The World Bank Financed Han River Urban Environment Improvement Project (HUEIP) Resettlement Plan RP566 (Appraisal Version) Project Management Office of Hubei Han River Urban Environment Improvement Project July, 2007 Abbreviation WB RP FSR EIA APs EA LAR LAS World Bank (“Bank”) Resettlement plan Feasibility Study Report Environmental impact assessment Affected persons Executing agency Land acquisition and resettlement Land acquisition survey M&E Monitoring and evaluation SES Socioeconomic survey PAP Project Affected People PMO Project Management Office WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant SWLF Solidwaste Landfill SPN Sewage Pipe Network HUEIP Hubei Han River Urban Environment Improvement Project Confirmation Each subproject unit respectively has writen resettlement plan for each subproject of HUEIP.France BRLi Company collected resettlement plan of each subproject. The compiling of each resettlement plan accords with the requirement of laws, regulations and policies of the People’ Republic of China, Hubei Province and relevant cities, and also accords with the requirement of WB involuntary resettlement policy. I, on behalf of PMO of HUEIP confirm the content of this report is trueand guarantees that land acquisition, house demolition, resettlement, compensation, and the budget of this project will be implemented according to this plan. This RP was composed according to the feasibility research report and elementary socioeconomic survey. If the final implementation contents of this project disaccords with the project contents described in the feasibility research report and causes the substantive impact to RP, the RP report will be modified accordingly. Director of Project Management Office of Hubei Han River Urban Environment Improvement Project (PMO of HUEIP) In Hubei Province July, 2007 Table of Content RESETTLEMENT PLAN..................................................................................................................................1 (APPRAISAL VERSION).................................................................................................................................1 ABBREVIATION ............................................................................................................................................2 CONFIRMATION ...........................................................................................................................................3 IN HUBEI PROVINCE .....................................................................................................................................3 TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................................................................4 1 PROJECT INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................1 1.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 COMPONENTS OF PROJECT ................................................................................................................. 1 FIGURE 1-1 LOCATION OF EACH SUBPROJECT .................................................................................2 TABLE 1-1 BASIC SITUATION OF EACH SUBPROJECT ......................................................................3 1.3 REGIONS BENEFITED FROM PROJECT AND REGIONS AFFECTED BY PROJECT ......................... 6 1.3.1 REGIONS BENEFITED FROM PROJECT ............................................................................................... 6 1.3.2 AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT ........................................................................................................ 6 1.4 PROJECT DESIGN PROCESS ................................................................................................................ 7 1.5 TOTAL INVESTMENT AND FUNDS SOURCES OF PROJECT ............................................................ 10 1.6 MEASURES FOR REDUCING PROJECT IMPACTS ..................................................................... 10 1.7 RELEVANT PROJECTS IN CONCERNING LINKAGE ISSUE............................................................... 15 2 PROJECT IMPACTS ..................................................................................................................16 2.1 SURVEY METHODS ............................................................................................................................... 16 2.2 SURVEY CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................... 16 2.3 SURVEY ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS............................................................................... 16 2.4 AFFECTED LAND ................................................................................................................................... 17 2.4.1 2.4.2 PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION ..................................................................................................... 17 TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION .................................................................................................... 18 TABLE 2-2 BASIC INFORMATION OF TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION OF EACH SUBPROJECT ...................................................................................................................................21 2.5 AFFECTED RURAL RESIDENTS' HOUSE............................................................................................ 21 TABLE 2-3 RURAL VILLAGE HOUSE DEMOLITION ...........................................................................21 2.6 AFFECTED ENTERPRISES.................................................................................................................... 22 TABLE 2-4 SITUATION OF AFFECTED ENTERPRISES .......................................................................23 2.7 AFFECTED TEMPORARY BUILDINGS ................................................................................................. 24 2.8 AFFECTED POPULATION ..................................................................................................................... 24 2.8.1 POPULATION AFFECTED DIRECTLY BY PROJECT .............................................................................. 24 2.8.2 AFFECTED VULNERABLE GROUP ......................................................................................... 27 TABLE 2-7 THE DETAILED CIRCUMSTANCE OF VULNERABLE GROUPS AFFECTED BY PROJECTS ........................................................................................................................................27 2.9 AFFECTED GROUND ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................ 27 TABLE 2-8 GROUND ATTACHMENT AND PUBLIC FACILITIES AFFECTED BY PROJECT ...............28 2.10 OTHER IMPACTS ................................................................................................................................... 30 2.11 SOCIOECONOMIC SITUATION OF AREA AFFECTED BY PROJECT ................................................ 30 2.11.1 HUBEI PROVINCE .......................................................................................................................... 30 2.11.2 THE AREA AFFECTED BY PROJECT ................................................................................................. 30 TABLE 2-9 THE BASIC SOCIOECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCE OF CITIES AFFECTED BY PROJECT .31 TABLE 2-10 THE BASIC SOCIOECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCE OF CITIES AFFECTED BY PROJECT ..........................................................................................................................................31 2.11.3 ANALYSIS ON IMPACT OF LAND ACQUISITION .................................................................................. 32 TABLE 2-11 SAMPLE SURVEY OF LAND ACQUISITION IMPACT .....................................................32 TABLE 2-12 IMPACT ANALYSIS ON VILLAGES AFFECTED BY LAND ACQUISITION ......................34 3 FRAMEWORK OF POLICY AND LAW ..............................................................................................36 3.1 THE LAW AND POLICY FOR RESETTLEMENT ................................................................................... 36 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 NATIONAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS ............................................................................................. 36 LOCAL LAWS AND POLICIES .................................................................................................. 36 WORLD BANK POLICY ........................................................................................................... 36 LAND ACQUISITION.................................................................................................................. 36 GUIDANCE ATTITUDE ON PERFECTING SYSTEM OF LAND ACQUISITION COMPENSATION AND RESETTLEMENT ......39 TABLE 3-1 REGION CATEGORY OF MINIMUM COMPENSATION STANDARDS FOR LAND ACQUISITION OF HUBEI PROVINCE............................................................................................... 42 TABLE 3-3 COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTED TABLE OF UNITED STANDARDS OF ANNUAL OUTPUT VALUE FOR LAND ACQUISITION IN HUBEI PROVINCE (PART TWO)........................... 44 3.1.5 3.1.6 TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION .................................................................................................... 48 HOUSE DEMOLITION ...................................................................................................................... 48 URBAN HOUSE DEMOLITION REGULATIONS STIPULATE ................................................................................48 DIRECTIVE OF URBAN HOUSE DEMOLITION EVALUATION PRICE ....................................................................48 3.1.7 RELEVANT POLICY OF WB INVOLUNTARY DISPLACED PEOLPE ........................................................ 49 3.2 RESETTLEMENT POLICY OF THIS PROJECT ................................................................................... 50 3.2.1 3.2.2 COMPENSATION PRINCIPLES IMPLEMENTED BY THE PROJECT ........................................................ 50 COMPENSATION POLICY ................................................................................................................ 50 4 COMPENSATION RATES .................................................................................................................53 4.1 COMPENSATION RATES FOR RURAL COLLECTIVE LAND ACQUISITION ................................... 53 TABLE 4-1 COMPENSATION RATES FOR RURAL COLLECTIVE LAND ............................................54 4.2 COMPENSATION RATES OF TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION .................................................... 57 4.3 COMPENSATION RATES FOR HOUSE DEMOLITION ....................................................................... 57 TABLE 4-2 THE COMPENSATION RATES FOR HOUSE DEMOLITION ............................................58 4.4 COMPENSATION RATES OF GROUND ATTACHMENTS ................................................................... 59 TABLE 4-4 COMPENSATION RATES OF ATTACHMENT ON THE GROUND .....................................60 5 RESETTLEMENT PLAN ....................................................................................................................62 5.1 OBJECTIVES OF RESETTLEMENT ...................................................................................................... 62 THE RESETTLEMENT PRINCIPLES OF THE PROJECT ARE IN THE FOLLOWING: ...................................................62 5.2 RESETTLEMENT RISKS FOR PAP CAUSED BY LAND ACQUISITION ........................................... 62 5.2.1 LOSING LAND ................................................................................................................................ 62 FIGURE 5-1 PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION..................................................................................63 5.2.2 UNEMPLOYMENT ........................................................................................................................... 63 FIGURE 5-2 PRODUCTION RESETTLEMENT POPULATION OF EACH SUBPROJECT .....................64 5.2.3 LOSING HOUSE .............................................................................................................................. 64 FIGURE 5-4 PEOPLE AFFECTED BY HOUSE DEMOLITION .............................................................66 5.2.4 LOSING RIGHTS TO ENJOY PUBLIC PROPERTY AND SERVICE ............................................................ 66 5.2.5 DISINTEGRATION OF SOCIETY ........................................................................................................ 66 5.3 ANALYSE ON RESETLLEMENT PLAN AND RESETTLEMENT RESULT .......................................... 66 5.3.1 RP OF RURAL PAP FOR PRODUCTION RESETTLEMENT ................................................................... 67 TABLE 5-1 THE SITUATION OF PRODUCTION RESETLLEMENT POPULATION AFFECTED BY LAND ACQUISITION IN EACH PROJECT .........................................................................................68 5.3.2 5.3.3 RESTORATION PLAN FOR TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION ............................................................ 68 HOUSE REBUILDING PLAN ............................................................................................................. 69 FIGURE 5-5 COMPENSATION RATE OF EACH PROJECT .................................................................69 TABLE 5-2 THE BALANCE TABLE OF CIRCUMSTANCE OF HOUSE RESETTLEMENT OF EACH PROJECT ..........................................................................................................................................70 5.3.4 RESETTLEMENT OF ENTERPRISES .................................................................................................. 72 TABLE 5-3 THE BASIC RESETTLEMENT CIRCUMSTANCE OF AFFECTED ENTERPRISES .............72 5.3.5 RESETTLEMENT PLAN FOR TEMPORARY BUILDINGS ........................................................................ 72 5.3.6 5.3.7 AFFECTED INFRASTRUCTURE AND GROUND ATTACHMENT .............................................................. 73 RESTORATION PLAN FOR VULNERABLE GROUPS ........................................................................... 73 TABLE 5-4 THE BASIC CONDITION OF AFFECTED VULNERABLE GROUPS ...................................75 5.4 SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY FOR PEASANTS WHO LOST LAND ..................................................... 75 6 PARTICIPATION, CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCOLSURE .......................................76 6.1 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ...................................................................................................................... 76 6.2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND POLICY PUBLICATION ..................................................................... 77 6.2.1 6.2.2 SURVEY ON PUBLIC WILL............................................................................................................... 77 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND POLICY PUBLICATION PROCESS ........................................................... 77 TABLE 6-1 PROCESS OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION OF AFFECTED PERSONS ................................78 7 PROCEDURES OF APPEALING ....................................................................................................103 8 ORGANIZATION .............................................................................................................................104 8.1 IMPLEMENTATION ORGANIZATIONS ............................................................................................... 104 TABLE 8-1 ORGANIZATIONS ............................................................................................................104 FIGURE 8-1 ORGANIZATION FIGURE ..............................................................................................106 8.2 ORGANIZATION FIGURE.................................................................................................................... 106 8.3 INSTITUTION AND ITS RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................... 107 8.3.1 LEADING GROUP OF UTILIZING THE FUNDS OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENT AND INTERNATIONAL FINANCE ORGANIZATION OF HUBEI PROVINCE (SHORT FOR LEADING GROUP OF HUBEI) ...... 107 8.3.2 PMO OF HUEIP............................................................................................................................ 107 8.3.3 MANAGEMENT OFFICE OF SUBPROJECTS ..................................................................................... 107 8.3.4 OWNERS OF SUBPROJECTS ......................................................................................................... 107 8.3.5 DESIGN UNIT............................................................................................................................... 108 8.3.6 EXTERNAL MONITORING INSTITUTION .......................................................................................... 108 8.4 QUALIFICATIONS AND SERVICE RECORD OF ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL ................. 108 TABLE 8-2 STAFFING OF THE RESETTLEMENT INSTITUTION INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT ...109 8.5 MEASURES FOR STRENGTHENING INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY ................................................. 110 9 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE .....................................................................................................111 9.1 SCHEDULE OF RESETTLEMENT AND PROJECT CONSTRUCTION ........................................... 111 9.2 KEY TASKS OF RESETLLEMENT CAUSED BY PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION AND TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION ................................................................................................... 111 9.3 KEY TASKS OF RESETLLEMENT CAUSED BY RESIDENTIAL HOUSES DEMOLITION .............. 111 9.4 KEY TASKS OF ENTERPRISES DISPLACEMENT ............................................................................ 112 9.5 SCHEDULE OF KEY TASKS OF RESETTLEMENT IMPLEMENTATION ......................................... 113 9.5.1 PRINCIPLES FOR MAKING SCHEDULE FOR LAND ACQUISITION, HOUSE DEMOLITION AND RESETTLEMENT ........................................................................................................................... 113 9.5.2 TOTAL SCHEDULE OF LAND ACQUISITION AND HOUSE DEMOLITION OF THE PROJECT .................... 113 TABLE 9-1 CONSTRUCTION AND RESETTLEMENT SCHEDULE OF EACH SUBPROJECT ......113 10 COST AND BUDGET ......................................................................................................................116 10.1 FUND BUDGET .................................................................................................................................... 116 TABLE 10-1 OVERALL RESETTLEMENT BUDGET.........................................................................117 10.2 ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN ............................................................................................................ 120 TABLE 10-2 ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN ......................................................................................120 10.3 CAPITAL RESOURCE AND ALLOCATING WAYS ............................................................................ 120 TABLE 10-3 OVERALL RESETTLEMENT BUDGET ......................................................................120 11 MONITORING..................................................................................................................................122 11.1 INTERNAL MONITORING .................................................................................................................... 122 11.1.1 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES .................................................................................................. 122 11.1.2 MONITORING CONTENT ................................................................................................................ 122 11.1.3 INTERNAL MONITORING REPORTS................................................................................................ 123 11.2 INDEPENDENT EXTERNAL MONITORING INSTITUTION ................................................................ 123 11.2.1 INDEPENDENT MONITORING INSTITUTION ..................................................................................... 123 11.2.2 RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................................... 123 11.2.3 PROCEDURES AND CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... 123 11.3 MONITORING TARGETS ..................................................................................................................... 124 11.4 EVALUATION AFTER PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................ 124 12 RIGHT MATRIX ..............................................................................................................................125 TABLE 12-1 RIGHT MATRIX .............................................................................................................125 ANNEX RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF EACH SUBPROJECT ...............................................................130 Ⅰ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF ZHANGWAN WASTEWATER PIPE NETWORK PROJECT IN XIANGFAN CITY ................................................................................................................................. 130 Ⅱ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF DANJIANGKOU SOLID WASTE TREATMENT PROJECT.................. 130 A.RESETTLEMENT FOR PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION.......................................................... 130 B.RESETTLEMENT FOR VILLAGERS WHOSE HOUSES WERE DEMOLISHED ............................ 132 C.AFFECTED INFRASTRUCTURE AND GROUND ATTACHMENT ................................................. 132 D.RESETTLEMENT METHODS OF VULNERABLE GROUPS .......................................................... 132 E.REMOVE AND GUARD AGAINST POTENTIAL IMPACTS ............................................................ 133 Ⅲ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF SHAYANG URBAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND SOLID WASTE TREATMENT.......................................................................................................................... 133 A.RESETTLEMENT FOR PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION.......................................................... 133 A. URBAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT ........................................................................................133 B. SOLID WASTE TREATMENT PROJECT ....................................................................................................134 B.RESETTLEMENT FOR VILLAGERS WHOSE HOUSE WERE DEMOLISHED .............................. 136 ANNEX FIGURE 1 : PLANNED FIGURE OF RESETTLEMENT IN DAODANGGANG ................................................138 C.RESETTLEMENT MEASURE FOR PRIVATE FORESTRY STATION ........................................... 139 D.INFRASTRUCTURE AND GROUND ATTACHMENT AFFECTED BY PROJECT .......................... 139 E.RESETTLEMENT METHODS OF VULNERABLE GROUPS........................................................... 139 F. ELIMINATE AND GUARD AGAINST LATENT IMPACTS............................................................... 139 Ⅳ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF TIANMEN URBAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT ............. 140 A.RESETTLEMENT FOR PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION.......................................................... 140 B.RESETTLEMENT FOR TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION ......................................................... 142 C.RESETTLEMENT FOR VILLAGERS WHOSE HOUSE WERE DEMOLISHED .............................. 142 ANNEX FIGURE 2: PLANNED FIGURE OF RESETTLEMENT FOR TIANMEN WWTP ............................................143 .......144 ANNEX FIGURE 3: PLANNED FIGURE OF RESETTLEMENT FOR TIANMEN WWTP ............................................144 THE EXPLAINING FOR RESETTLEMENT OF TIANMEN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT SHOWS IN ANNEX FIGURE 4 . .........................................................................................................................................144 D.INFRASTRUCTURE AND GROUND ATTACHMENT AFFECTED BY PROJECT .......................... 144 Ⅴ.RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF HONGHU SOLID WASTE LANDFILL AND THE SEWAGE PIPELINE NETWORKPROJECT .......................................................................................................... 145 A.RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION AND ASSESSMENT OF RESULT OF RESTORATION ................................................................................................... 145 RESETTLEMENT PLAN..............................................................................................................................145 ASSESSMENT OF RESULT .........................................................................................................................147 ANNEX FIGURE 5 PROPORTION OF VILLAGERS’ WISHES ON COMPENSATION FUNDS .......................................147 ANNEX FIGURE 6 INCOME PROPORTION OF AFFECTED HOUSEHOLDS ............................................................148 B.RESTORATION OF TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION .............................................................. 150 C.THE RESIDENT RESETTLEMENT FOR HOUSE DEMOLITION .................................................... 151 D.HOUSE DEMOLITION AND RESETTLEMENT FOR ENTERPRISE AND INSTITUTION ............... 151 E.RESTORATION THE GROUND ATTACHMENT AFTER DEMOLITION ......................................... 152 F.THE MEASURES OF AVOIDING THE ENVIRONMENT RISK ........................................................ 152 Ⅵ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF HANCHUAN SOLID WASTE LANDFILL PROJECT AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT ............................................................................................ 153 A. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION AND RENEW RESULT ASSESSMENT .......................................................................................................................... 153 ASSESSMENT OF RESETTLEMENT RESULT OF VILLAGERS IN FUXING VILLAGE AFFECTED INDIRECTLY BE LAND ACQUISITION ......................................................................................................................................154 B.TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION ................................................................................................ 156 C.RESETTLEMENT FOR HOUSE DEMOLISHING ............................................................................. 157 D.RESETTLEMENT MEASURES OF VULNERABLE GROUPS ........................................................ 157 E.PROTECTION OF WOMEN AND THEIR RIGHTS ........................................................................... 158 F.MONITORING THE USAGE OF LAND COMPENSATION FUND ................................................... 159 Ⅶ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN FOR SOLID WASTE LANDFILL PROJECT AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT OF YUNMENG COUNTY ........................................................................... 159 A.SOLID WASTE TREATMENT PROJECT ...................................................................................... 159 ⅱ RESETTLEMENT OF HOUSES DEMOLITION ...........................................................................................162 ANNEX FIGURE 7 THE ONLY ROAD LEADING OUTSIDE OF SANHUANG VILLAGE .............................................162 ....................................163 ANNEX FIGURE 8 THE INNER ROAD OF SANHUANG VILLAGE.......................................................................163 ANNEX FIGURE 9 THE DISCARDED HOUSES OF PEOLPE ENGAGING IN WORKING OUTSIDE ...........................163 INTRODUCTION OF HOUSING SITE .............................................................................................................164 ANNEX FIGURE 10 THE SANITATION HOUSE OF FENGPU VILLAGE ...............................................................164 ANNEX FIGURE 11 NEW HOUSING SITES FOR VILLAGERS AFFECTED BY HOUSES DEMOLITION ......................164 RESETTLEMENT PLACE IN FENGPU VILLAGE..............................................................................................165 ANNEX FIGURE 12 PLANNED FIGURE OF RESETTLEMENT PLACE FOR HOUSE DEMOLITION IN FENGPU VILLAGE ............................................................................................................................................166 B. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT ..................................................................................... 167 MONETARY RESETTLEMENT .....................................................................................................................167 EMPLOYMENT RESETTLEMENT .................................................................................................................168 TECHNIQUE TRAINING ..............................................................................................................................169 PROJECT RESETTLEMENT FOR WOMEN AFFECTED BY LAND LOSS .............................................................169 ⅱ TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION ........................................................................................................169 ⅲ RESTORATION MEASURES FOR VULNERABLE GROUPS ........................................................................169 ANNEX TABLE 2 SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF VULNERABLE GROUPS AFFECTED BY THE PROJECT ......169 C.RESTORATION FOR THE INFRASTRUCTURES AFFECTED BY THE PROJECT...................... 170 Ⅷ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF XIAOCHANG SOLID WASTE LANDFILLLANDFILL AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT .......................................................................................... 170 A. SOLID WASTE LANDFILL PROJECT ........................................................................................ 170 RESETTLEMENT PLAN ..............................................................................................................................170 A. THE CURRENCY SUBSIDIZE ...................................................................................................................172 B. NON-AGRICULTURE EMPLOYMENT .........................................................................................................172 C. THE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES DURING THE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION ................................................172 D. PARTS OF EMPLOYMENT POST FOR DISPLACED PEOPLE IN GARBAGE COVING PLANT. ................................ 173 E. TRAINING ON LABOUR TECHNICAL ABILITY PARTICULARLY.......................................................................173 F. PRODUCTION RESETTLEMENT FOR WOMEN WHO LOST LAND ....................................................................173 PARTICIPATION MEASURES OF MONITORING ...............................................................................................174 ⅱ RESETTLEMENT FOR RESIDENTS’ HOUSE DEMOLITION ......................................................................174 A. THE NEW HOUSE SITE IN TOWN PLANNED AREA ......................................................................................175 ANNEX FIGURE 13 THE ENTRANCE OF PLANNED HOUSE SITE AREA ........................................................... 175 ANNEX FIGURE 14 THE KEY ROAD OF PLANNED HOUSE SITE AREA ...............................................................176 ANNEX FIGURE 15 ONE OF PLANNED HOUSE SITE ....................................................................................176 ANNEX FIGURE 16 THE ENTRANCE OF JINGZHU HIGH WAY ........................................................................177 ANNEX FIGURE 17 ONE OF HOUSE SITE IN THE ENTRANCE OF JINGZHU HIGH WAY .........................................177 ANNEX FIGURE 18 ONE OF HOUSE SITE IN ENTRANCE OF GUANYING LAKE ................................................178 B. HOUSE SITE NEARBY DA’AN HIGHWAY ...................................................................................................179 RESETTLEMENT FOR HOUSE SITE ..............................................................................................................179 ⅲ RESETTLEMENT FOR NON-RESIDENCE .................................................................................................179 ANNEX TABLE 3 THE CIRCUMSTANCE OF AFFECTED ENTERPRISES OF XIAOCHANG SOLID WASTE LANDFILLPROJECT.............................................................................................................................. 181 ⅳ RESETTLEMENT POLICY OF VULNERABLE GROUPS ...............................................................................182 B.WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT ...................................................................................... 183 ANNEX FIGURE 19 THE PROPORTION OF CURRENCY COMPENSATION USAGE FOR AFFECTED HOUSEHOLDS .....184 ANNEX FIGURE 20 THE STRUCTURE OF INCOME RESOURCE FOR VILLAGE HOUSEHOLDS ............................. 184 ⅲ RESTORING THE GROUND ATTACHMENT AFTER DEMOLITION..................................................................186 ⅳ RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF AFFECTED VULNERABLE GROUPS ..................................................................186 Ⅸ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF DAWU SOLID WASTE LANDFILL PROJECT ....................................... 186 ANNEX 2 INFORMATION OF COLLECTION STATIONS TO BE BUILT ..............................................189 Tables TABLE 1-1 BASIC SITUATION OF EACH SUBPROJECT ................................................................................................................... 3 TABLE 1-2 THE DESIGN PROCESS SCHEDULE OF EACH SUBPROJECT ............................................................................. 8 TABLE 1-3 THE DETAILED METHODS AND RESULT OF REDUCING PROJECT IMPACTS ................................................. 12 TABLE 2-1 THE CIRCUMSTANCE OF LAND ACQUISITION ................................................................................................. 19 TABLE 2-2 BASIC INFORMATION OF TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION OF EACH SUBPROJECT .......................................... 21 TABLE 2-3 VILLAGE HOUSE DEMOLITION ...................................................................................................................................... 21 TABLE 2-4 SITUATION OF AFFECTED ENTERPRISES .................................................................................................................... 23 TABLE 2-5 AFFECTED TEMPORARY BUILDINGS.................................................................................................................. 24 TABLE 2-6 THE SITUATION OF PEOPLE AFFECTED DIRECTLY .......................................................................................... 25 TABLE 2-7 THE DETAILED CIRCUMSTANCE OF VULNERABLE GROUPS AFFECTED BY PROJECTS....................................... 27 TABLE 2-8 GROUND ATTACHMENT AND PUBLIC FACILITIES AFFECTED BY PROJECT ........................................................... 28 TABLE 2-9 THE BASIC SOCIOECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCE OF CITIES AFFECTED BY PROJECT ............................................. 31 TABLE 2-10 THE BASIC SOCIOECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCE OF CITIES AFFECTED BY PROJECT .......................................... 31 TABLE 2-11 SAMPLE SURVEY OF LAND ACQUISITION IMPACT .................................................................................................. 32 TABLE 2-12 IMPACT ANALYSIS ON VILLAGES AFFECTED BY LAND ACQUISITION .................................................................. 34 TABLE 3-1 REGION CATEGORY OF MINIMUM COMPENSATION STANDARDS FOR LAND ACQUISITION OF HUBEI PROVINCE............................................................................................................................................................................................ 42 TABLE 3-2 COMPREHENSIVE LAND PRICE FOR LAND ACQUISITION IN HUBEI PROVINCE TEN THOUSAND YUAN/MU LAND (PART ONE) ............................................................................................................................... 43 TABLE 3-3 COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTED TABLE OF UNITED STANDARDS OF ANNUAL OUTPUT VALUE FOR LAND ACQUISITION IN HUBEI PROVINCE (PART TWO) ........................................................................................................................... 44 TABLE 4-1 COMPENSATION RATES FOR RURAL COLLECTIVE LAND ........................................................................................ 54 TABLE 4-2 THE COMPENSATION RATES FOR HOUSE DEMOLITION ........................................................................................ 58 TABLE 4-3 THE COMPENSATION RATES FOR NON-RESIDENT’S HOUSE DEMOLITION ................................................ 59 TABLE 4-4 COMPENSATION RATES OF ATTACHMENT ON THE GROUND .................................................................................. 60 TABLE 5-1 THE SITUATION OF RPODUCTION RESETLLEMENT POPULATION AFFECTED BY LAND ACQUISITION IN EACH PROJECT ................................................................................................................................................................................... 68 TABLE 5-2 THE BALANCE TABLE OF CIRCUMSTANCE OF RESIDENTIAL RESETTLEMENT OF EACH PROJECT ................... 70 TABLE 5-3 THE BASIC RESETTLEMENT CIRCUMSTANCE OF AFFECTED ENTERPRISES ......................................................... 72 TABLE 5-4 THE BASIC CONDITION OF AFFECTED VULNERABLE GROUPS................................................................................ 75 TABLE 6-1 PROCESS OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION OF AFFECTED AREAS ................................................................................. 78 TABLE 6-2 IMPLEMENTATION AND PLAN OF POLICY PUBLICATION .............................................................................................. 97 TABLE 8-1 ORGANIZATIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 104 TABLE 8-2 STAFFING OF THE RESETTLEMENT INSTITUTION INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT .............................................. 109 TABLE 9-1 CONSTRUCTION AND RESETTLEMENT SCHEDULE OF EACH SUBPROJECT .................................................. 113 TABLE 10-1 OVERALL RESETTLEMENT BUDGET...................................................................................................................... 117 TABLE 10-2 ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN ................................................................................................................................... 120 TABLE 10-3 OVERALL RESETTLEMENT BUDGET ................................................................................................................... 120 1 Project introduction 1.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Han River is also named Hanshui River, locates in the hinterland of China, originates from Qinling Mountains, and is the biggest anabranch of Yangtze River. Its span is 1557 km, and its basin is 15.9×104 km2. Its upper reaches are upwards Danjiangkou, and middle reaches are between Danjiangkou and Nianpanshan Mountain, and the lower reaches are downwards Nianpanshan Mountain. Han River locates in transition area between the northern and southern part of China, and connects the south of China with the north of China, and is the developing area connecting the middle part and the west of China, is the channel for the Northwest of China to Yangtze River and then entering China Sea areas, which especially is the north-to-south coal transmission, west-to-east petroleum project, south-to-north water diversion of China. It is the hinge operating on the all-directions development of the middle part of China. The basin of Han River in Hubei Province includes Shennongjia Forest Region and eight cities that are Shiyan, Xiangfan, Jingmen, Tianmen, Qianjiang, Xiantao, Xiaogan and Wuhan, and its area covers nearly 40 % of the total land of Hubei Province. Danjiangkou Reservoir locates in Shiyan, and is biggest key water control project in Han River, is also a headwater of south-to-north water diversion. In recent years, because the water quality of middle and lower reaches of Han River is going bad and the total water quality of Han River is going bad. Most of industrial and living waste water and parts of Landfill Leachate in cities are drained into Han River without any treatment, which pollutes the river badly and threatens the people's health. Currently the total amount of waste water draining of the middle and lower reaches of Han River in the scope in Hubei Province is 719,620,000 tons totally, covering 32.1% of the waste water draining total amount of Hubei Province. After the middle-line project of south-to-north water diversion is implemented, the runoff of middle and lower reaches of Han River will decrease, and its velocity of flow will become slowly, and the ability dilution and self-purification of Han River weakens, and the burthen water pollution is aggravated, the treatment amount of waste water and SWLF will still further increase. To carry out carefully the requirements of the Central Government about the south-to-north water diversion project that is treating waste water beforetransferring water andprotecting the environment beforeusing water; bringing the waste water prevention plan into south-to-north water diversion project, and to ensure the sustained development in economy, society and environment of the middle and lower area of Han River in Hubei Province, and according to Eleventh-Five-year Plan of Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and Plan of Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in the middle and lower Reaches of Han River in Hubei Province, People's Government of Hubei Province decided that Environmental Protection Bureau of Hubei Province took charge to organize and implement the prevention and control of water pollution of Han River project financed by World Bank. 1.2 COMPONENTS OF PROJECT The project involves 9 counties (district, county-level city) in 6 cities in Hubei Province, includes totally 14 subprojects, among which there are 7 SWLFs and 7 WWTPWWTPs (including 2 SPN projects). 7 SWLFs respectively are Danjiangkou SWLF project, Shayang SWLF project, Honghu SWLF project, Hanchuan SWLF project, Yunmeng SWLF project, Xiaochang SWLF project and Dawu SWLF project. 7 WWTPs are respectively Zhangwan SPN, Tianmen WWTP, Shayang WWTP, Yunmeng WWTP, Hanchuan WWTP, Honghu SPN project and Xiaochang WWTP. The location of each subproject shows in Figure 1-1, and basic situation of each subproject shows in Table 1-1. 1 FIGURE 1-1 LOCATION OF EACH SUBPROJECT 2 TABLE 1-1 BASIC SITUATION OF EACH SUBPROJECT1 Category City Shiyan Project Name Danjiangkou SWLF project Jingmen Shayang SWLF project Jingzhou Honghu SWLF project Construction Content Treatment capability (ton per day) Owner 290 Danjiangkou Environmental Sanitation Administration Office Oct., 20072- March,2008 Shayang Environmental Sanitation Administration Office Oct., 2007- March,2008 Permanent land acquisition area is 250mu, There are 58 households who need to be displaced around the project, and the area of houses demolished is 12050 m2. Dec., 2007- Jan,2009 Permanently expropriates 300 mu lands from Xinlian Village in Luoshan Town; there is 1 household for house demolition and its area is 465.75 m 2; involves 3 enterprises for house demolition in the scope of land acquisition and 500 meter environment impact and its area is 840 m2. Landfill site (including road for entering the landfill site ) increase 2 garbage collection stations Landfill (including parts of road for entering the field) 170 Implementing Time Solidwaste landfill 258 Honghu Hongjie Solid Waste Management Co 3 Hanchuan SWLF project extend 5 garbage collection stations; and new build 3 garbage collection stations 250 Hanchuan Chief Project Office Land acquisition 198mu, there are 10 peasant households who need to be displaced fot the project, and the demolished area is 1103 m 2. Land occupation area is 200 m2 of each station, locates in the planned area of city area, and it is empty state-owned land Plan to expropriate 360 mu collective land and all are fish ponds, and indirectly affect 6 village groups in Fuxing Village. landfill Xiaogan Impacts Oct., 2007- Dec.,2008 Totally occupied 2.67 mu state-owned lands. 1 Data about project content, treatment ability and project construction time in the table are all quoted from the feasibility report of each subproject; the impacts column is the survey result of RP consultant team. 2 Morever, the building time were quoted from the FSR of each subproject, but the starting time of some subprojects are evidently earlier than the real situation , so all the construction time that are earlier than Oct., 2007 have been changed to Oct., 2007. 3 The original project owner was Honghu Hongrui Investment & Development Co before July 2007. 3 Category City Project Name Construction Content Treatment capability (ton per day) landfill Yunmeng SWLF project Xiangfan Implementing Time Yuanmeng Environmental Sanitation Administration Office Oct., 2007- June,2008 190 Xiaochang Urban Construction Bureau Oct., 2007-June, 2008 170 1 garbage collection Station Xiaochang SWLF project Owner ,landfill 1 garbage collection stations Dawu SWLF project landfill (including parts of road for entering the field) 212 Dawu Urban Construction Bureau Oct., 2007- Jan., 2008 Zhangwan SPN project 10.3 km pipe network; 148 back-check wells 15 Zhangwan WWTP Company Oct., 2007- December, 2008 312 Shayang Water supply Company Oct., 2007- June, 2008 WWTP Jingmen Shayang WWTP Waste water Jingzhou Tianmen WWTP Honghu Waste water pipe network project 55.682 km pipeline network Increase the capacity of 1 Pumping Stations 32.62 km pipe network Permanently expropriates 169 mu collective lands in Renhe Village of Zengdian Town in Yunmeng County, 48 households in Sanhuang Village for house demolition in the scope of 500 meter environment impact. New rebuilds a garbage collection Station near Wupu Road eastwards Chuwangcheng Road, and the area of land occupation is 200 m 2, and is state-owned empty land. Land acquisition area is 199.8 mu, and there are 26 households for house demolition in the scope of 500 meter environment impact and its area is 4604 m2. Land acquisition 0.3mu. Locates northwards the cross between Fazhan Road and Station two Road and this land has been state-owned land. Permanent land acquisition 108mu, There are 11 households who need to be displaced for the project, and the demolished area is 1776 m 2. Temporary land occupation, no permanent land acquisition and house demolition. Land acquisition 45.8mu, not involves house demolition Paved along the state-owned road land acquisition 56 mu, There are 46 peasant households who need to displace around the project, and the demolished area is 7070 m 2. WWTP plant Tianmen 1 44.6 km pipe network Impacts 50000 m3/day Tianmen City Construction and Investment Company December, 2007-May, 2009 Honghu Huqing Wastewater Treatment Co1 December, 2007-May, 2009 Paved the pipe network along the state-owned raod No land acquisition Temporary land use 703.5mu, no permanent land acquisition and removing. The original project owner is Honghu Hongrui Investment & Development Co. and now it became Honghu Huqing Wastewater Treatment Co in July 2007. 4 Category City Project Name Construction Content Treatment capability (ton per day) Owner 50000 m3/day Hanchuan City Garden and Landscape & Environmental Sanitation Bureau WWTP Hanchuan WWTP 1 Pumping Stations Implementing Time Impacts January, 2008 -August, 2009 Permanently expropriates 114.45 mu collective lands in Xujiakou Village of Xiannv Street Office, affect 325 peolpe in 65 households. Locates southwards Zhanqiao in old town, occupies 3.7 mu land use, and the land is administrated by Dike Committee, and is empty state-owned land Hanchuan Waste water pipe network Xiaogan YunmengWWTP WWTP, 50.898 km pipe network The temporary land occupation area is 185.87mu, which are all state-owned road. 50000 m3/day Yunmeng Waste Water Treatment Company1 October, 2007 -February, 2009 25000 m3/day Xiaochang Urban Construction Bureau December, 2007-May, 2009 WWTP Xiaochang WWTP pipe network 1The original project owner is CNSIC Hongbo (Group) Co. 5 Among them, land acquisition of WWTP is 67.23mu, and there is no permanent land acquisition and removing in temporary land occupation. 40.29 land acquisition, including land occupied for the road into the plant, involves Minghua Village in Huayuan Town. No environment sensitive point in the scope of 200 meter 246.1mu temporary land occupation, among them, 181.77 mu state-owned lands and 64.33 mu collective lands 1.3 REGIONS BENEFITED FROM PROJECT AND REGIONS AFFECTED BY PROJECT 1.3.1 REGIONS BENEFITED FROM PROJECT The regions benefited from projects are the middle and lower reaches of Han River, especially for 9 counties in 6 cities directly affected by projects. The land of these regions is rich, and their agriculture production levels are higher, this area is one of merchandise production bases of food, cotton and oil-bearing crops. There are 16,34 ten thousand beneficiaries in the near future, after implementing middle-line project transferring water from south to north; long-term beneficiary will extend along with the middle-line project transferring water from south to north, such as Henan, Hebei, Tianjing and Beijing. After implementing projects, the water quality of Han River will be improved greatly, the solid waste dumped by residents will be treated in time, the water environment of community and Han River will get the obvious improvement, all residents’ life level and quality (esp. local residents) will be improved further; after treating the solid waste and waste water, the environment pollution will decrease, and the incidence of a disease and medical treatment fee of residents around Han River annually will decrease. These improvements can further promote the image of Hubei Province, can improve investment and travel environment, greatly promote the economy and society development of Hubei Province. A. Environment benefit The solid waste will be transferred to the solid waste collection station through a more perfect collection system, and by the special closed vehicle, it will be transferred to the SWLF and treated, covered up so as to improve greatly the environment of community. The waste water will be transferred to each WWTP through a more perfect collection system and then be treated, after reaching to the standard the water will be drained into the river accepting treated waste water again. The reduction of the pollution quantity will cause the pollution of Han River ease, and improve greatly the water environment quantity. B. Social benefit Covering solid waste and efficient waste water treatment can improve the sanitation environment, improve the water quality of Han River, and obviously improve the sanitation condition and ecosystem environment, benefit for the disease reduction, raise the residents' healthy level, and the social benefit is obvious. C. Economic benefit This project is a social commonweal project, and the main body of its benefit now reflect on both social and environment benefit, its economic benefit is indirect. Its main economic benefit reflects followings, ensure the citizenry healthy, decrease expending of medicine fee and reduce the loss of working time. After implementing the project, the investment environment of Hubei Province will obviously be improved, and increase the attraction of inviting outside investment and strongly promote economic development of Hubei Province. 1.3.2 AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT There are 9 counties in 6 cities totally involving permanent land acquisition, which are Dawu, Xiaochang, Yunmeng, Hanchuan in the City of Xiaogan; Honghu in the city of Jingzhou; Shayang in the City of Jingmen; Danjiangkou in the City of Shiyan; Tianmen City and Xiangfan City. The main impacts are as follows, Land acquisition, residential house demolition, infrastructure, ground attachments etc. 6 This project involves permanent land acquisition in 12 subprojects totally; they are Danjiangkou SWLF, Shayang SWLF project, Honghu SWLF, Hanchuan SWLF project, Yunmeng SWLF project, Xiaochang SWLF project, Dawu SWLF project, Tianmen WWTP project, Shayang WWTP, Hanchuan WWTP project, Yunmeng WWTP and Xiaochang WWTP project. Permanent land acquisition is 1916.44 mu, including 1908.57 mu collective land and 7.57 mu state-owned land. Affected people by permanent land acquisition is 4880 in 1117 households, including 230 person in 57 households whose land and house both are expropriated, There are 1351 affected people by permanent land acquisition who need to be resettled. This project involves temporary land occupation in 7 subprojects totally; they are Zhangwan SPN project, Shayang WWTP project, Tianmen WWTP project, Honghu SPN project Hanchuan WWTP project, Yunmeng WWTP project and Xiaochang WWTP project. Land occupation is 1768.19mu totally, including 422.54 mu collective lands (217.04 mu dry farmlands and 205.5 mu sloping fields) and 1345.66 mu state-owned lands that all are road and greenbelt. The occupation stage is between 3 and 12 months. The temporary land occupation doesn’t cause PAP. There are 9 subprojects involving residential house demolition, they are Danjiangkou SWLF project, Shayang SWLF project, Honghu SWLF project, Hanchuan SWLF project, Yunmeng SWLF project, Xiaochang SWLF project, Dawu SWLF project, Tianmen WWTP, Xiaochang WWTP. These demolished houses are all rural houses, not urban houses. The area of residential house demolition is 35139.63 m2 totally, among them: brick-concrete building area is 20511.71 m2, and covers 58.37% of total house demolition area; brick-wood house area is 9785.84 m2, and covers 27.85% of total house demolition area; soil-wood house area is 3594 m2, and covers 10.23% of total house demolition area; simple-structure house area is 1248.08 m2, and covers 3.55% of total house demolition area. There are 880 people in 206 households affected by rural house demolition. There are 2 subprojects involving enterprises’ house demolition, they are Honghu SWLF and Xiaochang SWLF. The area of plant’s house demolition is 1404 m 2 totally, among them: brick-concrete building area is 364m2, and covers 25.93% of total house demolition area; brick-wood house area is 740 m2, and covers 52.71% of total house demolition area; simple-structure house area is 300 m2, and covers 21.37% of total house demolition area. There are 33 people affected by enterprise’s displacing. The temporary building demolition only involves Hanchuan SWLF, Honghu SWLF and Hanchuan WWTP。Total area of temporary house demolition is 1221 m2, These houses are all simply constructed sheds for fish guard. The project totally affects 28 types of ground attachments and infrastructure. 1.4 PROJECT DESIGN PROCESS This project was early suggested in 2005. Because the projects are scattered, and don't belong to a same department, and the design schedule of each subproject is different, they respectively wrote the project proposals reports, feasibility study report, environment assessment report, social assessment report and resettlement plans. The design process schedule of each subproject sees Table 1-2. 7 TABLE 1-2 Serial number Category subproject name THE DESIGN PROCESS SCHEDULE OF EACH SUBPROJECT Project Suggestion report feasibility research report Nov.2006, 1st draft Dec.2006, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draf June 2007, 6th draf Sep.2006, first draft Nov.2006, second draft Dec.2006, third draft April 2007, 4th draf Sep.2006, 1st draft Nov.2006, 2nd draft Dec.2006, 3rd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft 1 Danjiangkou SWLF Feb.2006 Shayang SWLF Dec.2005 2 3 Honghu SWLF Feb.2006 4 SWLF Hanchuan SWLF Dec.2005 Jan.2007, 1st draft April, 2007, 2nd draft June 2007, 3rd draft Yunmeng SWLF Dec.2005 April 2007, 1st draft June 2007, 2nd draft Environment Evaluation Report Jan.2007, 1st draft April 2007 4th draf June 2007, 3rd draf April 2007, 1st draft June 2007, 2nd draft Sep.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Jan.2007, 1st draft March, 2007, 2nd draft June 2007, 3rd draft April 2007, 1st draft June 2007, 2nd draft 5 Sep.2006, 1st draft Nov.2006, 2nd draft Dec.2006, 3rd draft April 2007, 4th draft June 2007, 5th draft Sep.2006, 1st draft Dec.2006, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Sep.2006, 1st draft Nov.2006, 2nd draft Dec.2006, 3rd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft 6 Xiaochang SWLF April.2006 7 Dawu SWLF April.2006 8 WWTP Zhangwan SPN project Feb.2006 8 resettlement plan Aug.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft March, 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draf Aug.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft March, 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Aug.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April, 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Aug.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April, 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Aug. 2006, 1st draft Jan. 2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Sep.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Aug.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Sep.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Aug.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Sep.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Aug.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Serial number Category subproject name Project Suggestion report feasibility research report Sep.2006, 1st draft Nov.2006, 2nd draft Dec.2006, 3rd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Sep.2006, 1st draft Nov.2006, 2nd draft Dec.2006, 3rd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Sep.2006, 1st draft Nov.2006, 2nd draft Dec. 2006, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Nov.2006, 1st draft Jan.2006, 2nd draft April.2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Nov.2006, 1st draft Dec.2006, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft April, 2007, 1st draft June 2007, 2nd draft 9 Shayang WWTP Dec.2005 10 Tianmen WWTP Feb.2006 11 Honghu Waste water Treatment project Feb.2006 Hanchuan WWTP Dec.2005 Yunmeng WWTP Dec.2005 Xiaochang WWTP Feb.2006 12 13 14 9 Environment Evaluation Report resettlement plan Sep.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Aug.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Sep.2006, first draft Jan.2007, second draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Aug.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April,2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Sep.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Sep.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Sep.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft April, 2007, 1st draft June 2007, 2nd draft Aug.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April, 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Aug.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft Aug.2006, 1st draft Jan.2007, 2nd draft April, 2007, 3rd draft June 2007, 4th draft April, 2007, 1st draft June 2007, 2nd draft 1.5 TOTAL INVESTMENT AND FUNDS SOURCES OF PROJECT The project is environmental protection project, Hubei Province Environment Protection Bureau is in charge of project organizing and implementing, the construction funds includes two kinds of funds, domestic funds and the loan from World Bank. The total investment of project is 116690.4 ten thousand Yuan, Loan from World Bank is 63954 ten thousand Yuan, domestic funds is 52726.4 ten thousand Yuan. The total budget of resettlement is 20542.19 ten thousand Yuan, and covers 17.6% of the total investment. 1.6 MEASURES FOR REDUCING PROJECT IMPACTS During the stage of project plan and design, for reducing the impact of Project construction on local society and economy, the design unit and the project owners took a series valid measures: A.During the stage of project plan, they carried on the project plan optimization, considered project construction impact upon the local society and economy possibly, and regarded it as the key factor of plan optimization. They took the valid public participation method; heard the crowd's opinion affected by project. The location of SWLF and WWTP are far away from villages or public places as much as possible. B.Strictly abided by the law of China environment protection, the area in the 500 meter to the outside edge of landfill is the project buffer zone of SWLF project’s impact area, and the area in the 200 meter to the outside edge of WWTP’s oxidation pond is the project buffer zone of WWTP project’s impact area, all resident’s house and animal shed in the project buffer zone should be demolished, considering the factors, such as direction of wind, riverhead and smell etc. at the same time, they tried to reduce all kinds of social impacts on the villagers around projects as much as possilbe. C.Analyzed on the SPN trend logically, the project tried to keep the transportation route away from village so as to prevent the impact on village around the route; tried to lay SPN in the middle of road or on the rim of it so as to avoiding house demolition. D.The project unit tried to take up the wasteland and state-owned lands possibly, reduced the farmland acquisition; chose wasteland and sloping land as solid waste possibly, adopted various methods to get the soil used for covering garbage, didn't take up the farmland as far as possible; The treatment pond of WWTP was adopted overlapping clarifying pond efficiently to reduce using the ground. E.SPN will be paved along the planned road and state-owned road. When cross the road, the pipe will be paved by pipe Jacking technique. When cross the river, the pipe will be laid along the bridge so as to reduce the breakage toward road and bridge as far as possible. By the above measures, the project reduces 131092.8 m 2 house demolitions, and decreases 3656 PAP in 560 affected households. When land acquisition and house demolition can't be avoided, in order to lower the local impacts by project construction, project unit will adopt the following measures. 10 The project unit strengthens the collecting of basic data, deeply analyze the present condition of local society and economy and future development, according to the local reality, set down actually viable resettlement plan, guarantee affected residents by project not be subjected to the loss because of project construction. Actively encourage public participation, accept the supervising from the crowd. Strengthen the inner and exterior monitoring, build up the efficient and expedite feedback mechanism and approach, try to shorten the information processing period possibly to ensure various problems during implementing project get solving in time. During resettlement for house displacing, the project unit try to make displaced people and enterprise get the help from local government department, provide them convenience, make the displacing project go on wheels, reduce their burden and loss. 11 The detailed situation of plan optimization of each subproject for reducing displaced people shows in Table 1-3. T ABLE 1-3 Category subproject name Danjiangkou SWLF Shayang SWLF Optimization measures Site Optimization Original field: Yejiagou Village in Xujiafan Now field:Wangjiagou in Xujiafan Site Optimization Original field: Gouzhong Village Now field:Yangji Village THE DETAILED METHODS AND RESULT OF REDUCING PROJECT IMPACTS Quantity of household affected by project Demolition area( M2 ) Permanent land acquisition ( mu) PAP Before optimizing After optimizing Before optimizing After optimizing Before optimizing After optimizing Before optimizing After optimizing 36 10 3971.45 1103.18 120 198 165 102 67 58 14485 12064 288 250 301 266 4500 865.75 332 300 1500 1115 Honghu SWLF Site Optimization Original field: Heling Now field:Xiongjiayao in Xinlian 20 households and one factory 1 household, two institutions removing, 1 enterprise’s house affected Hanchuan SWLF Site Optimization, cultivate waste land, reduce land acquisition Now field: waste land in Fuxin Village 200 households, 2 villages 11 fish pond contractors 40000 2218 495 360 1650 1430 Yunmeng SWLF Site Optimization and reduce the house demolition; Original location is in Shixin Village and Zhouxiong Village Current location is in Fengpu Village 200 households in Shixin Village and 380 households in Zhouxiong Village 42 40000 6478.73 169 169 2343 369 Xiaochang SWLF Site Optimization Original field: Dongshan Village 60 households 26 households 12500 5705 300 199.8 320 252 SWLF 12 Category subproject name Dawu SWLF Zhangwan SPN project Waste water Treatment project Optimization measures Now field:Yankou Village in Xiaohe Town Site Optimization Original field: Chenjia Flatland Now field: Shangheng Fletland design Optimization, Design the cutting waste water main SPN in Automobile Industry Development District, Original plan: Southeast pipeline network, Now plan: South pipeline network design the cutting waste water main SPN in Xiangyang District, Original plan: Riverbank pipeline network, Now plan: Hangkong Road pipeline network Quantity of household affected by project Before optimizing After optimizing and 1 storehouse and 3 enterprises 25 Demolition area( M2 ) Permanent land acquisition ( mu) PAP Before optimizing After optimizing Before optimizing After optimizing Before optimizing After optimizing 12 3700 1776 60 108 107 51 5 0 1890 0 N/A 0 Shayang Waste water Treatment project Site Optimization Original field: Hehua South Road Now field:Hongling Village 50 0 740 0 45 45.8 144 97 Tianmen Waste water Treatment project Site Optimization Original field: locates in Southeast side of the downtown, the cross between Tianmen River and YangjiaxinGou, south side of the road to Wuhan Now field: locates in Southeast side of the downtown, the continent region formed by Tianmen River, on the side of 50 46 7324 7070 56 56 297 241 13 Category subproject name Optimization measures Quantity of household affected by project Before optimizing Demolition area( M2 ) Permanent land acquisition ( mu) PAP After optimizing Before optimizing After optimizing Before optimizing After optimizing Before optimizing After optimizing Avoided house demolition 114.5 114.45 350 325 Jingdong Road 200m. Honghu Waste water Treatment project SPN Optimization, and avoiding demolition Hanchuan Waste water Treatment project Site Optimization and reduce the house demolition; Original field: Xujiaqu in the development area Now field: move northwards the original field 78 65 3 enterprises and 3 temporary watch houses Yunmeng Waste water Treatment project Displace the planned field of WWTP horizontally, avoid resident’s point, give up waste water pumping station 30 0 6000 0 69.23 67.23 511 393 Land acquisition affects 190 households, house demolition affects 20 households villagers Land acquisition affects 180 households, and no house demolition. 1200 0 40.29 40.29 1053 963 Xiaochang Waste water Treatment project Optimization of field location and design; Original plan: locates in the east side of jingguang Railway, southwest Minghua Village and east bank of Huan River. Current plan: locates in the west bank of Yanjia River, east side of jingguang Railway and southwest part of Dingjia River Village; 14 1.7 RELEVANT PROJECTS IN CONCERNING LINKAGE ISSUE Relevant projects refer to the projects that satisfy the following three requirements in the process of project preparation and implementation: (a) have the direct and important relationship with World Bank project; (b) is necessary to realize the objective of project document; (c) start or plan to start with the project.1 In the process of project design, the project unit paid much more attention to the recognising relevant projects mutually, and PMO analyzed all project relationship with each project design unit. Analyzing them, there is two subprojects involving land acquisition in the development area, which are Hanchuan SWLF and Yunmeng WWTP, but there is no project which has direct relationship with WB project and is not contemporaneously constructed whith WB project, therefore, these projects have no relevant project. However, after negotiation among several units, both Hanchuang Economic Development area and Yunmeng Development area promised that if there exited relevant prjects, the resettlement policy of relevant project would conform to the policy framework and compensation standards of this RP. There are 2 SPN projects of this project, which are Xiangfan Zhangwan SPN project and Honghu SPN project. The supporting WWTP are Xiangfan city Yuliangzhou WWTP and Honghu city WWTP, the former was constructed since 2001 and accomplished for commissioning in 2002 and the latter was commenced in 2003. These two WWTPs have important relation with these SPN project and are of necessity for accomplishing the goals set in project files. Yet they are not identified as relevant project of this project because that they had finished construction long before the arrival of the identification commission of this project. In summary of above all, there is no the said relevant project in this project context. 1 These sentences are quoted from World Bank OP4.12. 15 2 PROJECT IMPACTS For the sake of knowing the socioeconomic situation of project affected area and the basic situation of affected peolpe, according to the requirement of World Bank, cooperating with the project owner and local PMO, the consulting and compiling institution of resettlement plan (short for consulting institution) organized socioeconomic survey to the project affected area between July, 2006 to April, 2007 time after time, and analyzed the survey result which are shown below: 2.1 SURVEY METHODS Because the number of subprojects of this project is big and each subproject has its own affected extent and construction progress, the main survey way adopted by each subproject was: the consulting institution organized autonomous survey cooperated by project unit. Project affected area are confirmed by feasibility research and environment assessment, the consulting institution roundly surveyed both the area affected by land acquisition and the area within environmental buffer zone affected by house demolition of each subproject, every affected factor was confirmed by the corresponding villagers as well as the villages and groups. Meanwhile, all PAPs were investigated according to the categories of the concrete impact suffered by them. The consulting institution interviewed all the stake holders,and broadly conferred with the affected villagers, villages, groups, the project owner and management departments on the RP. 2.2 SURVEY CONTENTS There are three main contents of socioeconomic survey of this project, the first one was project impact survey which concentrated mainly on land acquisition situation and the correspondingly affected ground attachment, total land amount and population, house demolitionamount, situation of house owners, affected enterprises, temporary occupation land and the ground attachment, as well as the vulnerable groups within the project affected area; the second one was socioeconomic survey against affected peolpe and affected enterprises which mainly organized to know the basic situation of affected families or enterprises, including the income and income structure, situation of employment and operation, etc. The sampling survey rate of villagers affected by land acquisition was 20%, the sampling survey rate of displaced households, affected enterprises, affected vulnerable groups and the public suggestion and opinion all were 100%. The last one was the survey about public will, designing the survey table, the residents’ standpoints towards the project within affected area, and statistics and analysis on them 2.3 SURVEY ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS In the first ten days of May, 2006, PMO of HUEIP successively held meeting joined with the departments concerned to assign survey mission and confirm the compile unit of resettlement plan. In the second ten days of June, 2006, according to the project recommendation, project affected area was primary decided and survey staff were organized for training. 16 From the last ten days of July, 2006 to the first ten days of August, 2006, according to the project progress at that time, the first large-scale socioeconomic survey was carried out by 3 survey teams. The affected families and rural collective economic organizations within the project affected area by land acquisition were amply surveyed and the detailed information about the project impact was gotten. The survey teams adopted the survey measure that is to connect the questionnaire on households and enterprises one by one with interview. The survey range covered all the area affected by land acquisition. The survey content included material quantity affected by land acquisition and the socioeconomic situation of PAP. From August, 2006 to September, the survey was finished and RAP report was primarily completed. After the preparatory confirmation of the range of project affected project buffer zone according to the project feasibility research, from 1st, November to 14th, the consulting institution hold the second all-round complementary survey towards the socioeconomic situation of the project buffer zone and the affected villagers’ basic situation. Then, because of the alteration of plant sites or design, etc, the design institution went to the project area to take following survey from January, 2007 to March twice. According to incomplete statistics, by the end of March, 2007, the consulting institution went to Shayang and Hanchuan 6 times to make field surveys, Yunmeng, as well as went to Xiaochang and Honghu 5 times. PAP and affected enterprises all were absorbed into the survey works. The investigating teams also heard standpoints of the residents, rural collective economic organizations, the land management department of each city (county), house demolition management department of each city (county) and social organizations concerned. Close consultations were carried out. 2.4 AFFECTED LAND 2.4.1 PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION This project involves permanent land acquisition in 12 subprojects totally; they are Danjiangkou SWLF, Shayang SWLF, Honghu SWLF, Hanchuan SWLF, Yunmeng SWLF, Xiaochang SWLF, Dawu SWLF, Tianmen WWTP, Shayang WWTP, Hanchuan WWTP, Yunmeng WWTP and Xiaochang WWTP. Permanent land acquisition is 1916.44mu, including 1908.57mu collective land and 7.57 mu state-owned lands. PAP caused by permanent land acquisition is 4880 persons in 1117 households, among them, there are 230 persons in 57 households whose land and house both are expropriated. To measure the impact of the permanent land acquisition on the whole, a usual way is to see in theory totally how many people would become altimately landless due to the land acquisition, by the formula of dividing local land holding per capita into the total amounts of land acquisition. The numer of these people in result, in the case of this project they are 1351, who become unemployed and need to be entirely rearranged in their economic production, represent the dgree of the land acquisiton impact on the 4880 people. Table 5-1 in chapter 5 will further explain the impact with a modelling analysis of these people’s rearrangement in economic production. Totally 12 collection stations will be new built or built out in this project. The detailed information is shown in annex 2. Basic information of each subproject shows in detail in Table2-1. 17 2.4.2 TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION This project involves temporary land occupation in 7 subprojects totally; they are Zhangwan SPN project, Shayang WWTP, Tianmen WWTP, Honghu SPN project, Hanchuan WWTP, and Yunmeng WWTP and Xiaochang WWTP. Temporary land occupation is 1768.19mu totally, including 422.54 mu collective land (217.04 mu dry farmland and 205.5 mu sloping fields) and 1345.66 mu state-owned lands that all are road and greenbelt. The impropriating stage is between 3 and 12 months. The temporary land occupation doesn’t affect residents. Basic information of temporary land occupation of each subproject shows in detail in Table 2-2. 18 TABLE 2-1 THE CIRCUMSTANCE OF LAND ACQUISITION Collective land (mu) Project Affected village Subtotal Landfill(including road to the field) Anlehe Village in Sangongdian 198 Solid waste collection station State-owned empty land 0.6 Shayang SWLF Landfill Yangji Village in Gaoyang Town 250 Honghu SWLF Landfill Xinlian Village in Luoshan Town Landfill Fuxing Village in Xinhe Town 360 Solid waste collection station State-owned empty land 2.67 Landfill Fengpu Villge 169 Solid waste collection station State-owned empty land 0.3 Landfill Yankou Village in Xiaohe Town 199.8 Solid waste collection station State-owned empty land 0.3 Landfill Changzheng Road resident committee 105 Danjiangkou SWLF Hanchuan SWLF Yunmeng SWLF Xiaochang SWLF Dawu SWLF 1 Subprojects farmland 300 paddy field Non- farmland dry land Vegetable land House site land Fish pond Woods land Slopping land Waste land Other 20 30 0 0 50 0 98 0 State-owned land (mu) dry land 0 0.6 73 30 0 0 62 67 0 0 18 4 272 0 0 0 0 24 3601 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.67 135 34 0.3 75.3 0 0 20.4 25.5 0 78.6 0 0.3 0 0 It was paddy land of Fuxing village and changed to fish pond latter. Therefore it is fish pond but it was registered as farmland. 19 0 5 100 0 0 Collective land (mu) Project Subprojects Affected village farmland Subtotal paddy field Road to the field Changzheng Road resident committee 3 Tianmen WWTP WWTP plant Huangjin Village in Xiaoban Town 56 34 Shayang WWTP WWTP plant Hongling Village in Shayang Town 45.8 0 114.45 114.45 WWTP plant Xujiakou Village in economy technology development District Pumping Station State-owned empty land 3.7 Yunmeng WWTP WWTP plant QIanhu Village in Chengguan Town 67.23 WWTP plant Minghua Village in Huayuan Town 40.29 Xiaochang WWTP Hanchuan WWTP Total dry land Non- farmland Vegetable land House site land Fish pond Woods land Slopping land Waste land Other State-owned land (mu) dry land 3 11 4 3 0 4 0 0 45.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1916.14 3.7 67.23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 505.4 246.5 0 176.6 21 0 40.29 427.68 408.3 20 120.09 7.57 TABLE 2-2 BASIC INFORMATION OF TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION OF EACH SUBPROJECT Subproject name Branch project name Collective land (mu) Land acquisition area (mu) Dry land Sloping fields State-owned road or empty land(mu) Remarks S 31.63 31.63 P Zhangwan SPN project N Shayang WWTP SPN 226.54 Tianmen WWTP SPN 216.53 Honghu SPN SPN 703.2 Hanchuan WWTP SPN 185.865 185.87 Yunmeng WWTP SPN 158.32 158.32 Xiaochang WWTP SPN 246.11 64.34 1768.19 217.04 Total 2.5 226.54 216.53 152.7 205.5 345 181.77 205.5 1345.66 AFFECTED RURAL RESIDENTS' HOUSE There are 8 subprojects involving rural residential house demolition, they are Danjiangkou SWLF, Shayang SWLF, Honghu SWLF, Hanchuan SWLF, Yunmeng SWLF, Xiaochang SWLF, Dawu SWLF, Tianmen WWTP. These residential houses are all rural houses, not town houses. The area of residential house demolition is 35139.63 m 2 totally, among them: brick-concrete building area is 20511.71 m2, and covers 58.37% of total house demolition area; Brick-wood house area is 9785.84 m2, and covers 27.85% of total house demolition area; soil-wood house area is 3594 m2, and covers 10.23% of total house demolition area; simple-structure house area is 1284.08 m2, and covers 3.55% of total house demolition area. There are 880 people in 206 households affected by house demolition, excluding people affected by both land acquisition and house demolition. Detailed situation shows in Table 2-3. TABLE 2-3 RURAL VILLAGE HOUSE DEMOLITION Name of Subproject Number Population Of household Total brick-concrete storied building House area ( m2) brick-concrete one-storied bungalow house brick-wood house simplestructure house Danjiangkou SWLF 10 33 1103.1 561.6 154.5 387 Shayang SWLF 58 235 12050 3470 6218 2332 30 Honghu SWLF 1 4 465.75 465.75 0 Hanchuan SWLF 81 39 1027 957 66 0 4 875 199.08 Yunmeng SWLF 48 228 7043.78 4107.36 1862.34 Xiaochang SWLF 26 121 4604 3839 169 596 Dawu SWLF 11 51 1776 1270 490 16 Tianmen WWTP project 44 169 7070 5841 826 403 Total 206 880 35139.63 20511.71 9785.84 1 3594 1248.08 In Hanchuan SWLF, there are 15 houses that are demolished, which are fish guard houses, among them, 8 household’ houses are only residents’houses for people who breed fish, 7 houses as temporary fishguard house, and they have another resident house, and these 7 households are accounted as temporarily affected buildings in Table 2.5. 21 2.6 AFFECTED ENTERPRISES There are two subprojects affecting enterprises, and they are Xiaochang SWLF and Honghu SWLF. The demolished house area adds up to 1404 m2, among them: brick-concrete building area is 364 m2, covers 25.93% of total house demolition area; brick-wood house area is 740 m2, covers 52.71% of total house demolition area; simple-structure house area is 300m2, covers 21.37% of total house demolition area. There are 33 people affected by enterprise displacing, and fence demolished shall be accounted regarding as attachments on the ground. The situation of affected enterprises shows in Table 2-4: 22 TABLE 2-4 SITUATION OF AFFECTED ENTERPRISES Number of worker Subproject name Xiaochang SWLF Name of the enterprise Main business Property Caixia stone pit Mining stone Lisichun stone pit The pointed place in Xiaohe Town of Xiaochang County civil TNT Company woman Total number woman brickconcrete Privately owned 7 0 7 0 Mining stone Privately owned 8 0 8 Sales TNT Privately owned 3 1 0 0 30 120 30 120 0 40 150 40 150 3 1 144 276 144 276 0 0 3 0 3 0 50 Tianhe Prefabricated board factory Prefabricated board Privately owned 4 1 4 1 100 Total brickwood Soilwood Simple constructed 350 Privately owned Privately owned remarks brickconcrete Steel bottle Checkout Fish fry House wall Steel bottle Checkout Station of Honghu liquefied petroleum gas Fish fry farm Area of demolition(m2) House Total number Waste storehouse Honghu SWLF Original area(m2) Affected worker 8 1 8 1 420 33 3 33 3 784 brickwood Soilwood Simple constructed wall 350 390 300 50 390 Factory house, storehouse, office room, guard room 300 100 Office room Dormitory of workers and build dormitory away from 500 meter to the field 740 23 0 300 546 364 740 0 300 546 2.7 AFFECTED TEMPORARY BUILDINGS There are 2 subprojects involving temporary house demolition, and they are Honghu SWLF and Hanchuan SWLF, and are temporary houses of fish pond guard, demolition area is 1221 m 2, among it, brick-concrete buildings area is 660 m2, brick-wood building area is 322 m2, simple constructed building area is 239 m2. Their detailed information shows in Table 2-5. TABLE 2-5 AFFECTED TEMPORARY BUILDINGS Area of House in different structure (m2) Subproject Number of household Population Building area ( m2) Honghu SWLF 2 8 30 Hanchuan SWLF 7 34 1191 660 292 239 Total 9 42 1221 660 322 239 brickconcrete brick-wood Simple structure 30 2.8 AFFECTED POPULATION 2.8.1 POPULATION AFFECTED DIRECTLY BY PROJECT There are 12 subprojects, all of which directly affect residents’ lives. They are Danjiangkou SWLF, Shayang SWLF, Honghu SWLF, Hanchuan SWLF, Yunmeng SWLF, Xiaochang SWLF, Dawu SWLF, Shayang WWTP project, Tianmen WWTP project, Hanchuan WWTP project, Yunmeng WWTP project and Xiaochang WWTP project. By impact category, people affected directly are categorized as, people affected by land acquisition, people affected by house demolition, people affected by both land acquisition and house demolition, and people affected by enterprise displacing. According to the affected area standard, PAP can be categorized as affected people in the area of expropriated land, affected people in the project buffer zone. 5604 people will be affected by these 12 subprojects directly. Among them: there are 4649 in 1060 households that are affected by land acquisition in the line of expropriated land, 70 people in 16 households that are affected by house demolition, 231 people in 57 households that are affected by both land acquisition and house demolition. There are 621 people in 142 households, which are affected by house demolition in the buffer zone1. 33 people affected by enterprise’s house demolition. The situation of people affected by each project shows in Table 2-6. 1 According to state environment estimating regulation, the project buffer zone of garbage covering station is 500m over foul line of garbage station borderline, and the scope of waste water treatment factory buffer need be accounted, commonly the scope is 200m outside of oxygenation pond of waste water treatment factory. 24 TABLE 2-6 THE SITUATION OF PEOPLE AFFECTED DIRECTLY1 People affected in the project buffer zones People affected in the demarcated project sites subprojects Village names Analytic no. of population affected to be totally rearraged in production People affected by land acquisition People affected by house demolition People affected by both land acquisition and house demolition2 HHs Population HHs Population HHs Population Population HHs Population Population HHs Popula tion People affected by house demolition3 People affected by enterprise displacement Total Danjiangkou SWLF Anlehe Village at Sanguandian Office 23 69 0 0 5 16 72 5 17 0 33 102 Shayang SWLF Yangji Village at Gaoyang Town 10 31 0 0 6 22 50 52 213 0 68 266 Honghu SWLF Xinlian Village at Luoshan Town 267 1088 0 0 3 12 181 0 0 15 270 1115 Hanchuan SWLF Fuxing Village at Xinhe Town 301 1357 11 55 0 0 336 4 18 0 316 1430 Yunmeng SWLF Renhe Village at Zengdian Town 35 141 0 0 0 0 141 48 228 0 83 369 Xiaochang SWLF Yankou Village at Xiaohe Town 294 113 0 0 26 121 158 18 55 252 Dawu SWLF Changzheng Road Residents’ Committee at Chengguan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 51 11 51 1 Poppulation impacted by house demolition include the population impacted by rural house demolition (see Table 2-3) and temporary house demolition (See table 2-4). 2 People for both land expropriation and house demolition include households for land expropriation and house demolition both in land expropriation region and buffer region. In the scope of buffer, if the displaced households are affected by land expropriation, they will not be accounted. 4 Land expropriation in this project belongs to the collective of Yankou village. Group Severn cultivated there but it is not their contracted land. 3 25 People affected in the project buffer zones People affected in the demarcated project sites subprojects Village names Analytic no. of population affected to be totally rearraged in production People affected by land acquisition People affected by house demolition People affected by both land acquisition and house demolition2 HHs Population HHs Population HHs Population Population HHs Population Population HHs Popula tion People affected by house demolition3 People affected by enterprise displacement Total Town Shayang WWTP project Group One of Honglin Village at Shayang Town 32 97 0 0 0 0 37 0 0 0 32 97 Tianmen WWTP project Huangjin Village at Xiaoban Town 18 72 5 15 17 60 48 22 94 0 62 241 Hanchuan WWTP project Xujiakou Village at the Economy Development Zone 65 325 0 0 0 0 126 0 0 0 65 325 Yunmeng WWTP project Qianhe Village at Chengguan Town 100 393 0 0 0 0 105 0 0 0 100 393 Xiaochang WWTP project Minghua Village at Huayuan Town 180 963 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 180 963 1060 4649 16 70 57 231 1351 142 621 33 1275 5604 total 26 2.8.2 AFFECTED VULNERABLE GROUP1 There are 7 subprojects involving 23 households that are vulnerable groups, and 7 subprojects are respectively Danjiangkou SWLF, Shayang SWLF, Hanchuan SWLF, Xiaochang SWLF, Tianmen WWTP, Xiaochang WWTP, and Yunmeng WWTP, In 23 households, there are 7 households with lonely old people, 8 households with handicapped people, 2 households with orphan, 4 badly poor households, 2 households with widow householder. The detailed circumstance shows in table 2-7. TABLE 2-7 THE DETAILED CIRCUMSTANCE OF VULNERABLE GROUPS AFFECTED BY PROJECTS Sort Subproject Number old and weak Danjiangkou SWLF 4 1 Disabl Orph Badly poor ed an 1 1 2 6 3 2 3 0 Yunmeng WWTP 5 1 0 0 1 3 1 Xiaochang waste water treatment 4 1 Total 23 7 8 2 Xiaochang SWLF Tianmen WWTP 1 2 Shayang SWLF Hanchuan SWLF widow 1 2 4 2 2.9 AFFECTED GROUND ATTACHMENTS The project totally affects 28 categories of ground attachments and public facilities that are shown in Table 2-8. 1 Vulnarable groups refers to badly poor households, households enjoying five guarantees, handicapped people, woman households (widow) and so on. In detail, badly poor households are households whose net annual income is under 650 YUAN or got state relief; households enjoying five guarantees are households without child and with infirm old persons who are guaranteed food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses; 27 TABLE 2-8 GROUND ATTACHMENT AND PUBLIC FACILITIES AFFECTED BY PROJECT Category Yunmeng Shayang Xiaochang Shayang Hanchuan Danjiangkou SWLF Zhangwan Waste WWTP Unit Solid Honghu Hanchuan Xiaochang Dawu Tianmen Honghu waste Yunmeng solid waste SPN water waste SWLF SWLF SWLF SWLF WWTP SPN water WWTP treatment project treatment treatment treatment 380 V electric wire pole 10 220 V electric wire pole 10 4 20 35 30 high voltage cable tower 1 Small arched cemented bridge 2 Electric wire m Highway m 400 365 Motor-pumped well 5 Well pressed by human power 1 1200 2500 2 17 44 40 1 Transformer M Pigsty Grave 1 2 Electricity distribution house Toilet 8 M2 4 175 5 36 101 40 28 1 2 10 Category Yunmeng Shayang Xiaochang Shayang Hanchuan Danjiangkou SWLF Zhangwan Waste WWTP Unit Solid Honghu Hanchuan Xiaochang Dawu Tianmen Honghu waste Yunmeng solid waste SPN water waste SWLF SWLF SWLF SWLF WWTP SPN water WWTP treatment project treatment treatment treatment Orange tree 206 Peach tree 2 Miscellaneous tree 37 The white poplar tree (grown) 195 white poplar tree (medium) 245 22 218 300 10 26 300 300 59 510 Odd fruit tree 315 200 200 Fence 666 20 Waste water M2 pipe Tree not be categorized M 400 2854 8000 2500 1946 1 Rain shelter 1 Dam Simple structure house 70 1 4 29 2.10 OTHER IMPACTS Area in the project are non-minority gathering boroughs, there is no minority problem in peolpe affected directly, also not involving the cultural inheritance protection. Certainly, this project still involves the water and farmland pollution caused by garbage seepage water, impact caused by bad smell towards surrounding covering station and residents along with the road and other social problems etc. These problems will be expatiated in social assessment report. 2.11 SOCIOECONOMIC SITUATION OF AREA AFFECTED BY PROJECT 2.11.1 HUBEI PROVINCE Hubei Province locates in the middle part of People's Republic of China, being called "Central plains region" with Henan Province. The land area of Hubei Province is 185,897 km 2,covering 1.94% total land area of China. Per capita land is 4.79 mu. The plantation area is 5,023.88 mu, and per capita plantation is 0.87 mu. At the end of 2005, total population of Hubei Province is 60,310,000 peoples (among them, people often live in Hubei are 57,100,000), the birth-rate in whole year is 8.74 ‰; the death rate is 5.69 ‰, the natural growth rate of population is 3.05 ‰. Among them, total population of minority is 2,579,700 1, covering 4.4%of total population of Hubei Province. According to the population quantity, they are Zhuang nationality, Bai nationality, Korean nationality, She nationality, Yi nationality, Tibetan, Yao nationality, Ugur nationality, Bouyei nationality etc. The minority mainly live in Enshi Tujia nationality autonomy county (1,992,000 peolpe), Yichang City (435,000 peolpe), Wuhan City (54,000 peolpe), Jingzhou City (33,000 peolpe), Jingmen City (15,000) and Shiyan City (13,000). Therefore, the minority quantity inside the project area is few. At the end of 2005, GDP of Hubei Province is 648,450,000,000 YUAN, The rate of agriculture, industry and service structure is 16.5: 42.8: 40.7. Per capita dominative income of town residents is 8786YUAN ,The per capita net income of farmer is 3099YUAN。 At the end of 2005, there are 8,053,000 peolpe, who have the basic endowment insurance in Hubei Province, and 3,915,000 peolpe who have the unemployment insurance in Hubei Province and 5,020,000 peolpe who have medical treatment insurance. People with lowest life security of town resident in Hubei province are 1,460,000, and people with lowest life security of country resident in Hubei province are 73,000, and country periodical relief people are 801,000. 2.11.2 THE AREA AFFECTED BY PROJECT In Hubei Province, there are 12 cities directly under the jurisdiction of Hubei Province Government, 1 autonomous prefecture, and 38 boroughs under cities, 24 county-level cities (including 3 cities directly administrated by city government), 37 counties, 2 autonomous counties and 1 forest region. The project affects 5 cities directly under the jurisdiction of Hubei Province Government and 1 city directly administrated, and they are Shiyan (Danjiangkou), Xiangfan, Jingmen (Shayang), Jingzhou (Honghu), Xiaogan (Dawu, Xiaochang, Yunmeng, Hanchuan) and Tianmen (directly under the jurisdiction of Hubei Province Government). Basic socioeconomic situation of the cities affected by project is shown in Table 2-9. 1 It is quoted from fifth whole-nation population census 30 TABLE 2-9 THE BASIC SOCIOECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCE OF CITIES AFFECTED BY PROJECT Cities Index Area ( The year-end total number of households ( ten thousand) Total year-end population ( ten thousand) Per capita farmland ( mu) Among them: non- peasant ( ten thousand) peasant ( ten thousand) The total agriculture production value ( constant price by 1990, hundred million Yuan) Net income of farmer Cost of living for peasant Shiyan Xiangfan Jingmen Jingzhou Xiaogan Tianmen 23674.41 19724.41 12479.54 14068.68 8922.72 2528.38 98.16 158.19 81.09 168.41 126.88 38.15 341.70 565.66 296.92 627.97 499.25 161.34 0.79 1.09 1.29 1.03 0.74 1.0 111.1 242.67 125.5 206.67 153.53 42.57 230.6 322.99 171.42 421.3 345.72 118.77 26.6 105.34 60.86 84.41 61.63 18.35 1990 1445 3191 2460 3738 3012 3108 1736 3028 1402 3273 2211 TABLE 2-10 THE BASIC SOCIOECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCE OF CITIES AFFECTED BY PROJECT Cities Index Area ( The year-end total number of population (ten thousand) Total farmland (thousand hektare) Among them: Agriculture population (ten thousand) non-agriculture population (ten thousand) The total agriculture production value ( constant price by 1990, hundred million Yuan) Net income of peasants Danjiangkolu Shayang Honghu Hanchuan Yunmeng Xiaochang Dawu 3121 2044 2519 1663 604 1217 1979 48.93 57 90.73 108.46 58.09 63.1 61.63 18.6 62.14 60.91 64.75 26.18 29.45 24.39 8.97 17.6 23.75 25.8 13.83 15.3 14.25 39.96 39.4 66.98 82.66 44.26 47.8 47.38 56801 191141 199160 217117 129281 98020 117442 2443 3718 3128 3383 3614 1991 2100 31 2.11.3 ANALYSIS ON IMPACT OF LAND ACQUISITION To know the current socioeconomic situation of the villagers affected by land acquisition and the cooresponding impact, the consulting institution held sampling survey towards 255 households among all the land expropriated households. The sampling rate was 21. 39%. In the RPs of the sub-projects, 255 househoulds have been interviewed and analyzed in detail. As to the analysis of the impacts by land acquisition, firstly basic information about land quantity; type of the peasant are collected ; secondly income of the villager collectives, villagers and the structure of annuql income such as income from cultivation, income of outgoing parttime job, and so on. Thirdly, the percentage of agriculture income in the total income of PAP household is analyzed, so as to analyze the impact degree of land loss to the PAP. Fourthly, land of villager collectives are investigated to know the possibility of land distribution to the PAP after land acquisition and RP is designed according to different situation and requirement of PAP. Detail situation see RP of each sub-projects. Some information can be got in Annex 1-V of Honghu RP.The detailed information of the sample survey of land acquisition impact can be seen in Table 2-11 below. TABLE 2-11 SAMPLE SURVEY OF LAND ACQUISITION IMPACT subject Danjiangkou SWLF Shayang SWLF Honghu SWLF Hanchuan SWLF Yunmeng SWLF Xiaochang SWLF Shayang WWTP Tianmen WWTP project Hanchuan WWTP project Yunmeng WWTP project Xiaochang WWTP project Total Sampling amount of population Percentage of household sampling amount Percentage of population sampling amount Household affected by land acquisition Population affected by land acquisition Sampling amount of household 28 85 13 40 46.43% 47.06% 16 53 14 47 87.50% 88.68% 270 1100 72 310 26.67% 28.18% 301 1357 291 129 9.63% 9.51% 35 141 10 39 28.57% 27.66% 55 234 12 53 21.82% 22.65% 32 97 10 38 31.25% 39.18% 35 132 16 68 45.71% 51.52% 65 325 24 82 36.92% 25.23% 100 393 20 83 20.00% 21.12% 180 963 35 155 19.44% 16.10% 1117 4880 255 1044 22.83% 21.39% Land expropriated for Hanchuan SELF project belong to rural collective of Fuxing village Xinhe town, which is belong to all of the villagers and launch the contract by villager committee. By now, 11 households contracted the fish pond and the rents were allocated among the villagers. Therefore, land expropriation affected the whole villagers of Fuxing village, which has 1357 people in 301 households. It is a large base and the sample rate was properly decreased. 1 32 According to socioeconomic survey, total socioeconomic level in the affected area is not good, most of male labour force in affected villages go out a part-time job and more women stay in home farm, agriculture income shares small at family income, land acquisition affect the region smaller, but house demolition caused by land acquisition affect resident’s living more and greatly. The detailed information of impact caused by land acquisition can be seen in Table 2-12 below. More detailed information about the socioeconomic background and sampling survey about affected population can be seen in each subproject report. 33 TABLE 2-12 IMPACT ANALYSIS ON VILLAGES AFFECTED BY LAND ACQUISITION Affected village subject Danjiangkou SWLF Shayang SWLF Honghu SWLF Anlehe Village in Sangongdian Yangji Village in Gaoyang Town Xinlian Village in Luoshan Town Total amounts of farmland before land acquisition (mu) Everage land holding per capita (mu) Amounts of land acquisition (mu) Affecting Rate of land acquisition Per capita income before land acquisition (Yuan) Agricultural population 1967 2832 0.69 50 2.5 2298 837 2.74 165 1760 1160 1.52 276 Hanchuan SWLF Agricultural rates in everage imcomes per capita (%) Affecting rate per capita by land acquisition (%) Agriculture industry service 3606 2596 0 1010 72 1.8 7.18 3860 2944 523 393 76 5.2 15.68 2250 862 1170 218 38.32 6 No farmland acquisition, only expropriate 360 mu fish ponds1 Yunmeng SWLF Xiaochang SWLF Dawu SWLF Zhangwan SPN project Tianmen WWTP 1 Income structure(Yuan) Renhe Village in Zengdian Town Yankou Village in Xiaohe Town 1355 1427 0.95 135 9.96 2500 525 1675 300 21 2.1 903 1897 0.48 75.3 8.3 1911 279 900 732 15 1.2 3430 102 2138 60.5 2.3 No land acquisition No land acquisition Huangjin Village in 1300 1275 1.02 49 3.8 These lands were paddy field originally, and later were cultivated as fish pond, so they still are farm land in their character. 34 5670 subject project Shayang WWTP Affected village Xiaoban Town Hongling Village in Shayang Town Total amounts of farmland before land acquisition (mu) Agricultural population 2302 2002 Everage land holding per capita (mu) Amounts of land acquisition (mu) Affecting Rate of land acquisition Per capita income before land acquisition (Yuan) 1.15 45.8 1.99 3260 Honghu WWTP project Hanchuan WWTP project Yunmeng WWTP project Xiaochang WWTP project Income structure(Yuan) Agricultural rates in everage imcomes per capita (%) Affecting rate per capita by land acquisition (%) Agriculture industry service 2988 108 164 91.6 1.9 No land acquisition Xujiakou Village in economy technology development Zone Qianhu Village in Chengguan Town Minghua Village in Huayuan Town 2400 2650 0.91 114.45 4.77 3000 1035 1122 843 34.52 1.65 1527 2405 1.12 67.23 4.4 3500 948 2297 252 27.1 1.2 1160 2801 0.41 40.29 3.47 2800 607 1773 420 21.69 0.8 35 3 Framework of policy and law 3.1 THE LAW AND POLICY FOR RESETTLEMENT 3.1.1 NATIONAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS Real Rights Law of the People’s Republic of China (will enter into force since October 1, 2007) Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China (No.28 order of the President of the People’s Republic of China and the meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China, entered into force since August 28, 2004) Suggestion on concerned work of further protecting the basic farmland well (entered into force since September of 2005) Urban Real Estate Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China (entered into force since Jan 1, 1995) Improvement Directive for Perfecting Compensation and Resettlement Institutions of Land acquisition (entered into force since November 3, 2004) Urban House Demolition Administration Regulations (entered into force since November 1, 2001) Directive for Urban House Demolition Evaluation Price (entered into force since January 1, 2004) Regulation of hearing of witnesses on national land resources (entered into force since March 1, 2004) Regulation of protocol on Transferring state-owned land usufruct (entered into force since August 1 in 2003, Ministry of national territory resources No.21 order) Bulletin of methods on land acquisition (entered into force since January 1, 2002) 3.1.2 LOCAL LAWS AND POLICIES Hubei Province land administration and implementation methods (entered into force since September 27, 1999) Circular on further strengthening land acquisition administration and faithfully protecting legal right of farmer whose land are expropriated (issued by Hubei Province People’ Government No.11 in February, 2005. renewed the new standard of unified annual production value and regional comprehensive land price )) Hubei Province Urban House Demolition Administrative and Implementation Methods (No. 267 of Hubei Province People’ Government, entered into force since September 1, 2004) 3.1.3 WORLD BANK POLICY World Bank OP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement and Appendix (entered into force since January 1st, 2002) World Bank BP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement and Appendix (entered into force since January 1st, 2002) 3.1.4 LAND ACQUISITION PURVIEW OF LAND ACQUISITION AND COMPENSATION PROPERTY The correlated regulations in Law of Real rights of the People’s Republic of China: Second Part Chapter 4 Article 42 Ownership General Regulation For the sake of the demand of public benefits, according to the legal power and procedure, can expropriate collective-owned lands and house property of unit, individuals and other real estates. 36 The acquisition of collective lands should pay the enough land compensation, resettlement subsidy, and compensation for ground attachment imposition and expenses of compensation of the green seedling according to laws arrange the expenses of social security for displaced villagers and guarantee their lives, safeguard the legal rights of them. Compensate for house demolition for unit, individual and other real estates according to the laws, safeguard the legal rights of them, for individual’s house demolition, and ensure their living condition. Any unit, individuals, can not graft, transfer, hand out, cut and keep, default compensation expenses. Article 43 The nation takes a special protection to the farmland and strictly restrict agriculture land turning into construction land and control total amount of construction land. Not commit legal power and procedure of law provision to expropriate collective-owned land. Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China stated that all units and individuals that need land for construction purposes shall in accordance with law apply for the use of state owned land. Article 58 under any of the following circumstances, the land administration department of the People’s government concerned may, with the approval of the People’s government that has originally approved the use of land or that possesses the approval authority, take back the right to the use of the State-owned land: (A)The land is needed for the benefits of the public; (B)The use of the land needs to be readjusted for renovating the old urban area according to urban planning; Article 47 Land expropriated shall be compensated for on the basis of its original purpose of use. Main term provisions of Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of the Urban Real Estate: Article 22 Allocation of the land-use right refers to acts that the people’s government at or above the county level, after the land user has paid compensation and expenses for resettlement, etc., approves in accordance with the law to allocate the land to the land user or gratuitously allocates the land-use right to the land user. Article 23 The land-use right for the following land used for construction may, if really necessary, be allocated upon approval by the people’s government at or above the county level in accordance with the law; Land used for urban infrastructure or public utilities; Land used for projects of energy, communication or water conservancy, etc. which are selectively supported by the State. Measures for the Implementation of land administration of Hubei Province: Article 24 land used for construction, where land for agriculture is to be converted to land for the construction of projects, land for agriculture shall be expropriated, and its conversion of use of such land should be subject to approval. In land-use area of construction scale in city, village and town decided in general land-use plan, for implementing the plan, land used for agriculture is to be converted to land for the construction, and the conversion shall be subject to approval by the department that originally approved land-use general plan according to land-use annual plan. Construction projects involving transferring land used for agriculture to land used for construction except above the area, and should be subject to approval by the People’s Government or State Department. Examining and approving complementation farmland plan with the conversion of use of the land. Article 25 in addition to the land acquisition that should be approved by State Department according to Land Administration Law, following land acquisition should be subject to approval province-level people's government; (A) cultivated land, not included in capital farm land, less than 35 37 hectares (B) Less than 70 hectares other land. For land acquisition of the conversion of land for agriculture, approval of land conversion at the same time of approval of land acquisition, no longer transact examining and approving land acquisition. Among them, approval right of conversion of land for agriculture belongs to the city, autonomous county people's government, right of land acquisition belongs to province-level people's government and State Department, and land acquisition firstly should be approved by province-level people's government and then reported to State Department. For land acquisition not involving the conversion of land for agriculture, according to the regulated right, report to province-level people's government and State Department. LAW AND ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURE Relevant regulation of Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China: Article 46 Where land is to be expropriated by the State, the land acquisition shall, after approval is obtained through legal procedure, be announced by people’s governments at or above the county level, which shall help execute the land acquisition. Units and individuals that own or have the right to the use of the land under land acquisition shall, within the time limit fixed in the announcement, register for department of the local people’s government by presenting their certificates of land ownership or land-use right, Relevant regulation of Measures for the Implementation of land administration of Hubei Province: Article 27 after carrying the procedure examining and approving the farm land transferring and land acquisition, provide detailed construction unit the right purview of state-owned land usage by transferring and allocating: (One) Less than one hectare of construction land should be examined and approved by county level People’ government, be reported to province, city and autonomous county administration section, be put on records (Two) construction land between one hectare and two hectares should be examined and approved by city level People’ government, be reported to province, administration section, be put on records. (Three) construction land exceeding two hectares should be examined and approved by province level People’ government. Land used for construction that Should be approved by province level people’s government and be provided state-owned land using right by transferring and allocating, and involving farmland transferring and land acquisition, city, county level people’s government should reported plan of transferring farmland and farmland complementarities, land acquisition, land supplying along together. Bulletin methods of land acquisition Article 3 Farmer collective land acquisition, land acquisition plan and land acquisition compensation plan and resettlement plan should be announced in the village and village group whose land is expropriated. Among them, expropriate village and town collective land, plans should be announced in the location of village and town people’s government. Article 6 village collective economy organization, the villager or other relevant person should hold the certificate of land right and go to appointed place to transact the register procedure in the time limit of bulletin. COMPENSATION AND RESETTLEMENT POLICY Relevant regulations of Land Administration Law of the People’ Republic of China: Article 47 Land acquisition shall be compensated for on the basis of its original purpose of use. Compensation for cultivated land acquisition shall include compensation for land, resettlement subsidies and attachments and young crops on the expropriated land. Compensation for land acquisition of cultivated land shall be six to ten times the average annual production value of the 38 expropriated land for three years preceding such land acquisition. Resettlement subsidies for land acquisition of cultivated land shall be calculated according to the agricultural population needing to be resettled. The agricultural population needing to be resettled shall be calculated by dividing the amount of expropriated cultivated land by the average amount of the original cultivated land per person of the unit the land of which is expropriated. The standard resettlement subsidies to be divided among members of the agricultural population needing resettlement shall be four to six times the average annual production value of the expropriated cultivated land for three years preceding such land acquisition. However, the highest resettlement subsidies for each hectare of the expropriated cultivated land shall not exceed fifteen times its average annual production value for the three years preceding such land acquisition. If the land compensation and resettlement subsidy regulated above still can’t maintain farmer’s original living standard, the subsidy can be increased with the approval from government of province, municipality or municipality directly under the Central Government. However, the sum of the land compensation and resettlement subsidy can not exceed 30 times of the annual production value for the three years preceding such land acquisition. Guidance attitude on perfecting system of land acquisition compensation and resettlement ⅠCompensation Rate for Land acquisition a. formulation of unified annual production standard. Province level land resource department formulate minimum annual production standard of counties in the province with relevant departments and then report to province level people’s government for approval and publicize them and take it into force. b. expense of land acquisition accounted according to legal unified annual production multiple, if can not make farmer’s lives whose land is expropriated keep original life level, is not enough for the landless peasants to pay for social security, the time should be increased after approval of provincial people’s government; where the land compensation and resettlement subsidy are calculated 30 times but still not enough for the peasants to keep original living standard, the local government should arrange to give certain subsidy form the benefit of state land transfer. Where the basic agricultural land approved to be occupied, the compensation should be carried out at the maximum rate publicized by the local people’s government. c. Formulation of integrated land price in the land acquisition area. As for the areas with conditions, the provincial state land resource department should formulate the integrated land price of every county (city) in the province with relevant departments to provoke for approval of provincial people’s government before publication into force of land compensation. While formulating integrated price the type, production, location, agricultural land level, average planting quantity, supply and demand of land, local socio-economic development and minimum social security of urban residents should be taken into account. d. Distribution of land compensation. In the principle of land compensation’s main use for peasants whose lands are occupied, the compensation should be properly distributed in the rural collective economic organizations. The specific distribution methods are formulated by the provincial people’s government. Where the lands are all occupied and the rural collective economic organizations are displaced, the land compensation should be all used for living and production resettlement of peasants. ⅡResettlement Ways for Peasants Whose Land Expropriated e. Agricultural production resettlement. The rural collective land beyond the urban planning areas should make use of rural collective mobile land, the contract land voluntarily returned by the contractors, new plus planting land in the contract land transfer and land exploitation and collection firstly for the peasants to have necessary planting land to take over agricultural production. 39 f. Re-employment resettlement. The demolition institutions should actively create opportunity to provide free training on labour skills for the peasants whose lands are occupied, and to arrange corresponding positions. In the same conditions, the institutions who use the land should give priority to these peasants while recruitment. While occupying the collective land of peasants in the urban planning area, the landless peasants should be taken into the urban employment system with social security institutions for them. g. Dividend resettlement. As for the project land with long-term and steady benefit, in the premise of peasants’ desire, the rural collective economic organizations should negotiated with the project institutions to take the compensation or the access of approved construction land as stock. The economic organizations should sign contract with peasants for the latter to get benefit as priority stocks. h. Displacement resettlement. In the local area if the landless peasants can not be provided with basic living and production conditions, the government should organize to carry out inter-location resettlement in the premise of fully collection of peasants’ and rural collective economic organizations’ opinions. ⅢLand Acquisition Procedure i. To inform land acquisition situations. Before the legal proposal, the local state land resource department informs the rural collective land acquisition and peasants of the usage, location, and compensation rate and resettlement ways in written forms. After informed, all of the ground attachment and green seeding that the organizations and peasants plant, cultivate or construct on the planned occupied land should not be compensated for. j. To confirm survey result of land acquisition. The local state land resource departments should survey on the property nature, type, acreage, the property nature, type and quantity of ground attachment with the survey result co-confirmed with the organizations, peasants and property owners of ground attachment. k. To organize public opinion collection of land acquisition. Before legal proposal, the local state land resource department should inform the organizations and peasants of their rights to apply for public hearing of compensation rate and resettlement ways. If they apply for public hearing, they should be organized according to the procedure and relevant expropriates of State Land Resource Public Hearing Regulations. Suggestion concerning further implementing well the relevant work of basic farmland protection Two, adjusted plan granted or passed by legal procedure on expropriateing the basic farmland, carry out the compensation of land acquisition according to legal tallest standard, for complementing farmland by paying the farmland reclamation fee, carry out paying standard by local tallest standard. Relevant regulations of Hubei Province implementing measures of land administration: Article 26 Pay land compensation, resettlement subsidies and attachments and young crops on the expropriated land according to the following standard: (A) Expropriate the cultivated land; land compensation shall be six to ten times for average annual output value of the expropriated land for three years preceding such expropriate. Expropriate other lands; land compensation shall be 5 to 6 times for average annual output value of the neighborhood land for three years preceding such expropriate. Young crops on the expropriated land are compensated according to output value is it can account, if not, give reasonable compensation. Compensation rates of attachments shall given reasonable compensation by market price. Do not compensate for rushing to plant and build house after announcing the bulletin of land acquisition. 40 (B) Expropriate the cultivated land; the standard resettlement subsidies to be divided among members of the agricultural population needing resettlement shall be four to six times than the average annual output value of the expropriated cultivated land for three years preceding such expropriate. However, the highest resettlement subsidies for each hectare of the expropriated cultivated land shall not exceed fifteen times its average annual output value for the three years preceding such expropriate. Expropriate the farmland that make benefit, the standard resettlement subsidies shall be four to six times the average annual output value of neighborhood land for three years preceding such expropriate. Expropriate the farmland that makes no benefit, not pay resettlement subsidies. (C) If land compensation and resettlement subsidies paid in accordance with the provisions of the first and second paragraph of this Article are still insufficient to help the peasants needing resettlement to maintain their original living standards, the resettlement subsidies may by increased upon approval by people’s governments of provinces. However, the total land compensation and resettlement subsidies shall not exceed 30 times the average annual output value of the expropriated land for the three years preceding such expropriate. (D) Expropriate the vegetable land in the city suburb; it should pay the new vegetable land development construction fund according to the State and province relevant regulations, and take, use, manage the new vegetable plot development construction in accordance with concerning laws, regulation of vegetable base construction protection. (F) Implement the resettlement standard of using state-owned agriculture land according to the above-mentioned regulation. (G) Obey their regulation if there is other regulation, law about resettlement. Relevant regulations of Circular of Hubei Province People’s Government concerning further strengthen land acquisition administration and really protect the legal right of farmer whose lands are expropriated: According to Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China and its implementing regulation, Implementation Measures of Hubei Province Land Administration etc. law and regulations, synthetically consider the whole province everyplace economy society development level, region condition and land value, decide to divide the whole province as six regions, in category make whole province's unified minimum production value standard and resettlement subsidies lowest standard, each land acquisition compensation for nonagricultural construction can not be lower corresponded land acquisition Compensation rates. Land compensation shall be eight to ten times for average annual output value of the expropriated land for three years preceding such expropriate. The detailed standard shows in Table 3-1. Legally and with reason, decide concrete land acquisition compensation rates of construction land. For village collective economy whose per capital farmland area is more than 0.8 mu, the land compensation shall be eight to ten times; For village collective economy whose per capital farmland area is less than 0.8 mu, the land compensation shall be ten times; Land compensation and resettlement subsidies totally should be over sixteen times. If land compensation and resettlement subsidies paid in accordance with laws and regulations are still insufficient to help the peasants needing resettlement to maintain their original living standards and pay peasants’ social security for them, the resettlement subsidies and compensation times should be increased upon approval by people’s governments of provinces. However, the total land compensation and resettlement subsidies shall be accounted by 30 times, if still insufficient to help the peasants needing resettlement to maintain their original living standards, local government plan as a whole, give peasants subsidies from state-owned land compensated usage benefit. Expropriate the basic farmland by law; land compensation shall be carried out by the tallest standard announced by local people’s government. 41 Category of region of Hubei Province land acquisition compensation minimum standard shows in table 3-1. TABLE 3-1 REGION CATEGORY OF MINIMUM COMPENSATION STANDARDS FOR LAND ACQUISITION OF HUBEI PROVINCE Category One Two Three Four Five Six Minimum Annual production value standard (Yuan/mu) 1800 1200 1000 900 800 700 Minimum resettlement subsidies standard (Yuan/person) Region 18000 The Main city area in Wuhan City: Jiangya District, Jianghan District, Qiaokou District, Hanyang District, Wuchang District, Hongshan District, Qingshan District, East Lake beauty Spot 10000 Dongxihu District of Wuhan City, Huangshi Harbor District of Huangshi City, Xiangcheng District of Xiangfan City, Xiling District and Wujiagang District of Yichang City, Zhangwan District and Maojian District of Shiyan City 8500 Jiangxia District, Caidian District, Hannan District, Huangling District and Xinzhou District of Wuhan City, Dianjun District of Yichang City, Xisaishan District of Huangshi City, Shashi District and Jingzhou District of Jingzhou City, Duodao District of Jingmen City, Echeng District of Ezhou City, Xiantao City, Qianjiang City, Xialu District of Huangshi City, Dazhi City, Zhijiang City, Dangyang City 7600 Dongbao District of Jingmen City, Shayang County, Xiangyang District of Xiangfan City, Tianmen City, Xiaonan District of Xiaogan City, Danjiangkou City, Zaoyang City, YIcheng City, Jiangling City, Shishou City, Songzi City, Cengdu District of Suimen City, Zhongxiang City, Jingshan County, Huangzhou District of Huanggang City, Macheng City, Wuxue City, Huarong District of Ezhou City, Xianan District of Xianning City, CHibi City, Yingcheng City, Anlu City, Hanchuan City, Yunmeng City, Yiling District of Yichang City, Yidu City, Xishui City, Laohekou City 6800 Honghu City, Gongan County, Jianli County, Liangzihu District of Ezhou City, Jiayu County, Guangshui City, Enshi City, Jianshi County, Yun County, Nanzhang County, Gucheng County, Xiaochang County, Dayi County, Hongan County, Haimei County, Yuanan County, Zigui County, Yangxin County 6000 Zhushan County, Fang County, Yunxi County, Zhuxi County, Luotian County, YIngshan County, Tufeng County, Tongcheng County, Chunyang County, Tongshan County, Xingshan County, Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County, Badong County, Laifeng County, Hefeng County, Xianfeng County, Xuanfeng County, Baokang County, Lichuan County, Shenlongjia Forest Region Hubei Province National Land Resource Administration Department renewed the united new standard of annual production value and land price, the detail shows in Table 3-2, Table 3-3 in April, 2007. 42 TABLE 3-2 COMPREHENSIVE LAND PRICE FOR LAND ACQUISITION IN HUBEI PROVINCE TEN THOUSAND YUAN/MU LAND (PART ONE) No. Name of city Name of county Local comprehensive land price Land compensation rates standard of resettlement subsidy Ⅰ 8.0 1.62 6.38 Tanxi, Shiying, Qiaoying, Qiqiao and Honggou Village 4.97 Wangjiawa Village, Panggongci Village, parts of land in Pan Village in Yingkou City, Jiawa Village, Wangzhai Village 3.10 Hongmiao, Hexing, Shijiamiao, Yangjiahe, QIanying, Shuiwa, Hanwa, Shipu Village, Huangjia, Dengcheng, Taiziwan, Yugang Village Ⅱ 2 Xiangfan Scope Number of region Ⅲ Ⅳ 6.5 4.5 3.5 1.53 1.40 1.31 2.19 43 Second automobile development zone, Yujia Lake Industry Zone, Xiangyang Distric, there are totally 25 villages Average Compensation rates Remark Not conclude the basic farmland 4.14 Not conclude the basic farmland, the areas of Han River and state-owned bottomland inside the embankment and beauty spot are forbidden for economy development TABLE 3-3 COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTED TABLE OF UNITED STANDARDS OF ANNUAL OUTPUT VALUE FOR LAND ACQUISITION IN HUBEI PROVINCE (PART TWO) No. Name of city Name of county Number of region Ⅰ Ⅱ 1 Tianmen standard of annual output value 1250 1130 Multiple of compensation 30 20 Compensation rates of land acquisition 37500 Land compensation rates of land Multiple 10 22600 8 standard 12500 9040 standard of resettlement subsidy Multiple 20 12 standard 25000 Dahe Village of Jingling Office, Yangdu Village, Gongyuan Village, Guanlu Village, Sunwan Village, Xilong Village, Yongfeng Village, Luyu Village, Jiangwan Village, Chewan Village, Donghu Village, Jianghe Village 13560 Qiaoxiang Development Zone, Yuekou Town, Zaoshi Town, Yanglin Office, Huangtan Town, Wantan Village of Jingling Office, Xinjian Village, Erlong Village, Hedi Village, Zhongshansi Village, Zushi Village, Yangxing Village, Zhonglin Village, Zoumalin Village, Shatan Village, Wangshi Village, Miaotai Village, Hebu Village, Chensi Village, Xubei Village, Zhanqiao Village, Gongyan Village 10200 Zhanggang Town, Duobao Town, Tuoshi Town, Jiang Lake Farm, Jiangchang Town, Yuxing Town, Wangchang Town, Baimao Lake Farm, the units of Shayang prison management Bureau in Tianmeng 9100 Ganyi Town, Mawan Town, Henglin Town, Pengshi Town, Mayang Town, Duoxiang Town, Jiuzhen Town, Hushi Town, Lushi Town, Jingtan Township, Shihe Town, Fozishan Town, Xiaoban Town, Cheng Lake Forest demonstration region Tianmen Ⅲ Ⅳ 1020 910 18 18 18360 8 16380 8 44 8160 7280 10 10 Scope of area No. 2 3 4 Name of city Shiyan Jingmen Jingzhou Name of county Danjiangkou Shayang Honghu Number of region standard of annual output value Multiple of compensation Compensation rates of land acquisition Land compensation rates of land Multiple standard standard of resettlement subsidy Multiple Ⅰ 1200 19 22800 10 12000 9 Ⅱ 1100 19 20900 10 11000 9 Ⅲ 1050 19 19950 10 10500 9 Ⅳ 1000 18 18000 9 9000 9 Ⅴ 950 18 17100 9 8550 9 Ⅵ 900 18 16200 9 8100 9 Ⅰ 1135 17.5 19854 9 10211 8.5 Ⅱ 1031 17.5 18038 9 9277 8.5 Scope of area standard 10800 9900 Sanguandian Office, Xingang Economy development management office, Danzhao Road Office, Junzhou Road Office, Daba Office Liuliping Town, Wudangshan Economy Zone 9450 Lang River Town, Dingjiaying Town, Tuguanya Town 9000 Liangshui River Town, Shigu Town, Gaoping Town, Xijiadian Town 8550 Junxian Town, Tutai Township, Niuhe Forest Zone 8100 Guanshan Town, Yanchihe Town, Baiyangping and Dagou forest zone 9644 Shayang urban plan region and Hanjin Prison Region of Shayang Prison Management Bureau 8761 Shayang Town, Shilipu Town, Jishan Town, Shihuiqiao Town, Hougang Town, Lishi Town, Xiaojianghe Prison Region of Shayang Prison Management Bureau Ⅲ 930 17.5 16281 9 8373 8.5 7908 Wulipu Town, Maoli Town, Guandang Town, Gaoyang Town, Shenji Town, Zengji Town, Maliang Town, other prison region of Shayang Prison Management Bureau Ⅰ 1018 20 20360 8 8144 12 12216 Xindi Office Ⅱ 917 20 18336 8 7334 12 11002 Wulin Town, Bin Lake Office 45 No. Name of city Name of county Yunmeng 5 Number of region standard of annual output value Multiple of compensation Compensation rates of land acquisition Land compensation rates of land Multiple standard standard of resettlement subsidy Multiple standard Ⅲ 816 20 16319 8 6527 12 9791 Luoshan Town, Laowan Hui nationality Township, Longkou Town, Yanwo Town, Xintan Town, Chahe Town, Wanquan Town, Huangjiakou Town, Shakou Town, Jujiawan Town, Fengkou Town, Caoshi Town, Daijiachang Town, Fuchang Town, Xiaogang Region, Datong Management Region, Dasha Management Region Ⅰ 1200 25 30000 10 12000 15 18000 Chengguan Town Ⅱ 1100 18 19800 9 9900 9 Ⅲ 950 16 15200 8 7600 8 Ⅰ 1050 19 19950 10 10500 9 Xiaogan Dawu Scope of area Ⅱ 950 19 18050 10 9500 9 Ⅲ 850 19 16150 10 8500 9 Ⅰ 1125 16 18000 8 9000 8 Xiaochang Ⅱ 1000 17 17000 9 46 9000 8 9900 7600 9450 8550 7650 9000 8000 Yitang Town, Wupu Town, Hujindian Town, Qingming River Township, Wuluo Town, Gepu Town, Sha River Township, Xiaxingdian Town, Daoqiao Town Zengdian Town, Daodian Township Chengguan Town Yihua Town, Hekou Town, Sanli Town, Dongxin Township, Daxin Town,Gaodian Township, Yangping Town, Fangban Town,Xincheng Town, Xiadian Town, Liuji Town Fengdian Town, Pengdian Town, Sigu Town, Lvwang Town, Huangzhan Town Huayuan Town Zhouxiang Town, Tushan Township, Zougang Town, Baisha Town, Weidian Town, Xiaohe Town No. Name of city Name of county Hanchuan Number of region standard of annual output value Multiple of compensation Compensation rates of land acquisition Multiple standard Multiple Ⅲ 900 18 16200 9 8100 9 Ⅰ 1100 22 24200 10 11000 12 13200 Xiannvshan Road Office east part of Hanchuan Ⅱ 1000 18 18000 8 8000 10 10000 Xinhe Town, Makou Town Ⅲ 900 18 16200 8 7200 10 9000 22 towns or farms 47 Land compensation rates of land standard of resettlement subsidy Scope of area standard 8100 Xiaowu Township, Wangdian Town, Jidian Township, Huaxi Township, Fengshan Town 3.1.5 TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION Relevant regulations of Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China Article 57 Where land owned by the State or by peasant collectives needs to be used temporarily for construction of projects or for geologic prospecting, the matter shall be subject to approval by the land administration departments of people’s governments at or above the county level. However, if the land to be temporarily used is located in the area covered by urban planning, the matter shall be subject to agreement by the urban planning administration department concerned before it is submitted for approval. The land user shall, depending on who owns the land and who has the land-use right, enter into a contract for the temporary use of the land with the land administration department concerned, or the rural collective economic organization, or the villagers committee and pay compensation for it in accordance with the provisions of the contract. The Temporary land occupation shall use the land for purposes stipulated in the contract for temporary use of the land and may not build permanent structures on it. Generally, the period for temporary use of land shall not exceed two years. At the time the user that usage is agrarian should according to temporary usage the use that the contract of the land engagement usage land, and can not fix to set up the permanent sex building. There is no regulation about temporary use of land in Hubei Province land administration laws. 3.1.6 HOUSE DEMOLITION This project involves peasant house demolition, because there is no specialized village house demolition regulation, this project obeys the relevant regulation of urban house demolition regulations stipulate. Urban House Demolition Regulations Stipulate Article 6 The institution who demolish houses can not carry out the demolition until getting house demolition license. Article 8 As the house demolition permission license was given, the department in charge of house demolition shall propagate the demolition unit, the demolition scope, the deadline of demolition and other items in the form of house demolition notice at the same time, the department of in charge of house demolition and the unit who demolished the houses shall in time propagate and explain the policies to the peolpe whose houses are to be demolished. Article 22 The institutin who demolish houses should compensate the institution whose houses are demolished in accordance with the regulations. Article 23 House demolitions can be compensated in the way of exchanging ownership, or in currency. Article 24 Amount of money for compensation is determined by evaluation price in real estate market considering location, function and construction area etc. of demolished house, and is paid at. Detailed measures are formulated by Peoples’ Government of Province, Municipal. Directive of Urban House Demolition Evaluation Price Article 3 price evaluations on the urban house demolition in the Directive (short for demolition evaluation) refers to evaluation on the real estate for market price in accord with location, usage, construction acreage of demolished houses to confirm the currency compensation amount for them. The price of evaluation on house demolition means the real estate market price of the demolished houses, excluding movement subsidy, temporary resettlement subsidy, compensation for loss of production and business cease while demolishing non-residential houses and the compensation for the decoration inner the demolished houses. The former three mentioned above should be carried out due to the rates regulated by people’s governments of provinces, autonomous region and municipality city. While for the last item mentioned above should be negotiated and confirmed by the demolishers and the demolished; if no result of negotiation, they can entrust to evaluate and then confirm it. 48 Article 4 demolition evaluations should be taken over by the evaluation institutions with qualification of real estate price evaluation (short for evaluation institutions) and the price evaluation reports must be signed by the professional evaluators. Article 18 the evaluation institutions should publicize the preliminary evaluation result by household to the demolished for 7 days with filed explanation collecting relevant opinions. Article 28 Where taking property ownership exchange as compensation and resettlement way of house demolition, the evaluation on the exchanged houses of the real estate market price should take inference to the Directive. The evaluation on the houses on the land out of the urban planning areas should take inference to the Directive. Hubei Province House Demolition Administrative and Implementation Measures Article 15 The demolisher should compensate and resettle the demolished according to the law In addition to other provision of national laws regulations, there should be no difference in house demolition for construction project character. Article 16 The price valuation of house demolition and ownership transferring should be evaluated by the real estate evaluation institution approved by city house and land resource bureaus. The evaluation report should be signed by real professional estate evaluation master. Demolition evaluation institute should be decided openly and publicly, by the demolished runner vote or demolition units ballot for. After deciding the demolition evaluation institute, generally demolition unit entrust. Client should with evaluation institute signs the writing form of demolition evaluation client contract. Evaluation technical criterions, transaction procedures and relevant administration rules of house demolition should be implemented by the state and province relevant regulations. 3.1.7 RELEVANT POLICY OF WB INVOLUNTARY DISPLACED PEOLPE A. The entire objective of WB involuntary resettlement policies is: a. to explore any feasible design projects to avoid or reduce involuntary resettlement as much as possible. b. if inevitable, the resettlement actions should be regarded as projects of sustainable development to conceive and run. Sufficient fund should be supplied for the PAP to share the Project benefit. The PAP should be carefully negotiated with for them to have the chance to participate in the design and implementation of RP. c. to help the PAP endeavor to increase livelihood and living standard, at least to restore to the relatively high standard before movement or project beginning. B. In order to solve the living or production difficulties caused by the loss of production materials or other properties since forced land acquisition, WB demands the borrowers to compile a RP or legal framework of resettlement with the contents covering the following: a. the RP or legal and policy framework should take corresponding measures to ensure that PAP a). Be informed their own selection and other rights on resettlement; b). Know the technical and economic feasible projects; take part in negotiation with selection; c). Get rapid and efficient compensation at all reconstruction cost to offset the direct wealth loss caused by the Project. b. If the impact includes movement, then the RP or legal and policy framework should take corresponding measures to ensure that PAP a). Gain assistance during movement (such as movement subsidy); b). Gain houses or housing plot, or agricultural production places as demanded. The production potential, location advantage and other integrated factors of the places should at least equal to the original places. 49 c. in order to realize the objectives, the RP or legal and policy framework should take corresponding measures if necessary to ensure that PAP a). After movement gain assistance during the transformation period which is properly calculated due to the necessary time for restoration of livelihood and living standard; b). Gain development assistance such as land tide-up, credit, training or employment. As for the impact mentioned in paragraph a) above, the measures include compensation and assistance before movement and preparation to supply resettlement places with full equipment if necessary. However, it should be pointed out that land acquisition and other property occupation should be carried out until payment of compensation and even resettlement places and payment of movement subsidy if necessary. 3.2 RESETTLEMENT POLICY OF THIS PROJECT 3.2.1 COMPENSATION PRINCIPLES IMPLEMENTED BY THE PROJECT The main principles of compensation policy are: To take measures as much as possible to minimize adverse affect of the Project; The compensation and resettlement projects can improve or at least keep the living standards before the movement; To carefully negotiate with the resettled to ensure that they have the chance to comprehensively participate in the planning and implementation of RP; All of the welfare affected by the Project should be compensated in the resettled cost; Adopt the principle that construction should be conducted before demolition as much as possible. Before land acquisition and house demolition, the resettlers should get all the compensation. Acquisition of land and some relevant properties should be carried out after payment of compensation or even supply of resettlement sits and movement subsidy if needed. Identify DP qualification. The time criteria for identification of resettlement should be the publicizing date of demolition announcement. After the date, the resettled should not build new, enlarge or reconstruct houses, nor change house and land usage; nor rent land, and nor rent or merchandise house. The population coming in after the date has no the qualification. 3.2.2 COMPENSATION POLICY The compensation policy of this project is constituted according to the resettlement policy of People's Republic of China, Hubei Province People's Government, local people's government and World Bank. COMPENSATION POLICY OF THE RURAL COLLECTIVE LAND Expropriate collective farmland, non-agriculture construction land, shall be compensated by Circular of Hubei Province People’s Government further Strengthen Land acquisition Administration and Really Protect the Legal Rights of Peasants whose Lands are Expropriated (the renewed comprehensive land price in each area in April, 2007.), and decide minimum Compensation rates. If local government standard is over the Hubei Province standard, adopt local government standard. COMPENSATION POLICY OF TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION Temporary use of land shall be compensated according to using time and loss of land by discussion. The compensation includes the compensation funds for green crops, and re-cultivating land COMPENSATION POLICY OF HOUSE DEMOLITION This project involves the village house demolition, because State, Hubei Province and affected cities and counties have no special the village house demolition rules and administration regulations, this project set down the standard according to the relevant spirit of urban house demolition administration rules. ⅰResidents' house demolition compensation policy 50 A. Resettlement ways for demolition and resettlement. It can adopt currency compensation exchange of house property rights in the same compensation amount. For exchange of house property, person who carries house demolition should provide two resettlement house for person whose house is demolished. B. Currency compensation amount of residential houses. As for the residential houses demolition, the currency compensation amount should be confirmed in the principle of reconstruction, calculated due to the evaluated unit price of the demolished house in real estate market and the construction acreage of the demolished houses. Because house demolition in this project all locate in village area, all house shall be compensated by legal construction no matter if it has house ownership certification. C. relevant fees including movement subsidy for demolished residential houses. The demolishers should pay to the demolished the movement subsidy, facility movement fee and temporary resettlement subsidy during transition. ⅱ.Compensation Policy for Enterprise factory’s house Compensation and resettlement methods of house demolition. House demolition compensation and resettlement can carry out currency compensation; can also carry out resettlement in different place in equivalent amount of money. For stone pit and other enterprises that fall short of state environment protection policy, way of currency compensation should be adopted.. The currency compensation of displacement of non-residential house shall be determined by the real estate market. To demolish the non-residential house which is not rented or the rented house which has negotiated rent, the demolisher compensates the losses to the demolished if the demolished has released agreement with the renters; otherwise, if the demolished can not reach the agreement with the renters, the demolisher shall compensate the demolished with exchange house and the rent can continue the rent. In second case, the demolished shall sign a new contract with the original renter. To demolish non-residential house, the demolisher shall pay following compensation for the demolished and the renters: (1) freightage cost, equipment installation cost, equipment movement cost according to concerned policy of the State and Hubei Province. (2) The equipment can not re-used shall be compensated at replacement cost. (3) The losses of stop production and shutdown caused by demolition. During the removing the staff in enterprises will get no loss of rights and interests including wage, medical and social insurance, dividend and bonus and etc and thus the staff will never lose jobs since movement. The business enterprise can have full time to find another other factory sites to continue production under the condition of be notified 2 monthes in advance. ⅲ. Indoor fitting up and attachments compensation policy Compensate according to the valuation price (considering fitting up grade and current situation). Affected Ground Attachment, Scattered Fruit Trees and Public Facility shall be compensated by demolishers in the principle of reconstruction, the property owners should restore and reconstruct. COMPENSATION POLICY OF THE TEMPORARY BUILDING Temporary buildings shall be compensated by the cost of market reconstruction considering them legal construction. COMPENSATION POLICY OF OTHER PROPERTY The affected other properties should be compensated or restored due to ruled rate of Hubei Province. As for those having not been ruled, compensation should be carried out due to market price. SUPPORTING POLICY FOR VULNERABLE GROUPS A. The labour force in the vulnerable families should be given occupation training with employment information and instruction to create employment opportunity. B. During the implementation, the works with low technical requirement should be provided prior to the young ones of the vulnerable families. 51 C. The organization which is responsible for demolition and movement should try best to help and support the movement of the vulnerable families. 52 4 Compensation rates According to legal framework and combined with the practical conditions of every district or county, the Compensation rates for impacts are as follows: 4.1 COMPENSATION RATES FOR RURAL COLLECTIVE LAND ACQUISITION Set down the Compensation rates for rural collective land by the principals over the standard regulated in Circular about Hubei Province People’s Government Further Strengthening Land acquisition Administration and Really Protecting the Legal Rights of Peasants who’s Lands are Expropriated (the renewed edition in April, 2007). The detailed information shows in Table4-1. 53 TABLE 4-1 COMPENSATION RATES FOR RURAL COLLECTIVE LAND1 Compensation rates Subject Unit Danjiangkou SWLF Shayang Honghu Hanchuan Yunmeng Xiaochang Dawu SWLF SWLF SWLF SWLF SWLF SWLF Compensation for Yuan/mu land + resettlement subsidy + compensation for young seedlings (vegetable land) 24000 17580 Compensation for Yuan/mu land + resettlement subsidy + compensation for young seedlings ( dry land) 16000 16940 16920 18000 16800 16320 18000 Zhangwan SPN project Shayang WWTP Tianmen WWTP 17580 19464 Honghu SPN Hanchuan WWTP Yunmeng WWTP Xiaochang WWTP 1. Expense for land acquisition Compensation for Yuan/mu land + resettlement subsidy + compensation for young seedlings ( fish pond, water 1 15800 17600 9300 19380 19125 30600 19950 The compensation standard of village collective’s land expropriation in this table is according to Measures for the Implementation of land administration of Hubei Province, Circular on further strengthening land expropriation administration and conscientiously protecting legal right of farmer whose land are expropriated by Hubei Province People’s Government, and connected policies of each local governments (including Suggestions on strengthening intensively using land by Jingzhou People’s Government, Suggestions on strengthening intensively using land by Honghu People’s Government, Report on the result of measuring the standard of unified annual output value of land expropriation and so on. The compensation standard of Tianmen is same as Hubei Province’s standard, and other city’s are over it. The stated-owned road will be compensated according to Circular of charge standard of digging road and repairing road in city in Hubei Province. 54 Compensation rates Subject Unit Danjiangkou SWLF Shayang Honghu Hanchuan Yunmeng Xiaochang Dawu SWLF SWLF SWLF SWLF SWLF SWLF Zhangwan SPN project Shayang WWTP Tianmen WWTP Honghu SPN Hanchuan WWTP Yunmeng WWTP Xiaochang WWTP 16 16 surface aquiculture) Compensation for Yuan/mu land + resettlement subsidy + compensation for young seedlings ( paddy field) 16940 Compensation for Yuan/mu land + resettlement subsidy ( woodland) 8000 16800 compensation of Yuan/mu the land (land without income) 5000 4500 18000 6528 17600 7600 19380 19001 19950 14800 9000 10500 7200 33000 2. related expense of land acquisition Expenses of farmland reclamation1 Expenses of Yuan/mu compensated use of new increased Expenses of farmland reclamation are 1.5-2 times of the total land compensation; Use other farmland, it is 1-1.5 times.2 24 28 24 20 16 16 16 0 28 28 24 20 1 Quotes from Hubei Province Land Re-cultivation Implementing Measures (promulgated by Decree No.52 of Hubei Province people’s Government in 1999). 2 The compensation standard of Shayang SWLFSWLF, Hanchuan SWLFSWLF, Xiaochang SWLFSWLF and Yunmeng SWLFSWLF is 1.5 times than land compensation expense, and other projects are 1 times than its. 55 Compensation rates Subject Unit Danjiangkou SWLF Shayang Honghu Hanchuan Yunmeng Xiaochang Dawu SWLF SWLF SWLF SWLF SWLF SWLF Zhangwan SPN project Shayang WWTP Tianmen WWTP Honghu SPN Hanchuan WWTP Yunmeng WWTP Xiaochang WWTP land for construction1 Expenses of land count regarding the land compensation as the cardinal number, land acquisition over 1000 mu, 0.7%; 500-1000 mu, 1.1%; 100-500, 1.4%; below 100 mu, 1.8%; in some special condition, acquisition 2.8%. administration2 Expense of measuring land Yuan/mu 300 300 300 300 Expense of Land registration3 The construction Yuan/mu fund of new vegetable plot4 300 300 300 300 300 300 count its expense by progression, 5-40000 Yuan each project 3000-5000 3000- 3000- 5000 5000 5000 1 Quotes from Circular on adjusting policies of compensated using land for new increasing building land ( issued by Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Land Resourse in November, 2006) 2 Quotes from No. 47Document (2002) issued by Hubei Province Price Administration. 3 Quotes from No. 93Document is(1990) sued by Department of Land Resourse in Hubei Province. 4 Quotes from Hubei Province land administration and implement methods (entered into force since September 27, 1999) 56 300 300 300 4.2 COMPENSATION RATES OF TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION Temporary land occupation shall be compensated in accordance with time of occupation time and loss of land, two sides of projects discuss on it. Compensation for temporary land occupation includes two parts: a. According to actual occupation time, compensation for young seedling will be paid to affected peolpe. Occupy land for one year accounting for two season plants, and occupy land for one season accounting for one season plant. The temporary land occupation time of this project is less than two months. Therefore young seedling in one season will be compensated as the compensation of temporary land occupation, which is 500 Yuan /mu. b. The construction of SPN will damage the construction area. Restoration of such place will be conducted after the construction. Damage of land for digging badly, sinking, pressing should be taken repairing measures to make the damaged land restore to its useable state. If the construction institutions don’t want to cultivate land by oneself, also dosen’t want to let other unit and individual contract for re-cultivating land, such institutions must pay re-cultivation expense for local city or county land administration department in accordance with the Compensation rates of cultivating land in Hubei Province Land Re-cultivation Implementing Measures (promulgated by Decree No.52 of Hubei Province people’s Government in 1999), 5000-6000 Yuan are to be collectd according to different sorts of land. 4.3 COMPENSATION RATES FOR HOUSE DEMOLITION Houses demolished are rural ones.There are no special policies for rural house demolition compensation, so rural house demolition compensation rates are made based urban house demolition compensation rates of each subproject city. At the same time, interviews to construction bureaus and land administration bureaus of each subproject city were conducted when RP group and SA group held social survey in each subproject city. Villagers are also interviewed to know the costs of local house construction in order to make sure the compensation rates of rural villagers’ houses and enterprises in this project are replacement prices, The Compensation rates for resident’s house demolition shows in detail in Table 4-2. 57 TABLE 4-2 THE COMPENSATION RATES FOR HOUSE DEMOLITION Compensation rates Danjiangkou SWLF Shayang SWLF Honghu SWLF1 Hanchuan SWLF2 Yunma ng SWLF Xiaochang SWLF3 Dawu SWLF Shayang WWTP project Tianmen WWTP project Hanchuan WWTP project Yunmeng WWTP project Xiaoch ang WWTP project Yuan/m2 330 410 500 360-420 420 436 350 410 420 360-420 420 436 Brickwood structure Yuan/m2 290 350 400 300-360 350 356 250 350 350 300-360 350 356 Soil-wood structure Yuan/m2 220 235 300 280-320 240 273 200 235 230 280-320 240 273 Simply constructe d structure Yuan/m2 100 70 100 220-260 100 100 140 70 100 220-260 100 100 House structure Unit Brickconcrete structure 1 The compensation standard is according to Hubei Province House Demolition Administrative and Implementation Measures and Honghu Directive of Evaluation Price of rebuilding houses in 2003, and it is higher than the basic price standard of Honghu rebuilding house. 2 The compensation standard is according to Hubei Province House Demolition Administrative and Implementation Measures and the reply on consulting buildings demolition in the region of Third phase expending project of Hanchuan Electricity Factory by Hubei Xinhan Power Plant issued by Hanchuan Construction bureau. 3 The compensation standard is according to Hubei Province House Demolition Administrative and Implementation Measures and was made according to Directive of Urban House Demolition Evaluation Price in Xiaochang, based on the replacement prices in local markect at the time. 58 The Compensation rates for non-resident’s house demolition shows in detail in Table 4-3. TABLE 4-3 THE COMPENSATION RATES FOR NON-RESIDENT’S HOUSE DEMOLITION Compensate the standard 1 House structure Unit Xiaochang SWLF Honghu SWLF Brick- concrete structure Yuan/m2 436 500 Brick- wood structure Yuan/m2 356 400 Simply constructed structure Yuan/m2 100 100 4.4 COMPENSATION RATES OF GROUND ATTACHMENTS As the special establishments are general restored by their administration departments, the compensation rate for special establishments are discussed , determined and accepted by the project owners and establishment administration departments. The compensation rates for ground attachments are by the compensation rates of relative governments. Compensation rates of attachment on the ground shows in detail in Table4-4 1 According to the compensation standard of resident’s houses. 59 TABLE 4-4 COMPENSATION RATES OF ATTACHMENT ON THE GROUND Category 380 V electric wire pole 220 V electric wire pole High voltage cable tower Small arched cemented bridge Electricity distribution house Electric wire Highway Motor-pumped well press Well Unit Danjiangkou SWLF Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan/m Yuan/m2 Yuan each one Yuan each one Shayang SWLF Honghu SWLF Hanchuan SWLF Yunmeng SWLF Xiaochang SWLF 2000 1000 Toilet Pigsty Grave Orange tree Peach tree Miscellaneous tree Grown trees The white poplar tree( grown) Zhangwan SPN project Shayang WWTP project Tianmen WWTP project Honghu SPN project Hanchuan WWTP project Yunmeng WWTP project Xiaochang WWTP project 0 2000 1000 2000 1000 2000 50000 0 3000 50000 2.5 2.5 300 800 500 200 200 0 0 2.5 Well pressed by human power Transformer Dawu SWLF 200 0 0 50000 2.5 800 500 200 200 400 Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan/m2 Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan each one 400 50000 50000 100 60 150 20 300 300 60 0 50000 0 60 200 0 20 300 0 30 0 60 15 2.5 300 0 40 30 10 10 0 50 15 50 60 30 50 0 50 Category Unit white poplar tree( medium) white poplar tree ( young ) Temporary house Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan/m2 Concreted ground Yuan/m2 Fence Yuan/M Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan each one Yuan each one Odd fruit tree Waste water pipe Tree not be categorized Rain shelter Dam Danjiangkou SWLF Shayang SWLF 10 Honghu SWLF Hanchuan SWLF Yunmeng SWLF Xiaochang SWLF 30 Dawu SWLF Zhangwan SPN project Shayang WWTP project Tianmen WWTP project 30 Honghu SPN project Hanchuan WWTP project Yunmeng WWTP project 0 5 Xiaochang WWTP project 30 0 100/150 30 200 0 30 0 20 50 50 687 30/60 10 20 0 0 687 0 10 10000 10000 400000 61 50 0 5 Resettlement plan 5.1 OBJECTIVES OF RESETTLEMENT The purposes of the project is to ensure that PAP can get compensation for all of their loss by the project, and project owner should properly resettle and rehabilitate PAP to make them share project benefits and help PAP on their tentative difficulties, really increase or restore their living condition and affected enterprises’ production and profiting capacity unless to the same level before the construction of the project, or even higher. The resettlement principles of the Project are in the following: ⑴Optimize project design, avoid the areas of dense in the site selection as much as possible to decrease land acquisition and house demolition and to reduce PAP. ⑵All of the PAP’S resettlement should be implemented as components of the project construction to provide sufficient fund for PAP and make them share the benefits from the Project. ⑶PAP get assistance in movement and resettlement areas. ⑷PAP accustomed to the residents of resettled sites in socioeconomic fields. ⑸Affected families will improve their residential circumstance fully equipped with convenient transport and good environment. ⑹Decrease as much as possible the loss of the enterprises caused by land acquisition and house demolition, if it is inevitable to cause the loss of stopping production, suitable resettlement should be given to enterprises and institutions as to restore their business standard as soon as possible. ⑺To encourage PAP to participate in compiling RP and RP implementation, and the PAP’s will should be fully considered in RP measures ⑻PAP’s production standard and living standard should be restored or improved to a certain level to the level before resettlement of the project. 5.2 RESETTLEMENT RISKS FOR PAP CAUSED BY LAND ACQUISITION According to IRR Model, of Michael M.Cernea1, affected villagers would face the following risks after the land acquisition, and they are losing land, jobs and houses, losing the right to enjoy public property and service, and the disintegration of society. 5.2.1 LOSING LAND Land is the basic resource of peasants’ surviving and developing, and land acquisition makes them lose the basic resource of production and living, and this usually is the key reason to peasants’ poverty after lossing land. Therefore, sample survey should be conducted in the project affected village to indentify their dependence degree to the land so as to design suitable RP. Permanent land acquisition is 1916.44mu, including 1908.57mu collective land and 7.57 mu state-owned lands.Affected people by permanent land acquisition is 4880 in 1117 households, including 230 peolpe in 57 households whose land and house both are expropriated. As analysed in the preceding pages, the analytic number of the project affected population as a whole is 1351 people who become altimately landless and unemployed by the land acquisition and need to be entirely rearraged in economic production as a main concern of the RAP. The detailed situation of land acquisition in each project shows in Figure 5-1. 1 Michael M.Cernea, is the academician of Romania academy of sciences, and is the consultant of World Bank in sociology and social policy. 62 FIGURE 5-1 PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION 5.2.2 UNEMPLOYMENT This project involves permanent land acquisition of rural land in all of the 12 subprojects. Among them, there are 11 subprojects involving PAP, totally 4880 people. As an analytic figure of the 4880 people as a whole, 1351 people are calculated out to be landless and need entire rearrangement in their production, indicating the impact shared in fact by all the 4880 people. The concrete numbers and compared situations of people who need to be rearraged/resettled in the ways appropriate for their production under each subproject are shown in Figure 5-2 and analysed in Table 5-1. The affected areas are mainly in rural area, and affected people are peasants. Because their land were expropriated by the project, and some villagers who make a living by planting, breeding fish can not go on their agricultural production for the sake of permanent land acquisition. 63 FIGURE 5-2 ANALYTIC POPULATION NEED TO BE ALTIMATELY REARRAGED IN RPODUTION UNDER EACH SUBPROJECT From the survey result of socioeconomic (Table 2-2) in the affected area, the land-dependence of affected villagers in the regions of different subprojects are different, among all subprojects, only in the area affected by Danjiangkou SWLF, Shayang SWLF, Tianmen WWTP, Shayang WWTP, the agricultural income covers over 60% of total income, those of other subproject’s are are all less than 25%. 5.2.3 LOSING HOUSE For the convenience of statistics and analyse, we anlyze house demolition caused by land acquisition and house demolition in the project buffer zone together. There are 9 subprojects involving residential house demolition, they are Danjiangkou SWLF, Shayang SWLF, Honghu SWLF, Xiaochang SWLF, Dawu SWLF, Tianmen WWTP and Xiaochang WWTP. These residential houses are all rural houses, not urban houses. The area of residential house demolition is 35139.63 m 2 totally, among them: brick-concrete building area is 20511.71 m2, and covers 58.37% of total house demolition area; brick-wood house area is 9785.84 m2, and covers 27.85% of total house demolition area; soil-wood house area is 3594 m2, and covers 10.23% of total house demolition area; simple-structure house area is 1248.08 m2, and covers 3.55% of total house demolition area. There are 880 people in 206 households affected by house demolition, excluding people affected by both land acquisition and house demolition. According to the field survey, quntity of house demolition in Tianmen WWTP, Shayang SWLF and Yunmeng SWLF so big that detailed and fessible RP should be made for these subprojects, eapecially on house demolition and resettlement site selection, so that the risks would be advoided as much as possible. 64 As to the other subprojects, because the quantity of house demolition is not big, resettlers will be resettled seperately or by currency resettlement according to their own willingness. All the resettlers will be well resettled. The detailed situation of land acquisition area and people affected by house demolition in each project shows in Figure 5-3 and Figure 5-4. Figure 5-3 House Demolish Area under Each Subproject 65 FIGURE 5-4 PEOPLE AFFECTED BY HOUSE DEMOLITION 5.2.4 LOSING RIGHTS TO ENJOY PUBLIC PROPERTY AND SERVICE Losing the right to enjoy public property and service mainly refers to peasants who lose land and houses can’t use the public resource in relocating region, such as infrastructure, so it causes the notable change in income level and living level. 5.2.5 DISINTEGRATION OF SOCIETY The involuntary displacing activity caused by this project will disrupt the current social structure of affected regions, further cause the disintegration and cracking of local community, and its social organization and interpersonal relation will be destroyed by displacing activity, and the relation of relatives in community may become estranged. Because of the disintegration of society, the direct losing of social cost will affect the production and living of PAP after the resettlement, especially for vulnerable groups or some peolpe who are in the edge of vulnerable groups, and this impact may cause the poverty of them. 5.3 ANALYSE ON RESETLLEMENT PLAN AND RESETTLEMENT RESULT In view of above risks, the consulting institution worked out the special resettlement plan so as to try to reduce the risks as they can, to make the level of production and living of PAP not drop because of implementation of project. 66 5.3.1 RP OF RURAL PAP FOR PRODUCTION RESETTLEMENT According to the result of field survey, the dependence degrees of villagers on land are different in different affected regions. For affected villagers in Xiaochang, Yunmeng, Hanchuan and Honghu, because these affected regions locate around towns, thinking of villagers are more active and openminded. With the development in depth of Reform and Open-up and the fast development of the economy, many peasants who originally live on agriculture have been out of village already, the main income source of local peasant family has already changed into a non-agriculture income. In recent years, because the difference of region economy is obvious and the system of registered permanent residence has been reformed, a lot of villagers whose registered permanent residence originally are in the region affected by project and who are successful in living out of village, have already displaced their family and settled down in the other parts of country, we found by the field survey in a few places, that the number of per capita contracted land of villagers who stayed in village reached 28 mu or so. But villagers’ dependence degrees on land are strong in Danjiangkou, Shayang and Tianmen. Shows in Table 2-2, agricultural income in these places covers over 60% of total income. Because of the above, according to different local circumstance of each subprojects, the project unit formulated the resettlement strategy on base of agricultural resettlement, which permit PAP freely make their own choice among many resettlement ways. For the projects where peasants’ agricultural income covers over 60% of total income, such as Danjiangkou SWLF, Shayang SWLF, Tianmen WWTP and Shayang WWTP, the project unit mainly took the resettlement model of adjusting land, especially Danjiangkou project, the project unit adopted the way of exchange one mu dry land by one mu paddy field, to avoiding the risks of losing land and jobs for affected villagers. But for the other region whose non-agriculture income are main income for family, after hearing the opinions of villagers, currency compensation are mainly used for resettlement and a few peasants are resettled by land allocation. According to the state law, lands which are expropriated should be compensated. Land compensation is handed out to the village to improve village infrostructure, develop the economy or purchase other lands in surrounding villages. Due to relevant rules, the resettlement subsidy can be handed out to the villager collective and the affected labour as well. As for the former, it is the village collectives who are responsible for relocating these labours and keep their livelihood continuing. While as for the latter, the labours can arrange their own livelihood by themselves, going on with their current occupation, or use such compensation as development funds to take over other occupations. The affected labours who can not be proporly resetlled in ways of land allocation will be absorbed into township employment service scope due to the principle of market employment. They can get employment service such as occupation introduction and instruction supplied by public employment service agents at all levels or they can participate in the occupation training subsidized by the government. The labour force who carves out by themselves can enjoy assistant policies such as instruction for establishing a business, occupation training, assurance for setup loan or interest subsidy, informal employment and etc. After fully negotiated with PAP, local governments and PMO, among the 4880 people affected by land acquisition as represented by the 1351 figures, about 71% of them chose currency resettlement, 5% people chose land allocation resettlement and 23% chose combination of currency resettlement and land allocation resettlement. See the modeling analysis of the PAP rearrangement in production in table below. 67 TABLE 5-1 THE COMPARED SITUATIONS OF POPULATION AFFECTED BY LAND ACQUISITION IN THEIR PRODUCTION REARRANGEMENT Land acquisition impact Production Resettlement population Subproject Total population Danjiangkou SWLF 85 72 Shayang SWLF 53 50 50 Honghu SWLF 1100 181 181 Hanchuan SWLF 1357 336 336 Yunmeng SWLF 141 141 141 Xiaochang SWLF 234 158 158 Shayang WWTP 97 37 37 Tianmen WWTP 132 48 48 Hanchuan WWTP 325 126 126 Yunmeng WWTP 393 105 105 Xiaochang WWTP 963 97 97 Toal 4880 1351 currency resettlement Resettlement by land allocation Resettlement by currency together with land allocation Production Resetllement population 72 963 72 316 According to the actual situation of peasants everyplace, the RP is made after asking for the opinions of PAP, villagers groups, project owners, project management units and local governments, and this resettlement plan paid much attention to the wills of affected villagers, and has better operability and pertinency. On the one hand, the RP plays a good rule in ensuring the living restoration of villagers whose agriculture income accounting for their main income. On the other hand, for villagers who do not depend on land to earn a living, they can develop their original business much better after obtaining compensation. According to the inquisition in Hanchuan and other places, the economy in these places are more flourishing, the government made big strength to attract outside investment, and the gap of labourforce in factory is bigger. For example, during the period of tenth Five-year Plan, Hanchuan City totally invited 1391 investment projects, among them, there are 116 projects whose scale are over ten million Yuan and the number of business enterprises whose sale scale are over 5 million Yuan reaches to 158 now. Following the arrivals of 50 projects each year with investment amount above ten million Yuan respectively1, Hanchuan singly attracts several ten thousand workers from other places annually, and their month wages are between 500 to 900 Yuan. Yunmeng and Honghu also have the similar circumstances. So even those villagers who are not depending on the land has never done business, or run factory, it is very easy for them to find out a work, their living level will not decrease because of the implementation of project. 5.3.2 RESTORATION PLAN FOR TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION The temporary land occupation is mainly caused by SPN projects. The time of temporary land occupation is between half a year and two years, during implementation, the principle of minimizing impact will be insisted on to take corresponding measures including ceiling SPNcrossing roads, bridge SPN crossing rivers. So, temporary land occupation does not affect concrete population. 1 Data from 68 The land temporarily occupied will be compensated as according to relevant rate. After the occupied term goes out, the project implementation institutions are responsible for demolishing the temporary houses and cleaning ground. 5.3.3 HOUSE REBUILDING PLAN There are 2 choices which are provided for the resettlement of house demolition, one is currency compensation; the other is exchanging house property rights in the equivalent value in currency compensation. In addition to choose the resettlement ways, the resettlers can freely choose the resettlement sites. Because there is no particular compensation standard of rural houses, compensation of this project will obey the principle that compensation standards for urban house demolition should according to the rehabilitating price. Because the project locates in countryside of Hubei Province, all buildings will all be compensated regarding them as legal buildings no matter if they have house property certificate. Project owner should pay house demolition subsidy, fee for removing installation, subsidy for temporary resettlement to the resettlers during the transition period, should increase the subsidy of temporary resettlement since the month overdue the transition period. The detailed situation of compensation standard of house demolition for 8 involved subprojects shows in Figure 5-5. FIGURE 5-5 COMPENSATION RATE OF EACH PROJECT As above figure showing, this project unit fully thought over the difference of economic development in each place while making the compensation standard of each subproject, all subprojects made the compensation standards for house demolition following the principle of the cost of rebuilding house. By the survey on construction market, with the compensation of this project, using the old bricks from demolished houses, the resettlers completely rebuild the new houses without increasing other expense. 69 In addition to this, in Shayang, Tianmen, Yunmeng and Dawu, the resettlement site for resettlers were brought into local New Village Construction Plan and the concrete situation are shown in each sub-report. The most direct advantage of bringing it into New Village Construction Plan is a unified planning and construction of public service facilities. A few advantages are as follows: Firstly, unified planning and construction bring about direct advantage to the intensive usage of land. Secondly resettlement places with unified planning will value the construction of transportation inside the community, greenbelt and environment. Finally, the new resettlement places will build many public service facilities, such as to establish hospital, public health office, school, etc. This will also effectively reduce the risk of causing poverty for resettlement because of losing possessing the right of public property and service. This project pays enough attention to the reservation of social network and informal organization in the reconstruction of community. Considering the policy of resettlement for house demolition, all subproject choose to resettle them nearby, choose to resettle them and set up resettlement place in the neighbourhood village as far as possible, and ensure the overall displacing of them as far as possible. In this wise, the most direct advantage is the reservation of the original composing of PAP in biggest degree, and the effective reservation of informal organizations and the social cost that formed for several years. From the result of survey about the peasants’ resident houses in affected areas, most of affected villagers choose the house site land in original village. Also people who have outside part-time jobs, run business, or keep successful enterprises choose the way of currency compensation completely, they are living outside for a long term, most of which have bought houses outside, however, their houses in hometown always have been desolated. The compensation standard for house demolition caused by this project is higher than other ones, above all, this part of peolpe take pleasure in accepting currency compensation very much, and they declare that after getting compensation, they don’t need residential land for compensation and their entire family would move outside. Through the consultation, the demolished PAP all chose currency compensation. The circumstance of residential resettlement of each project shows in Table5-2 (while in the concret replacing course, resettlement methods can be adjusted according to residents’ wills). TABLE 5-2 THE BALANCE TABLE OF CIRCUMSTANCE OF HOUSE RESETTLEMENT OF EACH PROJECT Residential resettlement methods (hhs) Name of project Affected villages total households Resettlement place Danjiangkou SWLF Anlehe Village in Sanguandian Office 10 The edge of Group Three, Four and Five, in the village Yangji Village Shayang SWLF In Gaoyang Town 58 Xinlian Village in Luoshan Town 1 Honghu SWLF currency currency compensation exchange compensation currency and resettle of house and new compensation them in property resettlement relocating rights place in village communities 10 The resettlement place named “Dao Danggang” which is unified planning and resettlement place. The affected household will buy new house In downtown in Honghu City. 70 58 1 Residential resettlement methods (hhs) Name of project Affected villages Fuxing Village Hanchuan SWLF in Xinhe Town Yunmeng SWLF Xiaochang SWLF Sanhuang Village in Cengdian Town Yankou Village in Xiaohe Town total households Resettlement place 81 In Fuxing Village, rebuild houses after demolishing houses. 48 26 Dawu SWLF Changzheng Road residents’ Committee 11 Tianmen WWTP Huangjin Village in Xiaoban Town 44 Total The resettlement place in Fengpu Village which is unified planning and resettlement place. There are 11 households wanted to build house on the side of Daan Road,13 households wanted to build house by themselves at the planned house sites in Xiaohe Town to and the other 2 households wanted to buy new houses in Xiaochang county or Wuhan City. Among 11 affected households, 4 households planned to buy new house in the county and the other 7 households wanted to build new house at unified planning house sites in the village, The PMO of Dawu will pay the fees that are to provide water supply and with electric power, and build the road, and level the house site for affected households who want to build house in village. Change the former vegetable wholesale market into a new house site place, unify planning, concentrate the resettlement place 206 currency currency compensation exchange compensation currency and resettle of house and new compensation them in property resettlement relocating rights place in village communities 8 13 35 2 11 4 7 44 64 1Anong 13 119 13 11 affected fish pond keeping houses which located in red line of this project ,7 houses are the only living place for the APs, 4 houses are used for temporary fish pond keeping; Among 4 affected fish pond keeping houses which located in project buffer zone , 3 houses are used for temporary fish pond keeping and 1 house is the only living place for the AP. In all, there are 8 households who should be allocated some place to build new house for living. 71 10 5.3.4 RESETTLEMENT OF ENTERPRISES There are two subprojects affecting business enterprises, and they are Xiaochang SWLF and Honghu SWLF. The house demolished area adds up to 1404 m2, among them: brick-concrete building area is 364 m2, and covers 25.93% of total house demolition area; brick-wood house area is 740 m2, and covers 52.71% of total house demolition area; simple-structure house area is 300 m2, and covers 21.37% of total house demolition area. There are 33 people affected by enterprise displacing. Affected enterprises will be compensated according to the relavent standards. The staffs of enterprise who need be resettled are mostly managers or property proprietors of business enterprises. They get reasonable compensation according to the policy, the rights and benefits of staffs in enterprises will not be affected during the period of removing, including wages, medical treatment, social insurance, and bonus and cash award. They will not lose their works because of removing. Affected enterprises could choose the land to rebuild factory, and change the line of production or stop production according to their original management circumstance. The business circumstance of affected enterprises shows in Table 5-3. Shown in Table 5-3, most of enterprises chose to rebuild factory in other places, and took method of rebuilding first and demolishing next. Because there are a lot of lands in or near villages where affected enterprises locate, so there completely are proper conditions to contain these business enterprises. TABLE 5-3 THE BASIC RESETTLEMENT CIRCUMSTANCE OF AFFECTED ENTERPRISES Resettlement Project Xiaochang Solid Waste Landfill Projec Honghu Solid Waste Landfill Projec 5.3.5 Rebuild in another place Enterprise name Character Lisichun quarry Privately owned √ Caixia quarry Privately owned √ The pointed place of transportation of TNT of Xiaochang Civil Dynamite Company Privately owned √ warehouse Collective Steel Bottle Examination Station of Honghu Liquefied Petroleum Gas Company Privately owned √ Tianhe Prefabricated Board Factory Privately owned √ Fish fry farm of Tongtai fish company Privately owned Transferring production Currency Compensation √ √ RESETTLEMENT PLAN FOR TEMPORARY BUILDINGS There are 2 subprojects, Hanchuan SWLF, Honghu SWLF involving the temporary house demolition, and the area of house demolition is 1221 m 2 totally, which are all fish guard house. Fish guard houses are temporary buildings, and rented from villages and built by them for fish guard. These fish ponds will still go no running after this project construction, through the consultation among the project units, owners of fish pond and village leaders, the villages will provide construction land and the contractors will rebuild new fish guard houses by themselves. The compensation rate of fish guard house is same as common village houses. By analysis on the building cost in the project place, this compensation can make these contractors rebuild the houses in the local villages without increasing investment. 72 5.3.6 AFFECTED INFRASTRUCTURE AND GROUND ATTACHMENT The property unit will rebuild affected infrastructure and ground attachments after getting the compensation. The restoration measures of the demolished establishments must be planned in advance, in actual operation, such measures should be adjusted according to local conditions and concrete spot circumstance, and enough attention should be paid to keep safe, efficient, in time, accurate without any error to reduce the disadvantageous impact brought on the nearby villagers as much as possible. For the municipal public facilities affected, the demolition executants should demolish houses according to the project shop drawing, and the principle is to try to not affect the project construction, and try ot reduce people’s displacing. For affected pipeline network, on base that the pipeline network demolition won’t affect residents' normal lives along the line (include residents who don’t need to displace), and they will rebuild pipeline network at first and then demolish the original pipeline network. 5.3.7 RESTORATION PLAN FOR VULNERABLE GROUPS There are 7 subprojects involving 23 households that are vulnerable groups, and 7 subprojects are respectively Danjiangkou SWLF, Shanyang SWLF, Hanchuan SWLF, Xiaochang SWLF, Tianmen WWTP, and Yunmeng WWTP, Xiaochang WWTP, In 23 households, there are 7 households with lonely old people, 8 households with handicapped people, 2 households with orphans, 4 especial poor households, 2 woman households (widow).This project will give them special care for their resettlement according to relevant policies. The vulnerable people has been the most difficult groups in village, they are most easily under the negative impact of the project. But in this project, it is easy to resettle them. The reasons mainly are three followings: Firstly, the holistic situation of China is good. Currently the new Government of China puts forward the following development motive, they are scientifically developing viewpoint, people-centered, setting up harmonious society. 73 Secondly, Hubei Province carried out a series of policies to help vulnerable people. At the beginning of 2003, Hubei Province started to implement “Fortunate Project” that is to give priority to supporting households enjoying the five guarantees together, combination with supporting them dispersedly. At the end of 2006, Hubei Province already had rebuilt and new built 1867 village welfare institutes lately, making the village welfare institutes up to 2436, and the number of population who are supported together from 43000 up to 160000, and the rate of supporting households enjoying the five guarantees together is up to 76%, and basically support the households enjoying the five guarantees who wish to come together, and households enjoying the five guarantees who don’t wish to come to welfare institutes are also cared1. In addition, Hubei Province still carried out a series policies that benefit people, such as " the star light plan", "Future plan", “subvention for especially poor family and big disease "etc., and these policies play a efficient role in safeguardingthe vulnerable groups. In 2005, Hubei Province promulgated The Trial Salvation Measures of Rural Particularly-Poor Households in Hubei Province, which regulates that all rural particularly-poor households with the particularly-poor households certificate, will be salvaged by the cash in fixed time and quantity, and the current salvage standard is not less than 10 Yuan per capita each month; Regulates the salvage object of rural particularly-poor households are rural residents who live perennially in country, whose family income is very low and particularly poor in lives. Concretely include: those have no kin and cannot support themselves and cannot enjoy the Five Guarantees, and have no labor force; those have imbecile and foolish and disabled persons and have no labor force and young children and live poor; those have family members who lost the labor force or dead because of disaster and illness and other reasons, and have poor lives; and those are decided as salvage objects by Hubei Province People’s Government. The concrete process is followings, first the householder of particularly-poor households bring forward written application to local villager committee or villager group nominate and write a application for them, and then the village committee examine and verify their certificates; after the town government investigate and examine and agree with it, and notify local village committee to notice; the county level civil administration department issue the salvation certificate of rural particularly-poor households. Thirdly, the owner of project and local PMO pay much more attention to the vulnerable groups. They promise that: The low income family will be provided the practical and effective life security by local social security centre, currently, there are social security organizations established in each county or city, providing the living security for poor residents' family. So after residents affected by the project resettling in the new house, there will be specific the organizations being responsible for their social security, through the work of these organizations, life security, guarantee will be provided to them to ensure their living standard not be lower than that before the project construction. In addition, if some people have working ability, social security organizations of each grade will try their best to provide them the employment opportunities as fast as possible in shorter time, to further improve their lives. The old man living alone and the disable households will be also appropriate resettleed according to their demands. The basic condition of affected vulnerable groups shows in Table 5-4. 1 Data from 74 TABLE 5-4 THE BASIC CONDITION OF AFFECTED VULNERABLE GROUPS Type Subproject Household Lonely old Particularl s Disabled Orphan people y poor Danjiangkou Solid Waste Landfill 4 Shayang Solid Waste Landfill 2 Hanchuan Solid Waste Landfill 6 3 3 Xiaochang Solid Waste Landfill 5 2 0 1 1 Tianmen WWTP 1 0 1 Yunmeng WWTP 4 0 3 Xiaochang waste water treatment 1 1 total 23 7 1 Woman household ( widow) Support circumstance 1 Covered by the city’s special program subsidizing absolutely poor 2 Covered by the city’s special program subsidizing absolutely poor Covered by the city’s special program subsidizing absolutely poor 1 2 Covered by the city’s special program subsidizing absolutely poor Covered by the city’s special program subsidizing absolutely poor and giving additional allowance from subproject Covered by the city’s special program subsidizing absolutely poor 1 Covered by the city’s special program subsidizing absolutely poor 8 2 4 2 Covered by the city’s special program subsidizing absolutely poor The more detailed resettlement plan shows in Annex 1. 5.4 SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY FOR PEASANTS WHO LOST LAND According to the relevant policy of the nation and Hubei Province, Local governments of each subproject must take out one part of expense from transferring funds of state-owned land and carry out social insurance for all peasants who lost land because of this project, National Land and Resources Administration Department in Hubei Province also regards this regulation as one of the essential conditions for approval of application of land acquisition each city. Currently, it also is urging everyplace sincerely to establish social policy about peasants who lost lands, but because while the project valuation, the policies haven't been drawn up. Therefore, temporarily every government should firstly make commitment letter, and again renew it after setting up a formal document. 75 6 Participation, Consultation and Information Discolsure 6.1 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION According to the national and local policies and laws about resettlement, as well as the World Bank resettlement safeguards to protect the legal interests of displaced peolpe and affected enterprises, to decrease the discontentments and conflicts, and to change the construction property of project, the project unit further set down relevant policy and the detailed rules of implementation for house demolition and resettlement of project, compile the resettlement action plan, do the organization work well so as to achieve the objective of good resettlement for them, special attention will be paid to participation and consultation of the displaced peolpe in the project. During the resettlement policy developing, planning compiling and implementation phase of the project, opinions of displaced peolpe are collected widely. In the process of implementing resettlement plan, the following procedures and methods will be taken to encourage public participation and consultation: (1) Representatives of PAP take part in the house demolition and resettlement PAP, enterprises and institutions, shops vote in their representatives, and coordinate with the village committee and extensively ask for opinions of PAP, and hear the rational suggestions and communicate with them termly. Representatives of PAP take part in the following implementation works, detailed survey on demolition of house and attachment, confirming compensation rates, negotiating the agreements on resettlement of house demolition compensation, and distribution of the compensation funds, so as to reflect the PAP’S interests and opinions, and to ensure the judgment and transparency of the project resettlement. (2) Hold the consultative conference. At the past six months, the project unit held the conference for discussion that were taken part in by representatives of PAP, affected enterprises and institutions, women (women should be more than 30% of all representatives)The meeting informed them about the project condition, and further listened to their opinions and suggestions. (3) Hold public meetings 2 months before the formal house demolition, before the implementing house demolition resettlement plan, the project unit goes on widely and deeply explain relevant policies, laws and regulations, compensation rates, resettlement plan etc, thus, PAP can prepare for the resettlement earlier. (4) Publicize and report the policy of house demolition through Media (5) Publicize the announcement of house demolition The main contents of it are: brief introduction of the project, the land acquisition and demolition scope, resettlement policies (including compensation rate), and organizations being responsible for resettlement, scheme of house demolition, rights and obligations of PAP, grievance and appeals, monitoring and evaluation etc. (6) Publicize RP Put the RP in local PMO of each subproject and local libraries before June 2007; go public with the notice in local main paper, internet and TV station so that PAP and non-government organizations can look it up. (7) PAP Information Handbook 76 Compile the main part of RP in PAP information handbook and send the handbook to PAP after the evaluation of the project and before movement. The main contents of information handbook are brief situation of the project, project impacts, compensation policies, implementation organization and appealing channel. 6.2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND POLICY PUBLICATION 6.2.1 SURVEY ON PUBLIC WILL In order to reinforce the propagation and understand further opinions of different leaders and the masses on the project and resettlement, design unit organized survey of public opinions and suggestions to collect their advice. The result showed that 91% of the sampling households knew the project would be constructed; 9% do not know clearly or do not know completely; 88% approved the project; 10% do not care; 90% thought the project would benefit the country; 82% thought the project would benefit the collective; 88% thought the project would benefit PAP; 85% thought economic loss or water lack would be resulted from environment pollution; 89% thought it would affect living quality; 81% thought it would affect investment environment; 80% thought it would affect the city images; 96% thought poor environment would bring seriously or very seriously impact on living and working; 100% thought the project would improve living environment, 82% do not thought the project would bring disadvantage to PAP; 92% knew the compensation policies for land acquisition of the project more or less; 98% knew where to appeal if their rights were damaged in the process of house demolition. 6.2.2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND POLICY PUBLICATION PROCESS While the feasible study at the project preparation stage, local PMOs have already asked for the suggestions and opinions on resettlement work to affected county and township governments, relevant mass organizations, PAP and enterprises in area affected by project. From July to August 2006, PMO of HUEIP organized workers of the PMO and relative design unit to make the initial survey on house condition and socioeconomic, then, because of changing the site or modifying design, design unit went to Shayang, Hanchuang and Yunmeng and made fieldwork surveys. During the survey, affected units and displaced peolpe all participate into the surveys. The survey groups also heard the suggestion of residents, village collective economy organization, land administration sections and house demolition sections in each city (county) and related social organizations toward land acquisition, house demolition and resettlement. Representatives of displaced peolpe took part in the survey, and made suggestions to resettlement compensation and restoration. All the opinions and suggestions have been considered in compiling the RP fully. After deciding the scope of buffer zone affected by project, the design unit under the cooperation by each local project office, from November 1 to November 14, 2006, made the complementary survey on the social economic condition in the buffer zone and the circumstance of affected peolpe across-the-aboard. Finishing the first and second draft of resettlement action plan, the unit of compiling resettlement action plan (National Resettlement Research Centre of Hohai University) made a feedback to each subproject office twice, asked for their suggestions on it. After the representative group of World Bank checked the resettlement action plan in Jan. 2007, according to the suggestion of World Bank experts, National Resettlement Research Centre of Hohai University referred resettlement action plan of each subproject to local PMOs, PMO of HUEIP normally dispatched the document and asked the PMO of subproject to publish the information in the resettlement action plan, including the scope of land acquisition, the of compensation rates, especially resettlement action plan to affected villagers, and negotiated the feasibility of resettlement action plan, and heard their suggestions and opinions, and told them to National Resettlement Research Centre of Hohai University, which accepted these suggestions and opinions in this resettlement action plan. 77 After the prepared assessment in April, 2007, according to the requirement of WB, each subproject unit issued the notice in newspaper, governments net and TV station, introduced the project, issued the place where the resettlement plan are put, so as to make affected villagers look up in time, know the project and give the advise about the resettlement plan. In brief, in the process of compiling the RP, the management departments of land acquisition and house demolition of each subproject paid much attention to the public participation of affected villagers, PMOs of each subproject, project owners, project implementation institution and project design units through various channels, took various ways to introduce affected persons about project condition, resettlement policy and resettlement plan. The public participation process and information publication of this project can be seen in Table 6-1. The project policy plan and publication shows in Table 6-2. TABLE 6-1 PROCESS OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION OF AFFECTED PERSONS Subsidiary project Date July 10, 2006 Place Anlehe Village Home of group leader Tang Chengxiang of Anlehe Village Nov. 6, 2006 Yejiagou of Xujiafan participator Contents Remarks Resettlement survey group Affected villagers of Anlehe Village Material quantity survey and had a preliminary discussion on resettlement plan Danjiangkou Environmental sanitation Office, villager representives and leaders of Anlehe Village Danjiangkou SWLF Nov. 7, 2006 Yejiagou of Xujiafan Leaders, accountant of Anlehe Village Committee, director of women’s federation of Anlehe Village, 5 villager representatives, Danjiangkou Environmental sanitation Office, PAP and Social assessment survey group 78 Interviewed with the residents living outside the 500 m buffer zone to the solid waste land fill Held the meeting for discussion with them affected by the new field of the solid waste land fill Survey the field; Survey on socioeconomic condition about affected households by land acquisition and demolition; Asked the opinions of villagers; Discussed on the resettlement plan of land acquisition with the villagers The problems cared by affected villagers are mainly concentrated in how much the compensation rates are, and they thought that it was acceptable if the compensation rates are near the standard of land acquisition by the village and the compensation funds are direct Subsidiary project Date Place participator Contents Remarks given to them; Both sides greed with these issues unanimously June 7, 2007 Danjiangkou Internet Information publication in internet June 8, 2007 Danjiangkou monograph of south to north water diversion Information publication in newspaper July25, 2006 to July 26, 2006 Shayang SWLF July 27, 2006 July 31, 2006 Yangji Village, Gouzhong Village and Ziguishan Moutain Villa Meeting room of Construction Bureau in Shayang National land resource Bureau in Shayang Dean of Construction Bureau in Shayang, Officer of environmental sanitation office, villagers’ representative and RP & SA group Officers of Construction Bureau in Shayang, Officer of environmental sanitation office, villagers’ representative from Yangji Village and RP & SA group Dean of Construction Bureau in Shayang, officers of National land resource Bureau and RP & SA group 79 Bulletin on Environment Evaluation, Social Assessment and Resettlement Plan of Danjiangkou SWLF Bulletin on Environment Evaluation, Social Assessment and Resettlement Plan of Danjiangkou SWLF Reconnoitered the reserve fields and communicated with villagers on the project and assessed impact to villagers Optimization of planned fields, recommended the plan in Yangji Village Confirmed the outline of resettlement socioeconomic survey, and the project affected scope Explained the relevant problems of project and try to make them understood and get their support. Confirmed compensation and resettlement policy and tentative resettlement plan Further consultation for compensation policy and restoration plan when modifying RAP Subsidiary project Date Place participator Yangji Village Dean of Construction Bureau in Shayang,Officer of environmental sanitation office, village head and representative of Yangji Village and RP & SA group Nov. 4, 2006 Yangji Village Officer of environmental sanitation office in Shayang, village head and representative and RP & SA group may 15, 2007 Jingmen Daily Construction Bureau of Shayang Jun-06 Xinlian Village Xinlian villagers Xinlian Village Officeholders of Honghu Construction Bureau and Officer of environmental sanitation office, Xinlian villagers The meeting room of Xinlian Villagers Committee the chief of Xinlian Villagers Committee, accountant, Officeholder of women’s federation and the leader of seven Group, five representative, Officeholders of Honghu Construction July 31, 2006 June 2006-July 2006 Honghu SWLF July 16 2006 80 Contents Discussed the compensation and resettlement policy and plan; interviewed deeply with villagers’ representative and listened to their opinion and questions and answered them Reconnoitered the feasible resettlement place with displaced persons; discussed the feasibility of adjusting land and land development Made RP,FS and EI reports known to the public Bulletin on Honghu SWLF planned to build Went into the village several times to introduce the contents of projection, consulate with affected villagers. Reconnoitered the site; Made the first survey on socioeconomic situation; Asked public opinion; Discussed the resettlement plan, and exchanged the suggestion. Remarks Further consultation for compensation policy and restoration plan when modifying RAP Held additional consultation for few problems when finalizing RAP The villagers supoported the construction of this project. The problems cared by affected villagers are mainly concentrated in how much the compensation rates are, and they thought that it was acceptable if the compensation rates are near the standard of land Subsidiary project Date Place participator Contents Bureau and EPA ,RP & SA group August 25 2006 Xinlian Village Oct. 2006.-Nov. 2006 Xinlian Village Nov. 9 2006 Feb. 2007-March 2007 Xinlian Village Xinlian Village Officeholders of Honghu environmental sanitation Bureau and EPA, Xinlian villagers Discussed the impacts to the around environment might be made by this project with affected villagers Public participation meeting the chief of Xinlian Villagers Committee, accountant, representative of affected enterprises and villagers, Officeholders of Honghu environmental sanitation Bureau and RP & SA survey group Officeholders of Honghu environmental sanitation Bureau, Officeholders of Honghu Construction Bureau The chief and accountant of Xinlian Villagers Committee, 81 Made survey on socioeconomic situation of villagers and enterprises in 500m scope to selected place of Honghu SWLF Discussed the new land acquisition with 100 mu, and the resettlement plan Remarks acquisition by the village and the compensation funds are direct given to them; Both sides greed with these issues unanimously Villagers believe that the project is good for them because it can improve the environment and supplying more job opportunities though the project will affect some of their land. Both sides agreed with the resettlement plan; Villagers support the project and hope the project start as soon as possible. Both sides agreed with the resettlement plan; Subsidiary project Date March 10 2007-March 12 2007 Place Xinlian Village Xinlian Village March 24 2007 participator Officeholders of Honghu environmental sanitation Bureau, The chief and accountant of Xinlian Villagers Committee and RP & SA survey group Officeholders of Honghu environmental sanitation Bureau, The chief and accountant villager’s representative of Xinlian Villagers And the owner of fish pond Contents Reconnoitered the site; Made the addition survey on socioeconomic situation to affected households; Asked public opinion of villagers; Discussed the resettlement plan, and exchange the suggestion between the village committee and project unit. PMO opened the draft of RAP to villagers and discussed the whole contents of it together. Xinlian Village April 16 2007 Xinlian Village Officeholders of Honghu environmental sanitation Bureau, The chief and accountant villager’s representative of Xinlian Villagers 82 Remarks PMO publish the appraisal version of RAP after renewing it and listened to the resettlement will of villagers . The villagers knew the project and held up the construction of this project. Villagers knew the compensation rates for land acquisition and demolition by the publication of first draft of RP, and they thought they had no opinions to it only if they would be compensated by the policy and could get the compensation funds. They want PMO give some permanent and temporary jobs to affected villagers. Villagers support the project and hope the project start as soon as possible. Subsidiary project Date Place participator Contents Remarks And the owner of fish pond May 12 2007 Jingzhou Daily Honghu PMO March, 2006 Fuxing Village villagers of Fuxing Village April, 2006-July, 2006 Fuxing Village villagers of Fuxing village Hanchuan SWLF July 23, 2006 Nov. 5, 2006 The meeting room of Fuxing Villagers Committee Hanchuan D&R commission the chief of Fuxing Villagers Committee, accountant, Officeholder of women’s federation, representative of affected enterprises and villagers, Officeholders of Hanchuan D&R commission ,RP & SA group RP & SA group, Pro.Shi, Officeholders of Hanchuan D&R commission, chief leader of Fuxing Village and Xu Jiakou Village, Xinhe county statistic station 83 RAP and SA policy were opened. Issue the notice of Hanchuan SWLF planned to build to the villagers. Went into the village several times to introduce the contents of projection, consulate with affected villagers. Reconnoitered the site; Made the first survey on socioeconomic situation; Asked public opinion; Discussed the resettlement plan, and exchange the suggestion. The main question cared by villagers is the compensation and thought that they agreed if the compensation is same as other village’s and be given directly to them, and each side agree with each other. Discussed the resettlement plan again confirm the environment impact scope Villagers support the project and get confirming suggestions with PMO. Subsidiary project Date Nov. 6, 2006 Place the selected site of Solid Waste Landfill participator RP & SA group, Officeholders of Hanchuan D&R commission, chief leader of Fuxing villager representative of affected villagers Officeholders of Hanchuan D&R commission, chief leader of Fuxing Village, and two villager’s representatives named Wang Weicheng and Xu Shuquan. March 26, 2007 The meeting room in D&R commission April 30, 2007 Xiaogan Daily Hanchuan PMO Renhe Village and Sanhuang Village Dean of Construction Bureau in Yunmeng, Officer of environmental sanitation office, chief of Renhe villagers committee, accountant, Officeholder of women’s federation, five representative villagers, chief of Sanhuang Village and four representative affected villagers Feb. 3, 2007-Feb. 6, 2007 Yunmeng SWLF Feb. 8, 2007 the meeting room Zengdian Town government Dean of Construction Bureau in Yunmeng, Officer of environmental sanitation office, chief of Zengdian Town and officer of National land resource bureau 84 Contents Remarks Made the survey on affected households about socioeconomic situation. PMO opened the draft of RAP to villagers and discuss the whole contents of it together. RAP and SA information opened. Reconnoitered the site; Made the first survey on socioeconomic situation; Asked public opinion; Discussed the resettlement plan, and exchange the suggestion. Discussed the compensation and resettlement plan for land acquisition and demolition, and exchange the suggestion. Villagers support the project and get confirming suggestions with PMO. The main question cared by villagers is the compensation and thought that they agreed if the compensation is same as other village’s and be given directly to them, and each side agreed with each other. Yunmeng PMO planned to bring the new resettlement point of Fengpu Village into New Rural Construction and report to the town government through the negotiation between Zengdian Town government and affected villagers Subsidiary project Date Place participator Contents Remarks committees March, 2007 Renhe Village and Sanhuang Village Dean of Construction Bureau in Yunmeng, Officer of environmental sanitation office, representative villagers of Renhe Village and Sanhuang Village April 16 2007 On the website of Yunmeng EPA Yunmeng PMO Xiaohe Town Government Chief Jiang of Xiaohe Town, Secretary of Lianxi Township Area, Chief Tu of Construction Bureau, Chief Huang of city Administration Bureau June 20, 2006 Xiaochang Solid Waste Landfill Subproject June,2006 to August, 2006 Village Committee Members of Village Committee, Chief Jiang of Xiaohe Town Government, Secretary of Lianxi Township Area 85 Went into the village several times to introduce the contents of projection, consulate with affected villagers. RAP and SA information opened. PMO cooperated with Xiaohe Township Government to primarily determine the site of Solid Waste Landfill plant and negotiated about its feasibility. Introduce content of the project to village committee for several times and asked the views of village committee and implement relevant consultation. The villagers hold up the construction of this project. Through consultation and views exchange, Xiaohe Township Government primarily agrees the site of Yankou Village (concrete items should be further consulted with Yankou Village). In the beginning, when hearing Solid Waste Landfill plant is being constructed and thinking about the new plant may be like the existing simple and crude Solid Waste Landfill plant, village collectivity believed the new plant would induce serious pollution. Through the propaganda made by Xiaohe Township Government and PMO, villagers clearly realized the newly-built Solid Waste Landfill plant. Subsidiary project Date Place participator Contents Remarks Villagers began to accept the site of newly Solid Waste Landfill plant and believed the plant would bring less negative impacts to their living and induced land acquisition, but to some extent, alleviate the employment pressure of labor forces. Surveyed the field; July 27th, 2006 July 28th, 2006 Sep. 1, 2006 Village Committee Survey Team of NRCR, PMO, villagers and members of village committee Caixia Quarry Survey team of NRCR, manager of Quarry of Caixia, and managers of Quarry of Lisichun Village Committee Village representatives of the 7th and 9th village groups, Chief Jiang and Secretary of Xiaohe Township, PMO 86 Primarily surveyed for socioeconomic conditions of persons who are affected by land acquisition and house demolition. field study; Primary survey for socioeconomic conditions of the two quarrys. Convene representatives of villagers, open the site and construction of Solid Waste Landfill plant and ask for villagers' views widely; Xiaohe Township Government commits the construction of Solid Waste Landfill plant will bring employment opportunities to If the project brought some employment opportunities, villagers would much agree with the project. Managers of quarry hope to continue to engaging in stone collection. Representatives of villagers voted for the site of Solid Waste Landfill plant and agreed with it. Subsidiary project Date Place participator Contents Remarks villagers, but not induce environment pollution. Sep. 1, 2006 Oct. 31, 2006 Apr. 5, 2007 Xiaohe Township Government Xiaohe Township Government Conference Office of Xiaochang Construction Bureau PMO, representatives of villagers, village head, and chief of Xiaohe Township Government Chief Tu of Xiaochang Construction Bureau, Chief Shen and Secretary Yu of Xiaochang County Affairs Administration, Chief Jiang of Xiaohe Township, Chief Liu of Xiaohe Township Affairs Administration, Vice-head of National Land Resource Department of Xiaohe Hu Shuangqiao of PMO, Vice-chief Tu Xin'anof Xiaochang Construction Bureau, Chief Huang Jiancheng of Xiaochang County Affairs Administration, Vice-chief Yangyuan of Environmental Protection Bureau of Xiaochang Bureau, Village 87 Talked about the plan of compensation and resettlement for land acquisition; affected villages exchanged the views with PMO. Realized the existing conditions of land acquisition; Both sides agreed with the the plan of compensation and resettlement for land acquisition arrangement of housing sites; realized the socioeconomic conditions of resettlement for house demolition of quarrys, etc. PMO opened RP, asked for the views of affected villager representatives and consults to improve RP. Through public participation, the RP for affected villagers, which is people-oriented, is reasonable and feasible. Subsidiary project Date Place participator Contents Remarks Head Jiang of Yangkou Village Apr. 22th, 2007 July 27, 2006 July 28, 2006 Dawu SWLF July 29, 2006 Xiaochang Net of China Xiaochang Construction Bureau Shanghengchong and Chenjiachong Officers of Development and Reform Bureau in Dawu, villages’ representatives and RP & SA group Development and Reform Bureau in Dawu National land resource Bureau in Dawu Aug. 1, 2006 to Aug. 3, 2006 Changzheng Road Resident Committee Sep. 25, 2006 Changzheng Road Resident Committee Officers of Development and Reform bureau in Dawu, secretary of Changzheng Road Resident Committee and RP & SA group Officers of National land resource Bureau Development and Reform bureau in Dawu and RP & SA group Officers of Development and Reform bureau in Dawu, secretary of Changzheng Road Resident Committee, affected villagers and RP & SA group PMO and affected people 88 RAP and SA information opened. Reconnoitered the selected fields and communicated with villagers on the project and assessed impact to villagers Optimization of planned fields, recommended Shanghengchong Village Compensation and resettlement policy and tentative resettlement scheme Project impact in social economic survey Confirmed the outline of resettlement socioeconomic survey, Project scope Preliminary consultation for compensation policy when preparing RAP Confirmed compensation and resettlement policy and tentative resettlement scheme Further consultation for compensation policy and restoration plan when modifying RAP Compensation and resettlement policy and Additional consultation for few problems when finalizing Subsidiary project Date April 23 to April 27 in 2007 July 19, 2006 July 20,2006 Place Dawu TV Xiangyang Region and Development Area of Motor Industry Environment Protection Bureau in Xiangfan Zhangwan Sewerage Pipe net project WWTP of Shangyang participator July 21,2006 Administration Service Center in Xiangfan July 22, 2006 to July 23 Xiangyang Region and Development Area of Motor Industry August 11, 2006 Waste water treatment company in Xiangfan May 11, 2007 Government website of Xiangfan city July 11, 2006 to July 12, 2006 South Hehua Road, Honglin Village PMO Secretary and other stuff of Waste water treatment company in Xiangfan, some residents and RP & SA group Officers of Environment protection Bureau, Waste water treatment company in Xiangfan, officers of Construction Bureau in Xiangyang Region and development area and RP & SA group Stuff of City Administration Bureau, officer of waste water treatment company and RP & SA group RP & SA group and local residents officer of waste water treatment company and development area and RP & SA group waste water treatment company Shayang construction bureau, water supply company, villagers and RP 89 Contents Remarks resettlement scheme inform of the open of RP and SA reports RAP Visited the road line of paving the pipe nets Recommended the south line plan and Hangkong Road Confirmed the outline of socioeconomic survey of resettlement and area affected; made the detailed survey plan Project impact during the survey Digging the road and occupying road and compensation for land taking and correcting plan Preliminary consultation for compensation policy when preparing RAP resettlement policy and few problem in scheme Further consultation for compensation policy and restoration plan when modifying RAP Problems in Resettlement policy and plan Additional consultation for few problems when finalizing RAP inform of the open of RP field survey, villager interview and impacts evaluation Optimization of planned fields, Honglin Village site was recommended. Subsidiary project Date Place participator Contents Remarks outline of socioeconomic survey and impacted area confirmation explain to the villager representatives to their problems to the project compensation rate and resettlement policy confirmation general negotiation to the RP & SA group July 13, 2006 meeting room of Shayang construction bureau July 14, 2006 national land resource of shayang July 16, 2006 Sep. 16, 2006 WWTP of Tianmen Shayang construction bureau, water supply company, villager representatives and RP & SA group Shayang construction bureau, land resource bureau and RP & SA group Honglin Village Shayang construction bureau, water supply company, villager representatives and RP & SA groups Honglin Village water supply company, villager representatives and RP & Sa groups Nov.10, 2006 Honglin Village Feb. 2, 2007 Honglin Village May, 2007 Jingmen Daily July 22, 2006 field location Section chief of Shayang environment protection inst.,village chief and representatives and RP &SA groups Mr. Li, Section chief of Shayang environment protection inst.,village chief and representatives Shayang construction bureau PMO, local residents and RP 90 discussion about resettlement policies and compensation rates; listen to the resettler representatives and know their opinions, answer their questions field survey to several sites and discussion about the resettlement way to the land requisition Optimizing the localities, impact and socioeconomic surveys, attitude questionnaire Focus group meeting inform of the open of RP,FS and EI reports field survey and villagers deeply negotiation to revised RP negotiation to some issues in RP Agreement on relocation plan Site selection Subsidiary project Date July 23, 2006 PMO July 24, 2006 National land resource bureau of tianmen Hanchuan Sewerage Treatment Project participator Contents & SA group interview PMO, leader of Xiaoban Town, leader of huangjin Village and RP & SA group PMO, Tianmen national land resource bureau and RP & SA group Huangjin Village PMO, leader of Xiaoban Town, leader of huangjin Village and RP & SA group Sep. 20, 2006 Huangjin Village PMO, leader of Xiaoban Town, leader of huangjin Village and RP & SA group April 30, 2007 Tianmen Daily PMO July, 2006 Water Pollution Prevention and Cure Centre of Honghu (WPPCC) Officeholder of WPPCC,RP & SA group July 25 to 26, 2006 Honghu Sewerage Pipe nets project Place Jan., 2007 Honghu Sewerage Treatment Plant Manager of Honghu Sewerage Treatment Plant, RP & SA group May 12, 2007 Jingzhou Daily Honghu PMO March, 2006 Xu Jiakou Village Xu Jiakou villagers April, 2006 to July, 2006 Xu Jiakou Village Xu Jiakou villagers 91 confirm of socioeconomic survey outline and project impact area discussion to compensation rates and resettlement policies discussion to the resettlement plan; interview to the PAP and know their demand to resettlement field survey and discussion to some issues of resettlement policies and resettlement plan inform of the open of RP and EI reports Reconnoitered the sewerage pipe paving line Reconnoitered the sewerage pipe paving line again and optimizing design in order to avoid house demolition. RAP and SA information opened. Issue the notice of this project to the villagers. Coming into the village several times to introduce the contents of projection, Remarks Project affects of socioeconomic survey general negotiation to the RP deeply negotiation to revised RP negotiation to some issues of RP Subsidiary project Date July 24, 2006 November 5, 2006 November 7, 2006 Febrary, 2007 to March, 2007 March 26, 2007 Place the meeting room in Xu Jiakou villagers committee Hanchuan D&R commission Xu Jiakou Village Xu Jiakou Village The meeting room in D&R commission participator the chief of Xu Jiakou Villagers Committee, accountant, Officeholder of women’s federation, representative of affected enterprises and villagers, Officeholders of Hanchuan D&R commission ,RP & SA group RP & SA group, Pro.Shi Guoqing, Officeholders of Hanchuan D&R commission,chief leader of Fuxing Village and Xu Jiakou Village, Xinhe county statistic station RP & SA group, Officeholders of Hanchuan D&R commission, chief leader of Xu Jiakou Village, representative of affected villagers RP & SA group, Officeholders of Hanchuan D&R commission, chief leader of Xu Jiakou Village, representative of affected villagers Officeholders of Hanchuan D&R commission, chief leader of Xu Jiakou Village, representative of affected villagers named Xu Yinfang, Wang 92 Contents consulate with affected villagers. Reconnoitered the site; Made the first survey on socioeconomic situation; Asked public opinion; Discussed the resettlement plan, and exchange the suggestion. Discussed the resettlement plan again confirm the environment impact scope Remarks The main question cared by villagers is the compensation and thought that they agreed if the compensation is same as other village’s and be given directly to them, and each side agree with each other. Villagers support the project and get confirming suggestions with PMO. Made the survey on affected households about socioeconomic situation in environment impacted scope. Hanchuan PMO discussed the affairs of new site selection with affected villagers. PMO opened the draft of RAP to villagers and discuss the whole contents of it together. Villagers believe that the project is feasible and get confirming suggestions with PMO. Subsidiary project Date Place participator Contents Remarks Made the survey on affected households about socioeconomic situation and public participation. RAP and SA information opened. Issued the notice of this project to the villagers. Coming into the village several times to introduce the contents of projection, consulate with affected villagers. Reconnoitered the site; Made the first survey on socioeconomic situation; Asked public opinion; Hanchuan PMO promise that they will employ affected some villagers priority after the construction of Sewerage Treatment plant. Weicheng and Xu Shuquan March 9, 2007 Xu Jiakou Village Officeholders of Hanchuan D&R commission, chief leader of Xu Jiakou Village, representative of affected villagers April 30, 2007 Xiaogan Daily Hanchuan PMO June 20, 2006 Qianhu Village Qianhu villagers June to July, 2006 Yunmeng Sewerage Treatment Project July 21, 2006 August 30, 2006 Qianhu Village Qianhu villagers The meeting room in Qianhu villagers committee the chief of Qianhu Villagers Committee, accountant, Officeholder of women’s federation, representative of affected enterprises and villagers, Officeholders of Hanchuan D&R commission ,RP & SA group Qianhu Village Qianhu villagers committee members and some representative villagers 93 Discussed the resettlement plan, and exchange the suggestion. Discussed the impacts for villagers which might be made by this project. Villagers supported the project and got confirming suggestions with PMO. The main question cared by villagers is the compensation and thought that they agreed if the compensation is same as other village’s and be given directly to them, and each side agree with each other. Villagers believe that the project is good for them because it can improving the environment and supplying more job opportunities though the Subsidiary project Date Place participator Contents Remarks project will affect some of their land. the meeting room of Hongbo Enterprise Group of China Salt Industry(HEGCSI) Manager of HEGCSI, chief of Qianhu Village and some representative Report the preparation situation of this project Nov. 19, 2006 the meeting room of HEGCSI Officer of Yunmeng EPA, Dean of Construction Bureau, Manager of HEGCSI, chief of Qianhu Village and some representative Public participation meeting April 16, 2007 On the website of Yunmeng EPA Yunmeng PMO October 16, 2006 Feb. To Mar. 2007 Minghua Village Staff Liu and Wu of PMO, Village Head, Secretary, Officeholder of women’s federationof Minghua Village and 5 villager representatives. Huayuan Township Government PMO of Xiaochang, Chief of Huayuan Township, related staffs of National Land Resource Department of Xiaochang Sewage Treatment Subproject Febrary 28, 2007 94 RAP and SA information opened. field study; primary survey for socioeconomic conditions of persons who are affected by land acquisition and house demolition. ask for the public view of villagers; Talk about the plan of compensation and resettlement for land acquisition; affected villages exchanges the views with PMO. Talk about compensation and resettlement plan for land acquisition and house demolition. Representative villagers support the project and get confirming suggestions with PMO. Villagers support the project and get confirming suggestions with PMO. Villagers support the project and hope the project start as soon as possible. The problem cared about by affected villagers concentrates on the compensation standard of land acquisition. These villagers can accept such compensation form, that is the compensation standard is equal to the surrounding areas' standard and the form of a Subsidiary project Date Place participator Contents Remarks Introduce content of the project to villagers for several times and ask the views of village committee and implement relevant consultation. Villagers agree with the construction of sewage treatment plant. PMO opens RP, asks for the views of affected villager representatives and consults to improve RP. Representatives of villagers consentaneously believe the compensation standard of the resettlement is reasonable, agree with the construction of sewage treatment plant in Minghua Village. The speech of villagers is shown as the following: 1. Representative Ding Anyuan think RP is feasible, reasonable and the compensation capital should be one-time paid. 2. Representative Ding Mingwei believes that the construction of sewage treatment plant can improve the environment of Minghua Village, thank to the support of PMO. If I can get related compensation Huayuan. March, 2007 April 4, 2007 Minghua Village Conference Office of Xiaochang Construction Bureau PMO of Xiaochang County and villagers of Minghua Village Hu Shuangqiao of PMO, Chen Qizhi of Xiaochang Sewage Treatment Plant, vice-chief Tu Xin'an of Xiaochang Construction Bureau, vice-chief of Xiaochang Environmental Protection Bureau, Pan Chunping of Huayuan Township Government, Village Head of Minghua Vill 95 Subsidiary project Date Place participator Contents Remarks according to the standard, I have no complains. 3. Representative Ding Guoping think RP is much reasonable and hope the compensation capital should be directly paid to them, but not peculate. April 22, 2007 Xiaochang Net of China Xiaochang Construction Bureau 96 RAP and SA information opened. TABLE 6-2 IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS OF POLICY PUBLICATION AND FOLLOWING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Project Danjiangkou SWLF Shayang SWLF Honghu SWLF Document Means & Language Date of Disclosure Telephone No. & Location Project introduction, policy of land acquisition and demolish Chinese, notice brochure Dec, 2006 City area, Village Committees of Anle District The bulletin of land acquisition scheme. Chinese, pasting July., 2007 Village Committees of Anle District The bulletin of resettlement for land acquisition Chinese, pasting July, 2007 Village Committees of Anle District The bulletin of RP Chinese , open reading June., 2007 PMO, Library Information Handbook of RAP Chinese, send to PAP July., 2007 Village Committees of Anle District Project introduction, policy of land acquisition and demolish Chinese, notice brochure Dec., 2006 County, the Village Committee of affected villages The bulletin of land acquisition scheme. Chinese, pasting July., 2007 the Village Committee of affected villages The bulletin of resettlement for land acquisition Chinese, pasting June, 2007 the Village Committee of affected villages The bulletin of RP Chinese , open reading June., 2007 PMO, Library, Information Handbook of RAP Chinese, send to PAP Project introduction Chinese June, 2007 the Village Committee of affected villages June, 2006 Village Committee of Xinlian Village RP(initial draft) Chinese May, 2007 PMO of Honghu City, City Construction Bureau, 13997610681(Mr.Li) Xinlian Village 13886614650(Mr. Wan) Resettlement; Informationbrochur e Chinese July , 2007 Village Committee of Xinlian Village July., 2007 Pasting notice at the marked place of the village committee of Xinlian Village and within the villages, Luoshan Town Land acquisition scheme disclosure Chinese 97 Project Hanchuan SWLF Document Means & Language Date of Disclosure Telephone No. & Location The bulletin of land acquisition scheme. Chinese July., 2007 Pasting notice at the marked place of the village committee of Xinliancun Village and within the villages, Luoshan Town Compensation bulletin for land acquisition Chinese July., 2007 Honghu National land Resource Bureau Compensation register Chinese Aug., 2007 Honghu National land Resource Bureau Project introduction Chinese July , 2006 Fuxing Village committee, Xinhe Town RP(initial draft) Chinese May, 2007 Fuxing Village committee, Xinhe Town Information Handbook of RAP Chinese May , 2007 PMO of Hanchuan 0712-8282505 Fuxing Village committee, Xinhe Town 13657124291(Mr. Wang) Land acquisition scheme disclosure Chinese July., 2007 Fuxing Village committee, Xinhe Town The bulletin of land acquisition scheme. Chinese July., 2007 Fuxing Village committee, Xinhe Town Compensation bulletin for land acquisition Chinese Sept, 2007 Hanchuan National land Resource Bureau Project introduction, Chinese, Feb, 2007 Renhe Village Committee, Sanhuang Group in Fengpu Village, ang Zengdian Town RP(First edition). Chinese, English April, 2007 Construcion bureau of Yunmeng County 0712-4325219 Environment Protection Bureau of Yunmeng County 0712-4088235 Renhe Village Committee, Sanhuang Group in Fengpu Village, ang Zengdian Town Yunmeng SWLF Xiaochang Information Handbook of RAP Chinese, pasting July , 2007 Renhe Village Committee, Sanhuang Group in Fengpu Village, ang Zengdian Town Information of land acquisition Chinese July, 2007 Renhe Village Committee, Sanhuang Group in Fengpu Village, ang Zengdian Town Land acquisition brochure Chinese July, 2007 Renhe Village Committee, Sanhuang Group in Fengpu Village, and Zengdian Town Resettlement plan of land acquisition Chinese Aug,2007 Yunmeng National land Resource Bureau Register land compensation Chinese Aug ,2007 Renhe Village Committee, Sanhuang Group in Fengpu Village, and Zengdian Town Project introduction Chinese May, 2006 County Management Bureau, Xiaohe Town Office 98 Project Document Means & Language Date of Disclosure Telephone No. & Location RP(initial draft) Chinese April, 2007 Construcion bureau of Xiaochang County 0716-4761699 Yankou Village committee Information Handbook of RAP Chinese July, 2007 Village committee, resident committee, community Land acquisition scheme disclosure Chinese Aug., 2007 Pasting notice at the marked place of the village committee of Yankou Village and within the villages, Luoshan Town Aug., 2007 Pasting notice at the marked place of the village committee of Yankou Village and within the villages, Luoshan Town Garbage project The bulletin of land acquisition scheme. Dawu SWLF Zhangwan SPN project Chinese Compensation bulletin Chinese Aug., 2007 Pasting notice at the marked place of the village committee of Yankou Village and within the villages, Luoshan Town Compensation register Chinese Sep., 2006 Xiaochang Land Resource Bureau Project introduction, policy of land acquisition and demolish Chinese, brochure Apr., 2007 Village Committee of Changzheng Road The bulletin of land acquisition scheme. Chinese, notice July, 2007 Village Committee of Changzheng Road The bulletin of RP Chinese, notice Agu., 2007 PMO, Library RP Chinese open reading April., 2007 PMO 0712-7222581 Village Committee of Changzheng Road Information Handbook of RAP Chinese, send to PAP July,2007 Village Committee of Changzheng Road Project introduction, policy of land acquisition and demolish Chinese, brochure March., 2006 Xiangyang Region and Motor City June,2006 Relevant administration section Social ane economical survey outlin of RAP and the impact scape of Chinese, this project. open reading 99 Project Means & Language Date of Disclosure Telephone No. & Location Chinese, open reading Agu,2006 Relevant administration section sepcial problems about resettlemen scheme and compensation policy Chinese, explanation open reading Agu,2006 Relevant administration section Chinese, RP(initial draft) open reading May,2007 PMO July., 2007 Relevant administration section Document resettlemen scheme and compensation policy explanation Shayang Sewerage Treatment progeram Tianmen Sewerage Treatment Project Resettlement; resettlement brochure Chinese, sent to general department of road Project introduction, policy of land acquisition and demolish Chinese, brochure Jan ,2007 County, the Village Committee of affected villages The bulletin of land acquisition scheme. Chinese, notice July,2007 the Village Committee of affected villages The bulletin of RP Chinese, notice Agu,2007 the Village Committee of affected villages RP Chinese , open reading June,2007 PMO, Library, 0724-8551158 Resettlement; resettlement brochure Chinese, send to PAP July,2007 the Village Committee of affected villages Project introduction, policy of land acquisition and demolish Chinese, brochure Jan,2007 City area, Huangjin Village Committee The bulletin of land acquisition scheme. Chinese, notice July,2007 Village Committee of Huangjin Village The bulletin of RP Chinese, notice Agu,2007 Village Committee of Huangjin Village 100 Project Means & Language Date of Disclosure Chinese , open reading April,2007 PMO, Library, The Office of Xiaoban Town 0728-5228893 Information Chinese, Handbook of RAP send to PAP July,2007 Xiangyang Region and Motor market Project introduction Chinese May ., 2006 PMO of Honghu Chinese May, 2007 Chinese July ., 2007 PMO of Honghu chinese July,2006 Xu Jiakou Village committee Document RP Honghu SPNproject Resettlement; resettlement brochure RP(initial Telephone No. & Location PMO of Honghu 13339741501(Mr Wang) draft) Information Handbook of RAP Project introduction (initial draft) chinese May, 2007 Hanchuan Daily Newspaper PMO of Hanchuan 0712-8282505(Mr.Wang) Xu Jiakou Village committee 13657124291 (Mr Xu) Information Handbook of RAP chinese July,2007 Xu Jiakou Village committee Land acquisition scheme disclosure chinese July,2007 Xu Jiakou Village committee The bulletin of land acquisition scheme. chinese July,2007 Xu Jiakou Village committee Compensation bulletin for land acquisition chinese Aug,2007 Xu Jiakou Village committee Project introduction chinese RP(initial draft) Chinese April , 2007 Environment Protection Bureau of Yunmeng County 0712-4088233 Information Handbook of RAP Chinese July ., 2007 the village committee of Qianhu Village Land acquisition scheme disclosure Chinese July ,2007 Pasting notice at the marked place of the village committee of Qianhu Village and within the villages, Chenguan Town The bulletin of land acquisition scheme. Chinese July , 2007 Pasting notice at the marked place of the village committee of Qianhu Village and within the villages, Chenguan Town Resettlement; resettlement brochure RP Hanchuan Sewerage Treatment Project Yunmeng Sewerage Treatment Project June,2006 101 Project Xiaochang Sewerage Treatment Project Document Means & Language Date of Disclosure Telephone No. & Location Compensation bulletin Chinese Aug., 2006 Pasting notice at the marked place of the village committee of Qianhu Village and within the villages, Chenguan Town Compensation register Chinese Aug., 2007 Land Resource Bureau Project introduction Chinese Jan ,2007 the village committee of Minghua Village RP(initial draft) Chinese April ,2007 County Construction Bureau, the village committee of Minghua Village Information Handbook of RAP Chinese May ,2007 the village committee of Minghua Village Land acquisition scheme disclosure Chinese Aug, 2007 Pasting notice at the marked place of the village committee of Minghua Village The bulletin of land acquisition scheme. Chinese Aug,2007 Pasting notice at the marked place of the village committee of Minghua Village Compensation bulletin Chinese Aug,,2007 Pasting notice at the marked place of the village committee of Minghua Village Compensation register Chinese Sep,2007 Land Resource Bureau 102 7 Procedures of Appealing The project pays special attention to the PAP participation throughout the planning and implementation process. The procedures are the following. Stage 1: If any PAP is aggrieved by any aspect of the resettlement and rehabilitation program, he / she/it can lodge an oral or written grievance with PMO or Owner unit; If it is oral grievance, Owner unit is required to deal with it and keep in written record. This department shall resolve the issue within two weeks. And the relative institutions and their telephone numbers can be seen in table 8-2. Stage 2: If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the decision on stage 1, he/ she /it can bring the complaint to the attention of PMO after the receipt of the decision on Stage 1. PMO will make a decision on the complaint within two weeks. The address of PMO is NO.2907 of Pengcheng International Mansion, Wuchang District, Wuhan City; Tel. NO. is 027-87743203-208, Nie Mingtao. Stage 3: If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the decision on stage 2, according to Hubei Province Land Management Rule and Housing demolish Rule, he/ she /it can appeal to local Land Resource Bureau after he receives the decision on Stage 2. The Land Resource Bureau will reach a decision within 2 weeks. Stage 4: If the PAP is still dissatisfied with the decision, he /she /it can appeal to the People’s Court in accordance with Civil Procedure Act after receiving the decision of the institution for administrative arbitration. PAP can make an appeal for any aspect of the resettlement and restoration project including compensation rate. The appealing process, institution, site, leader, and telephone number for redress of grievances are publicized to PAP by meeting, notice and information handbook. So that PAP can realize they have right to appeal to the fullest extent. Meanwhile, strengthen the propaganda through media, and arrange all the opinion and suggestion from various circles to information articles to be viewed and disposed by resettlement institutions at all level in time. 103 8 Organization 8.1 IMPLEMENTATION ORGANIZATIONS The departments responsible for planning, implementation, management, and monitoring of the project resettlement activities can be seen in table 8-1. TABLE 8-1 ORGANIZATIONS Environment RP Compiling Evaluation Organ Institution Institute of Danjiangkou Henan City and Hubei social Danjiangkou Danjiangkou City County Plan Environment Development City SWLF Environment Design & Science Research Construction Project and Sanitation Research Research Academy of Bureau Bureau Institution Institution Hohai University Institute of Shayang Henan City and social Shayang Shayang County County Plan Development County Junbang SWLF Environment Design & Research Construction Company Project and Sanitation Research Academy of Bureau Bureau Institution Hohai University Institute of Zhongnan Design Honghu social Honghu City & Research Honghu Hongjie Solid Development Development Institution of Junbang SWLF Waste Research & Reform China Municipal Company Project Management Academy of Bureau engineering Co 1 Hohai Group University Institute of Zhongnan Design Hubei social & Research Hanchuan Hanchuan City Environment Development PMO of Institution of SWLF Landscape Science Research Hanchuan China Municipal Project Bureau Research Academy of engineering Institution Hohai Group University Institute of Henan City and social Yunmeng Yunmeng Yunmeng County Plan Development Jubang County Environmental SWLF Design & Research Company Construction sanitation office Project Research Academy of Bureau Institution Hohai University Institute of Henan City and social Xiaochang Xiaochang Xiaochang County Plan Development County Junbang County SWLF Design & Research Construction Company Construction project Research Academy of Bureau Bureau Institution Hohai University Project 1 Management Institution Implement Institutions of Subproject Feasibility Research Institution Social Monitoring Evaluation Institution Institution NRCR of Hohai University Pending NRCR of Hohai University Pending NRCR of Hohai University Pending NRCR of Hohai University Pending NRCR of Hohai University Pending NRCR of Hohai University Pending The original management institution is Honghu Hongrui Investment & Development Co. and changed into Honghu Hongjie Solid Waste Management Co in July 2007. 104 Dawu County Dawu SWLF Development & Project Reform Bureau Zhangwan SPNproject Xiangfan City Environment Protection Bureau shayang WWTP Shayang County Construction Bureau Tianmen WWTP Tianmen City Development & Reform Bureau City Honghu Development & SPN project Reform Bureau Hanchuan WWTP PMO of Hanchuan Yunmeng WWTP Yunmeng Waste Water Treatment Company2 Xiaochang Xiaochang WWTP 1 County Construction Bureau Institute of social Dawu County Development Junbang Construction Research Company Bureau Academy of Hohai University Institute of Zhongnan Design Hubei social Xiangfan & Research Environment Development Waste water Institution of Science Research Treatment China Municipal Research Academy of Company engineering Institution Hohai Group University Institute of Henan City and social Shayang Tap County Plan Development Junbang Water Design & Research Company Company Research Academy of Institution Hohai University Institute of Tianmen City Henan City and Hubei social Investment and County Plan Environment Development Development Design & Science Research Construction Research Research Academy of Company Institution Institution Hohai University Institute of Zhongnan social Development Honghu Huqing Reconnaissance Junbang Wastewater Design & Research Company 1 Treatment Co Research Academy of Institution Hohai University Institute of Zhongnan Design Hubei social & Research Hanchuan City Environment Development Institution of Landscape Science Research China Municipal Bureau Research Academy of engineering Institution Hohai Group University Institute of Henan City and social Yunmeng County Plan Development Waste Water Junbang Design & Research Treatment Company Research Academy of Company Institution Hohai University Henan City and County City County Plan Junbang Same as Construction Design & Company above Bureau Research Institution Zhongnan Design & Research Institution of China Municipal engineering Group NRCR of Hohai University Pending NRCR of Hohai University Pending NRCR of Hohai University Pending NRCR of Hohai University Pending NRCR of Hohai University Pending NRCR of Hohai University Pending NRCR of Hohai University Pending NRCR of Hohai University Pending The original management institution is Honghu Hongrui Investment & Development Co. and changed into Honghu Huqing Wastewater Treatment Co in July 2007. 2The original management institution is CNSIC Hongbo (Group) Co and changed into 105 Leading Group of HUEIP Hubei Province Land Hubei Province Resource Environment Administration Protection Bureau Bureau PMO of HUEIP Management Institution of Subproject Design & Research Demolish and Resettlement Implement Institution of Subproject Institution Building Compensation of village collectivity and External Monitoring Labour Resettlement private property FIGURE 8-1 ORGANIZATION FIGURE 8.2 ORGANIZATION FIGURE1 The organization figure can be seen in Figure 8-1. 1 Now, Hubei Province Land Resource Department is not the member of leading group, but it should be one according to World Bank. 106 8.3 INSTITUTION AND ITS RESPONSIBILITIES 8.3.1 LEADING GROUP OF UTILIZING THE FUNDS OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENT AND INTERNATIONAL FINANCE ORGANIZATION OF HUBEI PROVINCE (SHORT FOR LEADING GROUP OF HUBEI) It is consisted of some leaders appointed by Hubei Province Development and Reform Committee, Construction and Management Committee, City Plan Management Bureau, Land Resource Bureau, and other institutions; it takes charge of leading, organizing, coordinating, making the policies, reviewing Resettlement Action Plan, implementing interior inspection and making decisions on big problems in resettlement. 8.3.2 PMO OF HUEIP Its director unit is in the Hubei Province Environment Protection Bureau; Its assistant director units are Hubei Pronvice Development and Reform Committee, Hubei Pronvice Finance Department, Hubei Pronvice Construction Department, and the member units are Hubei Pronvice Department of Audit and Hubei Pronvice Price Bureau, that are responsible for organize, manage and coordinate this project. person specially assigned of PMO is responsible for compiling PRA, actualizing and managing land acquisition and house demolition, organizing and corresponding, monitoring and checking internally, collecting internal monitoring and report to the World Bank. 8.3.3 MANAGEMENT OFFICE OF SUBPROJECTS Most of the Implement units of subprojects are the owner units of subprojects or national investment units; they are leaded by the PMO of HUEIP and responsible for subprojects’ construction and management. The main responsibilities are: Entrusts the design institution to define the scope of area affects Conducts socioeconomic survey Applies for Land Usage Planning and Construction Permission License from Urban Land Planning Bureau Organizes and coordinates the compilation of RP Conducts the policies of RP Confirms and coordinates the implementation of resettlement plan according to project construction schedule Allocates resettlement funds and supervise the utilization of fund Directs, coordinates and supervises the proceedings of RP Organizes and carries out internal monitoring, determines which institution will carry out external monitoring and coordinate external monitoring activities Reviews monitoring reports Coordinates to resolve the conflicts and issues encountered in the implementation of RP Submits reports on progress of land acquisition, house demolition, utilization of funds and the quality of implementation to the World Bank regularly 8.3.4 OWNERS OF SUBPROJECTS Some Demolish and Resettlement Management Institution of subprojects are local construction bureaus, such as Xiaochang, Shayang, Danjiangkou, some are local development and reform Bureaus, such as Dawu, Hanchuan, Honghu, Tianmen, and some are local environment protection bureau, such as Xiangfan. Their main Responsibilities are: Conducts socioeconomic survey Carries out survey and registers materials for land acquisition and demolition Organizes public participation and relevant activities Consults RP, organizes to compile RP Carries out house demolition regulations 107 Prepares relevant documents and submits them to Wuhan House Demolition and Renewal Office for house demolition Permission License Propagates Demolition Notice by Wuhan House Demolition and Renewal Office Carries out relevant State regulations for land used for project According to relevant policies, makes RP and compensation rate and submits them for approval Goes through formalities for land acquisition and house demolition Applies for Land Usage Planning and Construction Permission License Carries out RP Signs compensation agreements with PAP and PAUs along with relevant district and county Reviews of resettlement activities undertaken Conducts information management of land acquisition, house demolition and restoration Trains staff Assists to resolve issues raised for resettlement Punishes the people with illegal actions in administrative way or other ways Deals with demolition bother and appealing by coordinate or in administrative way Reports to Wuhan Project Leading Group about the land acquisition, house demolition and restoration 8.3.5 DESIGN UNIT The main responsibilities of Feasibility Institution are: Compiles Feasibility Study Report Reduces negative social impacts by optimizing design ascertains the scope of land acquisition and demolish The responsibility of Environment Evaluation Institution are: Compile Environment Evaluation Report ascertains the scope of the project impacts The main responsibilities of RP compiling unit are: Designs the outline of socioeconomic survey Guides socioeconomic survey Designs and carry through public participation and consult RP The main responsibilities of Social Evaluation Institution are: Designs the outline of social evaluation Identifies main social impacts Identifies main social risks Offers measures to reduce social risks Identifies main stakeholders and carry through stakeholder analysis Designs the participation framework and carry through public participation 8.3.6 EXTERNAL MONITORING INSTITUTION As an independent monitoring institution, external monitoring institution is responsible for observing all the aspects of RP and its implement, offering independent monitoring and appraising report of resettlement and resettlement to leading group, Hubei Province Han River Pollution Prevention and Treatment Office and World Bank. 8.4 QUALIFICATIONS AND SERVICE ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL RECORD OF Table 10.1 shows details of organization and personnel of the resettlement institution involved in the project. 108 TABLE 8-2 STAFFING OF THE RESETTLEMENT INSTITUTION INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT Project Name Principal Tel & Fax Linkman Han River Pollution Prevention and Treatment Project Office Zhou Xinxin 027-87743203 Nie Mingtao Danjiangkou SWLF Project 0719- Hu Heping 5220724 13307283359 Tel & Fax & Email 027-87743203,15907154398 Zuo Kui 07196813578 Chen Hua 15972608978 0724- Shayang SWLF Project 8551113 Zheng Jirun 0724- 8553687(F) 13797921258 0716- Honghu SWLF Project 2203541 Yin Jianguo 0716- 2423955(F) Zeng Fanqing Liu Junhua 0716-2977075 13872279964 13797296586 Hanchuan SWLF Project Xu Chenggang 13635822933 Zhang Xinhua Yunmeng SWLF Project Dingchufang 0712-4088229 13307294285 Limingyan 0712- Xiaochang SWLF project Tu Xin’an Dawu SWLF Project Wang Daomin 4768601(F) 0712-4768603 13871891788 0712- 7211581(F) Huang Jiancheng 13235481918 0712-8277650 0712-4324330 1398457788 0712-4761699 13476549566 Wang Daomin 13971942302 Hu Shuncheng 13507281853 Feng Tao 13337488282 0710- Zhangwan SPNproject Wang Lei 3273475 0710-3244494 (F) 13607272839 0724- 8551158 shayang WWTP Luo Feng 0724- 8558918(F) 1398991116 109 Project Name Principal Tianmen WWTP Cheng Zhihong Honghu SPNproject Wang Zhongpu Hanchuan WWTP Xu Chenggang Yunmeng WWTP Tel & Fax Linkman Tel & Fax & Email Tian Fang 13396022218 Wang Zhongpu 13339741501 13307222198 0728- 5228893(F) 0716- 2217278(F) 0716-2217278 13635822933 Zou Chunfang 0712-8283281 Li Huoming 13707294932 Li Huoming 13707294932 Tu Xinan 0712-4768601 07124768603 Liuliqiao 0712-4761699 Xiaochang WWTP 8.5 MEASURES CAPACITY FOR STRENGTHENING INSTITUTIONAL Each project unit paid much attention to strengthening institution capacity, and took following measures; In May 2006, PMO trained staff which would do the demolition and resettlement work. They studied the OP4.12 of the World Bank, relevant demolition regulations, the theory and methods of socioeconomic survey etc. PMO will go on with training the staff, before the RP to be put in practice. They will know OP4.12 of the World Bank, the regulations of land acquisition and demolition, analysis of cases, simulate practice, and cost control and resource resettlement to increase their professional abilities to carry out the policies. During the stage of RP implement, PMO will organize the skeleton staff to learn and review national project for the Word Bank, to take part in resettlement policy training and other professional trainings. Meanwhile, to increase the rate of employment, PMO will train PAP in aperiodicity. To ensure that funds and equipment can be got in time to increase the efficiency. To divide the work properly, and establish and improve the system of rewarding or punishing the staff of carrying out land acquisition and demolition to encourage their initiative. To strengthen report system and internal monitoring, and solve the problems promptly. To strengthen the independent monitoring and evaluation. The independent monitoring and evaluation institution should report promptly to relevant department about the problems and provide suggestions to solve them. 110 9 Implementation Schedule 9.1 SCHEDULE OF CONSTRUCTION RESETTLEMENT AND PROJECT The basic principles of schedule and arrangement in this project are followings: To finish the work of land acquisition and resettlement one month before project begins. The time to start the project will be decided according to land acquisition, resettlement, resettlement and restoration. To reserve enough time for the land acquisition, house demolition, and resettlement before the start of the project construction. 9.2 KEY TASKS OF RESETLLEMENT CAUSED BY PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION AND TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION All the 12 subprojects involved permanent land acquisition or temporary land occupation, and they are: 1. Land acquisition and resettlement of Danjiangkou SWLF Project 2. Land acquisition, temporary land occupation and resettlement of Shayang SWLF Project 3. Land acquisition, temporary land occupation and resettlement of Honghu SWLF Project 4. Land acquisition and resettlement of Hanchuan SWLF Project 5. Land acquisition and resettlement of Yunmeng SWLF Project 6. Land acquisition, temporary land occupation and resettlement of Xiaochang SWLF Project 7. Land acquisition and resettlement of Dawu SWLF Project 8. Land acquisition, temporary land occupation and resettlement of Tianmen Waster Water Treatment Plant 9. Land acquisition, temporary land occupation and resettlement of Shayang Waster Water Treatment Plant 10. Land acquisition, temporary land occupation and resettlement of Hanchuan Waster Water Treatment Plant 11. Land acquisition, temporary land occupation and resettlement of Yunmeng Waster Water Treatment Plant 12. Land acquisition, temporary land occupation and resettlement of Xiaochang Waster Water Treatment Plant 13. Temporary land occupation and resettlement of Zhangwan Sewage SPN Project 14. Temporary land occupation and resettlement of Honghu Sewage SPN Project 9.3 KEY TASKS OF RESETLLEMENT RESIDENTIAL HOUSES DEMOLITION CAUSED BY ⑴According to document of approval for the project construction and land using permission, inform the construction scope of the project to police security, housing management department, urban construction department, industry and business administrative department, neighbour committee office, at the same time, stop going through all various kinds of formalities within construction scope of the project, such as: construction license, industry and business permission license, housing rebuilding, house property exchange, exchange of use right of houses and rental of houses, etc.. 111 ⑵ According to frozen private-owned enterprises and data of property right provided by housing management department, organize staffs to investigate frozen private-owned enterprises and check them up on field, that include amount of employees, character of housing property right, housing structure, housing area and attachments on land, annual income, etc.. ⑶In accordance with documents of approval for the project construction, sanctified the project planning scheme, survey results and building layout of housing to be dismantled, resettlement plan, and relative permission documents of land use for the project construction, apply for housing demolition to city department in charge of housing resettlement. ⑷ Publicize housing resettlement plan, policy for housing resettlement, working procedure, drawing of housing resettlement, resettlement plan, Compensation rates and scope of housing demolition, duration of housing demolition, use purpose of land occupied, and accept participation and supervision of the public. ⑸ Within duration of housing resettlement, sign written agreement of compensation and resettlement with the owners about compensation form and funds, area of housing resettlement, location of resettlement, form and duration of temporary transition, etc., and popularize the resettlement policy as to displace smoothly. ⑹ After housing resettlement, according to the sequence of resettlement and payment, both sides sign supplementary protocol, which need the visa of housing resettlement department and the notarization of police. ⑺ The APs will move into their new house and the old one will be demolished. 9.4 KEY TASKS OF ENTERPRISES DISPLACEMENT ⑴According to document of approval for the project construction and land using permission, inform the construction scope of the project to police security, housing management department, urban construction department, industry and business administrative department, neighbour committee office, at the same time, stop going through all various kinds of formalities within construction scope of the project, such as: construction license, industry and business permission license, housing rebuilding, house property exchange, exchange of use right of houses and rental of houses, etc.. ⑵ According to data of property right provided by production department, organize staffs to investigate frozen collective and institution units and check them up on field, that include amount of units, total staffs, character of housing property right, housing structure, housing area, large-scale production facilities, annual production value, annual profit and average annual income per worker, etc.. ⑶ Publicize housing resettlement plan, policy for housing resettlement, working procedure, drawing of housing allocation, resettlement plan, Compensation rates and scope of housing demolition, duration of housing demolition, use purpose of land occupied, and accept participation and supervision of the public. ⑷ Within duration of housing resettlement, sign written agreement of compensation and allocation with the owners about compensation form and funds, area of housing resettlement, location of allocation, form and duration of temporary transition, etc., And popularize the resettlement policy as to displace smoothly. ⑸ Affected enterprises and institution units rebuild or purchase new houses. ⑹ Affected enterprises and institution units move into new houses. 112 9.5 SCHEDULE OF IMPLEMENTATION KEY TASKS OF RESETTLEMENT 9.5.1 PRINCIPLES FOR MAKING SCHEDULE FOR LAND ACQUISITION, HOUSE DEMOLITION AND RESETTLEMENT 1. To determine the final scope of land acquisition according to every project design drawing, and to finish the determination before the census and property survey for the land acquisition. a) To calculate the result of census and property survey for the land acquisition according to the red line drawings of land acquisition and resettlement. It will be done by both Demolish Department of Resettlement and the owners before the agreements for compensation and resettlement are signed. b) To have a mobilization meeting, this should be presided over by Demolition Department of Resettlement. The Demolition Department should promulgate the policies and ways of land acquisition, resettlement, compensation, and resettlement methods. PAP should attend the mobilization meeting. The meeting will be held before they sign the agreements for compensation and resettlement. And formal announcements of land acquisition and resettlement will be released after the mobilization meeting. c) To sign the agreements of compensation and resettlement after the census and property survey and the release of the formal announcement of land acquisition and resettlement. d) To dispense transition funds to residents during their transitional period. And it should be dealt out before they start to move. e) To try to arrange resettlement field for enterprises in advance, and to avoid or reduce the losses of closing down caused by resettlement. For those who have to close down, the compensation should be dealt out before resettlement. f) To construct new public utilities and municipal infrastructure in advance and then demolish the old ones. 2. To settle accounts and deal out compensation after the assignment, and before the resettlement. 3. Confirm the resettlement work to satisfy demolished households. 9.5.2 TOTAL SCHEDULE OF DEMOLITION OF THE PROJECT LAND ACQUISITION AND HOUSE According to the schedule, the project is to be built from Oct, 2007 to May, 2009 at stages. The schedule for resettlement goes with the schedule of each subproject. Resettlement are planned to begin in May, 2007 and end in Dec, 2009. The construction and resettlement schedule of each subproject is shown in Table 9-1 and the resettlement process schedule of subprojects are shown in Table 9-1. TABLE 9-1 CONSTRUCTION AND RESETTLEMENT SCHEDULE OF EACH SUBPROJECT Project Name Construction Time Resettlement Implementation Time Danjiangkou SWLF Project 2007.10-2008.3 2007.7-2009.12 Shayang SWLF Project 2007.10-2008.3 2007.7-2009.12 Honghu SWLF Project 2007.12-2009.1 2007.9-2009.12 Hanchuan SWLF Project 2007.10-2008.12 2007.7-2009.12 Yunmeng SWLF Project 2007.10-2009.3 2007.7-2009.12 Xiaochang SWLF project 2007.10-2008.6 2007.7-2009.12 Dawu SWLF Project 2007.10-2008.1 2007.7-2009.12 Zhangwan SPNproject 2007.10-2008.12 2007.7-2009.12 shayang WWTP 2007.10-2008.6 2007.7-2009.12 Tianmen WWTP 2007.12-2009.5 2007.9-2009.12 113 Project Name Construction Time Resettlement Implementation Time Honghu SPNproject 2007.12-2009.5 2007.9-2009.12 Hanchuan WWTP 2008.1-2009.8 2007.10-2009.12 Yunmeng WWTP 2007.10-2009.4 2007.7-2009.12 Xiaochang WWTP 2007.12-2009.5 2007.9-2009.12 114 115 10 Cost and Budget 10.1 FUND BUDGET Cost in the process of land acquisition and resettlement should be included in the general budget of the project. The general budget contains cost of compensation for permanent land acquisition and temporary land occupation, cost of compensation for rural residential housing demolition, cost of compensation for affected enterprises’ housing demolition, cost of compensation for affected infrastructure and ground attachment and other cost. The calculations of relative land acquisition special fee and tax follow the standard below: cost on reconnaissance and design will be calculated by 1% of the total cost above; cost on monitoring and evaluation will be calculated by 1% of the total cost above, cost on implementation and management will be calculated by 3% of the total cost above, training costs by 1%, and reserve funds will be calculated by 10% of the total cost above. The total budget of resettlement is 20542.19 ten thousand Yuan, covering 17.6% of the total investment fund, including land compensation cost 12118.60 ten thousand Yuan, covering 58.99%, housing demolish compensation cost 1615.63 ten thousand Yuan (1493.44 ten thousand Yuan for resident’s houses and 122.19 ten thousand Yuan for enterprise’s houses), covering 7.86%. The total budget will be contained in the whole project cost. Subprojects cost can be seen in Table 10-1. More detailed resettlement costs are shown in each subproject. 116 TABLE 10-1 OVERALL RESETTLEMENT BUDGET Project Part 1: Land Danjiangkou SWLF Project Shayang SWLF Project Honghu SWLF Project Hanchuan SWLF Project Yunmeng SWLF Project Xiaochang SWLF Project Dawu SWLF Project Zhangwan Sewage SPNproject Shayang Waster Water Treatment Plant Tianmen Waster Water Treatment Plant Honghu Sewage SPNproject Hanchuan Waster Water Treatment Plant Yunmeng Waster Water Treatment Plant Xiaochang Waster Water Treatment Plant Total Fee (Ten Thousand Yuan) 350.8 412.59 506.16 669.60 239.14 267.69 212.625 340.11 1994.05 1945.85 150.83 1915.43 1484.80 1628.92 12118.595 A. permanent land acquisition fee 350.8 412.59 506.16 669.60 239.14 265.59 212.625 0 83.51 107.85 0.00 377.69 205.72 77.05 3508.325 1.compensation of land acq. 237.6 209.33 195.84 288.00 128.44 179.82 42.49 45.7 0.00 103.01 121.01 36.26 1587.5 2.compensation for green crops 5.2 5.56 16.56 21.60 8.10 5.13 3.35 5.03 0.00 13.73 4.03 4.53 92.82 3. resettlement subsidies 108 197.7 293.76 360.00 102.60 80.64 37.67 57.12 0.00 260.95 80.68 36.26 1615.38 B. compe.for green crops for occu. 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1910.54 1838 150.83 1537.74 1279.08 1551.56 8607.86 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 2.4 35 449.31 33.78 136.90 284.90 192.46 60.75 0 0 300.342 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1493.442 31.52 429.01 23.29 36.55 260.68 180.41 56.92 0 0 278.262 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1296.642 18.53 142.27 23.29 34.45 172.51 168.08 44.45 245.322 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 848.902 4.48 231.63 0.00 2.10 65.18 6.73 12.25 28.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 351.28 8.51 54.8 0.00 0.00 21.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 84.31 0.31 0.00 0.00 1.99 5.60 0.22 4.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.15 2.9 0.08 0.64 3.84 0.31 0.13 3.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.06 C.other fees and costs 340.11 Part 2: demolish of rural houses A. compe. ror housedemolition 1.brick-concrete houses 2. brick-wood houses 3.soil-wood houses 4.simply built houses B. removing subsidy 0.48 117 Shayang SWLF Project Honghu Sewage SPNproject Hanchuan Waster Water Treatment Plant Yunmeng Waster Water Treatment Plant Xiaochang Waster Water Treatment Plant Total Fee (Ten Thousand Yuan) 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 1.18 1.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.89 Honghu SWLF Project Hanchuan SWLF Project Yunmeng SWLF Project Xiaochang SWLF Project C. decoration Compensation 9.78 4.10 0.00 D. fee of removing phone 0.03 0.26 E. air-condition removing fee 0.00 F. attachment of house Project Danjiangkou SWLF Project G. demolition of temporary house Dawu SWLF Project 0.60 23.76 0.00 0.00 H. others 3 17.4 0.00 71.59 19.20 8.74 3.7 Part 3: compensation for enterprises houses A. compensation fee for houses 0 0 31.37 0.00 0.00 90.82 0 0 Zhangwan Sewage SPNproject 0 Shayang Waster Water Treatment Plant 0 Tianmen Waster Water Treatment Plant 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.36 18.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 142.03 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 122.19 26.10 0.00 0.00 28.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54.19 1.brick-concrete houses 7.50 0.00 0.00 24.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.09 2.brick-wood houses 15.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.6 3.siply built houses 3.00 0.00 0.00 3.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.5 B. loss for stopping production 2.09 C. moving subsidies 2.09 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 62.09 1.10 0.00 0.00 2.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.83 2.09 D. others 118 Danjiangkou SWLF Project Shayang SWLF Project Honghu SWLF Project Hanchuan SWLF Project Yunmeng SWLF Project Xiaochang SWLF Project Dawu SWLF Project Zhangwan Sewage SPNproject Shayang Waster Water Treatment Plant Tianmen Waster Water Treatment Plant Honghu Sewage SPNproject Hanchuan Waster Water Treatment Plant Yunmeng Waster Water Treatment Plant Xiaochang Waster Water Treatment Plant Total Fee (Ten Thousand Yuan) Part 4: ground attachment and public service 3.383 20.21 3.17 3.02 5.75 16.27 48 0 5 18.58 77.84 0.16 11.88 3.50 216.763 Part 5: other fees 504.05 780.04 823.12 1090.99 461.40 610.46 169.263 40.8 361.74 383.49 34.30 580.70 384.53 366.32 6591.203 Total costs for resettlement 893.233 1662.15 1397.60 1900.51 991.19 1177.70 490.638 380.91 2360.79 2648.262 262.97 2496.29 1881.21 1998.73 20542.19 Project 119 10.2 ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN Annual investment plan is made according to implementation schedule. See table 10-2 for detail. TABLE 10-2 ANNUAL INVESTMENT PLAN year Investment (ten thousand Yuan) Proportion (%) 10.3 2007 2008 2009 Sub-total 14379.533 70 4108.438 20 2054.219 10 20542.19 100 CAPITAL RESOURCE AND ALLOCATING WAYS Capital comes from domestic bank loan and financial allocation and will be allocated in accordance with implementation schedule. TABLE 10-3 OVERALL RESETTLEMENT BUDGET Sort Content Danjiangkou SWLF Project Shayang SWLF Project Honghu SWLF Project SWLF Hanchuan SWLF Project Project Yunmeng SWLF Project Xiaochang SWLF Project Dawu SWLF Project Zhangwan Sewage SPNproject shayang Waste Water Treatment Project Tianmen Waster Water Treatment Plant Sewerage Honghu Sewage Treatment SPNproject Project Hanchuan Waster Water Treatment Plant Yunmeng Waster Water Treatment Plant Xiaochang Waster Water Treatment Plant total Notes:1 Domestic supporting capital (ten thousand Yuan) World Bank loan (ten thousand Yuan) Total (ten thousand Yuan) Resettlement Fund(ten thousand Yuan) Proportions of resettlement fund to total 2576.4 3617.6 6194 893.233 14.42% 3245.2 3214.8 6460 1662.15 25.73% 2986.8 3655.6 6642.4 1397.6 21.04% 4841.2 6224.4 11065.6 1900.51 17.17% 2264.8 2789.2 5054 991.19 19.61% 2804.4 2888 5692.4 1177.7 20.69% 1497.2 2302.8 3800 490.638 12.91% 1884.8 3420 5304.8 380.91 7.18% 5259.2 5190.8 10450 2360.79 22.59% 7121.2 8648.8 15770 2648.262 16.79% 1314.8 1611.2 2926 262.97 8.99% 7204.8 9249.2 16454 2496.29 15.17% 5418.8 6695.6 12114.4 1881.21 15.53% 4316.8 52736.4 4446 63954 8762.8 116690.4 1998.74 20542.19 22.81% 17.60% US$=7.6 Yuan Methods of appropriating funds 120 ⑴ All funds which have something to do with house demolition and resettlement will account into the total budget and compensation funds for house demolition and land acquisition and other funds will be directly paid through a bank payment to the concerned units and peolpe by PMO directly; ⑵ Compensation funds for house demolition will be paid to displaced peolpe before the house demolition; ⑶Compensation funds for enterprise’s house demolition will be paid to them before the house demolition so as to be good to rebuilding and buying houses; ⑷ In order to ensure the well-off implementation of resettlement of land acquisition and house demolition, PMO has to build up all levels of finance and monitoring organizations to ensure all funds on time appropriated. The funds process of this project shows in figure 10-1. Allocated funds Domestic loan Local PMO Banks 121 Attachement House holds affected by land requisition Temporary land occupation Enterprises affect by house demolition HHS affected by house demolition FIGURE 10-1 FLOW FIGURE OF RESETTLEMENT FUNDS 11 Monitoring According to World Bank O.P4.12 Involuntary Resettlement and Operational Directory of Resettlement Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects in China Assisted by World Bank, implementation of land acquisition and resettlement activities shall be monitored regularly to ensure those actions have proceeded in accordance with the provisions of RP. There are two kinds of monitoring mechanisms in this RP, the internal monitoring and the independent monitoring. Internal monitoring is carried out by PMO of HUEIP, PMO of subproject, owner unit, local Land Resource Administration Bureaus to ensure that all units follow the schedule and abide by the principles of RP. The purpose of this internal monitoring is to maintain responsibilities of resettlement implementation institutions during the implementation. Independent Monitoring Organization is mainly responsible for regularly independent monitoring and evaluation on activities of land acquisition, house demolition and resettlement. Function of resettlement network: Implementation of land acquisition, house demolition, restoration and compensation Recovery of PAP, affected shops, enterprises and institution; Survey on and analysis of the PAP living standards. The purpose of independent monitoring is to provide an evaluation of resettlement by an organization independent to the institutions for the project demolition, and to review the overall implementation from a broader, long-term point of view. Independent monitoring institution follows the resettlement activities to evaluate whether the goals of resettlement are achieved through observing (1) the application of the laws of P.R.C. concerned on resettlement; (2) compliance with the principles of the World Bank’s Operational Policies O.P. 4.12 on Involuntary Resettlement; and (3) an improvement in the standards of living of the PAP or at least maintenance of the former living standards. The Independent Monitoring Institution provides suggestions to the institutions for demolition implementation, so as the problems encountered in the implementation can be resolved in time. 11.1 INTERNAL MONITORING PMO has developed an internal monitoring framework to supervise the resettlement activities. It establishes relevant databank on land acquisition, house demolition and resettlement. And the databank contributes to compiling the resettlement planning, and carrying out internal monitoring on the whole implementation process. 11.1.1 IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES During the implementation, based on samples provided by PMO of HUEIP, subproject Management Office, owner unit and local Land Resource Management Bureaus collect and record implementation information of residents, shops, enterprises and institutions affected. Meanwhile, they deliver the record of the current activities in time to PMO, so as to keep a consistent monitoring on implementation. PMO conducts periodic supervision to the project resettlement. In the above monitoring system, there is a continuous flow of information on a regular format from Housing Demolish Institution to PMO. PMO of HUEIP, owner unit, local Land Resource Management Bureaus as the important components of internal monitoring and supervision system will carry out periodic supervision and verifications. 11.1.2 MONITORING CONTENT Payment of compensation to PAP and PAUs Finding the houses for PAP replaced in currency Construction of resettlement houses for PAP who will exchange ownership 122 Removal of PAP Reconstruction of replacement houses and removal Restoration of vulnerable groups Resettlement and restoration of shops affected Resettlement and restoration of institutions and enterprises affected Restoration of infrastructure Arranging the schedule of the above activities Conformity with the policies and regulations of RP Participation and negotiation of PAP during implementation Staffing, training, work schedule and effectiveness of the institutions 11.1.3 INTERNAL MONITORING REPORTS The Hubei Province PMO will compile an internal monitoring report every 3 months and submit to Han River PMO and Hubei Province PMO. And Hubei Province PMO will submit to the World Bank after collecting at the end of each year. 11.2 INDEPENDENT EXTERNAL MONITORING INSTITUTION 11.2.1 INDEPENDENT MONITORING INSTITUTION The independent monitoring and supervision institution has not confirmed. The monitoring and evaluation group is composed of 4 resettlement specialists with much experience on project resettlement and sociology. 11.2.2 RESPONSIBILITIES Independent Monitoring Institution will periodically monitor and evaluate the implementation of RP, including the progress, quality of resettlement, utilization of funds. It will give advice and suggestions. After checking quality of resettlement house, PAP’S living standards and production conditions, the Independent Monitoring Institution will submit monitoring and evaluation reports to JSUEPO and SZUEPO and the World Bank. 11.2.3 PROCEDURES AND CONTENTS (1) Compiles outline for monitoring and evaluation (2) Develops resettlement monitoring and evaluation information system (3) Prepares survey outline, table of questionnaire, recording card of sampling residents, shops, enterprises (4) Sampling scale: 10% of residents whose houses need to be demolished, 50% of affected enterprises, 20% of households who will be affected by permanent land acquisition. (5) Carries out baseline survey A baseline survey is carried out on the residents, shops, enterprises and institutions affected by land acquisition and demolition to obtain basic data about their living standards and production condition (including living, business and income). (6) Establishes monitoring and evaluation information system A monitoring and evaluation information system is established. All the data in resettlement monitoring and evaluation are classified and stored in different databank to make the analysis and monitoring an easier job. (7) Survey on monitoring and assessing Conducts local socioeconomic survey on socioeconomic development situation in project area. Monitors resettlement implementation organization on its ability and efficiency Monitors sampling residents on allocation of urban residents’ compensation funds, the houses for resettlement, moving, restoration of income, resettlement quality; the progress of rebuilding houses, allocation of compensation fee and house quality. 123 Monitors sampling shops affected on allocation of compensation funds, resettlement houses, progress of moving, business restoration, income, and resettlement quality. Monitors sampling enterprises and institutions affected on allocation of compensation funds, new sites for enterprises and institutions, reconstruction, progress of moving, production restoration, income restoration, resettlement quality. Monitors public facilities on allocation of compensation funds, restoration of them, progress of reconstruction. Monitors public consultation on participation in compiling RP and PAP’S activities during implementation, impacts of participation. Monitors grievance on the mechanism and the efficiency. (8) Arranges monitoring data, establish database, (9) Conducts comparing analysis, (10) Monitoring and assessing reports. In July 2007, the baseline survey is to be carried out. In Dec 2007, the first monitoring and evaluation report is to be submitted. (baseline evaluation report) In July 2008, the second monitoring and evaluation report is to be submitted. In ,Dec 2008, the third monitoring and evaluation report is to be submitted. In July. 2009, the forth monitoring and evaluation report is to be submitted. In Dec. 2009, submit Project Completion Report 11.3 MONITORING TARGETS Socioeconomic index: average income, GDP, Engel’s Coefficient, employment rate institutions’ indicator: staff composition and their quality, regulations, equipment, efficiency indicators for urban residents affected: compensation funds availability rate, location and area of resident houses, to what extend the PAP are satisfied indicators for affected shops: compensation funds availability rate, location of business house and its environment, average commute time of shop’s employees, variation of their income, variation of profits and taxes, and to what extend PAP are satisfied indicators for enterprises and institutions affected: compensation funds availability rate, new location, progress of newly expropriated land, average commute time of shop’s employees, variation of their income, variation of profits and taxes, and to what extend PAP are satisfied Indicators for infrastructure: compensation funds availability rate, function restoration rate. 11.4 EVALUATION AFTER PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION When the project is finished, monitoring and evaluation will be carried out on resettlement activities with the application after evaluation theory and method. The successful experience of and the lesson drawn from the affected residents, shops, enterprises and institutions will be summed up to contribute to resettlement in the future. After evaluation report will be carried out by external independent monitoring institution entrusted by PMO. The independent monitoring and evaluation institution should compile the outline of after evaluation report and establish evaluation indicators. It will undertake socioeconomic analysis survey, write After Evaluation Report on Hubei Province Han River Pollution Prevention and Treatment Project Resettlement and submit to Han River PMO and the World Bank. 124 12 Right Matrix TABLE 12-1 RIGHT M ATRIX Type of impact Permanent land acquisition Affected people Compensation and Resettlement Policy Affected village 1. Compensate by Circular on further strengthening land acquisition administration and conscientiously protecting legal right of farmer whose land are expropriated (issued by Hubei Province People’ Government No.11 in February, 2005) 2. Land acquisitioned shall be compensated for on the basis of its original purpose of use. 3. Compensation for land acquisition cultivated land shall include compensation for land, resettlement subsidies and attachments and young crops on the expropriated land. And the compensation should be properly distributed in the rural collective economic organizations. 4. The resettlement subsidiary must be used for living and production resettlement of peasants. 5. The annual production value of compensation of the land and resettlement subsidiary should was decided according to the rule of guaranteeing not to reduce original living level of land-expropriated peasants in the scope of the law 6. expense of land acquisition accounted according to legal unified annual production multiple, if can not make farmer’s lives whose land is expropriated keep original life level, is not Rates Compensation rates Subject Unit Honghu solid waste Danjiangkou solid waste Shayang solid waste Hanchuan solid waste Yunmeng solid waste Xiaochang Dawu solid Zhangwan solid waste waste SPNproject Compensation for land + resettlement subsidy + Yuan/mu compensation for young seedlings (vegetable land) 24000 17580 Compensation for land + resettlement subsidy + Yuan/mu compensation for young seedlings ( dry land) 16000 16940 16920 18000 15800 17600 Shayang waste water treatment Tianmen waste water treatment 17580 19464 Honghu SPN Hanchuan waste water treatment Yunmeng waste water treatment Xiaochang waste water treatment 1. Expense for land acquisition 19380 Compensation for land + resettlement subsidy + compensation for young seedlings ( Yuan/mu fish pond, water surface aquiculture) 16800 16320 18000 9300 Compensation for land + resettlement subsidy + Yuan/mu compensation for young seedlings ( paddy field) 16940 17600 19380 19001 19950 14800 9000 7200 Compensation for land + Yuan/mu resettlement subsidy ( woodland) compensation of the land (land without income) Yuan/mu 8000 16800 5000 4500 18000 6528 7600 19125 30600 19950 10500 33000 2. related expense of land acquisition Expenses of farmland reclamation Expenses of farmland reclamation is 1.5-2 times of the total land compensation; Use other farmland, it is 1-1.5 times, to be convenient, the budget adopt the 1 times of land compensation. 125 Type of impact Affected people Compensation and Resettlement Policy enough for the landless peasants to pay for social security, the time should be increased after approval of provincial people’s government; 7. Where the land compensation and resettlement subsidy are calculated 30 times but still not enough for the peasants to keep original living standard, the local government should arrange to give certain subsidy form the benefit of state land transfer. Temporary land occupation Village house demolition Affected household Get young crops on the expropriated land and labour resettlement subsidiary Owner of land This project expropriates part of farmland, sloping field, nation-owned vacant lands and road, compensate according to acquisition time and losses, after land acquisition, implementing project unit is responsible of re-cultivate land , and clear up the place Owner of property A. Resettlement ways for demolition and resettlement. It can adopt currency compensation exchange of house property rights in the same compensation amount. For exchange of house property, person who carries house demolition Rates Expenses of compensated use of Yuan/mu new increased land for construction Expenses of land acquisition administration Expense of measuring land 24 28 24 20 16 16 0 28 28 24 20 16 16 count regarding the land compensation as the cardinal number, land acquisition over 1000 mu, 0.7%; 500-1000 mu, 1.1%; 100-500, 1.4%; below 100 mu, 1.8%; in some special condition, 2.8%. Yuan/mu 300 300 300 300 Expense of Land registration The construction fund of new vegetable plot 16 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 count its expense by progression, 5-40000 Yuan each project Yuan/mu 3000-5000 3000-5000 3000-5000 5000 Compensate one year young crops and re-cultivating land fee for farmland and slopping land, acquisition road and state-owned vacant land, expropriates part of farmland, sloping field, implementing project unit is responsible of re-cultivate land , and clear up the place. House structure Unit Compensation rates Danjiangkou SWLF Project 126 Shayang SWLF Project Honghu SWLF Project Hanchuan SWLF Project Yunmang SWLF Project Xiaochang SWLF Project Dawu SWLF Project Shayang waste water treatment project Tianmen waste water treatment project Hanchuan waste water treatment project Yunmeng waste water treatment project Xiaochang waste water treatment project Type of impact Affected people Compensation and Resettlement Policy should provide two resettlement houses for person whose house is demolished. B. Currency compensation amount of residential houses. As for the residential houses demolition, the currency compensation amount should be confirmed in the principle of reconstruction, calculated due to the evaluated unit price of the demolished house in real estate market and the construction acreage of the demolished houses. Because house demolition in this project all locate in village area, all house shall be compensated by legal construction no matter if it has house ownership certification. C. relevant fees including movement subsidy for demolished residential houses. The demolishers should pay to the demolished the movement subsidy, facility movement fee and temporary resettlement subsidy during transition. Enterprise house demolition Enterprise A. Compensation and resettlement methods of house demolition. House demolition compensation and resettlement can carry out currency compensation; can also carry out resettlement in different place in same amount of money. For stone pit and other enterprises that fall short of state environment protection policy. B. The currency compensation of displacement of non-residential house shall be determined by the real estate market. To demolish the non-residential house which is not rented or the rented house which has negotiated rent, the Rates Brickconcrete structure Yuan/m 2 330 410 500 360-420 420 436 350 410 420 360-420 420 436 Brickwood structure Yuan/m2 290 350 400 300-360 350 356 250 350 350 300-360 350 356 Soil-wood structure Yuan/m2 220 235 300 280-320 240 273 200 235 230 280-320 240 273 Simply constructed structure Yuan/m2 100 70 100 220-260 100 100 140 70 100 220-260 100 100 Discussed with enterprises, the compensation for enterprise house as followings: House structure Unit Compensate the standard Xiaochang SWLF Project Honghu SWLF Project Brick- concrete structure Yuan/m2 436 500 Brick- wood structure Yuan/m2 356 400 Simply constructed structure Yuan/m2 100 100 127 Type of impact Affected people Compensation and Resettlement Policy Rates demolisher compensates the losses to the demolished if the demolished has released agreement with the renters; otherwise, if the demolished can not reach the agreement with the renters, the demolisher shall compensate the demolished with exchange house and the rent can continue the rent. In second case, the demolished shall sign a new contract with the original renter. C. To demolish non-residential house, the demolisher shall pay following compensation for the demolished and the renters: (1) freightage cost, equipment installation cost, equipment movement cost according to concerned policy of the State and Hubei Province. (2) The equipment can not re-used shall be compensated at replacement cost. (3) The losses of stop production and shutdown caused by demolition. D. During the removing the staff in enterprises will get no loss of rights and interests including wage, medical and social insurance, dividend and bonus and etc and thus the staff will never lose jobs since movement. E. The business enterprise can have full time to find another other plant sites to continue production under the condition of be notified 2 month in advance. Vulnerable group In this project, some special families will be compensated with special care. And they not only are brought into country special salvation object, but also get superfluity subsidy in some projects (such as Tianmen WWTP and Xiaochang SWLF) 128 Type of impact Affected people Temporary building demolition Property owner Get compensation for buildings Ground attachment and public establishment Property owner Compensate to the property owner. Compensation and Resettlement Policy Rates Negotiate about the compensation Compensate completely according to the rebuilding price in the market 129 Annex Resettlement Plan of Each Subproject Ⅰ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF ZHANGWAN WASTEWATER PIPE NETWORK PROJECT IN XIANGFAN CITY In this project, restoration plan for Temporary land occupation should be paid attention to especially. Wastewater pipe network will be paved on the sidewalk and inside lane by new digging craft in this project,and will be constructed by dividing into sections (each section is 50 meter long), and so as to reduce impacts as far as possible. At the construction stage, the construction unit will announce, and ask a transportation management unit to provide the help of relieving traffic congestion, place a caution slogan's method to avoid impacts to cars and pedestrian; the soil dug out are forbidden heaping on the road, and will be carried away in time; In the design of construction diagram, the concrete alignment of SPNkeeps away from electric power, communication, park greenbelt etc. facilities as far as possible; The dig scope of SPNwill absolutely controlled in the road red line, ensure that the pass in and out of street house are convenient to avoid impacts to the business activity for stores at the side of street; During the construction of SPNin the flourishing district, the project will throw in the biggest manpower and equipments as to make the construction time of each section of SPNcontrolled within 4 days; Expense for damaging road and occupying road will be paid to the road administration department in advance, and the road will be restored as quickly as possible after construction. While paving pipeline, the expense of temporary land occupation, breaking road and taking soil will be paid by Xiangfan Urban Wastewater Treatment Company to the account owned by Xiangfan Finance Bureau. By the bid Xiangfan Construction Committee chooses the company that gets the bid to recover the road, and use the the fund from this account to pay expenses of construction. Ⅱ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF DANJIANGKOU SOLID WASTE TREATMENT PROJECT During the resettlement of this project, the project unit will put important thought ‘Three Represents’ into resettlement, will ascertain the thought of scientifically developing carefully, and will abide by the principles of constructing the socialism harmonious society. On the base of policy, law and regulation made by different level governments, the project insist on putting people first, fair and justice, suggest the realistic resettlement plan that can be carried out, that ensures that the living standard of displaced people does not reduce because of implementing this project. A.RESETTLEMENT FOR PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION This project needs to expropriate 198mu lands permanently. Among them, the construction of the plant needs 20 mu dry lands, 30 mu vegetable fields, 50 mu forest lands and 86 mu waste sloping fields , the road entering the plant needs 12 mu land waste sloping fields. These lands are all collective land, and belong to Anlehe Village of Sangongdian Office in Danjiangkou City. 198 mu land expropriated locates in Wangjiagou of Xujiafan on the northwest of the area under Sanguangdian Office’s jurisdiction. The physical feature of the plant is a stretch of flatland between two mountains autopticly, the fall between the upper and the lower is close to 50 meter, the gentle place of slope also reaches 20 degree, it is short of groundwater, basically there is no road for passing through, and the output value of mountain land in stretch of flatland between two mountains is low so much. The agriculture income of 28 households involved come from the paddy field contracted mainly in other place, the paddy fields are not affected in land acquisition in this project, the impacts degree of living is not big. 130 The property ownership of house site of 10 affected household will not be changed, and still belong to the village committee. In the affected area, there are not resident’ place and other environmental sensitive points, but the farmers can be engaged in agriculture cultivation. So they may make official request for Danjiangkou land exploitation special fund after houses being demolished, and all the land of house site can be improved to farmland for villagers to cultivate. By the introduction from Xujiafan Town State-owned Land Administration Office, Anlehe Village is involved in the farmland development project of National Land Resource Department of Hubei Province in 2007; Xujiafan Town will develop 150 mu new high-grade paddy lands in 2007. By consulting with Xujiafan Town State-owned Land Administration Office, village committee and villagers the town, these new paddy land will be used for resettling 28 households whose land were expropriated at first, the local government will compensate them land by the principle of ’expropriates one mu land, compensates one mu land’. Because the farmers who lost their land in this project will be compensated by land, money of land compensation and resettlement subsidy will belong to village collective, the village groups all together will use these money to especially continue developing production, public welfare, and public issues, especially to develop collective economy, improve infrastructural facilities and help a vulnerable group, to ensure that the villager will benefit out of it. Moreover, by Sunlight Construction Project in Hubei province, farmers who lost their land and gave up land allocating will be trained in technical ability for rural labour transferring. According to farmer’s own wishes, after land acquisition, these farmers will be brought into Danjiangkou Sunlight Construction Project in 2007 totally. In 2005, allowance funds standard of sunlight construction project training by central government is 100 Yuan for training one farmer for changing their work. For the farmer training who lost their land in this project, according to the ascertain condition of finance allowance fund in 2007, considering the technical ability difficulty of training kinds of work and difference of training cost, the allowance standard of different training post will be set up. According to the requirement of Management methods of Finance allowance for rural labour mobile training in Hubei Province, the giving way of allowance fund of sunshine project is coupon. The training organization which undertakes the training mission of the farmers who lost their land and wanted to transfer their labour force must have the training sunlight column, and stressed to publicize a series of policy of training to the village labour force for the all levels Party committee and government, also put up a notice its training post, training time, training contents, charges and government subsidy standard, so as make each farmers trained know how register to attend a training, what post suit himself/herself and should enjoy which special policies. Any farmers who voluntarily attend authentication of technical ability, and the qualified one will be given out a homologous occupation grade certificate. Train organization should arrange student’s employment in time, try to train and resettle them in time, the employment rate is no lower than 80%, to reach the stable time of employment more than 3 months, and build up the student training employment record and following service card, practice to following service. According to the FSR of this project, fixed number of persons is 24 people after the solid waste treatment plant built up, among them, there are 5 managers, 16 workers. The requirement for manager and professional technique workers is high, besides them, the other posts all can provide employment opportunity and fit for the villagers, while their training are qualified, the project will firstly hire them. This policy not only be advantageous to resettlement, but also be advantageous to improve the larger degree of villager’s support and approbation to the solid waste treatment plant in the region. 131 According to the relevant policy of the nation and Hubei Province, local governments where this project locates must take out one part of expenses from government land transferring funds, and carry out social insurance for all farmers who lost the land because of this project, Hubei Province National Land Resources Department regard this regulation as one of the essential conditions for the approval of application for land acquisition. Currently, Hubei Province National Land Resources Department also urge Danjiangkou City government establish the social security policy for farmers who lost their land, because this policy hasn't yet been established while evaluating this project, Danjiangkou City People’s Government made a relevant commitment letter, and will update it after declaring a formal document. B.RESETTLEMENT DEMOLISHED FOR VILLAGERS WHOSE HOUSES WERE The resettlement policies for demolished houses in this project are currency resettlement and property right exchange together. Concrete implement projects are as follows: 1. After negociated together by the project unit, town government, land administration office, village committee and village representatives, the resettlement site was selected, which locates in Anlehe village, at the boundary of 3, 4 and 5 village groups, in the farming area of farmers contracted land, in the opposite site of Anlehe high school, is 400m away from the Bus 1 station which runs to the downtown. 2. The project unit, town government execute the unified plan to the resettlement place and build the resettlement house together. Take compensation price of brick-concrete structure house as the exchange price; take the property right exchange resettlement that is to compensate one for demolishing one. 3. For households whose house structures are under the brick-concret level, if they want to choose the resettled houses built together, only need to pay the price difference between their own house and brick-mix house resettlement price. If they would not like to choose the unified resettlement houses and they can use cash compensation to build house by themselves in resettlement place, and can also request the project unit rebuild their houses according to original standard and condition. 4. Each kind of house attachments, include elligal buildings, which will be compensated. 5. After house demolition, transition fee and removing house fee will be given affected households and this money will help them in house transition and displacing. C.AFFECTED INFRASTRUCTURE AND GROUND ATTACHMENT Affected infrastructure and ground attachments will be compensated reasonable by project unit according to evaluation price. The owners will recover them according to the requirement. D.RESETTLEMENT METHODS OF VULNERABLE GROUPS In this project, affected vulnerable groups are four households,they are Wang Yunjiang, Zhou Guoyou, Zhouqingyu and Wangchangyou. According to related policy in Hubei province, these four households all have already been brought into especially difficult help object by local civil administration department, as to them, the local civil administration department carries out a subvention in fixed time and amount, the subvention standard is 360 Yuan (120 Yuan each person), moreover, at traditional festivals they will be given living means subvention. The particularly poor households with assistance in the village will get especially help for building houses, and civil administration department and town government will provide homologous currency subsidy and the local autonomy organization village committee provides building material and physical labour etc. to help them to hand; Family kids in the compulsory education stage go to school all without fee; because of natural disaster, disease and graveness mishap...etc. the subvention family meet special difficulty, will also get the help from Danjiangkou all-level government to hand. 132 Wang Yunjiang is 17 years old and is an orphan, has labour technical ability, goes to in Guangdong and work for living in the whole year. In this project, his house was demolished. By giving currency compensation and with readjusting the house site, the project unit will according to original building standard help him build houses. Luo Guoyou is a disable and single, have a certain labour ability oneself and can cultivate a land, is expropriated parts of dry lands because of this project. While the resettlement, the project office and village committee will assign firstly the paddy field new developed with its equal area. Zhou Qingyu is an old man, lives alone, his parts of lands were expropriated because of this project, the project office will according to his will, and abide by the five-guarantee program to maintain in village or put them into welfare hospital concentration in the town. Wang Changyou’s wife suffers from spirit disease, and has many kids but his life is poor, this project not only expropriates his land but also demolishes his houses. He has strong labour ability, but his wife only can be engaged in simple agriculture production, his family income mainly comes from agriculture, in addition, he contracts a land and moreover still rent land from others in the village. In giving currency compensation and readjusting house base land, the project will help him to build houses according to original building standard. For the dry land expropriated by project, project unit and village committee would compensate him with new developing paddy field at its equal area E.REMOVE AND GUARD AGAINST POTENTIAL IMPACTS For reducing the impacts to farmlands and water bodies around, the project will set up permanent and temporary ditch to cut flood nearby the plant, and carrying water ability of ditch is designed at the standard meeting flood in 20 years, checking its capacity in 50 years. Moreover the project will establish a solid waste dam and dam for cutting polluted water, the main function of solid waste dam obtains a beginning storage capacity, keep solid waste outside overflow, keep solid waste heap body, one by one lead and draining percolation liquid, and connect its passing station. According to field area geography and the function of cutting polluted water dam, to cut and save solid waste percolation liquid. Ⅲ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF SHAYANG URBAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND SOLID WASTE TREATMENT A.RESETTLEMENT FOR PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION a. Urban Wastewater Treatment Project This project needs to expropriate 45.8 mu lands permanently, which are all vegetable land and owned by Group One of Hongling Village in Shayang Town. There is a road which can be used as the road entering the factory, so it is not necessary to expropriate land for the construction of the road. 32 households are involved in the vegetable land acquisition. As to the ratio of land acquisition, for 80% of affected households whose land will be expropriated, 25% of their contracted land of their families will be expropriated, so the impact is not heavy. Hongling Village is near the county town of Shayang, most of villagers work on the agriculture and also run some small businesses, and the sideline income is above 30% of family gross earnings. After this land acquisition, there are still 54 mu high-quality paddy fields, which can be provided as the basic of land allocation. These 54 mu paddy fields have been rented by Fanjiatai Prison Farm now, and this contract will end on January 1, 2008 according to the agreement. By negotiation with village groups, after the paddy field are taken back, the paddy field will be contracted by the households whose lands are expropriated. Under the good environment of policy that the agriculture tax is in absolution and food is compensated directly to them, households whose lands are expropriated show their welcome to the land adjustment, their attitude are active. 133 After resettlement subsidy and 70% of land compensation fund are all given to displaced villagers, they can use this fund to improve productivity of the remained land and increase their fertility, and to purchase living durable goods to improve life quality of PAP, to pay the training fee for a study of technique of agriculture plant to improve planting technical ability, and this fund can also be used as capital of being engaged in the 2nd and 3rd Industry. For compensation for land owned by the village collective, the village collective uses them to develop village collective public welfare, especially go on developping collective economy, improve the infrastructure, help the vulnerable group and ensure that the villagers will get benefit from that. Because this project resettle farmer with land, the compensation for land and resettlement subsidy belong to the village collective, the village groups use them to develop public welfare, especially go on developping collective economy, improve the infrastructure, help the vulnerable group and ensure that the villagers will get benefit from that. Before regaining adjusted contracted land, farmers who lost their land for the project can also rely on Hubei Province Sunlight Project, and get technical ability training for transferring labour force. According to their own will, they can all be brought into the quota of training plan of Shayang Sunlight Project in 2007. In 2005, the training subsidy budget standard of Sunlight Project made by the Central Government is that the subsidy of training one farmer is 100 Yuan each time. The training of farmers who lost land will be implemented according to the implementation circumstance of public finance subsidy funds in 2007; different subsidy standards of the training are worked out based different technical abilities and different charges for training. According to the requirement of Management methods of subsidy fund for rural labour transfering training in Hubei Province, subsidy fund of sunlight project is delivered in the form of token. The training organization which is in charge of the training of the farmers who lost their land and wanted to transfer their labour force must have the bulletin board of sunlight project, and stressed to publicize a series of policies of training to the village labourforce for the all levels Party committee and government, also put up a notice its training post, training time, training contents, charges and government subsidy standard, so as make each farmers trained know how register to attend a training, what post suit himself/herself and should enjoy which special policies. Any farmers who voluntarily attend authentication of technical ability, and the qualified one will be given out a homologous occupation grade certification. Train organization should arrange student’s employment in time, try to train and resettle them in time, the employment rate is no lower than 80%, to reach the stable time of employment more than 3 months, and build up the student training employment record and following service card, practice to following service. According to the FSR of this project, fixed number of persons in Wastewater Treatment Project are 35 people, and there are 25 production workers, 5 auxiliary production workers, 5 management members. The requirement for manager and professional technique workers is high, besides which, the other posts all can be provided employment opportunity and fit for the villagers, while their training are qualified, the project will firstly hire them. This policy not only be advantageous to resettlement, but also be advantageous to improve the larger degree of villager’s support and approbation to the solid waste treatment plant in the region. b. Solid Waste Treatment Project 134 The project is located in the middle of Yangji Village in Gaoyang Town, covers 250 mu lands, among them, there are 73 mu paddy fields, 30 mu dry lands, 67 mu woodlands and 62 mu fish ponds, 18 mu lands for village road and farmland irrigation facilities. Among them, 73 mu paddy fields and 10 mu dry lands are lands contracted by villager households, totally involving 35 people in 16 households, and the other land are village collective land and are not contracted by village households. Among 16 households affected in contracted land by project, there are 6 households whose land area expropriated covers above 50% of total contracted land area, its impacts is bigger. The proportion of land acquisition for other 10 household is below 34% and its impact is smaller. After land acquisition in this project, village groups in Yangji Village have no remanent land for land adjusting. But the property right of house site of 58 households whose house are demolished will not be changed in environmental buffer zone, and still are possessed by village collective It is not allowed that there are resident’s location and other environmental sensitive pointin in the affected scope but the farmers can cultivate there. So after house demolition, the village can apply for the particular funds of land cultivation and development provide by National Land Resource Administration Bureau in Shanyang County, will improve original house site into paddy field or dry land for villagers who lost land to cultivate. Although old house site are scattered, all in the scope of 500 m. It is wasting land resource not to cultivate and levelling. According to the analysis by the village master and experienced elder the village who know well its circumstance inside the village, 58 demolished house sites and garden occupied by each households for house can be levelled 50 mu farmlands at least. Through negotiation by town government, village committee and villagers, the levelled and developed farmlands will assign to 16 farmer households whose house were demolished to contract and plant, give the initiative assignment for 6 households affected greatly. The concrete project will be decided by villager representative conference. Affected farmer who lost land will be trained in technical ability for rural labour transferring by the Hubei province sunlight construction project, According to farmer’s own wish, after implementing land acquisition, these farmers will be brought into the training quota of Shayang Sunlight Project in 2007 totally. In 2005, allowance funds standard of sunlight construction project training by central government is 100 Yuan for training one farmer for changing their work. For the farmer training who lost their land in this project, according to the ascertain condition of finance allowance fund in 2007, considering the technical ability difficulty of training kinds of work and difference of training cost, the allowance standard of different training post will be set up. According to the requirement of Management methods of Finance allowance for rural labour mobile training in Hubei Province, the giving way of allowance fund of sunshine project is coupon. The training organization which is in charge of the training of the farmers who lost their land and wanted to transfer their labour force must have the bulletin board of training, and stressed to publicize a series of policy of training to the village labour force for the all levels Party committee and government, also put up a notice its training post, training time, training contents, charges and government subsidy standard, so as to make each farmers trained know how register to attend a training, what post suit himself/herself and should enjoy which special policies. Any farmers who voluntarily attend authentication of technical ability, and the qualified one will be given out a homologous occupation grade certification. Train organization should arrange student’s employment in time, try to train and resettle them in time, the employment rate is no lower than 80%, to reach the stable time of employment more than 3 months, and build up the student training employment record and following service card, practice to following service. 135 After 70% of land compensation fund and resettlement subsidy are given to displaced villagers, they can use them to improve the remanent land to improve plants amount of products,and purchase living enduring article, improve life quality, pay the training fee for a study of technique agriculture plant, and improve planting technical ability, and they can take this fund as capital of being engaged in 2nd and 3rd Industry. For compensation for land acquisition owned by the village collective, the village collective uses them to develop village collective public welfare together, especially go on developping collective economy and improve an infrastructure, and help to hand vulnerable group, and ensure that the villagers will get benefit from it. Gate guard, machine operator, wastewater, temporary substitute of fixed number of staff in WWTP can provide 16 work opportunities for the local villagers. The project unit promised that it would initiatively hire farmer who lost land, after training, they can go to work. Based on the fixed number in the FSR, the following table shows: Department Section person Management department Factory director 1 Rear-serve department Finance section 2 Entrance guard 1 Production department Technology department Person for calculating 1 Person for operating covering machine 8 Person for wastewater work 1 Temporary substitute 4 Odd work 2 Labouratory technician 1 Environment protection and monitoring 1 Fireman 1 Fixed numbers of staff in factory 23 According to the relevant policy of the nation and Hubei Province, local governments where this project locates must take out one part of expenses from government land transferring funds, and carry out social insurance for all farmers who lost the land because of this project, Hubei Province National Land Resources Department regard this regulation as one of the essential conditions for the approval of application for land acquisition. Currently, Hubei Province National Land Resources Department also urge Shayang County government establish the social security policy for farmers who lost their land, because this policy hasn't yet been established while evaluating this project, Shayang County People’s Government made a relevant commitment letter, and will update it after declaring a formal document. B.RESETTLEMENT DEMOLISHED FOR VILLAGERS WHOSE HOUSE WERE For the resettlement policy of villagers’ house demolition, this project adopts resettlement methods that are unified planning and demolishing and rebuilding house by themselves. The compensation and resettlement policies for house demolition in this project is currency compensation, and the village collective provides a new house site, expenses for electrifying, building the road, setting up water supply and levelling house site will be paid by the project unit, and village collective unify the plan, and concrete resettlement plan diagram sees in Annex 3. 136 Consultated among project implement organization, village committee and villager representatives, resettlement place was selected at north sides of Wuyang Road, on the west side of Yangji Village, near the location of village committee, is called as ‘Daodanggang’, which has been listed as construction category in Yangji Village in Total Plan of Land Use in Gaoyang Town made by Gaoyang Town Government, and is smooth land and fit for land usage plan of village and town development. Because there locates village committee office building, many business stores are concentrated there, life, production, traffic are convenient, and households whose house were demolished are satisfied with this resettlement place. At present, just each town and village in Shayang County are applying for new village construction demonstration places, with the negotiation between town government and village committee, Daodanggang is planned as new village construction demonstration point and is applied to county government. With the backing of new village construction demonstration points in Shayang County, the project unit will make use of compensation funds for house demolition and particular funds of new village construction demonstration point, under the support of the fixed help unit, the project strengthen the construction of infrastructure in resettlement place and carry out ‘One Change Three build’ project etc. the new village construction funds will be brought into the county public finance budget, public finance funds and project funds are used together, mainly adopting the reward and support policy by carrying on reward instead of compensation, and are used in drawing up plan of new village construction, infrastructure construction and public infrastructure construction Households whose houses were demolished are given the currency compensation, but also the useable building materials of house demolition are provided to them, and help them rebuild their houses. According to local price of building currently, the old building material and compensation funds by the standard of local price of building will ensure that people whose house were demolished have enough ability to rebuild house and the new housing quality will also be higher than its old building. Attachments of each kind of houses, include buildings erected without a house ownership certificate, will be compensated. After house demolition, the transition expense of displaced houses will be given to people whose houses were demolished. Through the consultation, the resettlement place is decided in Daodanggang north of Wuyang Highway, it was ranked as construction land of Yangji Village in Total plan of Land usage in Gaoyang Town, and it is plain and empty and fit for Land Use Plan for village and town. The area planned for resettlement place is 30 mu, among them, the road area designed is 1.9 mu, greenbelt area is 8.5 mu, it can satisfy 80 households for house site land, and there are 160 m 2 for each household. Anyway, the village committee also is here, and there are many store here, life, production and road are convenient, and displaced people are satisfied with this resettlement place. The detailed plan shows in Annex Figure 1 . 137 Annex Figure 1 : Planned figure of resettlement in Daodanggang 138 C.RESETTLEMENT MEASURE FOR PRIVATE FORESTRY STATION This project involves two private forestry stations, the woodland is owned by village collective, contracted and managed by individuals, and they are Yang Junyan and Yang Dongbo. In the forestry station they growed non-economic trees, as well as landscaping trees. Because this project expropriated land at a time, but use them in different period. In the period of project construction and start of running, land in forestry station will not be used. By a consultation with local project office, the non-economic wood in the forestry station will be compensated, the suitable wood can be used for constructing buffer greenbelt in solid waste plant, other woods that have already been cultivated for the park greenbelt tree and allow the forestry station lord go on planting inside 4 years after implementing the project, make them take back cost, and get investment profits through a sale. D.INFRASTRUCTURE AND GROUND ATTACHMENT AFFECTED BY PROJECT Project unit give affected infrastructure and ground attachments reasonable compensation according to the price of rebuilding them, the property owner according to need recover them. E.RESETTLEMENT METHODS OF VULNERABLE GROUPS There are two vulnerable households which will be affected, which are Yang Jinxiu and Yi Tinggui. According to related policy in Hubei province, these households have already been brought into the countryside particularly difficult help object by local civil administration department. They receive help in fixed time and specific amount, the subvention standard is 360 Yuan/year (120 Yuan/year each person), moreover, at Chinese traditional Spring Festivals they will be given consumption goods. Households who were ascertained as the particularly poor households in the village will get especially help on houses builiding, and civil administration department and town government will provide homologous currency subsidy and the local autonomy organization village committee provides building material and physical labour etc. to help them to hand; Family kids in the compulsory education stage go to school all without fee; because of natural disaster, disease and graveness mishap...etc. the subvention family meet special difficulty, will also get the help from Shayang government at all levels to hand. Yang Jinxiu is in difficulty because she lost her husband and has the son with mental disease, her house needs to be demolished in this project. In consideration of the difficulty of her famil and her lacking labour force, the project unit prepares to help her in house demolition and rebuilding houses, and ensure that her living environment is not affected because of project implementation. Yi Tinggui is an old man as a widower, according to him, the project unit will help him demolish houses after getting the currency compensation, and the money for selling the remaining materials of house demolition will be given to him. After house demolition, he will enter into old people's resthome in the town. F. ELIMINATE AND GUARD AGAINST LATENT IMPACTS For reducing the impacts to farmlands around and water bodies, the project will set up permanent and temporary ditch to cut polluted water nearby the plant, and carrying water ability is designed at by meeting flood out of 20 years, checking out of 50 years. Moreover will establish a solid waste dam and dam for cutting dirty water, the main function of solid waste dam obtains a beginning storage capacity, keep solid waste outside overflow, keep solid waste heap body, one by one lead and draining percolation liquid, and connect its passing station. According to field area geography and the function of cutting dirty dam, to cut and save solid waste percolation liquid. 139 Ⅳ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF TIANMEN URBAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT A.RESETTLEMENT FOR PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION This project will permanently expropriate 34 mu paddy fields and 4 mu vegetable lands, involve 132 people in 35 households who are directly affected by the project, among them, 34 mu paddy fields are total paddy field that No. 7 Village Group has, and involves all villagers in No. 7 Village Group, and their total paddy field are expropriated by this project; 4 mu vegetable lands involves 2 households; 6 mu woodland are owned by No. 7 Village Group collectively, and not affects concrete villagers; 11 mu dry lands are prepared flexible land of No. 6 Village Group, which are used for adjusting land for the change of population, and no person is affected directly. The scale of vegetable planting in Huangjin Village are huge, and Huangjin Village takes green, safety, health as special features, and registered ‘Huangjin Village’ brand, all mark ‘Huangjin Village’ trademark on the vegetable product. The vegetable far are sold everyplace, among them, ‘Huangjin Village’ cucumber and tomato became famous brand product in Hubei Province. The villagers of every family all plant a vegetable, for attaining scale production, convenience sale, evading risk and managing together, Huangjin Village Committee registered and established legal profession organization Huangjin Village Vegetable Production & Sales Association, and this association spurred the vegetable planting in Huangjin Village accomplish scale, industrialization, systemization, supported a brand impacts, carried out different product management in different place and ensured the stable growth of villager income in the meantime. According to the survey data statistic of 16 households, the average year income of family is 36,250 Yuan. Among them, the agriculture year income is 20,437.5 Yuan and covers 56.4% of total income of family each year, the income from the vegetable planting covers 54.4% among them. Each household has 1 mu paddy field, the paddy field only produces rice one time each year, and the average product is 350 kg per mu land, which is not enough for a whole family. Paddy field of each household only can produce rice that can provide 8 months grain ration, and has no redundant grain for sell. The part-time job incomes gained by labourforce in free season are 14,375 Yuan and covers 39.7% of total income of family each year. The income from vegetable planting and part-time job covers 94% of family average person's income, so acquisition of paddy field affects the farmer household income very small, but acquisition of vegetable plot affects it very greatly. 140 After 33 households’ houses demolition in 200 meter scope apart from the red line of land acquisition in the plant area construction, the original property right of house site doesn't take place and still are possessed by village collective. It is not allowed that there are resident’s location and other environmental sensitive pointin in the affected scope but the farmers can cultivate there. So after house demolition, the village can apply for the particular funds of land cultivation and development provide by National Land Administration Bureau in Tianmen County, will improve original house site into paddy field or dry land for villagers who lost land to cultivate. After house demolition, 33 demolished house sites and land around house can be levelled 35 mu farmlands at least. Through negotiation by town government, village committee and villagers, the levelled and developed farmlands will assign to 35 farmer household whose house were demolished to contract and plant, and the project will compensate 0.65 mu vegetable field for 1 mu paddy field acquisition, and compensate 1 mu vegetable field for 1 mu vegetable field acquisition. In this village group, two households’ vegetable lands were expropriated, and they are Hu Youlin and Hu Houxing, this affects their family income greatly. By the consultation with village groups, the village groups will have the initiative to adjust a land for them in the village group. Households whose proportion of land acquisition is more than 0.3 will be also listed as initiative adjustment object. In consideration that the adjusted land are not cultivated, with the land adjustment, households whose land were expropriated will be given compensation funds of parts of land and resettlement subsidy used for cultivating land. There is a vulnerable household, which is Hu Guoxiang’s family, whose 1.2 mu paddy fields totally were expropriated, and he didn't contract for other lands. Hu Guoxiang is disabling, and his wife is weak-minded, and the kid is still small, and his paddy field is not cultivated by himself, and village collective arranged others help him cultivate paddy field. Hu is a hairdresser, and the income from giving haircut is the main income for his family. According to related policy in Hubei province, he has already been brought into particularly difficult help object by local civil administration department, as to him, carry out a subvention in fixed time and amount, the subvention standard is 360 Yuan (120 Yuan each person), moreover, at traditional festivals he will be given living resource subvention. Moreover, at traditional festivals they will be given living resource subvention. Family kids in the compulsory education stage go to school all without fee; with the fixed periodically help from the village collective, the whole family life level would not lower. According to resettlement way, Hu Guoxiang will be assigned to 0.8 mu vegetable lands cultivated lately, the production value of vegetable plot each year is more than that of paddy field, and village collective arranged others help him cultivate them. For compensation for land acquisition owned by the village collective, the village collective uses them to develop village collective public welfare together, especially continuing to develop collective economy and improve an infrastructure and help to hand vulnerable group and ensure that the villagers will get benefit from it. Moreover, for farmers who may give up land adjustment, will be trained in technical ability for rural labour transferring by the Hubei province sunlight construction project, According to farmer’s own wish, after implementing land acquisition, these farmers will be brought into Tianmen City Sunlight Construction Project in 2007 totally. In 2005, allowance funds standard of sunlight construction project training by central government is 100 Yuan for training one farmer for changing their work. For the farmer training who lost their land in this project, according to the ascertain condition of finance allowance fund in 2007, considering the technical ability difficulty of training kinds of work and difference of training cost, the allowance standard of different training post will be set up. According to the requirement of Management methods of Finance allowance for rural labour mobile training in Hubei Province, the giving way of allowance fund of sunshine project is coupon. The training organization which undertakes the training mission of the farmers who lost their land and wanted to transfer their labour force must have the training sunlight column, and stressed to publicize a series of policy of training to the village labour force for the all levels Chinese Communist Party Committee and 141 government, also put up a notice its training post, training time, training contents, charges and government subsidy standard, so as make each farmers trained know how register to attend a training, what post suit himself/herself and should enjoy which special policies. Any farmers who voluntarily attend authentication of technical ability, and the qualified one will be given out a homologous occupation grade certification. Train organization should arrange student’s employment in time, try to train and resettle them in time, the employment rate is no lower than 80%, to reach the stable time of employment more than 3 months, and build up the student training employment record and following service card, practice to following service. According to the FSR, the fixed numbers of WWTP after building it are 40 people, number of production staff is 33 people, and number of auxiliary production staff is 5 people, 5 management staff. Besides management staff, other post can be provided the employment opportunity for villagers in Huangjin Village. After being trained and qualified, they will be given priority for employment. This measure not only is advantageous to resettlement, but also to improve the support and approbation of local villagers for WWTP project. B.RESETTLEMENT FOR TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION Wastewater pipe network will be paved on the sidewalk and inside lane by new digging craft in this project,and will be constructed by dividing into sections (each section is 50 meter long), and so as to reduce impacts as far as possible. At the construction stage, the construction unit will announce, and ask a transportation management unit to provide the help of relieving traffic congestion, place a caution slogan's method to avoid impacts to cars and pedestrian; the soil dug out are forbidden heaping on the road, and will be carried away in time; In the design of construction diagram, the concrete alignment of SPNkeeps away from electric power, communication, park greenbelt etc. facilities as far as possible; The dig scope of SPNwill absolutely controlled in the road red line, ensure that the pass in and out of street house are convenient to avoid impacts to the business activity for stores at the side of street; During the construction of SPNin the flourishing district, the project will throw in the biggest manpower and equipments as to make the construction time of each section of SPNcontrolled within 4 days; Expense for damaging road and occupying road will be paid to the road administration department in advance, and the road will be restored as quickly as possible after construction. C.RESETTLEMENT DEMOLISHED FOR VILLAGERS WHOSE HOUSE WERE The compensation and resettlement policy for house demolition in this project is currency compensation, and the village collective provides a new house site, expenses for electrifying, building the road, setting up running water and levelling house site will be paid by the project unit, and village collective unify the plan. At the beginning stage of scale plant of the vegetable, for the sake of inviting businessman in the whole country, Huangjin Village made use of construction land in the village to set up a vegetable wholesale bargain market, through management for several years, which has already had a fixed sale outlet, the supply of product has already not satisfied with demand, and the market has already no longer produced result. The market location is apart from the National Freeway 200 metre now, as a resettlement place, its traffic and living condition are getting more convenient. The village group prepared reallocating 13 mu construction land to households whose house were demolished to rebuilding their houses, each household equally get 240 m 2 new house site. The new resettlement place will rely on the demonstration project of new village construction in Huangjin Village in Xiaoban Town, the project unit well make use of compensation funds for house demolition and particular funds of new village construction demonstration point, and strengthen infrastructure construction in the new resettlement place and manage current problems in living environment in Huangjin Village, such as ‘dirty, disorderly, bad, scattered’ etc. The new village construction funds in Huangjin Village will be brought into the county public finance budget, public finance funds and project funds are used together, 142 mainly adopting the reward and support policy by carrying on reward instead of compensation, are used in drawing up plan of new village construction, infrastructure construction and public infrastructure construction Households whose houses were demolished are given the currency compensation, but also the useable building materials of house demolition are provided to them, and help them build their houses. According to local cost price of building currently, the old building material and compensation funds by the standard of local cost price of building will ensure that people whose house were demolished have enough ability to rebuild house and the new housing quality will also be higher than its old building. Attachments of each kind of houses, including buildings erected without a license, will be compensated. After house demolition, the transition expense of displacing houses will be given people whose houses were demolished. Because there are many displaced people in this project, the project unit resettled them concentrative, and concentrative resettlement figure shows in Annex Figure 2 and Annex Figure 3. Annex Figure 2: Planned figure of resettlement for Tianmen WWTP 143 Annex Figure 3: Planned figure of resettlement for Tianmen WWTP The explaining for resettlement of Tianmen wastewater treatment project shows in Annex Figure 4 . Explanation on House Demolition and Resettlement of Tianmen City WWTP Tianmen City WWTP locates at Village Group Six in Xiaoban Town in Tianmen City, this project totally need expropriate permanently 56mu land, demolish 13 households in the scope of land acquisition and 33 households out of the scope of land acquisition. In order to protect the legal rights of affected households and try to reduce the impacts to most of affected persons, according to the requirement of World Bank, Tianmen City made a unified plan on the house demolition and resettlement of displaced persons for Tianmen City WWTP unifiablely, and decided after the discussion The 46 households who need be resettled in instalments and group by group, that is to say, firstly, whild applying the project use land, 13 households in the scope of land acquisition will be resttled at first, and the planned resettlement place is 250 m away form the plant, and the plan of this resident area; Secondly, after transacting the land acquisition procedure and starting the field construction, we will resettle the 33 households who need be displaced outside of land acquisition scope. Annex Figure 4: The explaining for resettlement plan of Tianmen wastewater treatment project D.INFRASTRUCTURE AND GROUND ATTACHMENT AFFECTED BY PROJECT Project unit give affected infrastructure and ground attachments reasonable compensation according to the price of rebuilding them, the property owner according to need recover them. 144 Ⅴ.RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF HONGHU SOLID WASTE LANDFILL AND THE SEWAGE PIPELINE NETWORKPROJECT A.RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION AND ASSESSMENT OF RESULT OF RESTORATION Honghu Solid Waste Landfillt project involves permanent land acquisition. Honghu Solid Waste Landfill project permanently expropriates 300 mu collective land from Xinlian village in Luoshan Town, among them, 236 mu land that were contracted by villagers and 64mu land that were controlled by the village collective (including three fish ponds, which are totally 24mu, and 36mu dry land and 4mu paddy field). And the project impacts involves from No.1 to 7 village groups, affects 1,100 villagers in 270 households. For three fish ponds, there are 2 fish ponds contracted by villagers for breeding fish, and 1 fish pond was abandoned. There are 8 people in 2 households affected by fish pond acquisition. Xinlian Village in Luoshan Town is located on the suburb of Honghu, and there is a bridge between Honghu city area and Xinlian Village. There is an entrance of Honghu tourism zone that is 200 m apart from the northeast of the village. Per capital farmland area in Xinlian Village is 1.52 mu. There are 1/3 of villagers contract for fish pond, fish breeding, crab etc. marine products, almost per family at least a villager go out for a job or perhaps work in downtown business enterprise in Honghu and is engaged in a non-agriculture work, few villager is engaged in a conveyance, dining service etc.. Almost per family farms, but the proportion of agriculture income in the family income is small. The amount of land acquisition covers 12 % of average land amount of each household, and all lands expropriated are mainly dry lands, plant soybean, rape...etc., and the person who contracts for fish pond mainly plants fish grass as the animal feed of the fish. Therefore, for the land acquisition, people affected not lose all of their land but parts of lands. Because of the variety of project, the project office director and the project group from Hohai University carried on socioeconomic survey three times and interview about resettlement and land acquisition in from June, 2006 to July, 2006, November, 2006, and March, 2007 successively in Xinlian Village, and held symposium with project owner, state-owned land administration bureau, village staff, parts of displaced people representative, specially discussed production and life instauration and concrete project of resettlement plan in Xinlian Village. a. Resettlement plan for affected villagers and Assessment of result of restoration. Resettlement Plan For reducing the impacts on production, life and economic income of displaced people by project, the director of project office and the project group from Hohai University carried on various opinion communication and well negotiation in the usage of resettlement fund and production restoration, after collective discussion, well asking for opinion of displaced people and villager representative, combined with the policy of Honghu City, finally put forward following measure to alleviate the impacts of land acquisition to displaced person: ①Currency subsidy Land compensation fund and resettlement subsidy of land acquisition were directly given to Xinlian Village in Luoshan Town affected by project, the green seedling compensation fee directly was given to households who owned the green seedling. By existing Compensation rates, more than 70% of land compensation directly will be given to affected villagers, the rest will be kept in the village committee, that will organize villagers collectively discuss an allotment plan, compensation fund will be directly, fairly given to people who lost their land. ②Resettlement by adjusting land 145 By the survey, 82.86% villagers wanted currency compensation, and not adjusting land for them; 11.43% villagers wanted to adjust land for them, and 5.7% villagers thought two ways were all accepted. So, most of villagers hoped that they could be compensated by currency. For affected villagers depended on the agriculture income, this project just expropriate part of land, so the loss of the agriculture income can pass compensation to make up. Moreover the Xinlian Village adjust land in the village according to the principle of ‘five people, five labour forces’ every other 5 or 6 years, the land have not been adjusted since they contracted land in 1999. This land acquisition involves big parts of villagers of 7 villages, so the village committee will convene the opinion of most of villagers by villager representative's conference and practice democracy to decide whether needs to adjust land or not. Before the beginning of the project construction, for villagers lost many land and mainly depended on the agriculture income, the village committee will be responsible for adjusting village collective land to satisfy the original farmland area of farmer household expropriated land. ③non-agriculture employment Non-agriculture resettlement includes temporary, half-fixed work opportunity provided by the project unit during the project construction; Work opportunity provided after building it. ④train on labour technical ability particularly The project unit will unite with agriculture, labour and social security department etc, especially Sunlight Project Office. The project unit will provide an intensive agricultural training to all villagers who lost farmland, especially the labour force directly affected; improve the income level of agriculture, in the meantime, provide the technical ability training of non-agriculture production industry and make the villagers hold technical ability to work in non-agriculture industry; Provide help of employment information for people who voluntarily want to go out for a job. It is said that Honghu pay more attention to ‘Eight Ones’ for well transferring labour force of villagers. There is One leader who takes care of a training work in each village; there is One training base in each town; One agent for transferring labour force in each town (one information collector in each village); One practice base for each profession; One training activity each month ( not less than once during farm season in three month); The special work a training should attain certain teaching time; The student completes a training course with ‘a learning with two certificates’ (Distribute a training graduate certificate and occupation qualification certificate). Honghu succeeds in carrying out sunlight project, the system of labour technical ability training has been well established, and therefore many times technical ability training to villagers who lost land is successful. ⑤Production resettlement for women who lost land Women affected by this project cover 49% of total villagers who lost land, and female labour force shares 46.3% of total labourforce. Among them, the greatly part of women are 16-45 years old, this part of women shared 56% of the women amount. This of the women's education degree is generally above junior high school, a part of women go out for part-time job, perhaps do a part-time job in Honghu City, earn about 700-1500 Yuan every month, a part of women manage their fish pond together with their husbands, also is little a parts of women perhaps look after kid and old man at home. For most of the families which lost their land, they cultivate the land they lost and obtain the corn for their own eating and not for sale. This part of women who are farmers usually have lower education degree, so after losing the land, the project unit will make an effort to provide them some works that require the low technical abilities, for example, The construction of project will create temporary, half-fixed job opportunity, including material transportation, project of cubic metre of earth and stone, the temporary work. The women can also participate in some works that are not heavy physical strength, for example provides a meals service etc. This not only is the additional income source of restoration living and also be advantageous to new vocational training for work in the future. Women will also be provided the particular training of technical ability for middle and youth women in the meantime, the opportunity together with male is equal. 146 The project unit will unite with the Women’s federation, labour and social security department, and open an exhibition a series of science and technology training, technique consultation, please an agriculture, water conservancy expert send science and technology to the country, teach women a farming, marine products, scientifically farming etc. science and technology knowledge. Expand a practical technique, and raise a group of women's leader making a fortune by science and technology, according to their need, help the key women, make them develop and become strong, make them become leading goose that can take whole village women making a fortune. And they will support some businesswomen who have the will of starting a business, carry out ‘woman’s aid-the-poor programme and help poor women’, help poor women to improve living environment and condition, practice a small sum of loan consulate with banks, and help businesswomen who have the will of starting a business take off a poverty and make a fortune by planting and breeding. Not only recover their lives, but also want to increase their income and the level is higher than before this project regarding this project as a chance. Assessment of result Because there is only a bridge between Honghu city area and Xinlian Village, opportunities of go into the city for work are a lot, the youth labour force inside village are basically all working in the city. There are a lot of fish ponds near Xinlian Village and 1/3 of villagers are engaged in fish aquiculture. The main resettlement method is currency compensation. In this project, 82.86% villagers wished resettlement by currency compensation, by further survey to them; they will use currency compensation for followings, engaging in 2nd and 3rd industries; going out for work; developing family economy by using rest of land and adjusting industry structure; buying insurance; others. Annex Figure 5 shows the proportion of each wish. engaging in 2nd and 3rd industries going out for work 8.62 4.29 35.71 41.43 developing family economy by using rest of land and adjusting industry construture buying insurance 54.29 others Annex Figure 5 proportion of villagers’ wishes on compensation funds By the survey, the source or family incomes are followings, income of planting, income of aquiculture, income of working out, income of private business, income of wage and so on, See Annex Figure 6 147 income of planting 0.61 0.63 9.07 51.36 20.74 17.59 income of aquiculture income of working out income of private business income of wage other income Annex Figure 6 income proportion of affected households According to the compensation standard, affected villagers can get 14961 Yuan each mu land, by using this money, they can do followings: Firstly, Use this compensation in planting. By Annex Figure 5 and 6, the income of planting covers 20.73% of total income in affected family, and 41.43% of affected villagers wanted to use compensation to adjust the structure of agriculture planting and develop family economy with rest of the land. With this compensation and technical training of agriculture for villagers, the affected villagers improve the rest of land to increase the output of each mu land and will not decrease the income of planting. Secondly, Use this compensation in breeding. Because the proportion of income of breeding is lower than that of planting, and breeding need to invest more and its risk is big, enough compensation is important for affected villagers to run breeding and extend it so as to benefit to villagers for improving the level of life and increasing the income of breeding. Thirdly, non-agriculture production. There are 35.71% affected villagers wished to use compensation in second and third Industry and 54.29% affected villagers wished that it can reduce the cost of working out. According to the RP, after the construction of the plant, there will be 20 to 30 job opportunities without high technique requirement for the resettlers. According to consultation between affected village and project unit, the project unit will hire some affected villagers who are suitable for some work without high technique requirement (or after training, they can be fit for the job.), such as cleaning and maintenance etc. After working in the plant, the plant provides an opportunity of arranging employment in the affected village, can gradually improve life and income of villagers. The construction of project will create temporary, instable job opportunity, including material transportation, project of cubic metre of earth and stone, the temporary work. The women can also participate in some works that are not heavy physical strength, for example provides a meals service etc. This not only is the additional income source of restoring living and also be advantageous to new vocational training for work in the future. Some affected villagers invest the compensation to the 3rd industry, 49.3% labour forces in whole villagers are engaged in non-agriculture production, young labour force mostly go out for a work outside or in Honghu, a lot of villagers already work in 3rd industry in the city, being engaged in a small scale store, restaurant, food processing, fix etc. After getting the compensation, on the one hand they can extend original management scale; on the other hand can increase the new investment. In addition, the village locates in the connection place between city and suburb, and there are a lot of business enterprises, after the villagers lost the land, they can very easily find works with 600-1000 Yuan salary monthly and do not need special technical ability. 148 For most of the affected villagers, the income of agriculture is not the main income any more, and they get the compensation and can engage in the Second and Third Industry. If so, they can not only eliminate the loss of planting, but also improve their life. For households affected by fish pond acquisition, they can use currency compensation and go on fish breeding industry by being given the priority to choose fish pond in other place. Firstly, there are more than 100 fish ponds that can be contracted for breeding fish and crab, the resources is abundant. Before land acquisition, project unit notifies the displaced households the moving date in advance, so as to make them contract other fish ponds in advance. Secondly, there are rule on the contract signed by fish pond contractors and village committee, during the period of contract if the fish pond was expropriated, and then they will terminate contract, and negotiate contract compensation. The project unit help fish pond contractors hire evaluation institute to valuate the property, and compensate them by rebuilding price, pay a transition fee of removing fish pond property. The fish pond contractors will be announced in advance, so that they can have enough time for looking for other fish ponds, and can recover very quickly the production and go on breeding fish with the currency compensation and transition fee. b. Resettlement plan of affected villages and assessment of result A part of compensation fee will be kept by village collectives. Through party member representative's conference, villager representative's conference, they discussed how to use the fee and reached a consistent opinion: they can use the rest of compensation in the following ways: First, the income restoration: Plant industry: With this compensation, the village collective can improve agriculture production environment and basic facilities of farmland, take irrigation and drainage facilities for example. After irrigation and drainage facilities improved, rice production of the paddy will increase 100 Yuan/mu at least, and one season more winter farm crop can be planted then, such as cole (200 kg./mu), wheat (300-350 kg./mu), so that the farmer can obtain at least 800 Yuan/mu more than the former. Moreover, by technique training provided by government on scientifically planting and kit facilities supplied by the government, the farmer will develop planting scientifically. Breeding industry: 1/3 of villagers have already contracted for fish pond to carry on a marine farming, and they hope by this money improve a condition on the original site, raise yield, scientifically breeding, and lower risk. 2nd and 3rd industries: Because the original environment inside the village was worse, this project can consumedly improve the environment in the village after it; create a condition for attracting investment. This village owns conditions, such as good water transportation and traffic etc., but lacks publicity, so the advantage of the village needs publicity. The village committee encourages and supports capable labour force to develop various business, breeding fish, keep a duck and run business and factory etc., also encourage surplus labour force to go out for work, study the advanced technique of other place and return back and arouse village people together get wealthy. Secondly, security aspect: Land compensation and resettlement subsidy are given to village committee, and arranged by the village committee, for old men over 60 years and lose labour ability, currently besides two subsidy delivered the nation annually, the village collective still periodically issues a food, clothes etc. subvention supplies; For especially poor households in the village, give a time of succour under the situation that meet abrupt affairs, and issue the subsidy 100-300 Yuan before a festival and New Year's Day. c. Participation measures of monitoring There are good system of public participation and equal assignment in Xinlian Village in Luoshan Town, which completely showed in the process of land acquisition and house demolishing: 149 At the preparatory stage of project: a). The project owner asked for the opinion of village where the project locates with town government; b). The project owner went to the village committee and discussed the concrete detail of project address with town government, and made clear the land area affected by project address; c). The village committee held a villager’s representative a conference discussing the opinion to this project, and extensively heard the will of villagers, and tallied up opinions of most people; d). The villager representative told all villagers project suggestion and assured each household known; e). Project owner discussed in Compensation rates and resettlement plan with the village committee; f). The village held villagers’ representative conference discussing the suggestion of Compensation rates and resettlement plan from project owner, and put forward will of villagers; g). The representatives of village committee consulate compensation and resettlement plan with project owner; h). They reached a consistent opinion, and can carry on project. There is the equal allotment mechanism in the village for the allotment of compensation and resettlement plan and compensation fee. The village committee held representative's conference of party member, villagers’ representative's conference and a meeting for democratically managing finance, let villagers and representatives well announce their opinions, and according to a principle that the minority is subordinate to the majority, decided the final compensation and resettlement. The compensation fund used by the village committee was monitored by finance management office or Luoshan Town. Therefore under the mechanism of many-level monitoring and well participation, the compensation fund was allotted equally and efficiently. B.RESTORATION OF TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION Honghu wastewater SPNproject involves temporary land occupation, including temporary occupation of state-owned land because of construction of SPNand occupation of village collective land in the suburban area. 230000 m2 (345mu) state-owned land will be temporarily used for the construction of pipeline network. This land is city road, and project unit which used these lands will pay correspond expenses toward Honghu Municipal Construction Administration Department, the property owner will recover the road according to requirement. After the construction of the pipeline network, the road function will be recovered. 420mu village collective’s land will be temporarily used for the construction of pipeline network. , SPNwill be paved along both sides of the road in the village, and land category occupied include vegetable plot 87 mu, farmlands 66 mu and wastelands 206 mu. These roads are full of bumps and hollows, very muddy in rainy day, it is hard to walk on them; the villagers directly drain off wastewater into the near water canal currently, that cause water in the canal polluted severely, and the living environment is bad. combining the urban road plan, the project will pave the SPNwhile building the road, after these projects, the living environment of villagers will consumedly raise, living quality will be also improved, so villager support these projects very much. Currently for the occupation temporarily of vegetable land and farmland beside the village road, the project unit will compensate the owner the green seedling compensation fee, the expenses for reclaiming land will be given to the village collective as the fee for reclaiming land or hand over to a national land administration bureau, which is entrusted to reclaim land .For the wasteland, only compensate for green seedling compensation fee to the villagers, don't need to reclaim. 150 C.THE RESIDENT RESETTLEMENT FOR HOUSE DEMOLITION There is 1 household will be affected by Honghu Solid Waste Landfill and the area of house demolition is 465.75 m2. The displaced person told us in the survey, because the garbage is stacked in the open, as a result, serious environmental problems appear, such as effluvium, mosquito. From 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. everyday, the garbage truck go to the garbage plant on the road near his house about 4-5 times, while the truck pass by his house, it cause shake and bring huge noise and dust every time. The person whose house demolished has been intended to displace, so he approves very much to this project. The people whose house demolished choose currency compensation and then purchase house in Honghu city. According to the standard of house demolition in city, the existing house demolition includes compensation for real estate and removing house expenses and transition allowance for temporary resettlement etc. the project unit compensate for the expenses of fitting up houses according to the valuation price made by valuation institute, the expenses of removing cabled T.V. and telephone are judged by the existing price. The prices of merchandise building in Honghu are between 600 to 700 Yuan, the displaced person can use house demolition compensation buy house in the city area. The displaced person runs a lot of business, including economic wood, building industry, wharf, transportation etc., and he has good economic foundation, the house demolition can't lower his life level, on the contrary it will raise living environment quality. D.HOUSE DEMOLITION AND RESETTLEMENT FOR ENTERPRISE AND INSTITUTION Honghu Solid waste landfill project involves house demolition of Steel Bottle Examination Station of Honghu Liquefied Petroleum Gas Company, Tianhe Prefabricated Board Factory and fish fry farm. Through many consultations with each business enterprise, the project unit drew up following resettlement plans: Steel Bottle Examination Station of Honghu Liquefied Petroleum Gas Company: This station is necessary factory for Examination Station of Honghu Liquefied Petroleum Gas Company, which owned this station. Its management situation is normal currently and equally examines 400 bottles of steel bottle monthly. Because the station is 150 m apart from the garbage covering plant of Honghu garbage treatment plant project, is placed in environment sensitive scope, so need to be removed. Through project unit and the business enterprise's many consultations, the first step drew up the following resettlement plans: a. Notify the business enterprise needs to be removed in advance, and provides the business enterprise the rent information and let the business enterprise prepare well to remove before carrying out the project; b. Provide transferring allowance for the business enterprise to remove equipments; c. Compensate for house demolition of Wugang Glassworks; d. Bring the station land under cultivation. Because the nearby rent market of factory is mature, with the compensation funds for transferring equipments, so it is easy for that enterprise to find out a place to continue running in another place; the house of Wugang Glassworks has not been used already for several years, and the compensation for house demolition for Wugang is an opportunity of development, and he prepares to extend current management. Tianhe Prefabricated Board Factory: Tianhu Prefabricated Board Factory rent the house of Ganjiahua and the village collective land, and the rent every year is 1500 Yuan. Through project unit and the enterprise's many consultations, the first step drew up the following resettlement plans: a. Notify the business enterprise needs to be removed in advance, if the enterprise want to go on running business, and project unit provides the business enterprise the rent information and let the business enterprise prepare well to remove before carrying out the project; 151 b. if the enterprise wants to change its business, and project unit provides the business enterprise the information of other industry and help it to change its business; c. Provide transferring allowance for the business enterprise to remove equipments; d. Compensate for house demolition of Ganjiahua; e. Bring the land under cultivation Tianhu Prefabricated Board Factory is managed in bad condition, so the enterprise decides to go to other places first to rent land for building factory, if it still is in bad condition, change the business. This project provides expenses of removing equipments and rent information for the enterprise, and helps the enterprise overcome this difficulty. Ganjiahua household has 4 people, 2 sons, among them, the older son is disable, little son is in a junior high school, the whole family runs a business in downtown in Honghu currently, which locates at market of farm produce, mainly is engaged in a vegetable. Ganjiahua has 7 mu grounds in Xinlian village and doesn't cultivate currently and let other cultivate his land. After getting the compensation funds, he prepares to rent a house for running a hardware store, so as to gain better income than the vegetable. Fish fry farm: the fish fry farm rented the house of Honghu Aquatic Product Company, the rent fee of house and fish pond are included together, in consideration that house locates in an environment sensitive scope of the garbage covering plant, and house can not used for living, through negotiation between project unit and director of fish fry farm, the project reserve that house and not demolish, and build a set of dormitory for officers and workers in the farm 500 m outside of garbage covering plant for living, and originally possessed house can be used as a warehouse or other purposes. E.RESTORATION THE GROUND ATTACHMENT AFTER DEMOLITION Honghu Solid Waste Landfill project Affected infrastructure and ground attachment include motive line, electric wire post owned by Xinlian Village collective in Luoshan Town, according to the price of rebuilding them, the project give reasonable compensation, the property owner according to need recover them. In Honghu Solid Waste Landfillproject, widening the road to garbage covering plant involves Honghu Liquefied Petroleum Gas Station of Honghu Municipal Administration Department along the road, and there are 300 trees owned by Luchang Company affected by widening road in the both sides of road. The municipal services go the tore down of fence of the tube liquefaction spirit station to belong to a construction for period of temporarily influence, road after open widely the construction unit will help that unit reconstruction fence. The item implement's production toward that unit influenced. Luchang Company is an economic wood implantation company, comparing with the tree planted in other places to in the meantime, these trees at the both sides of this road grow badly, because garbage truck go through this road and the harmful material of the dust and smell causes the trees grow slowly, the value of these trees affected by project are not high, the project unit will compensate for these trees because of widening the road, these money can make up its loss. So the impacts to business enterprise by this project are not big either. The wastewater pipeline networkproject This project involves to the transferring of 1946 trees, according to Rules for the Implementation of Making the City Green in Jingzhou, the project owner needs to put forward an application toward Honghu Park administration Bureau firstly, through the spot prospecting by Honghu Park administration Bureau, which decides whether to give permission or not. The project owner only gets hold of permit and pays compensation for cutting trees toward Honghu Park administration Bureau, and then cut trees, and its standard is 400 Yuan each trees. F.THE MEASURES OF AVOIDING THE ENVIRONMENT RISK Although Honghu Solid Waste Landfillproject can improve serious impacts to environment from existing garbage plant, still has the risk of impacts to the environment. The construction of garbage covering 152 plant avoids and reduces the possible damage to the environment by following measures: a. Preventing flood and draining water Set up the ditches for cutting flood around the covering area, and drain the rain water in and out of the covering area; Separate rain from polluted water in different work area, to reduce the output of garbage percolation; This project is far away from the river, and has no big risk of flood controlling, ditches for cutting flood around the covering area are used for controlling flood. b. Controlling garbage percolation By the certain slope paving the diversion and draining system at the bottom of garbage covering plant, and drain out the garbage percolation as soon as possible to reduce the retention period of garbage percolation in the plant, and control its pollution to the groundwater soil; Set up the regulator pond at the western part of the plant to regulate garbage percolation being easily treated, lower the possibility that the percolation liquid leaks outside. The above design theory can maximize lowering the damage of garbage covering plant to the surrounding environment; in the process of implementation the project should set up impactsive and strict monitoring and implementation system, in order to implement the design. Ⅵ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF HANCHUAN SOLID WASTE LANDFILL PROJECT AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT A. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION AND RENEW RESULT ASSESSMENT Hanchuan’s economy continuously develops in recent years, continuously increase the need for labour force, the farmer’s will to do non-agriculture production is more and more severe and especially farmer labour force are more than need after they lost their land, basically they will choose to go out for a work. The data from Hanchuan labour employment bureau shows that currently, the gross demand for labour force in Hanchuan is 130,000, among them, native person for employment is 70,000, and there are 60,000 people who need to be recommended from other places. So the posts for farmer are still very abundant, the key is a choice to go out for a job or work still in the Hanchuan. In February 28,2006, with the purpose for transferring village labour force and satisfying the labour need of business enterprise, caring the person who are particularly difficult to find a job as an objective, Hanchuan in the city's gymnasium held a recruit meeting for village labour force transferring and large business enterprise, not only freely provide a related service on law consultation, physical examination, but also for job seeker freely issue several thousand volumes Worker’s Handbook for working in city and several thousand pokers which printed with labour laws. Such as this kind of job advertisement would be held twice every year periodically at spring and the autumn in Hanchuan, Being the bridge which communicates farmer workers and business enterprise, hopes with more humanized business enterprise environment keep them. Therefore, the resettlement of village surplus labour force is more and easily, the proportion of the pure income from land for living farmer decrease. This characteristic will affect the concrete choice for resettlement plan for farmers whose lands were expropriated. The resettlement plan work group of Han River water pollution prevention and treatment project held a symposium with village staff and representatives of parts of people affected and persona not affected in Fuxing Village affected by solid waste landfilland in Xujiakou Village affected by WWTP, with the special subject, discussed the concrete project production restoration and surplus physical labour resettlement in villages affected. Although land acquisition of this project affect affects local farmer production and economic income smaller, but affect land contractor whose land were expropriated bigger. Therefore, for reducing the impacts to production, living and economic income of displaced people, the resettlement group communicated with village committee in various opinions and well 153 negotiated with them in the usage of resettlement and production restoration, finally, with many villages collectively discussion with village committee, and in well asking for opinion of displaced people and villager represent, put forward the following measure as resettlement project suggestion: ①Adjust a land. Before the project start construction, partially the village committee is responsible for adjusting land controlled by village collective to compensate and reach the original farmland area of farmer household. ②Currency subsidy. After the project construction unit will transferred compensation currency for land acquisition to the village, and village committee will organize and held a village people meeting, decide to assign a part of compensation currency equally to each farmer household, and these money will be used for household agriculture production and perhaps non-agriculture business activity, so as to recover and improve economic income. ③Develop Third Industry. Well making use of local advantage in location, and encouraging farmer to go into the city for professions, such as development transportation and service...etc., to increase income. ④ Adjust an agriculture industrial structure. After their land reducing, the project unit need help displaced people to adjust the industrial structure, improve the agriculture infrastructure in the village and raise land unit production rate to increase their income. Above measures are the references project for the villages affected to recover their production, and the concrete resettlement plan still need be carried on consideration according to the concrete circumstance of each village. a. Resettlement measures for land acquisition and renew result assessment in Fuxing Village The permanent land expropriate in this project involves Fuxing Village, land expropriated are all fish ponds. Fuxing Village in Xinhe Town opened up more than 800 mu at the Diaodong farm (namely the selected position of garbage covering plant) according to the arrangement of city government in 1980 and where was always planted paddy rice by villagers. The land was all equally assigned to the villagers at the second-turn contract in 1997. From 2000 on, because parts of villagers in the village transferred to engage in non-agriculture profession, on the other hand the geography of this land is low-lying and damp, isn't suitable for to plant paddy rice, and it is 10 kms apart from village’s resident location and it is extremely inconvenient to plant there. All villagers consistently agreed to entrust the land to the village committee to rent individuals. Village committee represent all villagers signed the written contract with contractor, who handed over the rent 100-200 Yuan each year, the contract period is 20 years. The rental income is planned to be given all bonus according to the number of villagers and all are given to villagers. But because the loan of the infrastructure construction in the village still haven’t been paid currently, so the rent from 2000 on have not been given to each villager, but the rent was used for carrying on infrastructure construction. The contractors of fish pond are in charge of the development construction of fish ponds, the village allows contractors of fish pond to build houses on the ridge of fish ponds for convenient production. Now, there are 11 households in the selected place, and before contracting the fish ponds, they are all from other village, among them, 7 households have already moved registered permanent residence into Fuxing Village, and contracted fish ponds individually for fish breeding, but still keep a land in original village. Among the rest of contractors, after building fish ponds, 2 households rented them to other fish pond contractors for breeding, another 2 contractors built fish ponds and breeding fish by themselves. Assessment of resettlement result of villagers in Fuxing Village affected indirectly be land acquisition 154 In Fuxing Village, there are 1450 mu farmland, 301 households, and 1,357 people, in Fuxing Village, 4.7 mu farmland per household, and 1.07mu farmland per capital. The project expropriates 360 mu lands and involves 6 villager groups and 301 households. The income of displaced farmers gained from land expropriated is mainly bonus for the rent, but because a loan for infrastructure construction inside the village currently, so, from 2000 on, the individual has not gotten from the land rent, but these rent were used for carrying on infrastructure construction. Land compensation, resettlement subsidy and green seedling compensation hand over to Fuxing Village collective, they will equally assign 2/3 of total amount according to the population, 1/3 of it keep in the village collective to develop the village-level public utilities. The land amount of each villager expropriated in this project is 0.27 mu, before land acquisition, the income from the land are rent income, it is 200 Yuan each mu according to the rent of last year standard, the lose of rental income each villager from the land is 54 Yuan each year, according to compensation standard in this project (18600 Yuan each mu land), among them, 2/3 of this money are equally assigned according to the population, then the affected villagers can get hold of compensation fund 12400 Yuan each mu land, with the loss of 0.27 mu land each villager, and each villager can get 3348 Yuan, which is 62 times than is the annual income of land rent for each villager. Therefore by currency compensation, the affected village can not only use the compensation making up the loss of rental income, but also can make use of compensation developing the third industry and perhaps going out for a part-time job, this will make the income of affected villagers overcome the level before the land acquisition in this project. Assessment of resettlement result for the fish pond contractors affected directly be land acquisition Land expropriated in Hanchuan solid waste treatment project is all fish ponds of Fuxing Village in Xinhe Town, and involve 11 household contractors. After expropriateing fish pond, project unit not only pays the land compensation to Fuxing Village, but also compensate for fish pond contractor, pays for the expenses they constructed fish pond, fish fry, house demolishing expenses, and compensates for the equipments that can't be removed. Among 11 households, 7 households have already moved registered permanent residence into Fuxing Village, but still keep a land in original village. After acquisition of fish pond, because of old age, there are 3 households among 7 households, wish to remove back to the original village for farm. 4 households hope to continue contracting fish pond or do other businesses with the compensation. Among 4 households, 2 households belong to a neighbourhood Huochen Village, and they have farmland and house in Huochen Village, and wish do other business or go out for a work with the compensation after fish pond acquisition. Moreover 2 contracted big area of fish pond, after building fish ponds, they rent them to other fish pond contractors, the fish ponds expropriated in this project cover 1/4 of all fish ponds, so after getting compensation, they prepare for continuing fish pond contract-exchange business. Therefore, the compensation for fish ponds can make up cost of a fish pond construction, can also let them be engaged in other professions, because the risk of fish aquiculture is big and unsteady, their income will not reduce after being engaged in other risks-lower profession. b. Resettlement measures for land acquisition and renew result assessment in Xujiakou Village Permanent land acquisition in Hanchuan urban wastewater treatment project involves Xujiakou Village. There are 2400 mu farmland in Xujiakou Village, 480 households and 2650 people, the average of farmland is 4.8 mu each household, 0.91 mu land per capital. The land acquisition of this project is 114.45 mu and involves 4 village groups and 65 households. We sampled 20 households for the survey. The total area of their land expropriated by this project was 13.38% of their total land. There are 6 households. The details of impact degree of permanent land acquisition are showed in annex table 1. 155 ANNEX TABLE 1 PERMANENT LAND ACQUISITION IMPACT Types of land Total land exporpriation area(mu) Total impact population ANALYSIS OF XU JIAKOU VILLAGE Percent of land lost(%`) below10 10-20 20-30 Above30 households person households person households person households person households person Dry land 15.6 20 84 6 24 13 56 1 4 0 0 The percent of total land area which is 116.6mu (%) 13.38 100 100 30.00 28.57 65.00 66.67 5.00 4.76 0 0 It is clear that 95% sampled households lost their land lower than 20%. While land acquisition, compensation for land acquisition includes land compensation, resettlement subsidy, green seedling compensation, attachment compensation fee, during land acquisition in the pass, the allotment method of compensation was publicly negotiated by villager representative's conference, party member conference...etc. generally 50% of total compensation was given to farmer who lost land, the rest of it keep in the village to develop the public utilities, such as develop the village collective infrastructure and pay for a collective welfare expenditure in village, include subsidizing the household enjoying the five guarantees 160 Yuan each year, helping difficulty family for having no work, young and small kid, regularly getting sick, and the disabler’s succour etc.; From 2003 to 2004, a paddy field reformation in village cost 600,000 to 700,000 Yuan. Currently the basic reformation have been already completed, need to dredge the channel, expenses to support a paddy field infrastructure need 50,000-70,000 Yuan, not too much, so through villager represent conference discussing and deciding, 60% of total compensation in this project will be given to farmer who lost land, the rest of it keep in the village to perfect infrastructure construction. Villagers affected make use of land compensation to develop 2nd and 3rd Industry. Because that village is very near apart from the downtown of Han Chuan, there are a lot of business enterprises around, economic performance are good, under the farmer household voluntary circumstance, the village arranges recommendation to young villagers affected to work in these business enterprise and make their incomes increase thus. After land acquisition for constructing wastewater factory, affected villagers will be hired in the wastewater factory in the meantime and through training be engaged in some works of operability. B.TEMPORARY LAND OCCUPATION The wastewater pipeline networkpaving in Hanchuan WWTP project involves temporary land expropriate. The state-owned land occupied temporarily by construction wastewater pipeline networkare 185.87 mu, this is part of land are all the city road, after paying correspond expenses to Hanchuan municipal project Management Department, that will recover a reconstruction according to need. They recover road function after paving then. 156 C.RESETTLEMENT FOR HOUSE DEMOLISHING Demolished houses involved in this project are all watch house beside the fish pond, among 11 households’ watch houses in the region of land expropriated by garbage covering plant, watch houses of 7 households are their current main residence houses, but watch houses of other 4 households affected are used for temporary watch fish pond, and they still have a main residence in this village; In the region of 500 meters apart from garbage covering plant there are 4 households and 3 households among them have a main residence in the village, watch houses are used for temporary watch fish pond the fish pond, and only 1 household has no other residences. Through the consultation between project unit and fish pond contractors, there are mainly several resettlement methods as follows: a. Compensate for watch houses of fish ponds and accessory by the compensation standard of the different house structure; b. For 8 households who have other residence house, because watch houses are their main residence houses, the project unit is responsible for giving them a house site in Fuxing Village for them to rebuild their houses. Fuxing Village contains a little amount usable house site currently, provide for the project unit according to the standard 18000 Yuan/mu, the area of a piece of house site is 120 m 2, namely each price of house site is 3240 Yuan. Affected households can choose to rebuild house in planned house site or go to other place to rebuild house or buy houses with house compensation. These houses equal building cost are 300 Yuan/m 2 currently, according to the compensation standard of this project, the lowest standard of brick-mix structure is 360 Yuan/m 2, so make use of compensation and surplus raw material of house demolishing, not only can at the planned house site rebuild house, and can rebuild bigger house than previous house area. D.RESETTLEMENT MEASURES OF VULNERABLE GROUPS The vulnerable groups have three characteristics: Lonely-old-man family (has no sons and daughter); basically no labour-force family; Disable family. Currently, in the inquisition, there are 3 lonely-old-man family and 3 families which have a disable person. Because land expropriated in Fuxing Village are owned by village collective all, these 6 families usually have no farming in these land, after land acquisition, rent gained by village collective from fish pond contractors decrease, that will affect their subsidy from village collective, without other impacts. Aiming at the characteristics of vulnerable groups, project owner, through negotiating with the village committee, vulnerable groups family, will be adopt following resettlement measure to vulnerable groups: Help vulnerable groups live out their lives in their old age. According to the local country custom, if the old-age disable people lose labour ability, their sons and daughters (mainly refers to a son) is responsible of the parents' living. The sons and daughters will bear all expenses because of old age parents’ living. If land compensation really be paid to vulnerable groups (or their sons and daughters), and help vulnerable groups live out their lives in their old age through a family. If the family income of lonely-old-man family mainly depends on a farming, and hope to adjust farmland, the village committee agrees from collective reservation land, while adjusting farmland in the small scope, has the initiative consideration to satisfy the demand of vulnerable groups, increase their farmland quantity. If the village committee will carry out the collective land development, such as the plan of scale vegetable farmland plant, village committee will have the initiative invitation for vulnerable groups or rent vulnerable groups family to participate development activity. 157 According to the local country methods in respecting the aged, village committee would go and see old people's family affected by project at important and traditional festival, give the succour of life resource. By periodically going and visiting the aged, understand the living circumstance of vulnerable groups, if finding their difficulties in living, and in time feedback to project owner and independent monitoring and assessment unit, and project owner will adopt homologous measure according to the real circumstance. Moreover, a village and groups periodically give them the certain help, their life level would not lower. In addition, Hanchuan Poverty Alleviation and Development Office still organize sons and daughters of poor villager to attend technical ability training, arrange labour force to transfer for an employment and increased farmer income. If these families meet special difficulty because of natural disaster, disease and unforeseen event, they will also get the help from all level government. The project will monitor their condition in the meantime and if necessary, give those special help. E.PROTECTION OF WOMEN AND THEIR RIGHTS The population comparison between men and women in affected scope is equal. In farmer households affected by land acquisition, there is only a single female labour force household because of losing her spouse. In country community affected by land acquisition, the women possess with the same legal right as man, that include contracting farmland, gaining education, population and family planning and participation in country community's election and various right. Women interviewed, mostly think that they have independent right in production and business same as men have, and they can independently choose job, do small business, or farm in the village. Certainly, in the country society, between men and women there are the difference at the home life and the division of labour in the production. The women mostly choose a household chores work, farm, near the village do the small business of some agricultural products, handicraft product, soil special product, but in addition to farm, the male person does small business, also many youth people have the strong consociation, established many companies and earned much money. The project construction and land acquisition will not result in obvious impacts to the women. There are permanent institute for protecting women's rights in affected region, such as, the city, women association in the city and town, that periodically investigate and interview country women, to find out the circumstance of women's rights, agent for women to discriminate against discrimination; Equally establish agent women's committee, women's school in the village committee that are responsible for country women to protect their rights and training on hygiene healthy. These organizations contain own work system, usually have some independent work budgets, by periodically inquisition, women representative meeting and organize women to participate in entertainment activity etc. so as to unite country women, raise women's cultural level and remove domestic violence and social sex discrimination. While this project owner took social impacts survey with the survey organization, has already well noticed importance of protecting women's rights and listening to the women's voice. Under each village women's director's help, the project unit held a women represent symposium in small scope respectively and make the notification on contents of project impacts in detail, extensively collected their opinions of these women represent in aspects of resettlement way, compensation standard and family economic instauration plan. Not a few women take charge of the family economic expenditure, directly are engaged in a farmland and service management, contain very strong hope towards raising family income, so they put forward many worthy suggestions to the project owner and the survey unit, and have already been approve and written into resettlement plan. 158 During the period of project construction and the project owner will hold a women represent symposium one time each year by taking village as unit, make a periodical interview for parts of families, collect the suggestion of the women's appeal and accept one of their consultation. For the appeal in resettlement compensation and economy restoration by women, the village women's committee will make a report to the project owner in the week, and project owner will send a representative to answer or resolve a question in the following week. Independent monitoring and assessment people will also, in the whole resettlement process, pay the special attention to listening to the voice of the women represent, accept their appeal, and not only carry on a meeting consultation with women represent at a time every half year, will build up stable work cooperation relation with the women director of village committee, to make decreasing disadvantage impacts of the project construction and protecting the country women's rights have more high-efficiency. F.MONITORING THE USAGE OF LAND COMPENSATION FUND The village committee will notify the whole villager the budget of land acquisition compensation and village-level investment instauration plan by announcement, broadcast, cabled T.V. a month ago the land acquisition, and hold the villager representative's conference two weeks ago land acquisition to explain and announce above-mentioned plan and budget pursue item explanation; After starting land acquisition, for Involving land acquisition and circumstance of resettlement subsidy usage, the village committee should announce the column public finance circumstance monthly; The village committee will draw up an investment plan, have to announce the contents of that plan and the implementation time and an expectation of investment toward all villager representative and ask for a village people opinion; Carry out that investment instauration plan, at least announces by announcing a column one time every half year to all villager. Affected Fuxing Village in Xinhe Town and Xujiakou Village held the villagers’ representive meeting to ask for the suggestion of villagers in the usage of land compensation. The meeting was monitored and suggested and decided by the representive of villagers, China Communist Party and women. The usage of compensation in fuxing Village was monitored by Economy Management Office in Xinhe Town. The compensation in Xujiakou Village was in the account of village committee opened by the Open and Development Region, for using it, they need to apply to the government of open and development region, and they may use it after the permission of the government. The village committee will set up a public file on land compensation fund and investment plan implement. The file's data should be true, integrity, normal, and expiry time and finance account book should be same. If the village committee can't reach finance announcement, or the clarity of compensation fund of land acquisition is not sufficient, town or county level people's government and other relevant supervisor departments should order village committee announce them in the deadline after getting the appeal from villagers. Ⅶ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN FOR SOLID WASTE LANDFILL PROJECT AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT OF YUNMENG COUNTY A.SOLID WASTE TREATMENT PROJECT ⅰ. Permanent Land acquisition 159 The project is planned to expropriate collective land for 169mu of Renhe Village of Cengdian Township of Yunmeng County, which includes irrigation land for 135mu, affects 35 households and 141 people, and needs to expropriate the land for agricultural irrigation for 34mu. With negotiating with affected villagers for several times, currency resettlement is adopted mostly with the resettlement of employment and techniques training complemented. Earning from outgoing parttime job takes a big part in the income of the people in Yunmeng County. This earning is about 3.5 times of government receipts of Yunmeng every year. The population of people who are supported by working outside is 140,000 and accounts for 48% of total rural workforces. They works in everywhere of China, most of whom engage in the industry of architecture and the other embark industry, business and the industry of service. The total income of them is over 1 billion yuan. Some of those people have become the headship of enterprises, architectural corporations or relevant private corporations. The number of rural workers engaging in plastering has accounted for 95% of the market of Heilongjiang Province. From the beginning of 1990s, the county has set up the agency for people working outside in Shenyang, Beijing, Dalian and Ha’erbin, etc. Board of Labour of Yunmeng County carries out the work of employment acceleration for land-lost villagers and introduces rural workers to relevant enterprises. At the same time, with assistance of the projects of super departments, relevant departments of the county also take the work of the techniques training for other rural labour forces. Presently, agriculture income takes little percentage of the total family structure of the villagers of Renhe Village depend little on, but the income of working outside accounts for above 70%. There is a view spreading widely in the village that the person who has the tools of plastering can work everywhere. With regarding to the field study, most of the male under 60 and female under 55 engage in working outside temporarily. The scope of their work covers plastering, painter and mason. Most of the arable land is cultivated by head of the village who don’t go outside and those people who cultivate much land by contract and depend their living on land. All relevant subsidies for crops cultivation are shared by the two kinds of people mentioned above. The villagers working outside contract with the people supported by agricultural income for their land and get a few output as the symbol agricultural income, which can avoid their anxieties for some troubles brought by working outside and relevant punishment induced by going out of cultivation. There are many villagers purchasing houses in the urban area of Yunmeng County and becoming the registered permanent residents of urban area. So the land of them has become the burden of becoming rich. The irrigation land for 135mu expropriated by the project is actually cultivated by several villagers, who don’t temporarily go outside for work due to some reasons. Through the field survey in the affected village, there was some land once expropriated by a project that is about highway construction. Villagers widely express their apprehension and support on the land acquisition and houses demolition for the commonweal project implemented by government. Presently, the only problem cared for by the villagers affected land acquisition is that the compensation fee is paid whether carried out by the policies of central government and provincial government or not, or they can get the enough compensation fee whether or not. So if they can get enough compensation fees according to the regulations of relevant policies, they are very active to let their land be expropriated. The young villagers who are back for crops cultivation are looked as the failure people that works outside, whereas most of young villagers have transfer their living support on working in cities, towns or townships. 160 The basic method of land acquisition and resettlement is determined by the village’s economy structure, cultural circumstances and employment conditions. With consulting with the representatives of villagers, PMO adopts monetary compensation as the main compensation method of resettlement, and proper land compensation as the sub-method. Concretely, villagers affected by the project can get one-off monetary compensation and obtain relevant compensation fees that include 70% of land compensation, all resettlement subsidies and the compensation for standing crops; in addition, if they intend to continue to engage in crops cultivation, they can get the land that is offered by second-hand contract and sublease. With the view of assuring villagers affected by land acquisition of getting 70% land compensation fee sufficiently, Government of Yunmeng directly pay to those people but not through the procedures of Zengdian Township, which is satisfied by those people. At the same time, those people can guarantee their living support through engaging in non-agricultural production and develop that form or other new forms with assistance of land compensation fee; in addition, there are one-fourth of people working outside beginning to purchase the insurance of endowment and unemployment. Therefore, although the villagers affected by land acquisition of Renhe Village are brought by the affects on losing land, they can still heighten their standard of living, owning to the sufficient monetary compensation fees paid out. According to the FSR, there are 25 staffs regulated formally by solid waste treatment plant, which include 3 technique staffs, 4 management staffs and 18 assistants. Besides staffs with special skill and management staffs, who are required higher and needed to be appointed, the other employment opportunities are given to villagers of affected village. Through passing the technique training, the solid waste treatment plant prefers to employ them. That measure not only is advantageous for resettlement, but also increasing the support and apprehension of villagers for the construction of solid waste treatment plant to a large extent. There is 34mu irrigation pool and relevant natural channel involved the scope to project site, which plays an important role of land irrigation. The project needs to occupy some part of the pool and break the channel, which lead the land around the pool not to be irrigated and bring much affect on agricultural production on that land. PMO listened to the view of villager through focus discussion with them and consulted relevant measures, and then ensured primarily the plan that PMO took action to reconstruct other pools of the village and the line of channel so as to satisfy the needs of irrigation of the land of lower reaches. The pond and ditch transferred has not been decided and is being consulted now. 35 households in affected area can choose means of compensation and resettlement at will according to actual conditions. These two ways of resettlement are feasible ones finally determined by resettlement survey group according to local basic socioeconomic conditions after consulting with local government, landlord and residents. The ways are showed as follows: Currency compensation Peasants who choose currency compensation can obtain seventy percent of land compensation fee, all of resettlement fee and compensation for green crops. Because of most of residents are working far away, their main income is not agricultural income any more. Carrying out State’s policy on protecting the cultivated land, local government shall prohibit the cultivated land left uncultivated and make some measures to punish it. Scattered and irregular land around pools is not suitable for farming mechanization, so few of peasants want to rent this kind of land. Without choices, they have to ask their relatives or friends to farm for them. For it commonly exists, farmland become migrant workers’ troubles. As we investigated, the majority of them wish to obtain cash compensation so as to resolve actual difficulties when they work far away. Therefore, compensation for land in garbage project will be currency compensation and suitable resettlement with land. Resettlement with land 161 The majority are working far away in above mentioned. It is common to work far away with family, so few cultivated a lot of farmland. To carry out successfully and take seriously responsibility to common people, local town government would like give the land which Sanhuang Village hands down after it was removed to these few farmers. This action will avoid them to reduce the agricultural land. However, because of the special site where affected land located and the shape irregularity of expropriated land, these lands can not be large-scale cultivated by machines. Therefore if there will be some land after Sanhuang removed, it is available that these farmer who cultivate a lot of farmland could get these land which Sanhuang Village hands down. This action could protect these special farmers’ rights. ⅱResettlement of Houses Demolition Sanhuang Village is located wholly in the sanitation protection area of solid waste treatment plant. All the houses of the village will be demolished. Presently, housing conditions of the village is very bad, which embodies that the houses are disorderly distributed without any management and many families live in broken houses and even some houses are left without anyone to live in. In addition, there is no cement road in the village and the existing roads bring much trouble to villagers. During the survey with the villagers, when the compilers of RP told the feasibility of houses demolition to these villagers, they got the absolute support of villagers, which is rarely appeared as the similar projects. Even the villagers, who construct new houses, also gave their support. The reason of such support is that firstly the living conditions of Sanhuang Village is much too bad and villagers are eager for living in the new resettlement site with rational scheme; secondly, some villagers have purchase new houses in other places and they are satisfactory with the benefit of houses demolition as they can sell their houses; thirdly, it is known from other projects that houses demolition always brings benefits and under some conditions it brings more benefits than land acquisition. The existing conditions of Sanhuang Village are shown as Annex Figure 7, Annex Figure 8 and Annex Figure 9. Annex Figure 7 The only road Leading outside of Sanhuang Village 162 Annex Figure 8 The Inner Road of Sanhuang Village Annex Figure 9 The Discarded Houses of Peolpe Engaging In Working Outside Through primary consultation among different parts, the resettlement method of uniformed planning and self-demolition and self-reconstruction is adopted for affected villagers. Houses demolitions of the project affect 48 households. Through survey and interview, the resettlement survey team knew that someone has purchase new houses in the urban area of Yunmeng County and they require only monetary compensation but no resettlement, and there are 35 households requiring relocation. The resettlement policies adopted by the project for houses demolition is monetary compensation and providing new housing sites. Relevant compensation fees are paid by implementation institution and the work of relocation is taken charged uniformed by village collective. 163 Introduction of Housing Site Through the common discussion among implementation institution, village committee and representatives, the resettlement site is chosen to be located in the south of Fengxiao Road and the west of Fengpu Village, which is about 800m off the planned site and close to the centre area of Fengpu Village and can satisfy 35 households’ requirements of 160 m 2 for each housing site construction. The new housing site is close to sanitation houses (See in Figure10-11) only with the distance of about 100m, which solve the difficulties of illness cure for the villagers of the demolished village every inch. At the same time, as the new housing site is located in the collective residence place, which are concentrated shops and very convenient for living, production and transportation. Villagers affected by houses demolition express their satisfaction for the new housing site. The picture of new housing sites is shown as Annex Figure 10. Annex Figure 10 The Sanitation House of Fengpu Village Annex Figure 11 New Housing Sites for Villagers Affected by Houses demolition 164 Presently it is the time that all townships and villages of Yunmeng County apply for the example of Construction of New Country. After consultation with government of the township and village committee, the resettlement site of Daodangguan is planned to be applied. With fully using the compensation fee for houses demolition and the special fund for Construction of New Country and the assistance of relevant units, the project owner will enforce the construction of infrastructure of new resettlement site and implement the project construction that is named one reconstruction and three constructions under the advantageous conditions of Construction of New Country. The construction money for Construction of New Country of Fengpu Village is included in the financial budget of Yunmeng County. It is planned that financial fund and project fund will be combined, which is mainly used by means of the reward taking the place of the compensation for further assistance. The two kinds of money is used for the plan of Construction of New Country compiled, construction of infrastructure and construction of public facilities. Resettlement Place in Fengpu Village Resettlement place in Fengpu Village is resettlement place for Sanhuang Village displacement combining with the new village construction, which locates in Fengpu Village in Cengdian Town, programmed area always covers 2.7 hectares, among them, the total area of house site is 1.32 hectares, can resettle 70 households, and the house site was 160 square meters each household. Excluding 40 households in this project, other house sites will be reserved for local new village construction. In the planned area, road area is 0.83 hectares (containing laneway), and the greenbelt area is 0.25 hectares, the public facilities area is 0.3 hectares. House demolition and resettlement project will open before the start of solid waste treatment plant, according to town government commitment, the problem of resettlement compensation funds must accord with national policy and consultation with villagers adopting the way of one matter one argument. According to the estimation of local construction section, a house site price anticipated is 100 Yuan each meter. Programming the new village will combine with new village construction and actively open an village renovation, perfect road, electric power, communication, greenbelt and other public service facilities, according to the standard build marsh gas pond, carry out to change water, toilet and pen, to attain new village construction standard. 165 Annex Figure 12 Planned figure of resettlement place for house demolition in Fengpu Village ⅲResettlement of Housing Site The resettlement policies for Sanhuang Group in Fengpu Village are adopted the method of monetary compensation combined with new housing site provided. The standard of new housing sites construction is 160 m 2 per capita according to relevant regulation of Yunmeng County and the spirit of Construction of New Country. The method of houses demolition and resettlement is adopted uniformed planning and self-demolition and self-reconstruction, which is corresponding with the construction standard of the example of Construction of New Country. Because the project took the way of replacement of land between different village groups, the former housing sites of Sanhuang Group is planned to become irrigation land, which is about 70mu. Fengpu Village will supply 10.5mu land for the new housing sites, the project fees for re-cultivation are offered by the special fund of country. According to the view of village committee, the new irrigation land is assigned to the villagers of Fengpu village who lose the land for the new housing site. And exchange can not only offer more land for cultivation, but also increase the land to Fengpu Village. At the same time, it can also make the residents of Fengpu Village to live collectively, which is much convenient for the daily life of villagers. Through further feasible study, the last land of readjust land of Fengpu Village, which is about 10.5mu, can be considered to be adjusted to the villagers of Renhe Village affected by land acquisition, which will supply with another way of resettlement. 166 Beside the monetary compensation, the construction material induced by houses demolition, which can be reused, is offered to affected villagers and help them to reconstruct new houses. In terms of local cost of new house construction, the reused construction material and the compensation fee for relocation will guarantee PAP to have enough capacities to reconstruct new houses and the quality of new house is better than the demolished one. All the attachments of various kinds of houses including non-regulatory houses will be compensated. PAP will get relevant fees for remove after houses demolition. B. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT ⅰPermanent Land acquisition The project of WWTP needs to expropriate the collective land for 67.23mu of Qianhu Village of Chengguan Township and affect the villagers of the third and fourth groups. There are 100 households and 393 people affected by land acquisition. Generally, there are 11 groups, 610 rural households, 2405 rural population and 1360 labour forces, which include 750 male labour forces and 610 female labour forces. Villagers subsistence of Qianhu Village don’t depend on agricultural income, which can be interpreted by the rate of 38.68% of the income of agricultural industry in the structure of income. According to the survey of socio-economy, Yearly Average Gross Income of Household (YAGIH) is 21535 Yuan with the rate of the income of crops cultivation, the income of working outside temporarily, the income of individual business and the income of wages accounting for 27.17%, 63.08%, 7.20% and 2.55% respectively. Especially, the income of crops cultivation of 95% of affected households is accounted blow 50% of total family income structure, while the income of working outside temporarily of 94.4% of those families is accounted above 50%. Therefore, it is can be concluded that the income of working outside temporarily is the major source of family income with the reason of labour forces of every families even going out for work temporarily, but the income of agricultural output is in the sub-source. After average calculation, the land expropriated by the project is accounted for 26.6% of the land that each household owns; and the expropriated land is dry land with the cultivation of vegetable and cotton. Therefore, villagers affected by land acquisition only loss few land after land acquisition. From Jun. to Jul. of 2006, resettlement and scheme team took the work of socio-economic survey and interview with displaced people in Qianhu Village. At the same time, the team invited project owner, the bureau for national land resource, the head of village, and some representatives of villagers for focus discussion and talked about the concrete plan for restoration of subsistence and production and relevant RP. With the view of minimizing the affects induced by project construction on production and income of displaced people, the team consulted fully with the committee of Qianhu Village in the field of the plan of resettlement fund use and the measures of production restoration. In the end, after collective discussion of village committee, the team brought forwards the following alleviation measures for PAP with fully consideration with the opinions of displaced people and representatives and relevant policies of Yunmeng County. Monetary Resettlement 167 The compensation for permanent land acquisition and resettlement subsidy are paid directly to affected village, which the compensation for standing crops is paid directly to affected villagers. According to existing Compensation rates, with the collective discussion of the assignment of resettlement fund, affected villagers can get 70% of land compensation fee and the total resettlement subsidy directly. As the villagers of Qianhu Village are good at carpentry and cement use so that they can search for relevant jobs in the enterprises nearby and most of them can engage in individual business. In terms of Compensation rates of the project, affected villagers can obtain the compensation for 12,000 yuan, which can be invested to the existing individual business or other tertiary occupation business. Therefore, the compensation fees can not only compensate the loss of agricultural income, but also heighten the level of total income of those PAPs. The last 30% of land compensation is paid to village collective and used for the development of agricultural industry and relevant secondary industry and tertiary occupation so as to solve the difficulties of affected villagers. The concrete measures are shown as the following: Crops cultivation: village collective can invest the compensation fund to the improvement of the conditions of agricultural production and relevant infrastructures, which is mainly used for the facilities of irrigation works. At the same time, the village collective can develop scientific crops cultivation with assistance of technique training and relevant attachments offered by the government. Secondary Third Industry: as the village is close to industry area of Yunmeng County, there are many enterprises locating in the industry area and a lot of villagers working there. The village collective once planned to set up a small-scaled market in the area to develop non-agricultural industry, but the plan is postponed for a long time for being lack of relevant money. Because of the compensation fees, the village collective can put the plan into practice. At the same time, there is another way for resettlement named as resettlement in the local area, that is, to set up the comprehensive service area near or into the industry area to offer relevant service to enterprises, such as tradition industry and food and beverage industry, etc. which can impactsively increase income of the villagers and solve the anxieties of land acquisition. In addition, the village is located in the connection site between urban area and rural area, which is convenient for villagers to go to the urban area of Yunmeng County, as a result of that, some villagers have the plan of doing small business in the urban area with assistance of compensation fees so as to develop non-agricultural business. It is not to be neglected that the old who are over 60 and lose capacities of work are served the endowment insurance by means of using the compensation fees assigned to village collective, which solves their anxieties of endowment. Public service: the compensation fees assigned to village collective can be use for the improvement of roads of the village, medical facilities, sanitation conditions and community management, etc. so as to increase the welfare of villagers. Employment Resettlement According to the data of socioeconomic survey, there are 61.32% labour forces of Qianhu Village engaging in non-agricultural production, and the young labour forces of each family even going to Guangdong or Northeast of China for working temporarily. As the village is close to the urban area of Yunmeng County, there are also many villagers engaging in tertiary occupation in the county, such as architecture, transportation, food and beverage business and repairing work, etc. After land loss, the villagers can easily find relevant jobs without special techniques by fully making use of the advantageous conditions. Project construction will create some temporary or semi-formal employment opportunities to the affected villagers, which includes material transportation, the soil and stone disposal and some work to be engaged in temporarily. Women can also undertake some work without much strength, such as preparation of food for the workers, etc. 168 The WWTP will prefer to offer employment opportunities to the villagers affected by land loss under the same conditions, which can heighten the standard of living and income of affected villagers. According to the conclusions of negotiation between affected village and project owner, the WWTP will employ proper PAP to engage in some work without the requirement of high technique (which also need to pass relevant training), such as cleanness and facilities maintenance, etc. Technique Training Project owner in alliance with the department for agriculture and the department for labour and social security provide all the villagers affected by land acquisition with collective training of agricultural production so as to heighten the standard of agricultural income. At the same time, they also offer the technique training of non-agricultural production to those villagers with the aim of letting them obtain relevant production capacities, and supply the villagers who go out voluntarily with the employment information. Project Resettlement for Women Affected by Land Loss The number of women who are affected by the project is accounting for 40.96% of total affected villagers, while the number of female labour forces affected by the project is accounting for 50% of the total affected labour forces. The age of affected women concentrate mainly from 16 to 45, and the education of those women with the concentrated age is mainly junior high school. There are 25.81% of female labour forces working outside in Yunmeng County or other places, each of whom earn 600 Yuan to 1500 Yuan every month; and there are someone doing individual business and managing financial affairs with their mates; and a few of them cultivate land or take care of children and the old. As for the women still engaging in crops cultivation, the output of agriculture brings little income to them but only supplies with the daily consume. These women always have lower education and the age of them is much older, so project owner intend to try any best to supply them with some employment opportunities with sample techniques, for example, project construction will create some temporary or semi-formal employment opportunities to the them, which includes material transportation, the soil and stone disposal and some work to be engaged in temporarily. These women can also undertake some work without much strength, such as preparation of food for the workers, etc. Those measures mentioned above is not only the surplus source of income restoration for those women, but also advantageous for them to obtain relevant capacities for further employment. ⅱTemporary Land Occupation The land for temporary occupation is national land occupied for the SPNfor wastewater drainage. The area of that land is 65432 ㎡. All of the land is the urban road, which is occupied by the construction unit until relevant fees are paid to municipal institution for road management and reconstructed by the owner with property right according to relevant requirements, that is, the functions of affected road will be restored after accomplishment of SPNconstruction. ⅲRestoration Measures for Vulnerable Groups There are four vulnerable groups affected by the project. Their income condition and assistance measures are shown as Annex Table 2. Annex Table 2 Socio-economic Conditions of Vulnerable Groups Affected by The Project Village Name Age Type Zhang Yichao 43 person with disability Liu Sanhei 49 person with disability Qianhu Family Income Yearly Income Source Assistance Measures 4 4000 opening small shop national subsidy for 480 Yuan/year 1 2000 doing business national subsidy for 100 Yuan/year Family Population 169 Remark Village Name Age Type Family Population Family Income Yearly Income Source Assistance Measures Liu Huaqing 36 person with disability 3 3000 crops cultivation national subsidy for 120 Yuan/year Sun Yuan 20 orphan 3 3000 elder sister working outside temporarily national subsidy for 480 Yuan/year Remark receiving university education and having to pay school tuition Vulnerable groups involved in the project are mainly people with disabilities who get average annual per capita income for about 1400 Yuan. These people share the national subsidy every year and can get grain, oil and commodity that are valued 150 Yuan every season when they face difficulties. The four vulnerable groups mainly depend their subsistence on working outside temporarily and doing small-scaled business expect one depends on crops cultivation, so land acquisition does not bring much affect on their living. The income of them is lower compared with the average standard of the village. Although they can gat national subsidy every year and are guaranteed the essential needs for living, they will suffer many difficulties while confronting some special conditions. For example, Sun Zhengyuan, who is in the orphan family, needs to too much school tuition and relevant fees; the people with disabilities cannot pay medical treatment fees. With the view of solving their difficulties, PMO sets up the mechanism for emergency relief during the stage of project construction, that is, the vulnerable groups can get temporary emergency relief and obtain one-off relief money for 500 Yuan to 2000 Yuan during project construction so that they can be helped to eliminate difficulties and restore their own production. At present, Liu Huaqing engages in crops cultivation, but after land acquisition, she cannot be readjusted new land and hopes to work in the enterprises with the nature of welfare. As for that condition, PMO consults actively with civil administration department of Yunmeng and arrange her to work in an enterprise nearby her village. In addition, during project construction and after that stage, project owner will offer employment opportunities that are temporary or semi-formal without the requirement of much strength in order to ensure the standard of living of those vulnerable groups not to be lowered induced by land acquisition. C.RESTORATION FOR THE INFRASTRUCTURES AFFECTED BY THE PROJECT The infrastructures and attachments of ground affected by the project include trees, telegraph poles and tombs, etc. of Qianhu Village and Renhe Village, which is rationally compensated by project owner in terms of cost evaluation of reconstruction and reconstructed or relocated by the owners with property right according to relevant requirements. Ⅷ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF XIAOCHANG SOLID WASTE LANDFILLLANDFILL AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT A. SOLID WASTE LANDFILL PROJECT ⅰResettlement plan for permanent land acquisition Resettlement plan 170 The project permanently expropriates 199.8 mu land owned by village collective in Yankou Village in Xiaohe Town, and affects 55 households totally and 234 people. The land included 20.4mu fish pond,75.3mu newly cultivated dry land,78.6mu waste land and 25.5mu woodland(there are 16mu returning land for farming to forestry contained in the woodland planted by villager named Xiang Huizhou). The newly cultivated dry land expropriated by this project was cultivated by villagers of Qizu in Yankou villag which is not responsibility farmland belongs to these villagers. The newly-bulit collection station will occupy 200m 2 stat-owned land which can be used by the PMO without compensation. The chosen land in this project was silkworm field run by Xiaohe Town before 1990, after abandoning it, villagers in No.7 Village group opened up wasteland in the chosen land because they are near it, which is owned by Yankou Village collective. Yankou Village in Xiaohe Town locates in upland geography, the mountainous region is more, and the fertility of arable land is f worse, although almost each household plant, but the income of agriculture production covers little in total family income. Inside and near Yankou Village there is a great deal of stone mineral mountain, the many people launch a quarry here, here need a lot of quarries and workers for stone transportation. So parts of young villagers do a part-time job here, most of villagers are engaged in a conveyance, car fix, firing etc. The land acquisitioned by this project are owned by Yankou Village collective and the amount of land expropriated covers 10% to 40% of the average land amount, and this part of lands is dry lands and mainly plant soybean, rape etc. Therefore because of land acquisition, villagers whose lands were expropriated lost a little amount land, not all. The pond involved by this project are miniature reservoir built by village collective in many years ago for irrigating, irrigated area are 150 mu, including 100 mu paddy fields and 50 mu dry lands, land irrigating in village mainly lead water from Sun Fan reservoir through a clear dike currently, although the usage times of pond reduce, still keeps existing irrigation function. As a important pond, the pond has important meaning; Xiao Chang county once was listed as experimental county of saving water, under the support of the nation and all levels government, according to the way of democracy negotiation and one matter one argument, Xiao Chang county guided, encouraged villages, village groups and farmer household by self-raised funds greatly make a living main pond; Xiaohe Town is one of 100 important development towns in Hubei province again in the meantime, is also one of the point towns for constructing the new village, new village construction firstly needs to construct a good infrastructure, among them, 1 of importance job is to reform and extend living pond. So the project unit will dig a pond as a living pond for Yankou Village at the time of expropriateing pond. The land is village collective reserved land; the expenses need 15000 Yuan, which will be paid under the consultation between village collective and the project unit. The pond has already been contracted by Xiang Huizhou who is villager of No.9 village group for breeding fish currently, but he does not watch fish pond everyday, but breed wildly, and harvests once annually. He annually hands over 300 kg fishes or perhaps 300 Yuan as rent toward No.7 group according to the oral communication agreement. This project involves 22.5 mu woodlands totally, 14 mu lands among them are contracted by Xiang Huizhou as returning to woodland from farming. Not only contracted fish pond and returned to woodland from farming, but also He is engaged in transportation and family production industry, he has totally two conveyance cars and his main income source is transportation income. According to consultation between project owner and Xiang Huizhou, after pond expropriated, the project owner will compensate for the loss of the existing fish fry in fish pond, and he decided that gave up breeding fish and developed family production industry with this compensation. Trees in woodland returned from farm become useful wood in two years, but construction progress and layout of garbage filling plant will not influence this woodland in the construction the period, so the project unit will cut these trees at the later stage of construction after two years to avoid the loss of his income. He agreed with this plan very much. 171 The project group for resettlement plan went to Yankou Village and carried on socioeconomic survey and interview about resettlement and land acquisition in July, 2006, and held symposium with project owner, state-owned land administration bureau, village staff, and parts of displaced people representative, specially discussed production and life instauration and concrete project of resettlement plan in Yankou Village. For carrying through the implementation spirit of ‘three representatives’, fully representing the crowd's benefits, reducing the impacts on production, life and economic income of displaced people by project, Regarding as an opportunity which practice ‘constructing the socialism new village’, the project group carried on various opinion communication and well negotiation in the usage of resettlement fund and production restoration, after collective discussion, well asking for opinion of displaced people and villager representative, combined with the policy of Xiaochang county, finally put forward following measure to alleviate the impacts of land acquisition to displaced person: a. The currency subsidize Compensation for land acquisition in Xiaochang county adopt synthetically price of land and the project compensates for farm wood, woodland, mountainous land according to the standard of annual production value and compensation multiple. That is to say, for land owned by village collective affected by project, the project unit will compensate them according to the in Compensation rates of farmland. The lands expropriated in this project are not land contracted by villagers affected, so the village will not adjust land in the village generally. the green seedling compensation fee directly was given to individuals, Land compensation fund and resettlement subsidy of land acquisition were directly given to village committee, that will organize villagers collectively discuss an allotment plan, and reach an agreement by discussion and put forward some projects, mainly have a few aspects as follows: First, income restoration: With this compensation, the village collective can reform agriculture production environment and basic facilities of farmland, mainly water conservancy facilities. By technique training provided by government on scientifically planting and kit facilities, and develop planting scientifically. There is more abundant garden area in Xiaohe Town, there can plant economical crops, such as fruit tree and tea...etc., make use of this compensation, can develop mountain area advantage and grow including special products, such as peach, plum, persimmon and Chinese jujube etc.. 2nd and 3rd industries: The village committee encourages and supports capable labour force to develop various business, breeding fish, keep a duck and run business and factory etc., also encourage surplus labour force to go out for work, study the advanced technique of other place and return back and arouse village people together get wealthy. Secondly, security aspect: Land compensation and resettlement subsidy are given to village committee, and arranged by the village committee, the parts of specially difficult farmer after losing ground, village committee would again adjust land to make each village has land for planting. For old men over 60 years and lose labour ability, the village collective gives them 50 Yuan each month for their retire life. The village committee plans to pay endowment insurance funds towards the person having labour ability. b. non-agriculture employment According to the circumstance of survey, 49.3% labour forces in whole villagers are engaged in non-agriculture production, young labour force mostly go out for a work outside or in stone pits, a lot of villagers already work in transportation, car fixing, running limekiln etc. After getting the compensation, on the one hand they can extend original management scale; on the other hand can increase the new investment. c. the employment opportunities during the project construction 172 The construction of project will create temporary, half-fixed work opportunity, including material transportation, project of cubic metre of earth and stone, and the temporary work. The women can also participate in some works that are not heavy physical strength, for example provides a meals service etc. This not only is the additional income source of restoring living and also be advantageous to new vocational training for work in the future. d. Parts of employment post for displaced people in garbage coving plant. 20-30 people can be resettled in the garbage covering plant after building it, the setting after filling to cover up a field to build up, will have the initiative arrangement for employment of farmers lost land under the equal condition, thus also provide an opportunity of arranging employment in the affected village, can gradually improve life and income level of villagers. According to consultation between affected village and project unit, after building garbage covering plant, the project unit will hire some suitable affected villagers for some work without high technology requirement (or after training can be fit for the post), such as cleaning and maintenance etc. e. Training on labour technical ability particularly. The project unit will unite with agriculture, labour and social security department etc, especially Sunlight Project Office. The project unit will provide an intensive agricultural training to all villagers who lost farmland, especially the labour force directly affected; improve the income level of agriculture, in the meantime, provide the technical ability training of non-agriculture production industry and make the villagers hold technical ability to work in non-agriculture industry; Provide help of employment information for people who voluntarily want to go out for a job. f. Production resettlement for women who lost land Women affected by this project cover 50.9% of total villagers who lost land, and female labour force shares 53.1% of total labour force. Among them, the greatly part of women are 16-45 years old, this part of women shared 58% of the women amount. Unmarried women and parts of married women go out a part-time job, earning about 700-1500 Yuan every month, a part of women run business, manages finance together with their husbands, also is little a parts of women perhaps look after kid and old man at home. Lost land says for greatly parts of families, can grow future often for own eating, there is no income for sale. This part of women who are farmers usually have lower education degree, so after losing the land, the project unit will make an effort to provide them some works that require the low technical abilities, for example, The construction of project will create temporary, half-fixed work opportunity, including material transportation, project of cubic metre of earth and stone, the temporary work. The women can also participate in some works that are not heavy physical strength, for example provides a meals service etc. This not only is the additional income source of restoring living and also be advantageous to new vocational training for work in the future. Women will also be provided the particular training of technical ability for middle and youth women in the meantime, the opportunity together with male is equal. 173 The project unit will unite with the Women’s federation, labour and social security department, and open an exhibition a series of science and technology training, technique consultation, please an agriculture, water conservancy expert send science and technology to the country, teach women a farming, marine products, scientifically farming etc. science and technology knowledge. Expand a practical technique, and raise a group of women's leader making a fortune by science and technology, according to their need, help the key women, make them develop and become strong, make them become leading goose that can take whole village women making a fortune. During the period of project construction, and the project owner will take village as a unit and organize women representative to open a symposium annually, and makes a periodical interview to parts of families, collect the women's suggestion and appeal and accept one of their consultation. For their appeals about resettlement compensation and restoring economy, the village women's committee will report to project owner in one week, in the following week, project owner will answer or resolve a question by sending a representative. Participation measures of monitoring For the sake of implementing spirit of ‘set up harmonious society’, sufficiently reflecting fair and justness, The village committee will notify the whole villager the budget of land acquisition compensation and village-level investment instauration plan by announcement, broadcast, cabled T.V. a month ago the land acquisition, and hold the villager representative's conference two weeks ago land acquisition to explain and announce above-mentioned plan and budget pursue item explanation; After starting land acquisition, for Involving land acquisition and circumstance of resettlement subsidy usage, the village committee should announce the column public finance circumstance monthly; The village committee will draw up an investment plan, have to announce the contents of that plan and the implementation time and an expectation of investment toward all villager representative and ask for a village people opinion; Carry out that investment instauration plan, at least announces by announcing a column one time every half year to all villager. Yankou Village in Xiaohe Town has already established ‘villager council’ and supervise, suggest and vote the usage of compensation funds for land acquisition. ‘Villager council ‘ is made up of representative of each village group. ‘Villager council ‘mainly is responsible for the discussion and decision of public enterprise and repairing road and building bridge and other big issues and represents the opinions of villagers. The project above 3000 Yuan need to be suggested by village staff, the council supervises and decides. The village committee will still set up the public file on compensation fund for land acquisition and investment plan implement. The file's data should be true, complete and normal; storage life should be accordant with finance account book. the town government supervises the usage of compensation fund for land acquisition by village committee, and compensation fund for land acquisition will be saved into the alone account of village committee in credit cooperative, every expenses above 300 dollars need be agreed and signed by town mayor. If the village committee can't reach finance announcement, or the clarity of compensation fund of land acquisition is not sufficient, town or county level people's government and other relevant supervisor departments should order village committee announce them in the deadline after getting the appeal from villagers. The dual supervising and participation can ensure the equity and efficiency of resettlement for permanent land acquisition. ⅱResettlement for residents’ house demolition There 26 households affected by this project in the sensitive point in 500 meter scope needing to be displaced, 9 among them live in distance of 200 meter apart from the garbage covering plant, and there is a hill between 9 households and the garbage covering plant, 16 households live southwards Daan Road, the distance between 16 households and the garbage covering plant are 350 to 500 meters; 1 174 household lives at southwest direction about 450 meters to the garbage covering plant. There is 9 households, among 26 households affected by project, which have resident’s house in Huayuan Town or other place in the village. And 5 houses among those houses no longer live in the houses affected. Therefore, there are 17 households affected greatly and other 9 households are affected little. The policy of compensation and resettlement for Yankou Village’s houses are currency compensation and providing a new house site together, the displaced villagers voluntarily choose a house site, and demolish and rebuild houses by themselves. Through the consultation between town government and project, they agree that two areas of town planned scopes and house site of Yankou Village besides Daan Road are new house site for households whose houses were demolished. By the inquisition on the will of displacing, 11 households would like to set up building by the side of Daan Road, 13 households would like to set up building in the area of house site planned by town and 2 households would like to go to Xiao Chang county or Wuhan City to buy houses. The following is the introduction of each planned house site: a. The new house site in town planned area The introduction of situation The new house site in town planned area are Shiqiao East Street and development area, totally are capacity of 300 house sites. Among them, Shiqiao East Street is the key district planned by the town programs in the near future and the area of the town will extends toward this district in the future and totally 250 house sites; The transportation of new house site is convenient and is near a school, store and trade market, the infrastructure is perfect and ‘water, electricity, road and land leveling’ has been already carried out; That planned area is 3 kilometre apart from the original resident’s place in Yankou Village, villagers can arrive here by riding a bike in 20 minutes. The on-the-spot photograph sees Annex Figure 13, Annex Figure 14 and Annex Figure 15. Annex Figure 13 the entrance of planned house site area 175 Annex Figure 14 the key road of planned house site area Annex Figure 15 one of planned house site The planned house site in The development area locates in the entrance of Jingzhu high way and entrance of Guanying Lake, and there is good geography position and totally have 50 house sites; Transportation convenient, the infrastructure is perfect, ‘water, electricity, road and land levelling’ has been already carried out; That planned area is 1.5 kilometre apart from the original resident’s place in Yankou Village, The on-the-spot photograph sees Annex 16,Annex Figure 17,Annex Figure 18. 176 Annex Figure 16 the entrance of Jingzhu high way Annex Figure 17 one of house site in the entrance of Jingzhu high way 177 Annex Figure 18 one of house site in entrance of Guanying Lake The hygiene condition of the house location is worse at first, the drinking basically depend on well, Among 26 households whose houses were demolished, 18 households contain dry toilet, 8 households use latrine. Households whose houses were demolished in new house site build houses, the condition will be improved greatly than before, and living is more convenient. The resettlement for house site According to the unified plan inside the town, the application standard of the new house site is 30 m2/person, an area of house site is made up of an area of houses and yard, among them, for house scale, 15 meter long and 4 meter bread, yard scale, 5 meter long, 4 meter bread, therefore an area of house site altogether is 80 m 2. According to the rule in the town, an expense of house site is 10000 Yuan including compensation for land acquisition, expense of removing and land occupation. This project carries on the application of house site according to the population, and the project office help them carry out the application. Xiaochang county government promised to pay the house site expenses in the scope of population application and this expense did not account into the expense of resettlement I this project. The expense over the population application should be paid by individuals. Expenses of ‘water, electricity, road and land leveling’ (3000 Yuan/household) will be paid by project unit. They can carry out a house property certificate after building houses. Below illustrate with example: For example, 1 household whose house were demolished has 4 people, and can apply for 120 m 2 house sites according to the standard, but standard house site of one place is 80 m 2/household, so he can choose a house site, and get the compensation fund of 40 m 2 house site, namely 5000 Yuan; he can also choose two house sites namely 160 m 2, then the expense of 120 m 2 will be paid by the project unit, besides which, the expense of surplus 40 m 2 house site should be paid by himself, namely 5000 Yuan, another method is if other also need increase a house site, they can use this house site together. The area of houses demolished each household is 154 m 2, according to the plan of house site in city area, households affected generally will build houses at least with 2 floors, on the one hand, the 178 position of programming area in the town is very good, on the other hand, they can take the first floor as house used for business and hiring it out or run perhaps do-it-yourself business, for example, they can run a motor repair house in the develop area because there go through many cars everyday, and the living level would not only recover to the level before the project, but also higher than before project. b. House site nearby Da’an highway The general situation Households affected can also choose a house site nearby Daan highway to build their houses. The house's site is nearby Daan highway, the distance to the original house is 1 km at first, and still belongs to Yankou Village, totally has areas of 80 house sites. Parts of house site has already used for building houses, the site has been completed in ‘water, electricity, road and land levelling’, the infrastructure is more perfect, and it is near to the place of the original house, and reduces the cost of removing houses. Resettlement for house site According to original area, the project unit will compensate them by the rule ‘demolish one, compensate one’, they should build houses with two floors according to the plan, connect with the house built. After building houses, houses still are on the house site of village collective and they have certificate of building houses and usage of house site, no house property certificate. New house site get close to Daan highway, there is good geography position, households demolished houses can make use of this advantage to do business and run a car repair shop, restaurant, store etc., and the living level would not only recover to the level before the project, but also higher than before project. According to the inquisition on local building market, cost of building houses in town area in Xiaohe town is about 300 Yuan/m 2 currently, the Compensation rates of houses in this project, the lowest is 273 Yuan/m2 for soil-wood structure, and the highest is 436 Yuan/m 2 for brick-mix structure. This Compensation rates and the surplus building materials from demolishing houses are enough for them to rebuild houses. ⅲResettlement for non-residence This project shall dismantle and displace two stone pits, one pointed transportation place for TNT, one village collective storehouse. Among them, two stone pits are Lisichun stone pit and Caixia stone pit. With the development through the many years, two stone pits in last the few years bought the large crush-stones machine, developed from middle-size to big-size stone pit, at the same time, the quantity of mountain stone near the garbage treatment field selected by project is not much, as the mining object of two stone pits. The PMO have already carried on many consultations with owners of two stone pits, and their will and worry mainly concentrate at the followings: The first, two stone pits all hope that they can continue to be engaged in this profession, but seek a piece of mineral mountain also is not easy; The second, the rest of limited time for mining is not long, whether they can go on mining stone during the period of the project construction; The third, it is so difficult to remove the big-size machine. The PMO carefully listened to the opinion and will of owners of two stone pits, and discussed the resettlement plan with them. Mainly put forward the following plans: The first, in the period of project construction, under the situation of not affecting the normal project construction, two stone pits still can continue to mine; The second, the PMO invited the audit valuation section to evaluate the all equipments and houses in the stone pit, and gave a market evaluating price, the PMO regards this market evaluating price as the Compensation rates for displacing two stone pits; The third, at the later period of project construction, if they hope to continue to run stone pit, the PMO does be responsible for looking for appropriate quarry at Huashan Village in Xiaohe Town, and help them transact the related procedure of the government section, help them reconstruction in another place, and also help them adopt the technique reformation lately to reach the environmental protection requirement; If they do not want to run stone pit again, then provide them employment training free, and provide person who voluntarily wants to run other business 179 the special benefit service. The business circumstance of two stone pits shows in Annex Table 3. 180 Annex Table 3 the circumstance of affected enterprises of Xiaochang solid waste landfillproject Basic circumstance of enterprise circumstance of affected equipments The business enterprise management circumstance( ten thousand dollars) the circumstance of removing large equipments tax and fee ( ten thousand Yuan/ year) Enterprise name Caixia quarry Lisichun quarry The pointed place of transportation of TNT of Xiaochang Civil Dynamite Company Property Privately owned Privately owned Privately owned Main business Mining and machining Mining and machining TNT Management condition Good Starting stage common Fixed assets 15 21 15 Annual production value 12 20 7 workers' wages ( ten thousand Yuan/ year) 6.72 11.52 the safety management fee ( given to the Safety Bureau) 10000 Management fee ( government) 2000 12000 2400 0 The tax of national territory resources, The tax of mineral ( National Land administration Bureau) 5000 6000 Expenses of renting land 2000 2400 3000 181 Annual profits 6 10 5 Category Crushed stones machine Crushed stones machine Lightning rod Quantity 1 1 2 The expenses needed the intention of removing 10000 sets up the factory in another place 12000 sets up the factory in another place 30000 sets up the factory in another place The pointed place of transportation of TNT of Xiaochang Civil Dynamite Company rented the villager’s house as the storehouse and management house before 2005; the company rented 540 m2 lands from Yankou Village of Xiaohe Town, set up the special-purpose storehouse for depositing TNT and management house in 2005. The current distance between the pointed place and the place selected by project is only 100 meters, is fall short of the request of the national security, therefore it must be removed. The PMO has already carried on many consultations with owners of house, and carried out the following plans: The first, the PMO help look for another place to rebuild the storehouse in Xiaohe Town. The second, the PMO invited the audit valuation section to evaluate all affected houses, equipments and land of this unit, and the PMO compensate them by the market evaluating price, the unit by herself choose the place to rebuild houses. Because the civil dynamite industry is the special industry, explosives sold everyday all must be registered in the storehouse, the explosive have been used out on that day must be collected and stored in the storehouse; the chosen place must be examined by the police department etc. Because the unit is very experienced in choosing the place and its procedure, the unit's representative wish to be compensated in the second plan by discussing with the PMO, to start rebuilding houses before half a year for the house demolition, so as to move into new houses before the house demolition, and reduce the risk of safety as much as the least. The village collective warehouse affected by project was used for the sericicultural industry collectively, and was abandoned afterwards; the area adds up to 350 m 2. The village collective warehouse shall be compensated by the standard of factory to the village committee, and there is no people’s resettlement. ⅳResettlement policy of vulnerable groups 5 affected vulnerable groups includes 2 households enjoying the five guarantees (childless and infirm old people who are guaranteed food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses), 1 household especially poor and 2 households only with widow, and the family income sources all are planting and subvention funds and goods given by Xiaochang county civil administration bureau. The land expropriated in this project are not contracted lands of affected households, each households has own contracted lands in other places, the amount of land expropriated of affected vulnerable groups covers 20% of total amount of original land, mainly plant sesame, the agriculture income from land expropriated covers 30% of total agriculture income of each household. For the family circumstance of vulnerable groups, the project unit communicated with the village collective, made the following resettlement plan: Because 2 households enjoying the five guarantees are old and difficult to move and plant, village collective arrange labour force to help them farm, it is the best project for them to adjust their lands. The project unit not only compensate them for existing green seedling, but give the elder households enjoying the five guarantees affected 50 Yuan/month, namely 600 Yuan annually and help them recover their production and life. They can get compensation for existing green seedling, 100 Yuan/month subvention funds gained from Xiaochang county civil administration bureau and get 50 Yuan/month life subsidy, these money can make up the loss 30% agriculture incomes, and they need not plant and can get one part of stable incomes, not only satisfy instauration of production and life, but also will live better than before. For 1 household especially poor and 2 households only with widow, with many discussion and communication, the project unit knows that vulnerable groups hope they can again get same size of the land for them cultivate. So the project unit carried on a consultation with Yankou Village committee together, which still has 15 mu flexible collective lands, so the village committee give 3 households 1.5 mu from 15 mu flexible collective lands, per family gets 0.5 mu, and they are all very satisfied, because land in the garbage covering plant are not fertile, and the usage value of land is lower, and that of adjusted land is higher than that of original land. the land make use of value lower, In addition to getting hold of compensation for green seedling, they will also expropriate higher income from plant industry, so their income will not reduce because of project. 182 B.WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECT ⅰResettlement plan of permanent land acquisition This project permanently expropriated 40.29 mu collective land of Minghua Village in Huayuan Town because the construction of wastewater treatment project, all is vegetable plot. At the 2 nd turn contracting land, according to the principle of arranging good and bad land in pairs and sharing equally, this land is shared equally by all villagers in No.4 village group, which has 180 households and 963 people. Land acquisitions in this project affect little villagers in Minghua Village. Firstly, because of the pollution of Yanjia river and Huan river, the quality of underground water of Minghua Village and Dinghe Village are affected in different degree, the drinking of person and livestock, irrigation water, life water all are polluted greatly, Minghua Village has no tap water, needs to dig well above 30 meters deeply for drinking and irrigation all, and average cost of each well needs 500 Yuan or so; The bad smell of wastewater also seriously influenced the environment inside the village, and especially in summer and they need close their nose for farming in the farmland; Through many times test by the city area wastewater prevention and cure section, the water pollution is beyond the standard in that region, but slowly can not be solved. The construction of this project, for the decrease pollution and improvement the environment, all has a very big function, so Minghua villagers widespread hold support attitude to this item. Secondly, the amount of land acquisition is few, the average amount land acquisition for each household is 0.22 mu, and its loss is not big. Thirdly, because Minghua locates in Huayuan Town that is the town zone of Xiaochang county, the economy of non-agriculture is more flourishing, the non-agriculture income of villagers share the bigger proportion of gross earnings, a lot of villagers work in a part-time job and run business in the market town in the morning, come back home for farming in the afternoon, so villagers affected by land acquisition incompletely depend on land income, losing one part of lands also will not affect the family income greatly. a. Resettlement Plan By the negotiating with Minghua Village committee and inquisition of villagers’ opinion, project office initially decided the following resettlement plan to villagers in Minghua Village affected by project: ①The currency subsidy. Land compensation fund and resettlement subsidy of land acquisition were directly given to Xinlian Village in Luoshan Town affected by project, the green seedling compensation fee directly was given to households who owned the green seedling. By existing Compensation rates, which will organize villagers collectively discuss an allotment plan, more than 70% of land compensation and resettlement subsidy directly will be given to affected villagers. ②Employment in non-agriculture. The resettlement of employment in non-agriculture includes temporary and half-fixed work opportunity supplied by the project during the project construction, and work opportunity after it. ③Training. Because Minghua Village’s lands are almost vegetable plot, agriculture production value has the relation with agriculture technology, so the villagers hope very much that they can get the training of scientifically planting and especially the technical training of big plastic shed to improve the level of agriculture income. The project unit will unite with agriculture, labour and social security department etc, especially Sunlight Project Office. The project unit will provide an intensive agricultural training to all villagers who lost farmland, especially the labour force directly affected; improve the income level of agriculture, in the meantime, provide the technical ability training of non-agriculture production industry and make the villagers hold technical ability to work in non-agriculture industry; Provide help of employment information for people who voluntarily want to go out for a job. ④Production resettlement for women who lost land The above resettlement plans are same as the garbage treatment project. b. Assessment of result 183 Minghua Village in Huayuan Town affected by the project is near the city centre of Xiaochang County, the villager is engaged in a non-agriculture production more widespread, in the survey of compensation will, 91.43% of affected villagers hoped the currency compensation way and no longer adjust land for them. By the further will survey, affected villagers will make the currency used for a few aspects as follows: (a)Be engaged in second and third industries; (b) go out for the part-time job; (c) adjust the industrial structure or make use of the surplus land to develop family economy; (d) purchase insurance; (e) other. The proportion of each will shows in Annex Figure 19. 90.00% b, 82.86% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% a, 17.14% 10.00% 0.00% a b c, 20% e, 17.14% d, 0 c d e Annex Figure 19 The proportion of currency compensation usage for affected households By the sample survey, the structure of income resource for village households includes planting income, part-time job income, individual business income, wage income and other income, shows in Annex Figure 20. Annex Figure 20 the structure of income resource for village households According to existing Compensation rates, affected villagers can get hold of 16,000 Yuan compensation each mu land, because average land acquisition is 0.22 mu, so each family can get hold of about 4000 Yuan compensation. The affected villagers mainly use the currency compensation in following ways to renew production income: 184 Firstly, use compensation funds in planting. Minghua Village is in suburb and per capita farmland is 0.4mu, planting income covers a little in the total income, is 21.68%. This village mainly plants vegetable, plastic shed is the best way to increase planting income, according to the survey and interview in village, the fixed cost of plastic shed is 4000 Yuan, and each year it need to cost 200-300 Yuan. Some of villagers earlier had the idea to construct plastic shed, but no money. 20% of affected villagers plan to do it by compensation funds, and use rest of land develop family production. Because the benefit of plastic shed is 2 or 4 time than traditional way, the villagers use compensation funds develop plastic shed to increase planting income. Secondly, develop non-agriculture industry. 17.14% of affected villagers wished to develop second and third industry, 82.86% of affected villagers wished compensation to go out for part-time jobs. 13.56% of family income comes from individual business, 61.96% from part-time jobs. The affected villagers use compensation funds extend individual business or run third industry business, not only make up the loss of agricultural income, but also improve the total income. Villagers in Minghua Village very easily find work in the non- agriculture, because: Firstly, according to the data of social economic inquisition, 70% labour forces in Minghua Village are engaged in non-agriculture production or perhaps part-time job, basically each family's young labour forces will go to Huayuan Town, the city area of Xiaochang county or a part-time job in other country, because this village locates in city suburb, and a lot of villagers have already been engaged in a building, transportation, dining and repairing machine etc. When the farmer lost a land, they can make use of the advantage of convenient transportation and near the city area, and can very easily find out a related work no needing special technical ability. Secondly, Xiaochang County established specialized employment organization of labour force for farmer who lost farmland, exclusively looks for jobs and provides training for them. Dinghe Village near Minghua Village establishes a labour serve and employment company to help them find jobs. Thirdly, the construction of project will create temporary, half-fixed work opportunity, including material transportation, project of cubic metre of earth and stone and other temporary work for villagers those ages are between 40 to 60 years. The women can also participate in some works that are not heavy physical strength, for example provides a meals service etc. This not only is the additional income source of restoring living and also be advantageous to new vocational training for work in the future. The fourth, after building the WWTP, at the same situation, the project unit will have the initiative arrangement for employment of farmers lost land under the equal condition, thus also provide an opportunity of arranging employment in the affected village, can gradually improve life and income level of villagers. According to consultation between affected village and project unit, after building garbage covering plant, the project unit will hire some suitable affected villagers for some work without high technology requirement (or after training can be fit for the post), such as cleaning and maintenance etc. Taking out direct pay to the part of affected households, 30% land compensation funds will be given to village collective and be exclusively used for developing agriculture production, second and third industries, as to resolve the living and production problem of farmer household, establish the village collectively public welfare and concretely can be used for a few aspects as follows: Plant industry: With this compensation, the village collective can reform agriculture production environment and basic facilities of farmland, mainly water conservancy facilities. Moreover, by technique training provided by government on scientifically planting and kit facilities, and develop planting scientifically. Public welfare: Improve road inside the village, health facilities, environmental hygiene and community management etc. to increase the social welfare of villagers. ⅱTemporary Land Occupation 185 The paving SPN of wastewater treatment project involves temporary land occupation, including temporary occupation of state-owned land and village collective land in the suburban. The paving SPNof wastewater treatment project temporarily occupy 168,663 m2 state-owned land, namely 246 mu, this part of land are land for the city road, and project unit that used these lands paid correspond expenses toward Xiaochang Municipal Construction Administration Department), the property owner will recover the road according to need. After paving the pipeline network, the road function will be recovered. Village collective’s land temporarily occupied because of construction of SPNare 64 mu, paving SPN involves Jianzhu Village, Dinghe Village and Minghua in Huayuan Town, all lands are vegetable plot, the project unit will compensate the owner the green seedling compensation fee, the expenses for reclaiming land will be given to the village collective as the fee for reclaiming land or hand over to a national land administration bureau, which is entrusted to reclaim land. Because the time of temporary land occupation is short and the project promised to re-cultivate land as quickly as possible. With the green seedling compensation fee, this project affects villagers a little. ⅲRestoring the ground attachment after demolition Affected infrastructure and ground attachment include trees owned by Yankou Village collective in Xiaohe Town, woodland returning from farmland contracted by villagers, electric wire and distribution line house owned by the stone pits, tombs and electric wire owned by Minghua Village in Huayuan Town, according to the price of rebuilding them, the project give reasonable compensation, the property owner according to need recover them. ⅳResettlement plan of affected vulnerable groups Ding Shunting is a household enjoying the five guarantees and affected by project. According to the resettlement plan of garbage treatment, the project unit not only compensate them for existing green seedling, but give him 50 Yuan/month, namely 600 Yuan annually, and he can get 100 Yuan/month subvention funds from Xiaochang county civil administration bureau, these money can make up the loss agriculture incomes, and they not only satisfy instauration of production and life, but also will live better than before. Ⅸ. RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF DAWU SOLID WASTE LANDFILL PROJECT The Permanent land acquisition is 108mu in this project, among them, including Woods land 100mu, the water surface of reservoir is 5mu (including overflow pond under the dam descend), it covers an area of 3mu to rebuild and widen the dirt road, and it is construction land for non-agriculture. The land expropriated belongs to Changzheng Road Resident’s Committee of Chengguan Town in Dawu County. The woodland belongs to collective village, and not was contracted by households, but they close hillsides to facilitate forest. There is no person to contract the water surface for aquiculture. So the land acquisition in this project has not caused the agriculture labour force unemployed, and it is not necessary to resettle them. 186 There is one reservoir guard house owned by village collective need to be expropriated for garbage treatment plant construction. By recognizing the sensitive point of the environment about the plant area, this project needs to demolish 11 households’ houses. By the field survey, among 11 households residents whose house were demolished, 4 households wish to buy new house in the town after discounting their old house by the demolishing in this project because the main labour force of their family mainly work outside and not engage in agricultural production. The project owner will give these 4 households currency compensation, and if they buy house in the town, the local government will remit the related tax for buying houses. For other seven houses, first compensating them with currency, then the Village Committee provide them new residential land. the project unit will pay for building water pipeline network, electricity line, road and levelling the land used for building new houses, and resettle them by the way of unified planning and building houses by themselves. While reallocating the residential land, by the spirit of setting up the harmonious society, the project owner makes displaced households harmoniously live and work, avoid the contradiction and benefit conflicts, and adopt the principle of resettlement closely in village groups or village area so as to assure that the displaced households live and produce conveniently and the relation between them and people lived originally in resettlement place, keep the originally possessed social relation network and does not lose other income resources. The project owner temporarily decided resettlement land chosen by the plan is in this village, Qingrengu on the left of living land now is in the farm semi diameter of contracted farmland, currently the resettled land is unused land. Not only compensate households whose houses were demolished currency, but also let them hold the building material that can be reused and caused by demolishing houses and help them rebuild houses. According to the local cost of rebuilding house currently, the old building material and compensation currency with the standard of rebuilding house are enough to rebuild houses for them, and the quality of new houses is better than old house’s. The project owner will compensate for the accessory of all kinds building, including illegal buildings. After having house demolished and move out, the person whose houses were demolished will be helped and given transition fee and the removing-house fee. Changzheng Road Resident’s Committee implement the important thought ‘Three Represents’ in practical work, represents the most extensive benefit of farmer household. For the land compensation fee and resettlement subsidy, the committee should listen to opinion discussed by the villager's congress, put the spirit of building new rural area into impacts, use these fee rationally and efficiently, and these money can be used for village groups to develop production, public welfare and public utilities, especially, continue developing collective economy, improve infrastructural facilities, improve village water supply, electricity supply, traffic, gas supply, communication and cable television etc., can be used to help a vulnerable group, for the farmer provide agricultural technique to improve their cultivation technique, be sure that the villager will benefit out of it, to build school, post and telecommunications, savings bank, vegetable market, clinic etc. , so guarantee villager’s lives much better. So, the entire villager can benefit out of this project After the project unit compensate the owner of the affected infrastructure and ground accessory by the assessed price of rebuilding them, they rebuild according to their need. The evaluation of income restoration Nobody will be directly affected by the permanent acquisition land in this project.There are 11 residents who will be removed.This project will directly affect 51 persons. What the outgoing partime jab income was 59.4% of annual family income, was knew though the survey for these 11 residents. 187 Among 11 households residents whose house were demolished, 4 households wish to buy new house in the town after discounting their old house by the demolishing in this project because the main labour force of their family mainly work outside and not engage in agricultural production. The project owner will give these 4 households currency compensation, and if they buy house in the town, the local government will remit the related tax for buying houses. So, this project provides a great opportunity to help them who want to live in cites. For other seven houses, first compensating them with currency, then the Village Committee provides them new residential land. The project unit will pay for building water pipeline network, electricity line, road and levelling the land used for building new houses, and resettle them by the way of unified planning and building houses by themselves. Beacause their land will not be expropriated in this project, their live level and their agricultural income will not be affected. And the level of compasation in this project is higher than the others. So it is a opportunity that the live level of these seven residents was improved. 188 Annex 2 Information of collection stations to be built Subproject NO. Name of solidwaste collection station 1 Yaogou road station 2 Chezhan road station 3 Xinhe Power Plant station 4 Diaodong farm station 5 Huocheng station 6 Yuchi residents station Near Chezhan road and Danjiang street Dianchang road in Xinhe Town Zhuchang road of Diaodong Farm side door of Hanchuan NO.1 Middle school Yuchi residents of Xihu road 7 Jiexin garden station 8 9 scale(t/d) Area (m2) Construction Date Land property Actual situation of the land land acquisition way Number of the households in 50m buffer zone Number of the households in 100m buffer zone(including 50m buffer zone) Non-residental building near the location 100 200 New-built 2008 State empty land transfer none none 20 one small Automobile service stations 100 200 New-built 2008 State empty land transfer none none 100 none 30 300 New-built 2008 State empty land transfer 3 4 12 none 30 300 New-built 2008 State empty land transfer 2 6 16 one plastics factory 30 300 New-built 2008 State empty land transfer 2 3 30 none 30 120 Expansion to180m2 2008 State collection station transfer 6 10 26 none Near the gymnasium 30 130 Expansion to170m2 2008 State collection station transfer 5 10 28 none Huanglegao Entertainment station Huanle street 30 120 Expansion to180m2 2008 State collection station transfer 3 16 20 none Chengzhong road station Shanhouwan community 30 120 Expansion to180m2 2008 State collection station transfer 3 12 60 none Danjiangkou Hanchuan Location New-built or Expansion Number of the households in 200m buffer zone (including 100m buffer zone) Yaogou road 189 Remarks NO. Name of solidwaste collection station Location scale(t/d) 10 Xiaojun street station South street of Xiaojun Village Yunmeng 11 Wupu road station Xiaochang 12 Gucheng road station Subproject Actual situation of the land land acquisition way Number of the households in 50m buffer zone Number of the households in 100m buffer zone(including 50m buffer zone) Number of the households in 200m buffer zone (including 100m buffer zone) State collection station transfer 6 20 80 none 2008.12 State empty land transfer 6 12 45 one meteorological monitoring office building 2007.11 State empty land transfer 12 18 30 none Area (m2) New-built or Expansion Construction Date Land property 30 130 Expansion to170m2 2008 Wupu road of Chuwang castle 30 200 New-built Gucheng road 35 200 New-built wb86232 L:\SUDP & HHRP\Hanjiang-RP-English-2007.07.29.doc 07/31/2007 4:18:00 PM 190 Non-residental building near the location Remarks