ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Split-plot experiments: main plots are independent, subplot measures are correlated since they are taken within the same plot. Experiments repeated across years Each experimental unit is measured repeatedly across several year. Successive measures on the same unit may be correlated. Interest in long-term effect of treatments Box: assumption is that every pair of subplot times has the same correlation. Randomization of subplot factors validates this assumption. Example (Snedecor and Cochran, 1989. Statistical Methods) Experimental data is from a study on the effect of four cutting treatments on asparagus yield. Cutting began at Year 2 after planting. There were four block, with 4 plots each. One plot within each block was cut until June 1 in each year; others to June 15, July 1 and July 15. Yields shown are the weights cut to June 1 for each plot on years 3, 4, 5, and 6. Weight (oz) is a measure of vigor, and objective is to study the relative effectiveness of thd harvesting plans (cuttings). 4 4 4 Factorial Experiment in a RCBD Experimental Design: Blocking factor: Block, Random Effects, j = 1, 2, 3, 4 Treatments: Cutting, Fixed Effect Factor , i = 1, 2, 3, 4 Year, Fixed Effect Factor, k = 1, 2, 3, 4 DATA: WEIGHT_HARVEST; BLOCK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. YEAR 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 CUTTING jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 WEIGHT_HARVEST 230 212 183 148 324 415 320 246 512 584 456 304 399 386 255 144 216 190 186 126 317 296 295 201 448 471 387 289 361 280 187 83 BLOCK 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 YEAR 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 CUTTING jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 jun01 jun15 jul01 jul15 WEIGHT_HARVEST 219 151 177 107 357 278 298 192 496 399 427 271 344 254 239 90 200 150 209 168 362 336 328 226 540 485 462 312 381 279 244 168 Claim: Prolonged cutting decreased the vigor. The linear component of the regression of yield (WEIGHT_HARVEST) on years is used to analyze time trend and the effect of cutting on this trend Calculation, on each plot, of the linear effect of time is done through the contrast Year _ Linearij 3 Weight _ Harvestij1 1 Weight _ Harvestij 2 1 Weight _ Harvestij 3 3 Weight _ Harvestij 4 YEAR_LINEAR measures the average improvement in yield per year. Alternatively, the calculated slope from the regression of yield on time, for each plot, is used to analyze the linear trend of time and the effect of cutting on these slopes. Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 1 20 ST 524 Homework 7 6. 7. 8. 9. NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 Claim: Annual improvement is greatest for June-1 cutting, and declines linearly with later cutting times Claim: Each additional two-week of cutting decreases the annual improvement in yield up to June 1 by the same amount. Repeated Measures within each plot, taken at yearly intervals are analyzed in PROC MIXED. We assume initially that pattern of correlation between timepoints is the same for each plot. Correlation pattern among repeated measures on time is modeled through type = UN, with no predetermined assumption about correlation between any pair of points in time, corr yijk , yijk ' kk ' 10. Correlation pattern among repeated measures on time is modeled through type = CS, which indicates that any pair of measures on time within the same plot will be equally correlated, corr yijk , yijk ' 11. Correlation pattern among repeated measures on time is modeled through type = AR(1), which indicates that correlation between a pair of measures on time depends on their distance on time, corr yijk , yij k h h Questions 12. What pattern of correlation best describes the time effect? 13. Explain how increasing the cutting time (from june01 to July15) affects the response expressed as the slope of the regression of yield on Year. 14. Conclusions. Use = 0.05. Indicate supporting statistical evidence to above Claims when writing up your conclusions. Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 2 ST 524 Homework 7 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 11/11/08 2. Strip-Split block Referencia: Example 7.6.5 A Split Strip-plot Experiment for Soybean Yield (Schabenberger, O. and F. Pierce, Contemporary Statistical Models for the Plant and Soil Sciences. 2001) Please refer to handout with above example and to results from statistical analysis of data to support the following conclusions. You should make reference to relevant parts of the SAS output, indicating p-values. Frame the answer as the results section in a scientific article. This exercise looks to the use of Slice option on LSMEANS statement and Pairwise Mean Comparisons to reach similar conclusions as the one summarized in the example 7.6.5 Conclusions 1. Yield responded to soybean population in a quadratic fashion. 2. Cultivars differed significantly, but no interactions between cultivar and population treatments were evident, 3. There were no significant differences between row spacing levels. 4. Averaged across population densities, only variety AG3601 shows a significant yield difference among the row spacing levels. 5. Only for cultivar AG3601 is row spacing of importance for a given population density. 6. For Cultivar AG3601 there is no (row) spacing effect at 60,000 plants per acre, but there are significant effects for all greater population densities 7. For the other cultivars the row spacing effects are absent with two exceptions: AG4601 and AG4701 at 120,000 plants per acre. 8. At 9-inch spacing there are significant differences among the cultivars at any population density. 9. For the 18-inch row spacing cultivar effects are mostly absent. 10. Yield is a linearly increasing function of population density for AG3701. Optional (Bonus points) 11. Cultivar AG4601 shows a slight cubic effect in addition to a linear term 12. G701 shows polynomial terms up to the third order. 13. For cultivar AG3601, at 9-inch row spacing, yield depends on population density in quadratic fashion. At 18-inch row spacing, yields is not responsive to changes in the population density. Note. Pairwise mean comparisons are at alpha = 0.05 (default value). What is (are) the possible consequence(s) in the use of this alpha level? Thursday October 10, 2008 Homework 7 3