and storm sewer system.
1.6.3. Authorized Works
The authorized works are the sewage collection and conveyance system, a
400 mm diameter outfall terminating at a depth of 11 metres below the
Canadian Hydrographic Survey chart datum geodetic low water level and
extending seaward approximately 37 m from the shoreline, and related
appurtenances located approximately as shown on Site Plan A.
1.6.4. Location of the Source of the Discharge
The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates is the
City of Prince Rupert, sewage area G.
1.6.5. Location of the Point of Discharge
The location of the point of discharge is a portion of Lot 23, Plan 3818,
Water Front Block F, District Lot 251, Range 5, Coast District.
Date Issued: September 10, 1980
Date Amended: February 22, 2000
(most recent)
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J. Hofweber, P. Eng.
Assistant Regional Waste Manager
Pollution Prevention
Outfall H
This subsection applies to the discharge of effluent from OUTFALL H. The site
reference number for this discharge is E103465.
1.7.1. Rate of Discharge
The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 39,400 m3/d. The discharge
is authorized to occur 24 hours/day.
1.7.2. Characteristics of the Discharge
The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than
typical effluent from a combined sanitary sewer and storm sewer system.
1.7.3. Authorized Works
The authorized works are the sewage collection and conveyance system, a
1,200 mm diameter outfall terminating at a depth of 22 metres below the
Canadian Hydrographic Survey chart datum geodetic low water level and
extending seaward approximately 58 m from the shoreline, and related
appurtenances located approximately as shown on Site Plan A.
1.7.4. Location of the Source of the Discharge
The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates is the
City of Prince Rupert, sewage area H.
1.7.5. Location of the Point of Discharge
The location of the point of discharge is a portion of Water Front Block F,
District Lot 251, Range 5, Coast District.
Outfall I
This subsection applies to the discharge of effluent from OUTFALL I. The site
reference number for this discharge is E103463.
1.8.1. Rate of Discharge
The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 17,000 m3/d. The discharge
is authorized to occur 24 hours/day.
1.8.2. Characteristics of the Discharge
The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than
typical effluent from a combined sanitary sewer and storm sewer system
Date Issued: September 10, 1980
Date Amended: February 22, 2000
(most recent)
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J. Hofweber, P. Eng.
Assistant Regional Waste Manager
Pollution Prevention
and may include typical effluent treated by rotary screens from a small
fish processing plant..
1.8.3. Authorized Works
The authorized works are the sewage collection and conveyance system,
comminution facilities, an 610 mm diameter outfall with a diffuser
terminating at a depth of 64 metres below the Canadian Hydrographic
Survey chart datum geodetic low water level and extending seaward
approximately 316 m from the shoreline, and related appurtenances
located approximately as shown on Site Plan A.
1.8.4. Location of the Source of the Discharge
The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates is the
City of Prince Rupert, sewage area I.
1.8.5. Location of the Point of Discharge
The location of the point of discharge is a portion of Block R2, District
Lot 251, Range 5, Coast District.
Outfall J
This subsection applies to the discharge of effluent from OUTFALL J. The site
reference number for this discharge is E103466.
1.9.1. Rate of Discharge
The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 11,200 m3/d. The discharge
is authorized to occur 24 hours/day.
1.9.2. Characteristics of the Discharge
The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than
typical effluent from a combined sanitary sewer and storm sewer system.
1.9.3. Authorized Works
The authorized works are the sewage collection and conveyance system, a
400 mm diameter outfall terminating at a depth of 22 metres below the
Canadian Hydrographic Survey chart datum geodetic low water level and
extending seaward approximately 120 m from the shoreline, and related
appurtenances located approximately as shown on Site Plan A.
Date Issued: September 10, 1980
Date Amended: February 22, 2000
(most recent)
Page: 7 of 12
J. Hofweber, P. Eng.
Assistant Regional Waste Manager
Pollution Prevention
1.9.4. Location of the Source of the Discharge
The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates is the
City of Prince Rupert, sewage area J.
1.9.5. Location of the Point of Discharge
The location of the point of discharge is a portion of Water Front Block G,
Plan 1161, District Lot 251, Range 5, Coast District
Outfall K
This subsection applies to the discharge of effluent from OUTFALL K. The site
reference number for this discharge is E103468.
1.10.1. Rate of Discharge
The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 5,900 m3/d. The discharge
is authorized to occur 24 hours/day.
1.10.2. Characteristics of the Discharge
The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than
typical effluent from a combined sanitary sewer and storm sewer system.
1.10.3. Authorized Works
The authorized works are the sewage collection and conveyance system, a
300 mm diameter outfall terminating at a depth of 22 metres below the
Canadian Hydrographic Survey chart datum geodetic low water level and
extending seaward approximately 41 m from the shoreline, and related
appurtenances located approximately as shown on Site Plan A.
1.10.4. Location of the Source of the Discharge
The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates is the
City of Prince Rupert, sewage area K.
1.10.5. Location of the Point of Discharge
The location of the point of discharge is a portion of Water Front Block G,
District Lot 251, Range 5, Coast District
Outfall L
This subsection applies to the discharge of effluent from OUTFALL L. The site
reference number for this discharge is E103467.
Date Issued: September 10, 1980
Date Amended: February 22, 2000
(most recent)
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J. Hofweber, P. Eng.
Assistant Regional Waste Manager
Pollution Prevention
1.11.1. Rate of Discharge
The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 5,700 m3/d. The discharge
is authorized to occur 24 hours/day.
1.11.2. Characteristics of the Discharge
The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than
typical effluent from a combined sanitary sewer and storm sewer system.
1.11.3. Authorized Works
The authorized works are the sewage collection and conveyance system, a
450 mm diameter outfall terminating at a depth of 8 metres below the
Canadian Hydrographic Survey chart datum geodetic low water level and
extending seaward approximately 103 m from the shoreline, and related
appurtenances located approximately as shown on Site Plan A.
1.11.4. Location of the Source of the Discharge
The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates is the
City of Prince Rupert, sewage area L.
1.11.5. Location of the Point of Discharge
The location of the point of discharge is a portion of 25 and 26, Section 7,
District Lot 251, Range 5, Coast District.
Outfall M
This subsection applies to the discharge of effluent from OUTFALL M. The site
reference number for this discharge is E234336.
1.12.1. Rate of Discharge
The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 4 m3/d. The discharge is
authorized to occur 24 hours/day.
1.12.2. Characteristics of the Discharge
The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than
typical effluent from a septic tank.
1.12.3. Authorized Works
The authorized works are the sewage collection and conveyance system,
septic tank, a 200 mm diameter outfall terminating at a depth of 1 metres
Date Issued: September 10, 1980
Date Amended: February 22, 2000
(most recent)
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J. Hofweber, P. Eng.
Assistant Regional Waste Manager
Pollution Prevention
below the Canadian Hydrographic Survey chart datum geodetic low water
level and extending seaward approximately 40 m from the shoreline, and
related appurtenances located approximately as shown on Site Plan A.
1.12.4. Location of the Source of the Discharge
The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates is the
City of Prince Rupert, Seal Cove air base.
1.12.5. Location of the Point of Discharge
The location of the point of discharge is a portion of Water Front Block I,
District Lot 923, Range 5, Coast District.
Maintenance of Works and Emergency Procedures
Inspect the authorized works regularly and maintain them in good working order.
In the event of an emergency or condition beyond the control of the permittee
which prevents effective operation of the approved method of pollution control,
the permittee shall notify the Regional Waste Manager immediately and take
appropriate remedial action.
Ensure that no waste is discharged without being processed through the
authorized works unless written approval has been received from the Regional
Waste Manager.
Process Modifications
Obtain written approval from the Regional Waste Manager, prior to implementing
changes to the authorized works or to any process that may affect the quality
and/or quantity of the discharge.
Posting of Outfall
Erect a sign along the alignment of each outfall above high water mark. The sign
shall bear the words SEWAGE OUTFALL in lettering at least 10 cm high.
Sewage System Upgrading
Develop and execute a plan for upgrading the sewage collection, conveyance and
disposal system. The plan:
Date Issued: September 10, 1980
Date Amended: February 22, 2000
(most recent)
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J. Hofweber, P. Eng.
Assistant Regional Waste Manager
Pollution Prevention
a) will consider sanitary and storm sewers separation, and the upgrade,
consolidation and extension of outfalls.
b) will consider ways beyond upgrading, consolidating and extending
outfalls to reduce the impact on the receiving environment (including but
not limited to source control, and methods to reduce, re-use, recycle).
c) will determine the need for and the timing of the installation of primary or
secondary treatment facilities based on population projections, receiving
environment capacity and, where practical, public input.
d) will include a timeline for completion of the planned work and a detailed
schedule of work for the first 5 years after completion of the plan.
e) will be submitted to the Regional Waste Manager by December 31, 2001.
f) will be reviewed and updated annually. A report is to be submitted
annually by January 31 each year identifying work completed in the
previous 12 months, work to be carried out in the next 12 months, a
schedule of work for the next 5 years, and any changes to the plan.
Future Works
Sufficient land is to be secured for the construction of future treatment plants
should they become necessary to adequately protect the environment.
Comprehensive Monitoring Program
3.1.1. Discharge Flow Modelling
Carry out a comprehensive discharge flow modelling program for each of
the permitted outfalls, as outlined in the Associated Engineering document
entitled City of Prince Rupert, Permit PE-5577 Draft Comprehensive
Monitoring Program, September 1999, to estimate the wastewater flow
under a range of expected hydrological conditions.
3.1.2. Receiving Environment Monitoring
a) Carry out a comprehensive environment monitoring program, as
outlined in the Associated Engineering document entitled City of
Prince Rupert, Permit PE-5577 Draft Comprehensive Monitoring
Program, September 1999, to determine the theoretical initial dilution
and secondary dispersion of the major outfall discharges under a
variety of oceanographic conditions and to develop a dynamic model
to estimate the impact of the discharges on the harbour.
Date Issued: September 10, 1980
Date Amended: February 22, 2000
(most recent)
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J. Hofweber, P. Eng.
Assistant Regional Waste Manager
Pollution Prevention
b) In addition to the comprehensive monitoring program, obtain samples
of harbour water on a quarterly basis at each of the following
Monitoring Location
Seal Cove Seaplane Base dock
Rushbrook Floats boat launch
Prince Rupert Yacht Club dock, Cow Bay
Morse Creek area near Outfall B
Fairview floats
Site Identification
Samples shall be collected in January, April, July, and October at
approximately the low tide. Tide level at the time of sampling is to be
recorded. Analyses is to be obtained for fecal coliform bacteria
Sampling and Analytical Procedures
Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures described in the
"British Columbia Field Sampling Manual for Continuous Monitoring Plus the
Collection of Air, Air-Emission, Water, Wastewater, Soil, Sediment, and
Biological Samples 1996 Edition (Permittee)”, or by suitable alternative
procedures as authorized by the Regional Waste Manager.
Analyses are to be carried out in accordance with procedures described in the
“British Columbia Environmental Laboratory Manual for the Analysis of Water,
Wastewater, Sediment and Biological Materials, 1994 Edition (Permittee)” or by
suitable alternative procedures as authorized by the Regional Waste Manager.
Copies of the above manuals may be purchased from the Queen’s Printer
Publication Centre, P. O. Box 9452, Stn. Prov. Govt. Victoria, British Columbia,
V8W 9V7 (1-800-663-6105 or (250) 387-6409, or via fax at (250) 387-0388).
The manuals are also available for review at all Pollution Prevention offices.
Compile the results and conclusions of the comprehensive monitoring program in
a report to be submitted to the Regional Waste Manager by December 31, 2000.
The results of the quarterly harbour sampling shall be submitted to the Regional
Waste Manager within 30 days of the sampling period.
Date Issued: September 10, 1980
Date Amended: February 22, 2000
(most recent)
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J. Hofweber, P. Eng.
Assistant Regional Waste Manager