June 2006 Universiteit van Amsterdam Susanne Waaijers Drs. J. Haftka, Dr. J. Parsons Partitioning of Organic Contaminants to Dissolved Organic Matter Effect of Solution Composition Abstract Organic matter influences binding of contaminants in soil. Therefore, the partitioning of organic matter from soil to surrounding waters also influences the partitioning of contaminants from soil. To study the partitioning of contaminants to organic matter, the partitioning of organic matter itself has to be studied as well. During this study, the influence of pH on the release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from sediment is examined. DOC is extracted from organic rich sediment with buffered and nonbuffered solutions of varying pH values (pH~5-9). DOC is analysed by measuring the total organic carbon (TOC) content with a TOC analyser. Furthermore, the influence of the buffered and non-buffered treatments on the freely dissolved concentration and thus the partitioning behaviour of PAHs to TOC is examined with solid phase micro extraction (SPME). Phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene were chosen as representative model compounds for PAHs. It was found that with increasing pH the release of TOC from sediment increases as well. For the buffered extractions the absorption of phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene by TOC decreased with increasing pH. For the non-buffered extractions the absorption of phenanthrene and pyrene by TOC remained more or less constant with increasing pH. For phenanthrene and pyrene, log KDOC values at pH 6.81 were 4.74 and 5.52, respectively. However anthracene showed unexpected behaviour for the non-buffered extractions. At increasing pH, freely dissolved anthracene disappeared completely and binds in totality to TOC. No explanation could be found for this behaviour and further research needs to be done. Samenvatting Als vervuiling in het milieu terechtkomt, is de levensloop afhankelijk van het soort milieu waar het in terechtkomt en de processen waaraan het onderhevig is. In de grond wordt de mate waarin vervuilende stoffen binden aan de bodem onder andere bepaald door het organisch materiaal in de bodem. Dit organisch materiaal kan uit de bodem in porie- en grondwater komen en beïnvloedt daarmee ook de mate waarin vervuiling in het grond- en poriewater terechtkomt. De mate waarin organisch materiaal vanuit de bodem in de waterfase terechtkomt is afhankelijk van het milieu. Om te onderzoeken in welke mate vervuiling aan organisch materiaal in de waterfase bindt, is het noodzakelijk om te kijken naar de mate waarin organisch materiaal zich tussen de bodem en het bodem- / poriewater verdeelt. Als model voor vervuilende stoffen zijn tijdens dit project Polycyclische Aromatische Koolwaterstoffen gebruikt (PAKs), namelijk phenanthrene, antracene en pyrene. De invloed van pH op de verdeling van opgelost organisch materiaal (DOC, dissolved organic carbon) tussen sediment en water is eerst onderzocht. DOC is geëxtraheerd uit organisch rijk sediment met gebufferde en niet-gebufferde oplossingen met verschillende pH waarden (oplopend van pH~5-9). DOC is geanalyseerd door de totale hoeveelheid organisch koolstof (TOC, total organic carbon) te meten met een ‘TOC analyser’. Vervolgens is gekeken naar de invloed van deze gebufferde en niet-gebufferde extracties op de vrije concentratie PAKs aanwezig in de waterfase. Deze vrije concentratie werd gemeten met behulp van ‘solid phase micro extraction’ (SPME). Door dit te doen kon indirect worden gekeken naar de invloed van de gebufferde en niet-gebufferde extracties op de partitie van PAKs naar TOC. Tijdens het project bleek dat een toename van pH tevens zorgt voor een toename van de partitie van DOC naar de waterfase. Bij de gebufferde extracties nam de opname van phenanthrene, anthracene en pyrene door TOC af met toenemende pH. Bij de niet-gebufferde extracties bleef de absorptie van phenanthrene en pyrene door TOC gemiddeld genomen constant bij toenemende pH. Voor phenanthrene en pyrene waren de log KDOC waarden bij een pH van 6.81 respectievelijk 4.74 en 5.52. Anthracene daarentegen vertoonde onverwacht gedrag bij de nietgebufferde extracties. Bij een toenemende pH verdwijnt de concentratie vrij opgelost anthracene volledig en bindt het geheel aan TOC. Er werd geen verklaring gevonden voor dit gedrag en om meer inzicht te krijgen in het afwijkend gedrag van anthracene is verder onderzoek nodig. Introduction Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) can be found in all natural waters, soils and sediments as macromolecular organic compounds1, that can distribute from soil or sediment to the pore water or surrounding waters. This distribution or sorption-desorption behaviour among the solid and aqueous environmental compartments depends on the concentration and nature of DOC and the pH and ionic strength of the surrounding solution composition. The amount and composition of DOC are dependent on several factors including the microbial activity, the stream and rate of water movement (flow), sediment composition and climatic conditions. Usually the composition of DOC consists for a great amount of fulvic and humic acids that are diagenetically and microbially altered complex macromolecules derived from plant, animal and microbial residues. DOC plays an important role in the partitioning of all kinds of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) in surface and pore waters. The association of HOCs to DOC takes place via hydrophobic interactions. The binding of HOCs to DOC will influence their fate and behaviour in the environment by increasing the mobility of sorbed HOCs and by rendering them (mostly) less bioavailable for microbial biodegradation and uptake by invertebrates.2, 3 A specific class of HOCs consists of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and can be found in soils and sediments mainly originating from petroleum residues and incomplete combustion products of wood. These compounds have, like many HOCs, a recalcitrant chemical structure, are hydrophobic, relatively insoluble in water and are semivolatile, which means they have the potential to bioaccumulate in organic tissues of organisms. Often PAHs tend to be also mutagenic and/or carcinogenic and are therefore of environmental concern. 4 To be able to predict the bioremediation potential, the toxicological risk or the likelihood of bioaccumulation from polluted soil, it is of great importance to study the behaviour of PAHs in the environment. 3, 5 Because of the hydrophobicity of PAHs they will (ad)sorb to solid organic matter facies and clays, exhibit slow desorption, dissolve poorly in the aqueous phase and absorb to DOC in natural waters. Therefore, these compounds, like many HOCs, will be less available for biodegradation and are able to persist in the environment. The degree of binding to DOC is reflected by the KDOC, the partition coefficient of HOCs to DOC. KDOC can differ greatly depending on the properties of DOC, solution composition and properties of the contaminant.6 The amount of aromatic compounds present in DOC is taken to be a measurement for the aromaticity of DOC. Recent study showed however that for pyrene K DOC was related to the aromaticity of DOC only within a narrow pH range. 6 The pH and the presence of ions in natural waters, influence the sorption of hydrophobic organic contaminants to DOC. At very alkaline pH, functional groups, such as carboxylic acid and phenolic groups, can deprotonate and because of the increased polarity, the hydrophobic interaction will decrease. At the same time DOC will expand because of its surface charge and will therefore provide fewer sorption sites for HOCs.7 In contrary, at lower pH, the functional groups of DOC will be mostly protonated, the surface charge will decrease and due to hydrophobic interactions molecules can coil up and form micelle-like conformations, which creates extra sorption sites for HOCs. 8 Naturally, the polarity or charge of the contaminant will also influence the sorption to DOC. In addition, the acidity or alkalinity of the environment also influences the solubility of DOC in natural waters. When adjacent natural water contains a high pH, DOC will partition with greater ease from soil to the water phase. During this study, the influence of pH on the release of DOC from sediment is examined. DOC is extracted from organic rich sediment with buffered and non-buffered solutions of varying pH values (pH~5-9). The extracted DOC is analysed with UV measurements (280 nm, as an indication for aromaticity) and TOC measurements. Total organic carbon (TOC) refers to the organic content of an unfiltered sample. Since organic matter is considered dissolved when it has passed through a 0.45 m filter (which is an arbitrary definition) 1 and no filtration took place during this project, from now on the organic carbon in solution is referred to as TOC. Furthermore, the influence of the buffered and non-buffered treatments on the freely dissolved concentration and thus the partitioning behaviour of PAHs to TOC is examined with solid phase micro extraction (SPME). In SPME, fibers coated with PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) extract an amount of freely dissolved PAHs (not associated with DOC) from solution. To use this method, Kfiber has to be taken into account (which is known from recent studies 9). During this study phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene (see figure 1) have been used as model compounds for PAHs to study the pH dependent partitioning behaviour of PAHs and DOC. Figure 1: Schematic chemical structures for phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene. Materials and methods Sediment sample For the preparation of DOC samples sediment from lake Kontiolampi in Finland was used (55.3% OC dw, 96% water content). The collected sediment was sieved (w = 1mm) and stored at approximately 5°C. Extraction of DOC There were two different types of soil extraction performed. One series of sediment samples were extracted with buffer solutions (pKa = 7.2, [K2HPO4*3H2O] : [NaH2PO4*2H2O] = 0.02) by increasing the pH -from ~ 5 to 9- and another series were extracted with unbuffered Finnish medium (FM; both with a sediment to water ratio of 1:2). The Finnish medium has a low salt content (3.97*10 -4 M CaCl2*2H2O, 9.94*10-5 M MgSO4*7H2O, 1.49*10-4 M NaHCO3 and 2.00*10-5 M KCl) and contained biocide (1.02*10-3 M NaN3) to prevent microbial growth. The buffer solutions contained only biocide and no other salts as they precipitated with phosphate. To release DOC from sediment, the samples were shaken horizontally at room temperature for one hour (200 rpm, Labline Shaker). The sediment suspensions were subsequently centrifuged at 7,400g (Herolab Unicen fr) for 30 minutes to separate the sediment from the aqueous phase. The supernatant was finally centrifuged at 31,000g (Herolab Unicen fr) for 3 hours to separate colloidal particles from the DOC solutions. The samples extracted with Finnish medium were afterwards set at different pH values (pH increasing from ~5 to 9) with diluted NaOH. Determination of TOC and analysis of DOM The DOC solutions were analyzed with a TOC-5000 Shimadzu analyzer to determine TOC concentrations (Total Organic Carbon; calibrated with potassium hydrogen phthalate). TOC concentrations are calculated by substracting the amount of IC (inorganic carbon) from the amount of TC (total carbon). The sediment samples extracted with buffer solutions were also analyzed with UV-vis measurements (252nm, 270nm 280nm and full spectra, UV 500 Unicam) after diluting the samples 1:1 with Finnish medium. The pH was measured using a Consort m.p.a. C535 and for the final pH measurements of the samples (containing PAHs) a Mettler Toledo MP220 was used. SPME extraction of PAHs For the determination of freely dissolved PAHs, SPME fibers were used (cut in pieces of 2 cm, ø 110 μm, 28.5 μm PDMS coating (12.4 μl/m)). Before use, the fibers were thermally cleaned at 250 °C for approximately 2 hours under a constant Helium flow (10 ml/min). The DOC solutions, with a total volume of 50 ml (in duplicate) for each treatment (buffer and FM extracted), were spiked with 20 μl of a PAH mixture dissolved in acetonitrile, containing phenanthrene (Acros 98+%, 69.5 mg/l), anthracene (Fluka 98+%, 12.3 mg/l) and pyrene (Aldrich 98%, 16.0 mg/l). For internal calibration standards, fibers were also added to four spiked solutions (FM, not containing DOC) with different PAH concentrations (see Appendix I). After 12 hours, the fibers were exposed to the solutions. The samples were shaken (200 rpm, Gerhardt) for 12 days to reach equilibrium between water and fiber and were kept at a constant temperature of 20 °C. Analysis with HPLC and fluorescence detection After the exposure, the fibers were desorbed in 150 μl acetonitrile (weighed) containing 500 μg/l benzo(a)anthracene (Acros 99%, injection standard). These samples were analysed with HPLC (Waters; autosampler 717 plus, controller 600) and fluorescence detection (Waters; scanning fluorescence detector 474). As external calibration standards, four extra samples with different PAH concentrations were injected directly (see Appendix I). The column used for the HPLC analysis was a reversed phase C18 column (125mm length, ø 2.00 mm, particle size: 3 µm, temperature: 36°C, ‘Phenomenex’ Lichrospher RP18) and as eluens a mixture (already mixed before use) of 45% water (nanopure) and 55% acetonitrile (HPLC grade) was used. The flow was set at 0.4 ml/min and the injection volume at 2 µl. With fluoresence detection the samples were measured for phenanthrene (exitation 250 nm, emission 385 nm), anthracene (exitation 250 nm, emission 385 nm), and pyrene (exitation 335 nm, emission 383 nm), the bandwith was set at 40 nm and the gain at 100 (0.07-0.22 ng injected). Determination of KDOC To calculate KDOC, a mass balance equation of the total amount of PAHs distributed over the freely dissolved amount and the amounts sorbed to the fiber and DOC, is used as follows: m total m free m fiber mdoc (1) And rearranged in the appropriate concentrations and volumes: c totalVwater c freeVwater c fiber Vfiber c docMdoc (2) ctotal = Total PAH concentration in solution cfree = Freely dissolved PAH concentration cdoc = PAH concentration sorbed to DOC Vwater = Total volume of water Vfiber = Volume of PDMS fiber Mdoc = Mass of DOC present in solution Together with Kfiber and KDOC (defined as below), the mass balance can be rewritten as shown in equation 5: c K fiber fiber c free (3) c K doc doc c free (4) c free c total (5) 1 Vfiber 1 K fiber {doc}K doc Vwater {doc} = the concentration of DOC in the sample. From equation 5, KDOC can be calculated provided that all other parameters are known or calculated. Results pH The pH of the samples was measured (buffer and Finnish medium), before and after the DOC extraction, as well as after the fiber extraction. Results are given in the table below. Table 1: pH measurements Sample B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 FM before DOC extraction 5.17 5.97 6.99 7.96 8.86 7.20 pH After DOC extraction 5.08 5.47 6.61 7.20 7.29 → → 5.19 → → → 5.24 6.36 6.90 8.17 9.18 After fiber extraction 5.08 5.48 6.63 7.14 7.21 5.35 6.18 6.55 6.70 6.81 TOC & UV-visible spectra The amount of DOC extracted from the sediment depended on the pH of the solution used and was determined (in triplicate) by TOC analysis. The DOC extractions were also analysed with UVvis measurements at 280 nm, to examine the aromaticity of DOC. The results are given below in figure 2. Figure 2: pH dependence of TOC concentration and UV absorption at 280 nm of phosphate buffered extracted sediment. The amount of TOC extracted with Finnish medium (pH 7,20) equals 39.5 mg/l (average of 5, σ = 6.8). From an initial pH of 5.19, these samples were set at different pH values (see table 1). After the 12 d equilibration time, final pH values changed -2.37 to 0.14 compared to initial values. The sediment extractions performed with Finnish medium resulted in a shortage of DOC solution. Therefore, there was not enough DOC solution of the FM treatment left for TOC measurements. Because of this, the samples needed for TOC measurements were diluted with nanopure water (1:1 ratio). Due to the low DOC concentrations, the amounts of DOC in solution were close to the detection limit of the TOC analyser. During the following calculations, wherever needed, the concentration of DOC in FM was taken to be the average concentration of DOC in the FM samples. KDOC and other determined parameters After the fiber extraction, the samples were analysed with HPLC. The area of the integrated peaks were corrected with the area of the injection standard (B aA) and total desorption volume. By regression of this corrected area with the freely dissolved concentration (c free) from the internal calibration, cfree (amount of PAHs not absorbed by DOC or fiber), cfiber, cDOC (amount of PAHs absorbed by DOC) and KDOC could be determined by rearrangement of equations 3 and 5. With the use of the external calibration regression, Kfiber was calculated and cfiber could be determined again. The experiment was performed in duplicate and the standard error of mean I was used to calculate the error interval. The results are shown in the figures below. Effect of pH on free and DOC sorbed PAH concentrations in buffered DOC extraction The influence of pH on the sorption of PAHs to DOC and the amount of freely dissolved PAHs in solution is shown in figure 3-5 for phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene, respectively. CDOC is normalised to the concentration of DOC in solution. The amount of DOC increases as sediment extracted with higher pH results in higher DOC concentrations. The amount of free PAHs is influenced by the amount of DOC as well as by the pH of the solution. After a slight increase in cfree at pH 5.48 for all PAHs, a decrease of cfree is observed with increasing pH as DOC concentrations are increasing. On the other hand, DOC sorbed PAHs expressed as cdoc are decreasing due to normalisation to higher DOC concentrations at higher pH values. I SEM = SD/√N, SD=√[∑ (xi -<x>)2 / (N-1)] Cfree & CDOC Phenanthrene B 7.5 1.0 C free phe (g/l) Cdoc phe (mg/gC) 0.5 cDOC cfree 5.0 2.5 0.0 0.0 4 5 6 7 8 pH Figure 3: cfree and cDOC of phenanthrene versus pH of buffered extraction Cfree & CDOC Anthracene B 1.00 0.3 C free anth (g/l) Cdoc anth (mg/gC) 0.2 cDOC cfre e 0.75 0.50 0.1 0.25 0.00 0.0 4 5 6 7 8 pH Figure 4: cfree and cDOC of anthracene versus pH of buffered extraction 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 C free pyr (g/l) Cdoc pyr (mg/gC) cDOC cfree Cfree & CDOC Pyrene B 0.0 4 5 6 7 8 pH Figure 5: cfree and cDOC of pyrene versus pH of buffered extraction Effect of pH on free and DOC sorbed PAH concentrations in non-buffered DOC extraction The amount of DOC remains overall constant in the sediment extraction with FM and the pH was adjusted afterwards. The amount of PAHs sorbed to DOC (c DOC) is normalised to the average concentration of DOC in FM solution. It was expected for cDOC and cfree to be not significantly influenced by the pH of the non-buffered treatments, which was adjusted afterwards. For phenanthrene and pyrene, c DOC and cfree remain more or less constant with increasing pH (see Appendix IV). Therefore, these results are not shown below. However the results for anthracene are unexpected and show quite a different behaviour compared to the buffered treatments. Freely dissolved anthracene completely disappears with increasing pH and cDOC slightly increases. These results are given below in figure 6. Cfree & CDOC Anthracene FM 0.4 0.75 0.3 0.50 0.2 0.25 0.1 0.00 C free anth (g/l) Cdoc anth (mg/gC) cDOC cfree 1.00 0.0 4 5 6 7 8 pH Figure 6: cfree and cDOC of anthracene versus pH of non-buffered extraction Effect of pH on the partitioning of PAH to DOC in buffered DOC extraction KDOC is calculated to examine the influence of pH on the sorption of PAHs to DOC. K DOC is shown in figure 7-9 for phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene, respectively . The KDOC is normalised to the concentration of DOC in solution. The amount of freely dissolved PAH is influenced by the amount of DOC as well as by the pH of the solution. After a decrease of KDOC until pH 6.63 for all PAHs, KDOC remains more or less constant. Figure 7: KDOC of phenanthrene versus pH of buffered extraction Figure 8: KDOC of anthracene versus pH of buffered extraction Figure 9: KDOC of pyrene versus pH of buffered extraction Effect of pH on the partitioning of PAH to DOC in nonbuffered DOC extraction Values of KDOC for Phenanthrene and Pyrene remained constant with increasing pH (see Appendix IV). It was expected for KDOC to be not significantly influenced by the pH of the non-buffered treatments, which was adjusted afterwards. However the results for Anthracene are unexpected and show quite a different behaviour than for phenanthrene and pyrene. The K doc values for anthracene is increasing to very high values as freely dissolved anthracene is disappearing rapidly and accurate values of Kdoc could not be calculated anymore. The results are given in figure 10 below. KDOC Anthracene FM 400000 Kdoc anth (l/kg) KDOC 300000 200000 100000 0 4 5 6 7 8 pH Figure 10: KDOC of antracene versus pH of non-buffered extraction Further determined parameters The influence of TOC on the free concentration of PAH could also be examined and is shown in Appendix II. cfiber calculated with the use of the internal as well as the external standards is shown in Appendix III. These results show the same relative decrease with increasing pH in the buffered extractions and in the non-buffered extraction. The results for phenanthrene and pyrene in the non-buffered extractions show the same relative stability. However the results of Cfiber calculated with internal standards do not resemble the results calculated with the external standards. During this project, no explanation could be found for these differences. An overview of all the calculated parameters is shown in Appendix IV. Another finding during this study was the increased inorganic carbon content of TOC with increasing pH. These results were measured during TOC analysis and are shown in Appendix V. No further effort was taken to study these results. Discussion Results The influence of pH on the release of TOC from sediment extracted with phosphate buffers was clear. With increasing pH, the amount of TOC partitioning from sediment to water-phase increased (see figure 2) due to deprotonation of TOC which increases its polarity and thereby its solubility in water. These results resemble data published in previous studies. 9, 10 The amount of aromatic compounds in TOC is often taken to be a measure for the aromaticity of TOC. The buffered sediment extractions showed an increasing amount of aromatic TOC compounds with increasing pH (see figure 2). These results confirm the findings that with increasing pH the amount of TOC released from sediment increases as well, given that the aromacity of TOC is independent on the increase of pH. The amount of freely dissolved PAH in buffered extraction is fairly dependent on pH. Phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene show the same behaviour in the sediment buffered extractions (see figure 3-5). At higher pH values, the extracted TOC from sediment will have more deprotonated carboxylic and phenolic groups and therefore TOC will become more polar. This means that there are fewer sorption sites available for PAH, also due to intramolecular repulsion there will be less hydrophobic cavities available for PAH.6 In the sediment buffered extraction, cDOC (normalised to concentration of TOC) decreases with increasing pH. cfree is also decreasing due to an increased amount of TOC at higher pH, see figure 11 below. This can also be illustrated by plotting TOC against Cfree and is shown in Appendix II. Figure 11: Effect of pH on cfree and cDOC of buffered extractions Above pH 6.63, equilibrium between freely dissolved PAH and TOC absorbed PAH is established. This is shown by KDOC for phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene given in figure 7 - 9. KDOC decreases until pH 6.63 and then reaches equilibrium for the buffered extractions of phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene. Apparently above pH 6.63 the polarity of TOC (due to deprotonation) is at that kind of state at which no further hydrophobic PAH will be absorbed because of repulsive interactions. For the non-buffered extractions, increasing pH values did not significantly influence the partitioning behaviour of phenanthrene and pyrene to TOC; cDOC, cfree and KDOC remained more or less constant (see Appendix IV). Adjusting the pH after sediment extraction apparently did not have a significant effect on polarity of TOC to influence sorption of phenanthrene and pyrene. Anthracene shows however quite a different behaviour in the non-buffered extractions and shows rather unexpected results compared to buffered extractions. Above pH 6.55, the freely dissolved concentration completely diminishes and the concentration associated to TOC increases concomitantly. This means that in contrary to phenanthrene and pyrene the amount of anthracene associated with TOC (normalised !) increases with increasing pH. In buffered extraction, anthracene shows no deviating behaviour compared to phenanthrene and pyrene. Due to the fast decrease of cfree above pH 6.55, the uncertainty in measured cfree at pH 6.55 is large. Consequently, KDOC calculated at that pH value is subject to large errors. KDOC values for increasing pH could not be calculated because cfree approaches zero. It is very difficult to understand why anthracene behaves in this way based on only the results of this study. It could be possible that the hydroxy groups of sodium hydroxide (which is used to adjust the pH of the non-buffered extracts) bind to anthracene making it more polar and thereby decreasing its repulsion towards polar TOC. Additionally, the high symmetry of anthracene would make it possible to ‘disappear’ into TOC. This would also explain why this behaviour does not occur in the buffered extraction, since no sodium hydroxide is used for the buffered extraction. These speculations seem to be inconsistent with the fact that adjusting pH after extraction had no significant effect on polarity of TOC (for phenanthrene and pyrene). Consequently, TOC would not be very polar, making the sudden ‘attraction’ between polar anthracene and non polar TOC not a very logical explanation. It is clear that further research needs to be done in order to find an explanation for the increased sorption of anthracene to TOC at increasing pH values of non-buffered extracts. Log KDOC values calculated at pH 6.81 for non-buffered extraction could be compared with log KDOC found in a previous study by J. Haftka 11 (determined at pH 7). This comparison is shown in table 2 below. In both studies, no value for log KDOC for anthracene could be calculated. The log KDOC values calculated for this study are lower (note: pH is lower as well) in value, but also less accurate and based on only one experiment. When additional research would be done, presumably more accurate values for log KDOC would be found. Table 2: Comparison of log KDOC J. Haftka and S. Waaijers log KDOC (JH) pH 7 log KDOC (SW) pH 6.81 Phenanthrene 4.95 (0.01) 4.74 (0.04) Antracene Pyrene 5.80 (0.01) 5.52 (0.05) Method The concentrations of cfree, cfiber (derived from internal calibration) and cDOC are all corrected for injection volume (internal standard) and desorption volume of the fiber. Through a second calibration, the external standards, Cfiber could be determined again and these values are corrected for desorption volume of the fiber as well. CDOC and KDOC are both normalised to the amount of TOC in solution. No correction could be made for the length of the fiber (2 cm, which is cut by hand), the spiking volume (assumed to be 20 µl) and the variation in thickness of the fiber coating. The first and last can be overcome by cutting longer fibers, which will minimize the deviation. The variation in spiking volume will be more negligible when it is added to larger volume samples. Despite the conventional method of obtaining DOC solution from the sediment via filtration, the samples were chosen to be centrifuged at high speeds. This was based on the conclusion that sediment extraction using the filtration method gave irreproducible results. In a previous study, it was observed that during filtration a fouling occurred on the filter and more aromatic compounds of DOC seemed to be retained on the filter. 11 To check whether TOC itself does not function as a buffer, small amounts of sodium hydroxide (100 l, 0.5 M) were added to TOC solution (FM treatment) and pH was measured. With one drop, the pH increased from approximately 5 to 11.5. From this result, it can be concluded that TOC itself does not function as a buffer. Further proof could be found in the results of pH measurements after the sampling equilibrium time. The pH of the non-buffered FM treated samples did decrease to a much greater extent than the buffer treated samples (see table 1). A previous published study mentioned the existence of a matrix (macromolecular binding agents) effect called fiber fouling.12 Fiber fouling refers to the effect of attachment of DOC (matrix) to the surface of the fiber thereby influencing the measurements. During the experiments performed in this study, a few light spots were seen on some fibers. There were however no signs that fiber fouling influenced the experimental results. cfiber is normalised to the peak area, which was calculated by integration of the HPLC results, using internal standards. Hereby the results are corrected for desorption volume of the fiber and for injection volume. Cfiber, calculated by using the external standard, was not corrected for the injection volume. However, this could be no explanation for the large differences between the results for cfiber calculated with internal and external standards (see Appendix III). The values for cfiber calculated with the external standards seem to be larger with a constant value than those for cfiber calculated with internal standards. No explanation could be found for this constant value. To understand these differences, further research should be done. Conclusion It was found that with increasing pH the release of TOC from sediment increases as well. For the buffered extractions the absorption of phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene by TOC decreased with increasing pH. For the non-buffered extractions the absorption of phenanthrene and pyrene by TOC remained more or less constant with increasing pH. For phenanthrene and pyrene, log KDOC values at pH 6.81 were 4.74 and 5.52, respectively. However anthracene showed unexpected behaviour for the non-buffered extractions. At increasing pH, freely dissolved anthracene disappeared completely and binds in totality to DOC. No explanation could be found for this behaviour and further research needs to be done. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Dr. John Parsons who made it possible for me to do research at the IBED department. Especially I would like to thank Drs. Joris Haftka who proposed this study and supported me during the experiment despite of his everlasting time shortage. I am very grateful that he was always available to assist whenever needed and gave helpful comments. 1 J.I. Drever, The Geochemistry of Natural Waters, third ed., 1997, Prentice Hall, Ch. 6 A.V. Ogram, R.E. Jessup, L.T. Lou, P.S.C. Rao, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1985, 49, 582-587 (ad 5) 3 B.J. Reid, K.C. Jones, K.T. Semple, Environmental Pollution, 2000, 108, 103-112 4 J.E. Andrews, P. Brimblecombe, T.D. Jickells, P.S. Liss, B.J. Reid , An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry, second ed., 2004, Blackwell Publishing 5 K.T. Semple, A.W.J. Morriss, G.I. Paton, European Journal of Soil Science, 2003, 53, 809-818 6 B. Marschner, R. Winkler, D. Jödemann, European Journal of Soil Science, 2005, 56, 299-306 7 J.R. Lead, K.J. Wilkinson, V. Starchev, J. Buffle, Environmental Science and Technology, 2000, 34, 1365-1369 (ad 6) 8 C.S. Ragle, R.R. Engebretson, R. von Wandruszka, Soil Science, 1997, 162, 106-114 (ad 6) 9 S.-J. You, Y. Yin, H.E. Allen, The Science of the Total Environment, 1999, 227, 155-160 10 L.A. Oste, E.J.M. Temminghoff, W.H. van Riemsdijk, Environmental Science and Technology, 2002, 36, No. 2, 208-214 11 J. Haftka, Determination of DOC to water partition coefficients with SPME (article in preparation) 12 M.B. Heringa, J.L.M. Hermens, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2003, 22, No. 10 2 Appendix I; Internal and external calibration standards The calibration slopes were calculated with linear regression and forced through zero. This was done to be able to calculate the associated concentration of some low value peak areas. CPAH (µg/l) int.cal.std 1 int.cal.std 2 int.cal.std 3 int.cal.std 4 slope (y=ax) phe 6,089293 16,44112 26,73559 36,96946 0.0304 ± 0.00042 anth 1,563677 3,154142 4,662732 6,270797 0.1735 ± 0.002084 pyr 1,909261 3,75626 5,584086 7,405622 0.5001 ± 0.004206 Minj. (ng) ext.cal.std 1 ext.cal.std 2 ext.cal.std 3 ext.cal.std 4 slope (y=ax) phe 0,102077 0,179196 0,648903 1,417855 4207000 ± 99590 anth 0,018011 0,031619 0,114497 0,250177 20210000 ± 493800 pyr 0,023558 0,041357 0,149760 0,327227 20820000 ± 498200 Appendix II; Cfree versus TOC The graphs below (IIa-c) show the influence of TOC on the amount of free PAH, not absorbed by fiber or DOC. Due to unequally spread DOC in the Finnish medium extracts (as mentioned before), an average concentration of DOC was used to calculate Cfree in the Finnish medium solutions. Because of this no Cfree dependence of TOC could be calculated for the FM solutions. Cfree is normalised by using an internal standard (Benzo(a)anthracene) and by correcting for desorption volume of the fiber. TOC vs Cfree Phenanthrene 7.5 Cfree Phe (µg/l) Cfree 5.0 2.5 0.0 0 25 50 75 100 TOC (mg/l) IIa TOC vs Cfree Anthracene 1.00 Cfree Anth (µg/l) Cfree 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 0 25 50 75 100 TOC (mg/l) IIb TOC vs Cfree Pyrene 0.4 Cfree 0.3 Cfree Pyr (µg/l) 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 25 50 TOC (mg/l) IIc 75 100 Appendix III; Cfiber versus pH The graphs below (IIIa-f) show the influence of pH on the sorption of PAHs to fiber. To calculate Cfiber, the internal as well as the external calibration could be used. The results of these two methods are both given in the graphs below. C fiber derived from the internal standards regression is normalised by using an internal standard (Benzo(a)Anthracene), for Cfiber derived from the external standards no internal standard is used. Both concentrations are corrected for desorption volume of the fiber. The amount of PAHs absorbed by fiber is influenced by the amount of DOM, as well as the pH of the solution. For the buffers, the amount of DOC increases as pH rises, for the Finnish medium the overall DOC concentration remains constant. Cfiber Phenanthrene B 75 Cfiber phe in(mg/l) Cfiber phe ex(mg/l) cfiber 50 25 0 4 5 6 7 8 pH IIIa Cfiber Anthracene B 10.0 Cfiber ant in(mg/l) Cfiber ant ex(mg/l) cfiber 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 4 5 6 pH IIIb 7 8 Cfiber Pyrene B 10.0 Cfiber pyr in(mg/l) Cfiber pyr ex(mg/l) cfiber 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 4 5 6 7 8 pH IIIc Cfiber Phenanthrene FM cfiber 60 50 Cfiber phe in(mg/l) 40 Cfiber phe ex(mg/l) 30 20 10 0 4 5 6 pH IIId 7 8 Cfiber Anthracene FM 10.0 Cfiber ant in(mg/l) Cfiber ant ex(mg/l) cfiber 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 4 5 6 7 8 pH IIIe Cfiber Pyrene FM 10.0 Cfiber pyr in(mg/l) cfiber 7.5 Cfiber pyr ex(mg/l) 5.0 2.5 0.0 4 5 6 pH IIIf 7 8 Appendix IV; pH versus TOC, KDOC, Cfree, Cfiber and CDOC The tables below (IVa-h) show the parameters calculated for the PAHs. All values are calculated as an average of two (the experiment was done in duplicate), except the TOC concentrations (see also method description). IVa Buffers TOC (mg/l) KDOC pH phe stdev anth stdev pyr stdev 5.08 27,64 146023 4285 199153 8627 854035 29849 5.48 34,42 99351 4208 136364 3379 616237 15864 6.63 45,14 84288 3218 115610 3201 493282 28981 7.14 49,24 96505 6470 132488 8102 554507 41979 7.21 79,08 87526 15806 119756 20496 531493 62235 IVb Buffers Cfree (g/l) PH phe 5.08 5,480 5.48 6,238 6.63 5,742 7.14 4,808 7.21 3,536 0,128 0,203 0,172 0,264 0,555 anth pyr 0,749 0,027 0,259 0,009 0,854 0,017 0,287 0,007 0,783 0,018 0,274 0,015 0,649 0,034 0,226 0,016 0,472 0,073 0,150 0,017 IVc Buffers Cfiber (g/l) –internal calibrationPH phe anth 5.08 44284 1033 7893 5.48 50417 1637 9003 6.63 46406 1391 8250 7.14 38859 2138 6837 7.21 28579 4487 4974 pyr 287 182 190 360 766 7807 8640 8261 6806 4502 260 211 462 494 513 IVd Buffers CDOC (g/mg C) pH phe anth pyr 5.08 0,800 0,005 0,155 0,009 0,224 0,004 5.48 0,619 0,006 0,121 0,001 0,177 0,000 6.63 0,484 0,004 0,096 0,006 0,135 0,000 7.14 0,463 0,006 0,095 0,007 0,124 0,000 7.21 0,305 0,007 0,062 0,000 0,077 0,000 IVe FM PH TOC (mg/l) 5.35 6.18 6.55 6.70 6.81 IVf FM PH <39,52> 6,825 KDOC phe 98670 92579 95870 96111 89732 1978 2084 952 1073 8462 anth 140125 150499 294244 - 5.35 6.18 6.55 6.70 6.81 Cfree (g/l) phe 5,631 5,919 5,759 5,748 6,080 5.35 6.18 6.55 6.70 6.81 Cfiber (g/l) –internal calibrationphe anth 45506 720 7849 47839 839 7391 46545 362 4171 46453 407 0 49136 3583 0 5.35 6.18 6.55 6.70 6.81 CDOC (g/mg C) phe anth pyr 0,556 0,002 0,104 0,000 0,155 0,000 0,548 0,003 0,105 0,000 0,154 0,000 0,552 0,001 0,114 0,002 0,154 0,000 0,552 0,001 0,124 0,000 0,155 0,000 0,544 0,012 0,124 0,000 0,155 0,001 IVg FM PH IVh FM PH 0,089 0,104 0,045 0,050 0,443 anth pyr 0,745 0,001 0,270 0,008 0,701 0,016 0,277 0,003 0,396 0,083 0,278 0,007 0,000 0,000 0,255 0,006 0,000 0,000 0,248 0,029 pyr 10 164 876 0 0 8120 8334 8353 7681 7463 248 87 199 185 885 211 3927 67406 - pyr 573118 557408 556206 607416 630500 18372 6125 13978 15316 78198 Appendix V; [IC] versus pH of buffered extraction Table V below shows the amount of inorganic carbon in buffered extraction with increasing pH, measured during TOC analysis. Table V pH [IC] (mg/l) 5.08 0,140 5.48 0,198 6.63 1,012 7.14 4,020 7.21 4,424