MAGYARORSZÁG NAGYKÖVETSÉGE ZÁGRÁB SCRIPTAMENT NYÍLT IRAT Iktatószám: Kapja: 951/ZGB/2015 Tényiné Stark Mária igazgató MKIK Farkas Hilda ügyvezető igazgató KSZGYSZ Balog László igazgató, MNKH Zrt. Tájékoztatásul: Magyar Levente államtitkár Pana Petra helyettes államtitkár, Altusz Kristóf helyettes államtitkár Kubatov Anikó főosztályvezető, Magdó János főosztályvezető Tepes Anna MKIK, Schneider Ferenc, MNKH Zrt. Tárgy: Horvátországi tenderfigyelő (2015. április 20.-27.) Dátum: 2015. április 27. Készítette: Radácsi Milán Viktor külgazdasági attasé Intézkedést igényel: NEM Jellege: GAZDASÁGI 1. Construction of the Regional Water Supply System of Eastern Slavonia Client: Vodovod Ltd Slavonski Brod (Local Utility Company) Value: €3.2 million (excluding VAT) Submission Deadline: 12 May 2015 The tender includes the regional water supply system expansion for Eastern Slavonia. The project includes the construction of the pipeline Sikirevci-Oprisavci (12.527 m). Location of the construction works are the municipalities of Sikirevci and Garcin. The final deadline for completion of works is 18 months. 2. Maintenance of Maritime Transport Surveillance and Control System Client: Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure Value: €820,000 (excluding VAT) Submission Deadline: 1 June 2015 The procurement subject includes the maintenance of the maritime transport surveillance and control system, VTMIS, consisting of auxiliary equipment, radar device, IT equipment, VTMIS information system, AIS devices, CCTV cameras. System maintenance services are intended for 10 radar stations, the lighthouse Pomorac and 3 control centres in the area of the Republic of Croatia. 3. Mercedes Buses Spare Parts Client: Zagreb Holding (Local Utility Company) Value: €2.8 million (excluding VAT) Submission Deadline: 2 June 2015 The tender includes the procurement of spare parts for Mercedes city buses (i.e. brake, steering, engine, cooling, body, glass, electric material and other parts. The framework agreement is concluded for 2 years. MAGYARORSZÁG ZÁGRÁBI NAGYKÖVETSÉGE 255-257 Pantovčak, Zágráb, 10000 E-mail: Tel: +385 1 4890 906 Fax: +385 1 4579 301 MAGYARORSZÁG NAGYKÖVETSÉGE ZÁGRÁB SCRIPTAMENT NYÍLT IRAT 4. Network Management Software Support Client: HEP-Operator distribucijskog sustava Ltd (Croatia Electra) Value: €2.1 million (excluding VAT) Submission Deadline: 2 June 2015 The tender includes the instalment of electric power facilities in the technical remote control system. The framework agreement is concluded for a period of 24 months. 5. Reconstruction and Upgrade of Water Supply and Drainage Virovitica Client: Virkom Ltd (Local Utility Company) Value: €8.6 million (excluding VAT) Submission Deadline: 3 June 2015 The procurement subject is the construction, reconstruction and upgrade of the pipeline and facilities to the wastewater drainage system of agglomeration Virovitica, and the construction and equipment of the metering shafts in the water supply network. The deadline for completion of works is 15 months. 6. Study and Project Documentation for the Water Supply and Drainage Infrastructure Client: Vodovod i Odvodnja Cetinske Krajine Ltd (Local Utility Company) Value: €1.1 million (excluding VAT) Submission Deadline: 3 June 2015 The tender includes preparation of the study, project and tender documentation to the water supply and drainage system in the agglomerations Sinj, Trilj, Otok and Dicmo for EU cofinancing. The expected completion date is May 2016. 7. Wastewater Treatment Plant Virovitica Client: Virkom Ltd (Local Utility Company) Value: €5.4 million (excluding VAT) Submission Deadline: 1 July 2015 The tender includes the planning, obtaining permits, construction, supply and installation of equipment, commissioning, and tests upon the completion for the wastewater treatment plant with tertiary wastewater treatment, in the agglomeration Virovitica, capacity 26.000 PE (i.e. population equivalent). The deadline for completion of works is 24 months. Látta: Scherczer Károly Róbert vezető külgazdasági attasé Jóváhagyta: Magyar József nagykövet MAGYARORSZÁG ZÁGRÁBI NAGYKÖVETSÉGE 255-257 Pantovčak, Zágráb, 10000 E-mail: Tel: +385 1 4890 906 Fax: +385 1 4579 301