INVESTIGATING HOW SOIL DRAINAGE CLASS AFFECTS THE REDOX STATUS OF SHALLOW GROUNDWATER Juliet Clague,1 Roland Stenger,1 Brian Moorhead,1 1 Lincoln Agritech Ltd Introduction We have recently extended our research on the assimilative capacity of groundwater systems for nitrate to the Reporoa Basin in Waikato. The particular focus of the presented study is to investigate to which extent the drainage class of the soil zone (approx. 1 m depth) affects the redox status of the underlying shallow groundwater. The Reporoa Basin offers good opportunities to address this question as soils ranging in their drainage class from well-drained to very poorly drained occur in close proximity and at locations with reasonably shallow depth to the groundwater table. Method Potential well locations were identified using S-map to cover the variety of soil types and drainage classes found in the area (Figure 1). Preliminary site investigations were then carried out to ascertain how accurate the S-map predictions were, and to document the aquifer material beneath the soil zone. The Childs test was used to indicate where possible reducing zones might be located (Childs, 1981). Six monitoring wells (50 mm diameter PVC) were then installed at selected locations using a novel coring method which eliminates the problem of annular gap bypass flow. An attempt was made to cover the well-drained, imperfectly drained, poorly drained and very poorly drained drainage classes found in the area; however, the supposedly very poorly drained site (GW05) turned out to be imperfectly drained. A mini bladder pump (150 mm long) located between two inflatable packers was used to sample the wells at 3 - 5 discrete intervals and characterise the groundwater chemistry. Field measurements of dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity were monitored until stable and then samples were collected. An aliquot was field-filtered (0.45 µm) and acidified (nitric acid) for the analysis of dissolved iron and manganese. A 500 mL sample was also taken and analysed for NNN (nitrate + nitrite), dissolved reactive phosphorus, total phosphorus, sulphate and silica. Future samplings will entail a comprehensive suite of analytes including carbon species, cations, anions and dissolved gases. Figure 1: Location of the six wells installed in the Reporoa Basin, and the corresponding S-map soil and drainage classification. Results The information found in S-map provides a starting block for field investigations since such information is rarely accurate at the paddock scale. Finding appropriate profiles, with shallow groundwater required comprehensive field investigations before wells could be installed at suitable sites. Table 1 shows the classification, Childs test response and initial groundwater redox status of the six wells installed so far. More wells will be installed to provide another profile example of both the well-drained and impeded Pumice soils found in the area. Table 1: Soil type, drainage class, Childs test response and initial redox status of groundwater for the six wells installed in the Reporoa Basin. Redox status of Well ID Soil Drainage class Childs test Response groundwater GW04 Immature Orthic Pumice Well-drained Negative Oxidised GW05 Mottled Impeded Pumice Imperfectly drained Positive 1.0 – 1.5 m Reduced TW09 Mottled Orthic Pumice Imperfectly drained Positive 1.5 – 4.0 m Reduced TW12 Mottled Orthic Pumice Imperfectly drained Positive 2.0 – 3.0 m Oxidised over reduced WW04 Mellow Humic Organic Poorly drained Positive 2.0 – 4.5 m Reduced WW05 Mellow Humic Organic Very poorly drained Positive 1.5 – 4.0 m Reduced Results from the initial round of sampling indicate that denitrification is occurring in the shallow groundwater of several locations in the Reporoa area. Denitrification substantially changes the chemical composition and environmental impact of the water entering Waiotapu stream and the Waikato River by reducing nitrate to dinitrogen gas. The well-drained, oxidised profile found in GW04, has high NNN concentrations throughout the profile (Figure 2). This well represents the impact high intensity dairying can have on the underlying groundwater, and potential effect on nearby surface water. Figure 2: Profiles of the dissolved oxygen and nitrate + nitrite concentrations measured in the six wells sampled in the Reporoa Basin. In contrast, the imperfectly drained TW12 profile shows a redox gradient with depth and concomitantly declining NNN concentrations (Figure 2). This is likely due to active denitrification, although the electron donor involved remains unknown at this stage since analysis of the predominantly sand and pumice core samples revealed low total carbon concentrations throughout (<1%). The two poorly drained profiles (WW04 and WW05) have peat in the upper part of the profile, and very shallow groundwater (<0.4 m bgs) that is already reduced and nitrate-free (Figure 2). It is highly likely that denitrification has occurred at these sites since dissolved iron and manganese concentrations are elevated (data not shown) and the peat layer would provide a suitable electron donor for denitrification. Future samplings will reveal how temporally stable the geochemistry of the shallow groundwater in the Reporoa Basin is, and whether the denitrification process is dynamic or constant. This research was conducted under the ‘Groundwater Assimilative Capacity’ programme funded by MBIE. References CHILDS, C. W. (1981) Field test for ferrous iron and ferric-organic complexes (on exchange sites or in water-soluble forms) in soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 19, 175-180.