Capital Village Phase 3 & 4 2004.35A Capital Village Phase 3 & 4 Rancho Cordova Sacramento County California Final DRAINAGE REPORT June 29, 2006 Prepared for RSC ENGINEERING, INC Prepared By: CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, INC. 1325 Howe Avenue Suite 202 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 563-7300 JOB # 2004.35A This document prepared under the supervision of: The status of this report is PRELIMINARY unless the appropriate signature is provided to the right. Signature will be provided after review is complete. © 2006 - Civil Engineering Solutions Inc Signature dated: CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC June 29, 2006 i Capital Village 2004.35A TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1 2. Site ................................................................................................................... 1 3. Methodology.................................................................................................... 1 4. Project Description .......................................................................................... 1 5. Analysis ........................................................................................................... 3 6. Drainage System .............................................................................................. 3 7. Summary.......................................................................................................... 4 8. Water Quality .................................................................................................. 5 Channel ............................................................................................................ 6 Vegetation........................................................................................................ 6 List of TABLES TABLE-A – CSDS MODELS … ................................................................................ 3 TABLE-I – SUMMARY CSDS MODEL … .............................................................. 4 TABLE-II – WQ-PARAMETER … ........................................................................... 5 TABLE-III – Suitable Plants for Vegetative Treatment … ......................................... 7 List of FIGURES FIGURE 1 – Vicinity Map … ...................................................................................... 2 FIGURE 2 – WQ Basin Profile w/ Section ………………………………APPENDIX-C APPENDICES APPENDIX-A – OVERSIZED EXHIBITS APPENDIX-B – CSDS DETAILED REPORTS AND SUMMARY TABLES APPENDIX-C – WATER QUALITY – CHANNEL/ BASIN CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC June 29, 2006 ii Capital Village 2004.35A INSERT FIGURE-1 VICINITY MAP CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC June 29, 2006 iii Capital Village Phase 3 & 4 2004.35A 1.0 Introduction This report presents the results of the drainage analysis for Capital Village Phases 3 & 4. This analysis provides the Hydraulic Grade Lines (HGL’s) at each node (Manholes and Drain Inlets) of the proposed storm drain system, including; shed areas, the design flows, and pipe sizes. The site was originally zoned commercial and the existing storm drain system was designed based on the NOLTE Zone 3 charts, for commercial land use. This project has been re-zoned medium to high-density residential (RD8-10), 8–10 dwelling units per acre. The design flows are based on the NOLTE Zone 3 charts. This stormdrain pipe analysis includes the Phase 1 & 2 systems as well as the contributing off site shed areas. This was done to assure that the flows and HGL’s (H&H) for the project development were consistent. 2.0 Site The site is located south of Highway-50 and east of Zinfandel Drive. The Phase 3 & 4 development sites encompass approximately 30-acre. The project is bound by Zinfandel Drive on the west, International Drive on the north and Prospect Park Drive on the east. The south boundary is adjacent to an open space corridor that includes a pedestrian/ bike path. A commercial lot is being retain on the southeast corner of Zinfandel and International Drives. This commercial site will not be developed with this project. A Vicinity/ Location Map is provided on Figure 1. The FEMA FIRM (602620210E) indicates the site is not within any designated 100-year Floodplain and is designated Zone-X, 500-year floodplain. 3.0 Methodology The hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for this project was performed in accordance with the requirements of Volume 2 of the Sacramento City/County Drainage Manual. The Civil Solutions Drainage Studio (CSDS) program was used to determine the design flows and analyze the proposed storm drain system. The design flows are based on the land uses generated by the Nolte Zone 3 Design Charts. Commercial and residential land use densities (8-10 du/ac) were used to determine the proposed condition flows. The Nolte design flows are based on land use and area. These flow reflect approximately the 2-year to 5-year flow event that would be derived using the Sacramento Chart Method. The Water Quality Flows (WQF) were derived using the jurisdictional file SACSWQ. The WQF are based on the City of Sacramento’s flow rate of 0.18-cfs/ ac. 4.0 Project Description The original drainage studies for the existing drainage systems were not available. Shed boundaries and areas were determined from existing improvement plans, County Storm Drain Maps, topographic maps, aerial maps and project site plans. The off-site sheds CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC June 29, 2006 1 Capital Village Phase 3 & 4 2004.35A contributing the system flows were estimated using a recent aerial photograph of the area. An aerial image showing the existing development adjacent to this site is incorporated into the Shed Map, Exhibit SH-1 included in APPENDIX-A. SH-1 shows the project boundaries, lotting and off-site shed areas. The post project flows and HGL’s for the Phase 3 & 4 Storm Drain systems are shown on the Exhibit SD-1 and SD-2 (APPENDIX-A). The proposed stormdrain system from Phase 3 and 4 drains from east to west to Zinfandel Drive and connects to a manhole south of International Drive. The exiting stormdrain in Zinfandel south of International Drive is a 15-inch pipe. The proposed stormdrain from Phase 3 is a 30-inch pipe. The 15-inch line will be replace with a 30-inch line. A Water Quality facility on the southeast corner of Zinfandel and Barden Drive will be used to provide treatment for the water Quality Flows (WQF). A discussion of the treatment is provided in the WATER QUALITY section of this report. This report provides the hydraulics analysis for Phases 3 & 4. Phases 1 & 2 contribute (25.2 & 17.9) a total of 43.1-acres to Manhole E2 in International Drive. The Capital Village Phase 1 & 2 Drainage Report includes detailed references and explanations of these sheds and drainage systems. The contributing offsite sheds and areas that drain to the intersection at Zinfandel and International Drives are included in this analysis. The areas and flows are included to reflect their hydraulic impacts to the storm drain system (HGL’s). The CSDS drainage model includes the Phase 1 & 2 systems, (lines A & B) plus the two existing drain lines E & F as shown in Exhibit SD-1, in APPENDIX-A. A total shed area of 299-acres drains to manhole Node E5 at the intersection of Zinfandel and International Drives. 1) Phases 1 & 2 (Lines A & B) drain the major portion of the residential parcel north of International Drive and west of Prospect Park Drive to the open channel adjacent the east side of the proposed commercial site. Lines A and B contribute 27.6-acres and 17.0-acres respectively to the channel. Line A drains the north half of the residential development and Line B drains the south half. The channel drains a total of 44.6-acres to manhole (node) E2. The open channel drains from north to south and will connect to the existing 54-inch storm drain in International Drive with a 48-inch drain line at the proposed manhole, at Node E2. 2) Phases 3 & 4 includes the shed south of International Drive and west of Zinfandel Drive. Approximately 30-acres drains to MH-D33 at Zinfandel Drive then north to E5 at International Drive. 3) Line E drains from east to west down International Drive and includes the 136.8acre off-site commercial property east of Prospect Park Drive and the 13.6-acres of street frontage and the condominium site. Lines A & B (Phases 1 & 2) combine with Line E at Node E2. 4) Line F drains from north to south down Zinfandel to International Dr. A total of 62.1-acres drains to E5 from Line F. The shed area includes the 28.5-acres of offsite commercial from north of Disk and Data Drive, plus the 25.8-acres CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC June 29, 2006 2 Capital Village Phase 3 & 4 2004.35A commercial parcel, along the east side of Zinfandel between International and Disk Drive and 7.8-aces of street frontage. 5.0 Analysis The existing stormdrain system was designed based on the Nolte Zone 3 flows for commercial land use. The analyses will also use the Nolte design flows to size the proposed storm drain system and determine the Hydraulic grade Lines (HGL’s) throughout the system. These flow are approximately equivalent to the 2 to 5-year event for the Sacramento Chart Method. Civil Solutions Drainage Studio (CSDS) program was used to develop the design flows (hydrology) and compute the HGL’s (hydraulics) for the storm drain systems. Models of the proposed system are based on the Improvement plans provided by the site engineer. The land use for the proposed projects site is for 8 –10 dwelling units/ acre and the commercial land use for the off-site sheds. Table-A lists the CSDS models created for this report along with the jurisdictional flow file used to generate the design flows. The electronic files for each CSDS model are included on the CD provided in APPENDIX-B. A copy of the CSDS program is available as “Freeware” Civils Solutions web site; TABLE-A CSDS MODELS CSDS Model Jurisdiction File name PH1234_COMB_10-YR_June_0620.PRJ NOLTESZ3 PH1234_COMB_WQ_June_0620.PRJ SACSWQ Design Description Q-Years Nolte Proposed Land Use ZONE3 WQF Q=0.18A per WQ Manual The Water Quality Flows (WQF) are based on the equation 4 -1 (WQF=CiA) of the Guidance Manual for On-Site Stormwater Quality Control Measures. The WQF are based on the City of Sacramento’s flow rate of 0.18-cfs/ ac. The jurisdictional file SACSWQ was used to generate the Water Quality Flows. 6.0 Drainage System Phases 3 & 4 stormdrain systems flow from east to west and connect to the stormdrain system within Zinfandel Drive. Phase 4 is located south of International Drive and west of Prospect Park Drive. Phase 4 drains west to Phase 3. Phase 3 is located in the westerly 2/3rds of the site and drains to Zinfandel Drive. The existing stormdrain system in Zinfandel drains north to the existing manhole (E5) at Zinfandel and International Drive. The existing stormdrain pipe is a 15-inch pipe and not intended to convey the flows from the 30-acre shed from Phase 3 & 4. The existing system flow north to International Drive is not capable of conveying the flows and will be upgraded. The 15-inch line will be replaced. The proposed system will connect to the existing manhole (E5) at Zinfandel CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC June 29, 2006 3 Capital Village Phase 3 & 4 2004.35A and International Drive and extend approximately 1,100-feet south to pickup the water quality flows from the proposed Water Quality facility (WQ-out) and manhole D32. The Water Quality treatment channel/basin is located on the southeast corner of Zinfandel Drive and Barden Drive. A bypass system is incorporated into the stormdrain system at Manhole #28 (MH28) upstream of the WQ facility. Flows in excess of the WQF will flow directly to the downstream stormdrain system in Zinfandel Drive to minimize the flow and volume passing through the WQ facility. Flows in excess of the WQF will be conveyed to manhole D31A. A detailed description of the WQ facility is included in the Water Quality section of this Report. 7.0 Summary The analysis of the proposed stormdrain system is based on the proposed improvement plans. The HGL’s for all Manholes and Drain Inlet structures are contained with in the system and maintained a minimum of 1.77 ft below the Rim or grate elevations. A summary of the areas, design flows and HGL’s at selected node points are presented in TABLE-I. TABLE-I SUMMARY CSDS ANALYSIS DESIGN CONDITION PH1234_COMB_10-YR_June_0620.PRJ Nodes smh28 31A D33 D34 E5 Area-Ac Design Flows cfs 9.55 9.80 9.80 11.99 146.16 28.55 29.05 29.05 25.48 297.55 HGL’s 95.45 94.53 94.56 94.43 93.49 The peak flow for the re-zoned residential land use, combined with the commercial land use ate Node E5 is 14716-cfs. The proposed condition HGL at Node E5 is 93.49, which is 0.29-feet lower than the AS-BUILT HGL (93.78) shown on the (improvement) plans for Capital Center II (Sheet 22/92). The peak flow at Zinfandel and International Drive (Node E5) for the commercial land use condition is 149.52-cfs. The original condition HGL at Node E5 is 93.56. (see APPENDIX-B SUMMARY REPORT:J). The proposed condition flows and HGL’s are less than the original design conditions proposed for the storm drain system. The proposed residential development flows are slightly less than the commercial land use model, as should be expected due to the reduced impervious cover. Copies of theCSDS Detailed Report and Summary Table are included in APPENDIX-B. CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC June 29, 2006 4 Capital Village Phase 3 & 4 2004.35A 8.0 Water Quality Discussions with Sacramento County Storm Water Quality treatment staff indicated that the preferred treatment for this site is a Vegetated Swale. The Sacramento City/ County Guidance Manual for On-Site Stormwater Quality Control Measures recommends a minimum contact time of 7-9-minutes. The Water Quality facility consist of an off-line channel/ basin system with a By-Pass manhole. The By-Pass Manhole (smh28) will divert the WQF to the basin/ channel facility. Two outlet pipe at smh28 will control to flows to the WQ facility. The pipe to the WQ channel is a 24-inch pipe with and invert elevation set at 93.40. A second outlet pipe (33-inches) is set with the invert at 94.45. This is the HGL of the WQF at smh28. Flow depth in excess of the WQF will pass to the downstream stormdrain system (D31A to D33) without flowing through the WQ facility. Water Quality treatment is provided for within the composite trapezoidal channel/basin. The channel is a 2-foot wide trapezoidal section that meanders through the basin bottom. The basin is “pear shaped” with the widest section at the inlet (WQ-in) This will allow the flows to spread across a large area and allow the velocities to be reduced and sediment to settle out. Based on the Water Quality model (PH1234_COMB_WQ_June_0620.PRJ), a contact time of 12.7-minutes is provided within the channel/ basin facility. The following Table II presents the Water Quality Flow (WQF) and contact time for the channel reach. TABLE-II WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS PH1234_COMB_WQ_June_0620.PRJ US Node D/sNode Area-Ac Q/Ac WQF Ave Vel Length fps ft WQ-in WQ-out 29.45 0.18 5.30 0.32 245 CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC Contact Time-min 12.7 June 29, 2006 5 Capital Village Phase 3 & 4 2004.35A Channel/ Basin The Water Quality Facility is a composite trapezoidal channel and basin. A low flow trapezoidal channel with a 2-foot wide bottom 1-foot deep with 3:1 side slopes will meander through the basin (see FIGURES-2 -APPENDIX-C). The channel is approximately 245-feet long, with an upstream invert at 93.2 and a downstream invert of 93.0. An additional feature to help minimize standing waters in the proposed channel, are two (2) 8-inch diameter perforated drainpipes placed 12-inches to 18-inches below the channel invert. A filter fabric with pea gravel will be placed around the pipes to extend the life of the sub-drains. The commercial sites will be developed at a later date. No WQ treatment facilities for the commercial sites are included with this study. It is anticipated that water quality treatment such as sediment separator vaults will be provided and incorporated with the development of the commercial site. Vegetation The vegetation selected for this project will need to maintain a height that exceeds the WQF depths of 1 to 1-1/2-feet. Table-III contains a list of recommended grasses suitable for vegetated swales. This information is from Sacramento City/ County Guidance Manual for On-Site Stormwater Quality Control Measures. The vegetation for the channel should be selected by a qualified landscape or appropriate specialist. CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC June 29, 2006 6 Capital Village Phase 3 & 4 2004.35A TABLE III Suitable Plants for Vegetative Treatment Common Name Scientific Name Persistence Annual Grasses Low barley Hordeum depressum Perennial Grasses Spiked Bent Agrostis scabra Grass California Brome Bromus carinatus Tufted hairgrass Deschampsia caespitosa ssp. Caespitosa Meadow Barley Hordeum brachyantherum Good reseeding Mulenvergia regens Comments Irrigation necessary if used on Native, loosely clumped, tolerates dry site alkaline soils, can withstand summer drought if saturated in spring Good reseeding Irrigation if used on dry site Good reseeding in moist areas Native, excellent for stabilizing disturbed areas Irrigation may be necessary on Native bunchgrass, provides good very dry sites groundcover Good to poor Must be used in moist to wet reseeding in moist to sites otherwise requires wet sites, requires full irrigation sun to partial shade Good reseeding Irrigation if used on dry site, no irrigation on moist site California Horeum californicum Meadow Barley Deergrass Maintenance Requirements Native, densely-tufted bunchgrass, excellent stabilizer, can w/stand summer drought if saturated in spring Native, forms clumps, tolerant of alkaline soils, infertile soils and compacted soils Good reseeding No irrigation required Native, forms clumps, one variety is very short (<8") tolerates alkaline and infertile soil Limited reseeding Summer irrigation Native, dramatic tall cover (Source; Guidance Manual for On-Site Stormwater Quality Control Measures, Sacramento Stormwater Management Program, Jan. 2000, Appendix D). CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC June 29, 2006 7 Capital Village Phase 3 & 4 2004.35A APPENDIX A OVERSIZED EXHIBITS SH-1 – SHED MAP SD-1 – STORMDRAIN MAP MANHOLE ANALYSIS SD-2 – STORMDRAIN MAP DRAIN INLET ANALYSIS SD-3 – STORMDRAIN MAP WQ ANALYSIS CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC June 29, 2006 A Capital Village Phase 3 & 4 2004.35A APPENDIX B CIVIL SOLUTIONS DRAINAGE STUDIO DETAILED SREPORTS and SUMMARY TABLES PH1234_COMB_10-YR_June_0620.PRJ PH1234_COMB_WQ_June_0620.PRJ CD- DRAINAGE ANALYSES CSDS MODELS PH1234_COMB_10-YR_June_0620.PRJ PH1234_COMB_WQ_June_0620.PRJ CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC June 29, 2006 B Capital Village Phase 3 & 4 2004.35A APPENDIX C WQ CHANNEL/ BASIN FIGURE-2: CHANNEL PROFILE W/ TYPICAL SECTION CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS INC June 29, 2006 C