Phytoplankton and bacterial response to inorganic and organic nutrient enrichment and alteration in Florida Bay: Results from bioassay enrichment experiments Cynthia A. Heil University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL Patricia M. Glibert, Marta Revilla, and Jeffrey Alexander University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Horn Point Laboratory, Cambridge, MD Susan Murasko, David Hollander, and Ana Hoare University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL The proposed restoration of freshwater, surface-flow through the Florida Everglades is expected to alter the forms, sources, and ratios of nutrient inputs to Florida Bay. Of particular concern is the expected change in the availability and ratio of dissolved inorganic to dissolved organic nitrogen, as previous research in coastal oceans and estuaries has recognized that alteration in nitrogen cycling has the potential to promote selection and succession of phytoplankton species, change the distribution and magnitude of primary production and associated trophic levels, cause degradation of benthic habitats leading to mass mortality, and destroy recreational and commercial interests. As part of a NOAA-funded program, we addressed the nutrient composition and the potential for alternation in nutrient availability to impact plankton dynamics using short-term (48 hour) bioassay enrichment experiments in November 2002. Water samples were collected from 6 geographically and ecologically unique sites within Florida Bay: Little Maderia Bay, Sunset Cove, Rankin Bight, Barnes Key, Rabbit Key, and a Gulf of Mexico influenced western Florida Bay site. Surface water samples from each site were immediately returned to the laboratory, and analyzed for a full suite of dissolved and particulate nutrients as well as phytoplankton (as chlorophyll a) and bacterial biomass. Water from each site was dispensed into duplicate 2 L carboys and enriched with ammonium (2 g at N l-1), organic nitrogen (a mixture of urea and amino acids at 2 g at N l-1), inorganic phosphate (2.0 g at P l-1), organic phosphate (2.0 g at P l-1), and humic acids (2 mg l-1). A control with no additions was also maintained. All treatments were incubated under natural light and water temperature conditions and monitored over 48 hours. Although ambient inorganic and organic phosphorus concentrations were low at all stations (<0.17 and <0.73 μM respectively), after 48 hours chlorophyll a in bioassays increased significantly (P<0.05) upon inorganic phosphorus enrichment only in the Sunset Cove and Little Madeira incubations, and increased with organic phosphorus enrichment only in the Little Madeira incubation. Although a phosphorus stimulus response was only evident only at these two stations, an increase in particulate P:Chl a ratios with both inorganic and organic phosphorus enrichment was observed within 24 hr at all stations, suggesting either luxury consumption and storage of both inorganic and organic phosphorus additions, or that a stimulation of the heterotrophic rather than the autotrophic community, occurred. In contrast, with the Rankin Bight bioassays, a significant increase in chlorophyll a was observed only upon the addition of dissolved organic nitrogen and at both Barnes Key and the Gulf stations with the ammonium addition. No significant stimulation in chlorophyll a was noted by any nutrient addition at Rabbit Key, indicating either nutrient sufficiency or simultaneous limitation by both nutrients. Although increases in chlorophyll a varied with nitrogen and phosphorus additions in different locations in the Bay, physiological indices suggest that cells were poised to utilize any source of nitrogen or phosphorus that was supplied. Potential utilization of organic nitrogen and phosphorus were assessed in the bioassay experiments by measuring alkaline phosphatase and urease activity after 48 hrs. Both are inducible enzymes that allow cells to exploit organic sources of nutrient. Although enzyme levels varied from station to station, in general alkaline phosphatase activity increased upon additions of ammonium, organic nitrogen, and humic acids, whereas urease activity increased upon additions of phosphorus. Thus, these cells demonstrated the ability to utilize organic nitrogen and phosphorus when other cellular nutritional needs were met. The response of the bacterial community to nutrient enrichment differed from that of the phytoplankton community at each station. With Sunset Cove and Rankin Bight incubations, there were no significant changes in bacterial abundance after 48 hour exposure to any of the added substrates. At Little Madeira, additions of ammonium, dissolved organic nitrogen and humic acids resulted in a significant (P<0.05) decrease in bacterial abundance, suggesting that a stimulation of bacterial grazers by nutrient additions occurred within 48 hrs. At Rabbit and Barnes Keys, inorganic phosphorus stimulated bacterial abundance, as did dissolved organic phosphorus at Barnes Key. Thus, the nutrients that stimulated production of phytoplankton biomass at each site were not the same as those that either stimulated or depressed bacterial levels, suggesting that different nutrients and processes regulate bacterial and phytoplankton biomass within Florida Bay, and that altered nutrient inputs may potentially act differentially upon bacteria and phytoplankton communities. Cynthia, Heil, University of South Florida, College of Marine Science, 140 7th Ave S., St. Petersburg, FL, 33701, Phone: 727-355-1667, Fax: 727-553-1189,, Question 3