How will the stormwater be managed? Conyers will manage stormwater by: Implementing a SWMP that will begin by correcting approximately 31 stormwater problems that have been identified by City residents Monitoring and controlling stormwater in accordance with new regulations Repairing, maintaining and upgrading stormwater infrastructure in a reasonable and economically responsible manner to improve and maintain water quality Who should be concerned about the program? You! All property owners and business owners in the City are users of the stormwater management program. Therefore, it is important to be a part of the solution. How am I a user? Stormwater runs off driveways, rooftops and other impervious surfaces, or surfaces that do not allow water to filter through the ground. This runoff contains pollutants from your yard (fertilizers, animal waste, etc.) and/or place of business (oil, trash, etc.). Who has been managing stormwater before the implementation of the SWMP? The City of Conyers has been doing its best to keep up with the problems associated with stormwater runoff. However, with urbanization creating more impervious surfaces and the additional regulations being mandated, the need is more than the City can handle without a formal plan of action and a dedicated funding source. How can I help? By doing your part to reduce the polluted runoff: Control erosion: o Do not allow bare soil to wash into storm drains and streams o Place straw over newly seeded areas o Sod, seed and plant or build terraces on slopes Dispose of animal waste properly: Do not leave it to wash down storm drains leading to waterways and contributing to bacteria in the water Dispose of paints and chemicals properly: Cleaning paint brushes, dumping oil, and pouring chemicals into storm drains is the same as dumping those chemicals directly into stream Can I get credit for limiting my impervious surface? Yes. There are a number of ways you can receive credit and reduce your user fee beginning in 2003: Participate in stream clean-ups Provide additional water quality control measures Reduce imperviousness and stormwater runoff Is the City of Conyers the only place with a SWMP? No. Many communities have such programs in place. However, without a dedicated funding source, many are finding it difficult to achieve their goals. Is the City of Conyers the only place with a stormwater user fee? No. Within Georgia, the cities of Griffin and Decatur and Columbia County have already successfully implemented user fees. Other municipalities have studies in progress, and expect to implement user fees soon. How can I get more information about the SWMP? For more information, the City of Conyers invites you to visit its website at or call our Community Outreach Coordinator, Louise Bicksler at 770929-4234.