RUNOFF LENGTH OVER TERRICOLOUS LICHEN CRUSTS DEPENDING ON RAINFALL INTENSITY AND ANTECEDENT SOIL MOISTURE Roberto Lázaro-Suau1, Emiliano Pegoraro1 and Jane Bevan2. 1Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (CSIC); General Segura, 1; 04001 – Almería, Spain (Arid Zones Experimental Station, of the Spanish national Upper Council for Scientific Research) 2Department of Geography & Develop. University of Chester, Parkgate Road Chester CH1 4BJ, UK R. Lázaro:; E. Pegoraro:; J. Bevan: Knowledge of the hydrological behaviour of the different pure soil surface types at small plot scale is insufficient to directly understand the hydrological behaviour at slope or small catchment scales (Cantón et al., 2002). To up-scale the results from small plots to slope we need to know the length of the runoff, that is to say, the distance covered by the water flows in specific circumstances. This length depends on surface characteristics, especially including vegetation density, features and distribution, precipitation intensity and antecedent soil moisture. There is no data on runoff length to be found in the literature, and therefore, we aimed to experimentally find them in the natural environment. Firstly, we selected an area in badlands, because it is so rich in landforms in a small space that a 4-mlong plot is practically equivalent to a (small) slope, and 4 m is small enough for artificial rainfall experiments. This is important because a slope is a functional unit, whereas a plot is not. So, in this area, an experiment over 4 m can represent a change in organization level, making it possible to upscale hydrological responses. To start with, we selected a certain class of surfaces, the biological soil crusts, because they are relatively simple and homogeneous. These crusts are frequent, at several spatial scales, in inhospitable or relatively inhospitable sites (Budel, 2001), and play an important ecological role, affecting hydrology and erosion (Solé et al. 1997; Yair, 2001), physical-chemical soil properties (Belnap and Gardner, 1993) and recruitment of vascular plants (Harper and St.Clair, 1985). It seems to be widely accepted that living crusts increase surface runoff and, simultaneously, decrease water erosion; although some discussion exists, probably due to the diversity of living crusts and to the effect of differences in particle size in the upper soil horizon. In the Iberian semiarid Southeast, these crusts are dominated by terricolous lichens, which can locally cover large areas, constituting a natural mechanism for stabilisation and helping to build up vegetation patterns by occupying places with less available water, while providing the vascular plants clustered downslope with extra water by increasing runoff. The objectives of this work were (i) to construct a portable rainfall simulator able to generate 3 different stable, repeatable rainfall intensities, homogeneously distributed over an area of 2 m x 6 m, and no more than 2 m high, (ii) observe the relationship between the amount of runoff and slope length, (iii) find out how rainfall intensity and antecedent soil moisture affect the distance covered by runoff. Our initial hypotheses are, (i) that runoff covers a distance specific to each combination of given factors and then re-infiltrates, therefore, runoff increases with the length of slope considered only up to a certain point, after which it remains more or less constant (for homogeneous slopes with no change in angle); (ii) that runoff increases with rainfall intensity and with antecedent soil moisture; and (iii) that, runoff starts after a threshold of cumulated rainfall has been reached, then increases fast and afterwards stabilizes in a more or less constant (or oscillating) flow. We erected a rainfall simulator with the required characteristics, able to generate precipitation at 40, 48 and 63 mm/h, using a series of 12 Hardy® nozzles, models 15, 21 and 25, respectively, which sprinkle water in fans, wetting long, practically rectangular areas of approximately of 0.5 m x 1.9 m. In the Tabernas Desert badlands (SE Spain), we selected typical areas covered by homogeneous biological soil crusts, representative of two of the three main lichen communities, with very little vascular plant cover. This experiment was not possible in the third community, because the site is too steep and the cover of vascular plants is significant. Area S has a lichen crust dominated by white lichens with large, thick thalli, such as Squamarina lentigera, Diploschistes diacapsis, Buellia zoharyi and others. In Area U, undifferentiated brown living crust, rich in cyanobacteria, algae and fungus hyphae, dominates, although there is an important diversity of generally smaller terricolous lichens, such as Endocarpon pusillum, Fulsgensia sps., Placynthium nigrum, Collema sps, and others. The experiment includes 3 rainfall intensities, 4 slope lengths (1, 2, 3 and 4 m), and 4 replicates of each combination, requiring a total of 48 0.4-m-wide bounded plots in each community. The plots were arranged in blocks of 4. Every block included one plot of each length, in random order, and the blocks were grouped in 6 1.75-m x 5.5-m pairs, so that artificial rainfall could be sprinkled simultaneously over 8 plots, which was necessary for logistic reasons. We had previously confirmed that sub-surface water flows from the plots in the upper block do not affect the lower plots, and that 20 minutes is long enough for runoff over initially dry soil to become stable. Three consecutive experiments were performed in each double block in eight plots: 20 minutes of rainfall on dry soil (after a very dry summer) followed by a 20-minute pause to allow the soil moisture to abate, then 15 minutes of rainfall and a 5-minute pause (the minimum to prepare the third experiment, to keep soil moisture from going down) and 10 minutes of rainfall. The second and third experiments are done with progressively increasing antecedent soil moisture. Two double blocks are used for each rainfall intensity and we attempted to distribute the slope angles approximately equally among the intensities, and to put the plots in areas with typical lichen cover values. During the experiments, runoff leaving each plot was measured at several times. In the photograph on left, the rainfall simulator over a double block of bounded plots. The first results show that: a) For all rainfall intensities, the runoff flow rate (that is, the amount of runoff water per unit of time) increases with the slope length up to approximately 3 meters and then stabilizes or decreases, and this pattern seems to be independent of soil moisture; b) Runoff flow rate increases with rain intensity, however, in the undifferentiated crust it increases only from the medium intensity (except in the case of the maximum length, in which the increment in runoff is linear for all intensities), and this pattern is also the same for all antecedent soil moisture values; c) Runoff flow rate increases with the antecedent soil moisture in all cases. But, although these trends seem clear and the patterns are repeated for all the rainfall intensities as well as for the different antecedent soil moisture levels, differences in slope length, rain intensity and soil moisture often do not produce significantly different effects on runoff. The runoff flow rate seems to pulse over time, probably due to the roughness of the surface and, on the other hand, for several reasons, runoff starts at different times in plots of the same length. Both things cause wide dispersion of runoff values for a given time when data from the four replicas are combined, which would explain the lack of significance of a good part of the results. However, there are interesting differences between the hydrological responses of the two biological soil crusts. Runoff in the community dominated by the undifferentiated crust is higher than in the Squamarina community. This result was a little unexpected, as the thick Squamarina lichen thalli suggest that this community is relatively more waterproof. But, all things considered, this result is consistent with the crust dynamics and functioning, because the community dominated by undifferentiated crust is a pioneer and primo-colonizer, according to unpublished own data, and this ability to export water would allow it to diminish the available water within its space, probably under the minimum threshold for the development of vascular plants, with which living crust cannot compete for light. References Belnap, J. and Gardner, J.S. 1993. Soil microstructure in soils of the Colorado Plateau: the role of the cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus. Great Basin Nat., 53: 40 – 47 Büdel, B. 2001. Synopsis: Comparative Biogeography of Soil-Crust Biota. In: J. Belnap and O.L. Lange (Eds.) Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function and Management. Springer – Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg pp: 141 -152. Cantón, Y. Domingo, F., Solé-Benet, A. and Puigdefábregas, J. 2002. Influence of soil surface types on the overall runoff of the Tabernas badlands (SE Spain): field data and model approaches. Hydrological Processes, 16: 2621-2643 Harper, K.T. and St. Clair, L.L. 1985. Criptogamic soil crusts on arid and semiarid rangelands in Utah: effects on seedling establishment and soil stability. Dept Botany Range Sci, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Solé-Benet,A., Calvo,A., Cerdà,A., Lázaro,R, Pini,R. & Barbero,J. 1997. Influences of micro-relief patterns and plant cover on runoff related processes in badlands from Tabernas (SE Spain). Catena, 31:23-38. Yair, A. 2001. Effects of Biological Soil Crusts on Water Redistribution in the Neguev Desert, Israel: A Case Sutudy in Longitudinal Dunes. In: J. Belnap and O.L. Lange (Eds.) Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function and Management. Springer – Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg pp: 303 -314. Key words Distance covered by runoff, biological soil crusts, semiarid, rainfall simulation, Tabernas Desert