ATO Update on 2010 EPA funding

January 13, 2010
TOPIC: Update on the FY-10 EPA funding Proposal
to EPA for Tribal Participation in the PSP
Contact: Terry Wright
The Tribal/PSP workgroup met to discuss the EPA funding proposal developed at the November Commission
meeting – i.e. pursue FY 2010 funding through an EPA Inter-Agency Agreement(s) for $5.0 M for tribal
participation in the implementation of the PSP Action Agenda. The desired outcome was to get PSP input on
the potential list of project types (see attached list) and the amount to be requested from EPA.
In January 2009, tribes approved an Appropriations Strategy that included the pursuit of $2.0 M from FY
2010 EPA Funding, to support tribal participation in the implementation of the PSP Action Agenda. The final
FY 2010 Interior-Environment Appropriation Bill provides $50 Million for implementing the PSP Action
The language in the 2010 Bill is not as restrictive as the FY 2009 language that required full competition and
EPA is currently seeking agreement from D.C. to enter into cooperative agreements with individual tribes
and/or the NWIFC to deliver that funding (likely a February timeframe).
PSP acknowledges that tribal proposals to address a comprehensive implementation of the Action Agenda
would likely exceed $5 M. They committed to seeking additional sources of funding – potentially
competitive – to assist in finding funding for this broader tribal list of proposals.
The purpose of this funding is to provide awards “approximately equally” to each of the NWIFC Puget Sound
member tribes (in the range of $270,000 - $280,000) and to the NWIFC to implement high priority actions
identified in the PSP’s Action Agenda, or other existing recovery plans, which will contribute directly to the
restoration and protection of Puget Sound.
Each award must provide enough information and detail to determine that the proposed action(s)
will result in clearly defined outputs that contribute to improvement to, or implementation of the
Action Agenda and lead to recovery of Puget Sound.
PSP concurs with this proposal to the extent that the individual tribal proposals are included prior to
submitting the funding request to EPA. This is intended to minimize the wild political speculation about how
the money would actually be used.
The staff recommends that Commissioners approve this strategy that would lead to each tribe utilizing the
attached list of potential tribal activities to develop their unique proposal for spending approximately $275k
by early February. In addition, PSP is suggesting that tribes also compile a list of additional, ranked, high
priority activities/projects in their watersheds. This will help to build the arguments for additional funding
from Congress and will also be ready for other pools of money as they become available.
______NWIFC Review
___X___NWIFC Recommendation