Company name : Gindre Duchavany Example : Improvement of the processes and the organization to limit the harmful effects on the environment Principles of the «world pact» («Pacte Mondial») concerned : The Group Gindre Duchavany is a family industrial company, manufacturing since 1823 copper products for the electrical industry. Principles 7, 8 and 9 of the “»world pact» («Pacte Mondial»)” are in agreement with the actions undertaken by Gindre Duchavany on its factory’s sites of Pont-de-Chéruy and Chavanoz. Actions implemented : Since its adhesion with the «world pact» («Pacte Mondial») in March 2003, the group Gindre Duchavany has not ceased to implement actions which reinforce its environmental responsibility. The group invested in a new process at the end of 2004. This improvement in the production process made it possible to decrease the consumption of degreasing products and thus the emissions in the atmosphere and the cost of reprocessing. In addition this made it possible to decrease the externalized and expensive parts of the operation. Another objective for the year 2005 is to replace 4 of the 5 “traditional” air coolers located in the production warehouse by low speed air coolers. These will be less noisy. In this preoccupation with a reduction in harmful sound effects, the storage warehouse for copper was acoustically insulated. Lastly, to preserve the natural resources, Gindre Duchavany privileges the use of natural gas, because it is an energy source of minimal pollution effects. A project is being studied to increase the reheating furnace of the billets in order to obtain a saving of 10% of the gas consumption i.e. 1400 annual MWh. Repercussions for the Group The actions implemented by Gindre Duchavany tend to promote a greater responsibility as regards the environment. Thanks to the new process of degreasing established on the site of production, the consumption of the liquid of degreasing was decreased from 400 litres to 60 litres. The volume of degreasing agents used in 2004 was about 120 tons per month until the end of October. Since then, the volume is about 10 tons per month. This new process makes it possible to save approximately 3000 € per month. As for the reduction in the harmful effects related to the surface transport, it is not easily quantifiable but exists. The replacement of 2 of the "traditional" air coolers will enable a reduction of 18dbA at 10 meters, and of 10 dbA at 10 meters for the other two. This reduction in harmful sound effects is an essential point for the health of the people present on the site and for the local residents. Country in which the changes were carried out France, on the production site of Pont-de-Chéruy. 5 key words describing the example Improvement of the processes, improvement of the organization, reduction in the harmful sound effects. Contact details in the company Name: Bernard Beguin E-mail: Internet links corresponding to other documents relating to the «world pact» («Pacte Mondial»). It is up to you to include Internet links with the future page of your Web site dedicated to the «world pact» («Pacte Mondial»).