Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ref: MBR024783 File: EP/10/3444 “*MBR024783*” 8 Nicholson Street East Melbourne Victoria 3002 Australia PO Box 500 East Melbourne Victoria 8002 Australia Telephone: +61 3 9637 8890 Facsimile: +61 3 9637 8100 DX 210098 Ms Cheryl Batagol Chairman Environment Protection Authority Level 3, 200 Victoria St CARLTON VIC 3053 Dear Ms Batagol MINISTERIAL STATEMENT OF EXPECTATIONS - STAGE TWO I am pleased to provide you with this Statement of Expectations (SOE) for the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). This SOE applies for the period 2014-15 and 2015-16, or until otherwise amended. It is the successor of my SOE dated 26 March 2013, which set performance measures and targets for 2013-14. Improving regulatory practice: the administration and enforcement of regulation This SOE sets out my expectations of EPA’s contribution to the government’s program to reduce red tape affecting businesses, not-for-profit organisations, government service providers and households by promoting greater efficiency and effectiveness in the administration and enforcement of regulation. As Minister for Environment and Climate Change, I am responsible for administering the Environment Protection Act 1970 that affects businesses and the broader Victorian community. This SOE should be read within the context of the objectives, obligations and functions outlined in this Act. This SOE outlines key governance and performance objectives and targets aimed at improving regulatory practice, improving businesses regulatory experience and reducing the cost to business and the community. Demonstrating good regulatory practice I expect EPA to demonstrate good regulatory practice in relation to all of the following elements – role clarity, cooperation amongst regulators, stakeholder consultation and engagement, accountability and Privacy Statement Any personal information about you or a third party in your correspondence will be protected under the provisions of the Information Privacy Act 2000. It will only be used or disclosed to appropriate Ministerial, Statutory Authority, or departmental staff in regard to the purpose for which it was provided, unless required or authorised by law. Enquiries about access to information about you held by the Department should be directed to the Privacy Coordinator, Department of Environment and Primary Industries, PO Box 500, East Melbourne, Victoria 8002. transparency, clear and consistent regulatory activities, risk-based strategies, timeliness and compliance related assistance and advice1. More specifically, in its use of risk-based strategies, I expect EPA to be able to justify how it is allocating its efforts, to have data that supports how it has allocated resources, to actively promote its activity to key stakeholders, to promote and justify its application of risk-based sanctions and to use risk to inform its requests to industry for data and information. I expect that all reasonable steps are made to minimise the risk of environmental harm whilst acknowledging that the regulator can never eliminate it. In relation to timeliness, I expect EPA to clearly communicate the timelines for its processes to duty holders and the community, to avoid duplication and align its timelines as far as practicable with other regulators. EPA needs to avoid unnecessary delay costs and business opportunity costs for duty holders. EPA must continue to work closely with, and learn from, its regulator peers and partners. It is my expectation that EPA will participate in and encourage cross jurisdictional programs, share data and intelligence, and aim to collectively improve businesses’ regulatory experience. I expect it to dedicate effort to sharing, learning, and clarifying overlaps and gaps with its regulator peers. As part of being accountable and transparent, I expect that EPA will clearly communicate its decisions and plans, including the reasons for its statutory decisions. I also expect EPA to provide clear and effective compliance related assistance and advice to duty holders. This includes providing duty holders with practical examples of what compliance looks like, targeting education and support materials to areas of need and for industries that are the focus of compliance inspections, and ensuring that regulatory officers provide consistent and appropriate compliance advice. I further expect EPA to be clear on the scope and boundaries of its role, and to have the capacity and quality checking processes to ensure it is fulfilling its role. EPA needs to clearly understand and communicate how it intersects and works with other regulators. Based on consultation with EPA and the Department of Environment and Primary Industries, I have identified opportunities that will illustrate EPA’s commitment to these elements of good regulatory practice. 1 These 8 elements of good regulatory practice are outlined in Department of Treasury and Finance, Statement of Expectations Guidelines (March 2014). MBR024783 2 Measure Target Good regulatory practice element(s) Approvals reform 1. Pilot new approach to Pilot launched by early 2015 providing earned autonomy to high performing EPA licensees Risk-based strategies 2. Periodic reviews of the Prioritisation framework and Risk-based currency and effectiveness of procedures developed and strategies EPA licence conditions reviews of licences commenced by 30 June 2015 3. Publication of EPA works Published for all works approval Accountability approval summary decisions from 31 December 2014 transparency assessment reports and 4. Extend maximum duration of Five year permits available by 30 Risk-based permits to transport June 2015 strategies prescribed waste or prescribed industrial waste from 12 months to five years Audit reform 5. Time taken by EPA for a clean 90% within 56 days in 2014-15 up to extent possible (CUTEP) decision following submission from an environmental auditor. Timeliness 6. Percentage of CUTEP 25% in 2014-15 decisions exempt from approval by EPA (that is, decision made by the auditor) Risk-based strategies 7. Harmonisation of auditor Auditors are appointed using the Cooperation appointment process with same criteria and similar amongst regulators NSW EPA (pilot project for processes by 30 June 2015 national harmonisation) MBR024783 3 Measure Target Good regulatory practice element(s) Guidance and information 8. Quality of EPA’s guidance for Establish and report on the Compliance related duty holders percentages of duty holders that, assistance and in 2015-16 compared to 2013-14, advice regard: (a) EPA’s guidance publications as accessible, sufficient and consistent; and (b) the guidance contained in EPA’s remedial notices as clear and easy to understand 9. Quality of information and support for the general public and for people who seek or report information on the activities of EPA and/or Victorian environmental issues, and for people reporting pollution, litter and smoky vehicles to EPA Establish and report on the Accountability percentages of the general public, transparency customers and community stakeholders that, in 2015-16 compared to 2013-14, regard: and (a) EPA’s information and support as accessible and meaningful; and (b) EPA’s promotion of its compliance and enforcement activities and performance as effective. 10. Quality of information and support for organisations with delegated powers under the Act Establish and report on the level of support that organisations with delegated powers report receiving from EPA to deliver those delegated functions, in 2015-16 compared to 2013-14 Accountability and transparency; cooperation amongst regulators; role clarity In developing actions to achieve these improvements and targets, EPA is expected to consult with business and the broader community as appropriate. In relation to performance measures 1, 2, 5 and 6, I expect EPA to set and publish new targets for the 2015-16 financial year by 31 July 2015. MBR024783 4 Reporting Reporting on your progress to achieve these SOE performance targets should be undertaken in the context of annual financial reporting to avoid dual reporting streams. As part of annual reporting, regulators are expected to report on: • current baseline levels for performance targets set in this SOE; and • activities to be undertaken to reach the performance targets and improvements set out in this SOE. I also expect that these SOE performance targets will be incorporated into EPA’s Corporate Plan, and this SOE should be published on EPA’s website upon receipt. I expect that within three months of receipt of this letter, EPA will respond to this SOE, outlining how it intends to achieve the performance improvements and targets set in this SOE. This response should include details of the specific activities that will be undertaken by EPA. I look forward to seeing EPA continuously working towards achieving best practice in the administration and enforcement of regulation. Yours sincerely THE HON RYAN SMITH MP Minister for Environment and Climate Change MBR024783 5