The Environmental Costing Model: a tool to advise policy makers in Flanders on issues of cost efficiency Meynaerts E., Lodewijks P., Duerinck J. Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol, Belgium ( This paper has not been submitted elsewhere in identical or similar form, nor will it be during the first three months after its submission to the Publisher. Abstract Information and knowledge about environmental costs and cost efficiency become more and more important in the context of international and European environmental policy. In recent literature, references are found of the growing interest for environmental costs and cost efficiency in e.g. the Netherlands, Germany, France. In Belgium, the Flemish Institute for Technological Research started in June 2001 with the development of the Environmental Costing Model. This model is a tool to 1 determine the costs of environmental policy and to contribute to a more efficient environmental policy by indicating how environmental targets can be realised in a cost effective way. Initially, the model is developed for the industrial emission sources of SO2, NOx and VOC in Flanders. The choice of the test case is inspired by the emission targets imposed by the NEC Directive. The results illustrate the added value of the model as a tool to determine the least-cost combination of abatement measures to satisfy multi-pollutant targets. In addition to the optimal solution, other scenarios can be simulated with the model to support the policy makers in making well-founded policy choices. Keywords: abatement measure, cost efficiency, emission source, environmental costing model, marginal cost curve, mixed integer programming, multi-pollutant 2 Introduction Information and knowledge about environmental costs and cost efficiency become more and more important in the context of international and European environmental policy. The determination of environmental targets and the burden sharing between countries are increasingly based on economic analyses. For instance, the RAINS model has been used for the negotiations of the Gothenburg Protocol and the Directive 2001/81/EC on National Emissions Ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants (Amann et al. 1999). In order to negotiate on issues as international burden sharing, the policy makers need information about the cost effectiveness of the possible abatement measures. Sometimes, the cost efficiency analysis is a compulsory step in order to comply with regulation, e.g. in the Water Framework Directive (Article 11, Annex III) it is stated that all EU Member States have to develop a river basin management plan by 2009, including programmes of cost effective measures (Working Group 2.6 – WATECO 2003). A consistent framework and a tool for optimization are needed to advise the policy makers on issues of cost efficiency. 3 In recent literature, references are found of the growing interest for environmental costs and cost efficiency. In the Netherlands, Brink et al. (2003; 2001) investigated interrelations in emission reduction strategies for ammonia, nitrous oxide and methane from agricultural activities in Europe and analyzed their impact on cost effective emission reduction strategies. Van der Veeren (2002) developed a decision analytic tool that can be used to identify the trade-offs between costs and the economic and environmental consequences of nutrient abatement policies in their spatial setting. Further work on modelling the relationship between water and economics in the Netherlands is currently being done by Brouwer et al. (2005). In Germany, Interwies et al. (2004) developed a multi-step evaluation process to determine the programmes of costeffective measures as defined in the Water Framework Directive. In France, Rentz et al. (1999) elaborated (marginal) cost functions for the reduction of the emissions of VOC in France. The MERLIN project (Multi-pollutant, Multi-Effect Assessment of European Air Pollution Control Strategies: an Integrated Approach), coordinated by the University of Stuttgart (IER), aims at developing an integrated assessment framework, which includes the assessment of 4 costs and benefits as well as the macro-economic impacts of emission controls (Reis et al. 2005)[12]. In Belgium, the BAT-Centre of the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) started in June 2001, under the authority of the Flemish Government, with the development of the Environmental Costing Model (MilieuKostenModel or MKM in Dutch). The Flemish Government aims at developing a tool (i) to determine the costs of environmental policy and (ii) to contribute to a more efficient environmental policy by indicating how environmental targets can be realised in a cost effective way. Initially, the model is developed for the industrial emission sources of SO2, NOx and VOC in Flanders. The choice of this test case is inspired by the emission targets imposed on Belgium (and Flanders) by Directive 2001/81/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on National Emission Ceilings for certain pollutants. This paper is structured as follows. First, the methodology and features of the Environmental Costing Model are described. Next, the functionalities of the model are demonstrated by means of a 5 numerical example. Finally, an overview is given of the main conclusions and suggestions for further research are made. Methodology Cost efficiency plays a key role in the Environmental Costing Model. If only one environmental objective, for one pollutant and few emission sources has to be taken into account, the cost efficiency analysis is a straightforward exercise. In this case, it is sufficient to rank possible abatement measures based on their (marginal) costs and reduction potential and to select the cheapest measure or combination of measures to realize the environmental objective. However, often the analysis involves multiple emission sources, pollutants, abatement measures, interactions and tradeoffs. The least cost solution can not be determined by a simple overview of the (marginal) costs and emission reduction potential of abatement measures. The interactions and trade-offs mentioned above, are taken into account in the Environmental Costing Model. The model makes it 6 possible to optimize for one or multiple pollutants at the same time (e.g. What is the least cost solution to reduce emissions? What is the marginal cost curve for a particular pollutant) and to simulate scenarios (e.g. What is the impact of more stringent environmental objectives on the least cost solution?). Obviously, it is important to have a well-founded and unambiguous methodology in support of the model. A lot of effort has been put in making well-considered choices about the definition of e.g. environmental costs and cost efficiency and the methodology to analyse the cost efficiency of abatement measures. Model description Features of the database The core of the Environmental Costing Model is a database of emission sources and abatement measures with their associated emission reduction potential and annual costs. 7 Emission sources If emissions for one or more pollutants exceed a certain threshold, companies in Flanders are legally bounded to report to the Flemish Environmental Agency (VMM). This reporting obligation relates to all emission sources and includes for each emission source typical characteristics such as mass flow, emission concentration, number of operational hours and energy consumption. The database of the Flemish Environmental Agency is used to identify and describe industrial (point) emission sources in the Environmental Costing Model. Other sources of information are literature, surveys and/or contacts with e.g. experts and industry federations. Depending on the data available, emission sources are identified on the level of a sector or an individual company. The format of the database makes it possible to describe emission sources either as individual installations or as so-called ‘reference installations’. A ‘reference installation’ is a representative category of installations for which the same emission abatement measures are available and for which a particular abatement measure has similar abatement results and costs. 8 For each pollutant, emissions are linked to an activity that can be considered as the source of the pollution e.g. the amount of fuel or solvent consumed, the amount of products produced. Consequently, the Environmental Costing Model can be used to forecast emissions based on the evolution of the activities or emission factor. Also, it is possible to compare data with the input of other models e.g. the RAINS model. Abatement measures Abatement measures are described by means of their investment costs, operating costs, lifetime, capacity, reduction efficiency. The main sources of information are literature, surveys and/or contacts with e.g. experts and industry federations. Abatement measures are defined as exclusive. This means that two or more abatement measures can not be implemented at the same time on a particular emission source. Of course, an abatement measure can be defined in the model as a combination of techniques. 9 The format of the database makes it possible to describe processintegrated measures (e.g. fuel switch) and end-of-pipe techniques (e.g. flue gas cleaning). If surveys and/or contacts with e.g. experts and industry federations show that a particular abatement measure is implemented, the model can take into account the (exogenous) implementation for a particular year. A distinction can be made between: (1) The abatement measure is used for its total capacity i.e. the investment costs and operational costs are taken into account for 100%. (2) The abatement measure is not used for its total capacity i.e. the investment costs are taken into account for 100%, but the operational costs depend on the use of the measure. Features of the algorithm Mixed integer programming By means of mixed integer programming the Environmental Costing Model determines the least-cost combination of abatement 10 measures to satisfy multi-pollutant targets. A mixed integer programming (or MIP) problem is a problem where some of the decision variables are constrained to have only integer values in the optimal solution. The model can be operated for multiple sources and multiple pollutants at the same time. Environmental targets can be set at the overall Flemish level, at the sector level or at the level of a (reference) installation. If multi-pollutant targets are set, positive or negative interaction effects between pollutants can be taken into account, e.g. an incinerator reduces emissions of VOC, but increases emissions of CO2. The basic mathematical structure of the Environmental Costing Model is based on MARKAL (Loulou et al. 2004). MARKAL is a generic model that represents all energy demand, supply activities and technologies for a country. As the model is formulated as a dynamic optimisation model, it can produce alternative developments for energy supply and demand to achieve emission reduction goals at least cost. Simultaneously, the model makes 11 prospective energy and emission balances, tests the potential of new energy technologies and contributes to R&D policy formulation. The link with MARKAL has the advantage that other MARKAL facilities can be integrated in the Environmental Costing Model. For example: at the moment the model is one-shot dynamic, i.e. only one future time period (e.g. 2010 for the test case) is considered in which abatement measures can be implemented and environmental targets can be imposed. The link with MARKAL facilitates the adaptation of the Environmental Costing Model to dynamic modelling. But also other features can be integrated in the model such as elastic demand and endogenous learning. Endogenous and exogenous variables The objective function minimises the sum of the total annual costs of abatement measures n that can be implemented at various emission sources k to achieve multi-pollutant targets. 12 Min c(k ) kK For all emission sources k, pollutants p and abatement measures n, the following main constraints are imposed. e(k,p) = k , p X k 1 ak , n k , n, p k є K, p є P nN The annual emissions e(k,p) for all emission sources k and pollutants p depend on the activity level X k , the emission factor ε(k,p), the implementation rate a(k,n) and the reduction efficiency ρ(k,n,p) of abatement measure n. The level of activity per year X k is determined exogenously. Consequently, emissions can not be reduced by changing the activity level (i.e. the amount of products or energy produced, the amount of solvents consumed). c(k) = ak , n k , n X k bk , n k , n nN 13 kєK The total annual cost c(k) for all emission sources k is the sum of the annual operating and investment costs of all the abatement measures that are implemented. The operating costs are defined as the product of the activity level X k , the unit cost γ(k,n) (i.e. cost per unit of activity) and the implementation rate a(k,n) of abatement measure n. The annual investment cost λ(k,n) is a function of the binary implementation rate b(k,n). K ek , n E p pєP k 1 For all pollutants p, the total emissions (i.e. for all emission sources k) have to comply with the emission target E p . Environmental targets can be set at the overall Flemish level, at the sector level or at the level of a (reference) installation. ak , n 1 kєK nN k є K, n є N a(k,n) ≥ 0 14 For all emission sources k, the sum of the implementation rates a(k,n) of the abatement measures n should not exceed 100%. Of course, an abatement measure can be defined in the model as a combination of techniques. b is binary k є K, n є N b(k,n) ≥ a(k,n) For all emission sources k, the implementation rate b(k,n) of abatement measure n is binary, i.e. equal to 0 or 1. The implementation rate is greater than or equal to a(k,n). This implies that an abatement measure n can be implemented (investment costs) without being operational (no operating costs). Numerical illustration Description of the test case Directive 2001/81/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on National Emission Ceilings (NECs) for certain 15 pollutants sets upper limits for each Member State for the total emissions in 2010 of the four pollutants responsible for acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone pollution (SO2, NOx, VOC and NH3). The Directive leaves it largely to the Member States to decide which measures to take in order to comply. In 2010 the Flemish Region of Belgium has to comply with the following emission ceilings: 65,8 kton SO2, 58,3 kton NOx, 70,9 kton VOC and 45,0 kton NH3. In order to meet these ambitious emission ceilings, the emission reduction potential of the different polluters has to be carefully balanced against each other. Under the authority of the Flemish Environmental Administration AMINAL, Ecolas and VITO developed a methodology to allocate emission ceilings to different polluters in the most cost effective way, taking into account the economic feasibility and cost efficiency of potential abatement measures (Van Biervliet et al. 2005). The methodology was applied to the industrial emission sources of SO2, NOx and VOC in Flanders. As Flanders has to comply with the emission ceilings in 16 2010, the optimization and simulations were carried out for the year 2010. The Environmental Costing Model for Flanders was used to determine the least cost combination of abatement measures to satisfy the multi-pollutant target for SO2, NOx and VOC in 2010. In order to test the sensitivity of the model, the most cost effective solution was also determined for more stringent environmental targets (i.e. reduction of the emission ceilings with 5% and 10%) and less stringent environmental targets (i.e. increase of emission ceilings with 5% and 10%). Results Techno-economic database The test case resulted in a techno-economic database that describes 1.001 (reference) installations and 2.153 abatement measures for the year 2010. The level of detail (e.g. source specific compared to generic) varies between sectors. 17 The (reference) emissions for the year 2010 were calculated based on projections concerning the activity level, the energy consumption and the energy efficiency, and the degree of implementation of abatement measures between 2000 and 2010. Environmental regulation that would come into force in Flanders between 2000 and 2010 (e.g. the Solvent Directive 1999/13/EC), was not taken into account. The total (reference) emissions of stationary sources in Flanders in 2010 were estimated at 117 kton SO2, 82 kton NOx and 91 kton VOC. Table 1 presents a more detailed overview per sector of the estimated emissions of SO2, NOx and VOC for 2010. 18 Table 1: estimated emissions of SO2, NOx and VOC per sector for 2010 Emissions 2010 (ton) Sector SO2 Automobile industry NOx VOC 30 201 4.580 6.801 13.182 17.692 179 524 16.032 32.269 25.869 0 905 1.508 58 5.453 2.320 1.008 3 21 6.813 205 1.805 25 8.123 7.434 891 300 163 0 11.287 677 650 Non ferrous metals 3.021 742 1.293 Paper industry 1.152 249 3 576 265 1.586 26.918 7.912 10.737 59 170 361 1.291 864 42 18.635 17.821 29.437 Chemical industry Coatings Power plants Glass industry Glasshouse horticulture Printing industry Municipal waste incineration Iron and steel Intensive livestock farming Ceramics Production of vegetable oils Refineries Textile industry Food industry Other sources of SO2, NOX and VOC Marginal cost curves The Environmental Costing Model was used to generate marginal cost curves. These curves describe for one pollutant the most cost effective combination of abatement measures for various emission reductions. Also, the effect on other pollutants was examined. 19 Marginal cost curve for SO2 (see Figure 1). The cost curve for SO2 starts at an emission level of 117 kton. Emissions can be reduced to 37 kton or there is a maximum reduction potential of 68%. In order to realize the emission ceiling of 65,8 kton, abatement measures with a marginal cost of less than 2,5 EUR per kg have to be implemented. The additional effect on NOx and CO2 is limited, with an emission reduction of 3 kton and 376 kton respectively. The reduction of SO2 is mainly realized by the sectors ‘power plants’ (39%), ‘refineries’ (32%), ‘ceramics’ (18%), ‘iron and steel’ (4%) and ‘non ferrous metals’ (4%). 20 Figure 1: SO2 marginal cost curve for Flanders + bonus effect on NOx and CO2 10 9 Marginal cost SO2 [€/kg reduction] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 60.000 70.000 80.000 90.000 100.000 110.000 120.000 Residual emissions NOx bonus (ton) CO2 bonus (kton) SO2 (ton) SO2 NEC (ton) Marginal cost curve for NOx (see Figure 2). The cost curve for NOx starts at an emission level of 82 kton. Emissions can be reduced to 40 kton, which means that there is a maximum reduction potential of 51%. In order to realize the emission ceiling of 58,3 kton, abatement measures with a marginal cost of less than 6,6 EUR per kg have to be implemented. The additional effect on SO2 and CO2 is significant with an emission reduction of 9 kton and 513 kton respectively. The reduction of NOx is mainly achieved by the 21 sectors ‘power plants’ (68%), ‘iron and steel’ (14%) and ‘refineries’ (6%). Figure 2: NOx marginal cost curve for Flanders + bonus effect on SO2 and CO2 10 Marginal cost NOx [EUR per kg reduction] 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 60.000 70.000 80.000 90.000 100.000 110.000 120.000 Residual emissions SO2 bonus (ton) CO2 bonus (kton) NOx (ton) NOx NEC (ton) Marginal cost curve for VOC (see Figure 3). The cost curve for VOC starts at 91 kton and emissions can be reduced to 65 kton; which means that there is a maximal reduction potential of 29%. In order to realize the emission ceiling of 70,9 kton abatement measures, with a marginal cost of less than 3,1 EUR per kg have to 22 be implemented. The abatement measures that are implemented for the reduction of VOC have no effect on SO2 or NOx. The reduction of VOC is mainly achieved by the sectors ‘coatings’ (i.e. metal and plastic) (21%), ‘refineries’ (18%) and ‘printing industry’ (14%). Figure 3: VOC marginal cost curve for Flanders 10 9 Marginal cost VOC [EUR per kg reduction] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 60.000 70.000 80.000 90.000 100.000 110.000 120.000 Residual emissions VOC (ton) VOC NEC (ton) Optimal solution As mentioned above, the Environmental Costing Model was used to determine the optimal (i.e. least cost or cost effective) allocation of emission reduction efforts to achieve the emission ceilings for 23 SO2, NOx and VOC (for stationary sources) in 2010. In the calculations a discount rate of 5% was used. The model calculated that the total annual costs for Flanders to comply with the emission ceilings in 2010 are 92 million EUR or 0,05% of the annual turnover of the sectors ‘industry’, ‘energy’ and ‘agriculture’ in Flanders in 2003. The sectors with the highest total annual costs are ‘power plants’ (30 million EUR), ‘refineries’ (21 million EUR) and ‘glasshouse horticulture’ (9 million EUR). Table 2 presents a more detailed overview of the emission reduction and the total annual costs per sector. 24 Table 2: emission reduction and total annual costs per sector Emission reduction (ton) Total annual cost (kEUR) Sector SO2 Automobile industry NOx VOC 0 43 0 36 1.337 2.015 5.455 11.612 0 23 7.709 7.753 19.869 14.269 0 30.031 0 319 0 33 3.643 953 0 9.013 Printing industry 2 1 2.954 1.151 Municipal waste incineration 0 0 0 0 2.005 3.257 0 5.975 0 0 0 0 7.362 2 -3 3.830 402 37 -4 467 57 66 -2 54 0 0 476 448 16.237 2.227 3.717 20.961 0 0 0 0 171 256 5 161 0 50 0 8 Chemical industry Coatings Power plants Glass industry Glasshouse horticulture Iron and steel Intensive livestock farming Ceramics Non ferrous metals Paper industry Production of vegetable oils Refineries Textile industry Food industry Other sources of SO2, NOx, VOC These results illustrate the added value of the model as a tool to determine the least-cost combination of abatement measures for multiple pollutants at the same time. If the optimal solution is determined for each pollutant separately (see marginal cost curves), 25 the total annual cost for Flanders to comply with the emission ceilings in 2010 is overestimated with 20 million EUR (+21%). Emission ceilings 5 and 10% more stringent If the emission ceilings for SO2, NOx and VOC are 5% more stringent, total annual costs exceed 119 million EUR, i.e. an increase of 30% in comparison with NEC. It has to be noticed that the reduction of NOx plays a key role in the selection of abatement measures that can reduce emissions of boilers and furnaces. If only the emission ceiling for NOx is reduced with 5%, the total annual costs increase with 9% to 100 million EUR. If the emission ceilings for SO2 and NOx are 10% more stringent, the total annual costs increase with 41% to 129 million EUR. Emission ceilings 5% and 10% less stringent If the emission ceilings for SO2, NOx and VOC are 5% less stringent, the total annual costs are 72 million EUR, i.e. a decrease of 22% in comparison with NEC. If the emission ceiling for SO2, NOx and VOC are 10% less stringent, the total annual costs decrease with 38% to 57 million EUR. 26 Conclusions and suggestions for further research The results illustrate the added value of the Environmental Costing Model as a tool to determine the least-cost combination of abatement measures to comply with multi-pollutant targets for SO2, NOx and VOC. If the optimal solution is determined for each pollutant separately, the total annual costs are overestimated. In addition to the optimal solution, other scenarios can be simulated to support the policy makers in making well-founded policy choices. Although the test case focuses on the industrial emission sources of SO2, NOx and VOC in Flanders, the format of the database and the structure of the algorithm allows for application of the model in other countries or regions. Also, analyses on different scales are possible as the model can be operated at the level of a country or region, at the level of a sector or at the level of a (reference) installation. However, the model has certain limitations that can be subject of further research. One of the most important limitations of the current version of the model is that it is static. Consequently, the 27 (remaining) lifetime of the existing installations and the abatement measures is not taken into account. Interesting questions such as the time-legged effect of abatement measures can not be answered with the current version of the model. As environmental regulation changes continuously, the database of the model has to be extended in order to optimize and simulate beyond 2010. In addition to SO2, NOx and VOC, also the pollutants CO2 en particulate matter have to be taken into account. 28 References [1] Amann M., Bertok I., Cofala J., Gyarfas F., Hettelingh J.P., Heyes C., Klimont Z., Makowski M., Posch M., Schöpp W., Simpson D. and Syri S., Economic Evaluation of a Directive on National Emission Ceilings for Certain Atmospheric Pollutants, Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 1999. [2] Brink C., van Ierland E., Hordijk L. and Kroeze C., CostEffective Emission Interrelations in Abatement Agriculture, in Europe Proceedings Considering of the 2nd International Nitrogen Conference on Science and Policy, TheScientificWorld, 2001. [3] Brink C., Modelling cost-effectiveness of interrelated emission reduction strategies – the case of agriculture in Europe, PhD thesis, Wageningen University, 2003. 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