Estimation of Total Sediment Quantity in Streams (Seminar) Prepared By Luay Kadhum Hameed 2010 Chapter 1 Introduction Sediments are small particles, like sand ,gravel, clay and silt. The water in a river has a natural capacity of transporting sediment, given the velocity ,depth, sediment characteristics etc. Man made structure in a river may change the sediment transport capacity over a longer part of the river, or locally. Erosion may take place in connection with structure, such as bridges, flood protection works etc. The hydraulic engineer has to be able to assess potential scour problem. During a flood, the risk for erosion damages is at its highest.[Olsen,2002] Sediment is a phenomenon of soil erosion process, which generally starts with soil first being detached by wind or water or other forces than further transported and finally either becomes suspended particles in water or wind and finally settled on land surface. Sediment represents the soil quantity suspended or deposited. Sediment can be classified as deposited or suspended. Deposited sediment is that found on the bed of river or lake. Suspended sediment is that found in the water column where it is being transported by water movements. Sediment information is used for measuring effects of changing agricultural practices, for engineering design of the facilities, such as bridges ,locks, 2 dams and hydropower structures, for reservoir study to help reservoir maintenance. Sediment causes many problems when constructing hydropower plants and irrigation projects in tropical countries .Deposition and filling of reservoirs is one problem ,and the water intake has to be designed for handling the Sediments .The Sediments reaching the water turbine may cause wear on the components. Various instruments has been developed to measure the solidmaterial discharge .Such measurements are necessary to determine directly the amount of sediment load and/or to establish or check analytical or empirical relations which permit direct calculation of the sediment load. Very few of the developed instruments are universally accepted. It becomes necessary to use the instruments with extreme care, and with in the range of the hydraulic and sediment parameters as specified by the manufactures. [Graf,1971] Chapter 2 Bed load measuring devices Bed load: The part of total load which has more or less continuous contact with the bed. Thus the bed load must be determined in relation to the effective shear stress which acts directly on the grain surface. Description of bed load samplers: The basic principle of mechanical trap-type bed-load samplers is the interception of the sediment particles which are in transport close to the bed over a small incremental width of the channel bed. Most of the particles close to the bed are transported as bed load but the sampler will inherently collect a small part of the suspended load (related to vertical size of intake mouth). Popular instruments to sample bed load transport are: Bed load transportmeter Arnhem (BTMA), Helley-Smith sampler (HS) and Delft Nile bed load and suspended load sampler (DNS). 3 The bed-load transport measured by a mechanical sampler is dependent on its efficiency (instrumental errors), on its location with respect to the bed form geometry (spatial variability) and on the near-bed turbulence structure (temporal variability). The efficiency of the bed-load sampler depends on the hydraulic coefficient, the percentage of width of the sampler nozzle in contact with the bed during sampling and on sampling disturbances generated at the beginning and the end of the sampling period. Typical instrumental problems of a (bag-type) bed-load sampler are: the initial effect; sand particles of the bed may be stirred up and trapped when the instrument is placed on the bed (over sampling), the gap effect; a gap between the bed and the sampler mouth may be present initially or generated at a later stage under the mouth of the sampler due to migrating ripples or erosion processes (under sampling), the blocking effect; blocking of the bag material by sand, silt, clay particles and organic materials will reduce the hydraulic coefficient and thus the sampling efficiency (under sampling), the scooping effect; the instrument may drift downstream from the survey boat during lowering to the bed and it may be pulled forward (scoop) over the bed when it is raised again so that it acts as a grab sampler (over sampling). According transport in a river is often determined by measurements. A water bottle is lowered into the river, and water with sediment is extracted. The sediment concentration is determined in a laboratory. The water bottle is not able to reach all the way down to the bed, so there will be an unmeasured zone 2-10 cm from the bed . often the measured sediment will be denoted suspended load , and the unmeasured load denoted bed load. [Olsen,2002] 4 Chapter 3 Suspended load measuring devices Suspended load: The part of total load which is moving without continuous contact with the bed as the result of the agitation of the fluid turbulence. The appearance of ripples will increase the bed shear stress(flow resistance. On the other hand , more grains will be suspended due to flow separation on the lee side of the ripples . Thus the suspended load is related to the total bed shear stress.[Zhou Lin,2001]. The main purpose of suspended sediment sampling is to determine the instantaneous mean discharge –weighted suspended sediment concentration over stream cross section . The measured suspended sediment discharge is computed by these concentrations combined with water discharge.[Edwards and Glyssom,1999]. Characteristics of ideal sediment sampler: The requirements of an ideal time integrating suspended sediment sampler were summarized by Nelson and Benedict (1951). 1. the velocity at the entrance of the intake tube should be equal to the local stream velocity. 5 2. the intake should be pointed into the approaching flow and should protrude upstream from the zone of disturbance caused by the presence of the sampler. 3. the sample container should be removable and suitable for transportation to the laboratory without loss or spoilage of the contents. Description of suspended load samplers: This section describes different samplers to measure the suspended load.. Suspended load samplers can be classified as a direct method (Delft Bottle sampler and acoustic samplers) or and indirect method. Indirect methods may be point-integrating (trap/bottle samplers, pump samplers, optical samplers, impact samplers) or depth-integrating (USD-49 and collapsible bag sampler). The most important characteristics of the point-integrating samplers (sampling period, minimum cycle period and overall accuracy). Point integration method obtains a sample at a given point , where it remains for a certain time. Depth integrating method obtains a sample while it is moved vertically through a given distance. .[Edwards and Glyssom,1999]. (1)Bottle and Trap samplers: The basic principle of all mechanical bottle and trap samplers is the collection of a water-sediment sample to determine the local sediment concentration, transport and/or particle size by physical laboratory analysis. Optimal sampling of a water-sediment volume by means of a mechanical instrument requires an intake velocity equal to the local flow velocity (isokinetic sampling) or a hydraulic coefficient, defined as the ratio of the intake velocity and local flow velocity, equal to unity. Differences between the intake velocity and local flow velocity result in sampling errors. (2)USP-61point-integratingsampler: The USP-61 suspended load sampler consists of a streamlined bronze casting (= 50 kg), which encloses a small bottle (= 500 ml). The sampler head is hinged to provide access to the bottle. The intake nozzle, which can be opened or closed by means of an electrically operated valve, points directly into the approaching flow. 6 (3) Delft Bottle sampler: The Delft Bottle suspended load sampler is based on the flow-through principle, which means that the water entering the intake nozzle leaves the bottle at the backside. (4) USD-49depth-integrating samplers The USD-49 depth-integrating sampler is a depth integrating sampler. The sampler is lowered at a uniform rate from the water surface to the streambed, instantly reversed, and then raised again to the water surface. The sampler continues to take its sample throughout the time of submergence. At least one sample should be taken at each vertical selected in the crosssection of the stream. (5) Pump sampler Chapter 4 Sediment transport formulas: There exist a large number of sediment transport formulas . Some of the formulas are developed for bed load , and some for total load . All formulas contain empirical constants , so the quality of the formula depend on the data set used to calibrate the constant. In other words, some formulas work well for steep rivers ,and some for rivers with smaller slopes, finer sediments etc. The formulas give very different result for the same case , and there is often an order of magnitude between lowest and highest value. It is therefore difficult to know which formula to use. Different researchers also have varying opinions and preferences as to what formula to use. The formulas can be divided in two groups: Bed load formulas and total load formulas. The bed load formulas are developed for data sets where only bed load occur. When used in situations where the sediment transport is mainly suspended load , the formulas may give very inaccurate results. The total load formulas should work for both modes of transport.[Olsen,2002]. : 7 Where 4-1 Total sediment load 8 4-2 Bed load transport formulas: 9 10 4-3 Suspended load transport 11 Fig. 1 Illustration of vertical distribution of c and u 12 The calculations below show the different in results for some equations: Calculate qB by formuls: formuls Kalinske-Frijlink Meyer-Peter Einstein-Brown qB (m3/m.sec) 0.0000121 0.0000215 0.0000167 Comment: The total bed load transport in the river depends on the width of the river . When the accuracy of sediment transport formulas is concerned, experts say that if the formula gives the correct order of magnitude , it is a good formula . It is not surprising that the formulas give more or less the same result , because all formulas include parameters to be determined by the fitting of experimental results. 13 Rating curve 14 Chapter 5 Summary The methods and equipments used for sampling suspended sediment are different from those used for deposited sediment .Also sampling method for measurement of quantity sediment in transport are different than for measurement of sediment quality. The reason for these differences reflects the fact that sediment quantity must include the sand – size fractions which are unequally distributed in depth . For bed sediments it may be necessary to collect deposited sediments with minimum disturbance in order not to lose the fine material on the sediment surface , or because the vertical distribution of the sediment components is important . Various instruments for measuring the sediment transport rate are described. Usually the sediment transport is represented as the summation of the bed load and suspended load transport. To measure the bed load transport, two measuring methods are available: simple mechanical trap-type samplers (collecting the sediment particles transported close to the bed) and the recording of the bed profile as a function of time (bed form tracking). To measure the suspended load transport, a wide range of instruments is available from simple mechanical samplers to sophisticated optical and acoustical (electronic) sensors. Most instruments are used as pointintegrating instruments which means the measurement of the relevant parameters in a specific point above the bed as a function of time. Some instruments are used as depth-integrating samplers, which means continuous sampling over the water depth by lowering and raising the instrument at a constant transit rate. Estimating sediment movement is problematic for several reasons . The measurements are a time consuming and expensive ; the accuracy of measurements is likely to be poor, and even if there are a good data, where the soil came from and when is not known .But it is sometimes necessary to collect samples in order to develop sediment rating curves for detailed analysis of long- term trends in system stability, to assess water quality ,or to 15 determine conditions under which large volume of sediment are delivered to the stream system. All instruments are described in terms of their measuring principle, practical operation, inaccuracy and technical specifications Guidelines for the selection of the most appropriate sampling technique for a certain environment are given, based on the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. type of process/parameters to be measured, type of sampling environment, type of sampling, type of project and required accuracy, available instruments and available budget. Measured load is a portion of the total sediment load that is obtained by the sampler in the sampling zone, unmeasured load is a portion of the total sediment load that passes beneath the sampler ,both in suspension and on the bed. The mathematics methods for calculating the sediment transport are been used ,this method is used to find quantity of bed load and total load in canals or rivers .The factors which effect on the measurement of sediment are size of particle ,location ,velocity of flow ,quantity of sediment with discharge which flowing from catchment and accuracy the man tests for taking sample. It is not separate limits between bed load and suspended load because the type of devices used which needed to spacing for taking samplers .The purpose from estimations by equations to a known ability of canal to carry the sedimentations and compared with actual measuring of sediments in field. The question remains on which formula to use . Three approaches exist: 1. Some formulas work better in particular situations, for example steep rivers etc. The problem with this approach is the difficult and inaccurate classification of the formulas 2. Do a measurement in the river ,and use the formula that best fits the result (julien,1989). The problem is the difficulty of obtaining a good measurement. 3. Use several formulas ,and choose an estimate close to the average value. The final approach depend on the information available and the experience and knowledge of the engineer. 16 17