map data sources - Connecticut River Joint Commissions

Water Resources Maps: Mt. Ascutney Subcommittee
Data Sources:
NH base map features, including roads and railways, from 1:24,000 Digital Line Graph (DLG) data supplied by
Complex Systems Research Center, UNH (CSRC). VT base map features from 1:5,000 orthophotos distributed by VT
Center for Geographic Information (VCGI). VT roads from Enhanced 911 Board, distributed by VCGI. VT railway
from USGS 1:100,000 DLG data, distributed by VCGI, 1987.
NH watershed boundaries by US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
and NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES), 1:24,000 scale, distributed by CSRC, 1983. VT watershed
boundaries by USDA NRCS, 1:24,000 scale, from USGS DLG’s and Digital Raster Graphics (DRG), distributed by
Wetlands data provided by the US Fish & Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory (NWI). NH wetlands
distributed by CSRC, 1:24,000 scale. VT wetlands distributed by VCGI, 1:80,000 scale.
Aquifers mapped by US Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with NHDES, 1:24,000 scale, distributed by CSRC,
2000. For detailed information, see Geohydrology and Water Quality of Stratified-Drift Aquifers in the Middle
Connecticut River Basin, West-Central NH, USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4181 or Geohydrology
and Water Quality of Stratified-Drift Aquifers in the Lower Connecticut River Basin, Southwestern NH, USGS WaterResources Investigations Report 92-4013. No digitized aquifers available in the state of VT.
NH public drinking water supply sources from NHDES, 1:24,000 scale, distributed by NHDES, 1997. VT public
drinking water sources by Halliburton NUS Corporation, funded by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
distributed by Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (VTANR), 1994.
Sediment locations from Weston Solutions, Inc., 2000, distributed by US Environmental Protection Agency--New
England, funded in cooperation with NHDES and VTANR. See Upper Connecticut River Valley Sediment Study from
Weston Solutions, Inc. for detailed information on sediment samples. This study sampled river sediments in 100
locations along the mainstem and inside the mouths of tributaries between Fourth Connecticut Lake in Pittsburg, NH
and the confluence of the Ottauquechee River in Hartland, VT. Sediments were analyzed for the presence of 159
possible contaminants. "High risk priority" means that the concentration of the pollutant(s) found in the sediment
suggests a strong likelihood of impacts to aquatic life. "Moderate risk priority" means that the concentration of the
pollutant(s) found in the sediment suggests a moderate likelihood of impacts to aquatic life.
Sediment locations from US Environmental Protection Agency--New England, 1999, Office of Environmental
Management and Evaluation Ecosystem Assessment Unit. This study sampled river sediments in 10 locations along
the mainstem between Pittsburg, NH and the confluence of the Ashuelot River in Hinsdale, NH. Sediments were
analyzed for the presence of heavy metals, pesticides/PCBs, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, total petroleum hydrocarbons,
and total organic carbon. "High risk priority" means that the concentration of the pollutant(s) found in the sediment
suggests a strong likelihood of impacts to aquatic life. "Moderate risk priority" means that the concentration of the
pollutant(s) found in the sediment suggests a moderate likelihood of impacts to aquatic life.
Potential water quality threats in NH distributed by NHDES include the following:
Underground Storage Tank Facilities, 2004.
Automobile Salvage Yards, 1991.
Point/Non-point Potential Pollution Sources**
Groundwater Hazard Inventory, 2003 **
**Refer to written report for more detailed information on each potential water quality threat categories.
Potential Water Quality Threats in VT from VTANR distributed by VCGI include Underground Storage Tank
Facilities and the Pollution Source Inventory of 1980.
Floodplains for Windsor, VT/Plainfield, NH and points south from ENSR International, Westford, MA, funded by
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2003.
The impoundment zone, or upstream extent of impoundments, generated by MicroData, 1994, based on source data
provided by Connecticut River Joint Commissions.
Maps created by Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission, by R. Ruppel, GIS Analyst.