GROUNDWATER MONITORING IN THE POLISH LITHUANIAN CROSSBORDER AREA J. GIEDRAITIENE, S. DOKTOR, J. SATKŪNAS1, M. GRANICZNY2 1 Geological Survey of Lithuania, Lt 2600 Vilnius, Konarskio 35, Lithuania e-mail: 2 Polish Geological Institute, 00-975 Warszawa, st Rakowiecka. 4, Poland e-mail: Geological limits of structures and deposits usually do not coincide to borders of states. The use of subsurface resources, pollution of ground water, changes of landscapes in border area of one state could influence the environment of subsurface of the neighbouring country. Especially sensitive element of subsurface is groundwater, which resources are forming in extensive areas by recharge and could flow crossing the administrative borders. Pollution or changes of hydrodynamics of the groundwater due to its extraction or mining of mineral resources could impact the quality and resources of groundwater over cross-border territories and could make an impetus for hazardous geological processes such as karst or erosion. Therefore the knowledge on geological structure, potential processes and environmental risks there are of particular importance for sustainable use of cross-border areas and co-operation between neighbouring states (Satkunas and Graniczny Fig. 1. Network of the Groundwater Monitoring 1997). The co-operation in cross-border territories is very important for the implementation of the Principles for a European Spatial Development Policy and could contribute to reduction of environmental pollution and to secure environmental capacities of European significance (Graute 1995). Need and significance of monitoring of transboundary groundwaters recently is stressed by Economic Commission for Europe, which established in 1994 the Task Force on Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Waters (Inventory….1999). Requirement to have and use geological data of cross-border territories has its legal basis in national level as well. For instance, the Underground Law of Republic of Lithuania states that “the utilisation of underground and other economic activity in Republic of Lithuania must not have a negative influence to the state of environment and subsurface of other States and thus cause damage to its population. Government of Republic of Lithuania shall take care that the utilisation of the underground and other economic activities carried out in neighbouring States would not have a negative influence on the state of the environment, valuable features and resources and would not cause damage to the population. It is the aim of international agreements on the regulation of economic activities and utilisation of the underground in border territories, exchange of data about the state of the underground, promotion of co-operation in the exploration of the underground and by other means”. In 1994-1997 the first phase of joint Polish-Lithuanian programme of environmental geological research “Belt of Yotvings – fragment of Green Lungs of Europe” has been successfully completed (Atlas…1997). As continuation of the joint programme “Belt of Yotvings” a groundwater monitoring project has been elaborated and started in 1994. Groundwater monitoring in Lithuanian-Polish cross-border area is being carried out already 5 years. The monitoring is aimed to groundwater quality assessment of the main aquifers used in the both countries, elucidation of trends of changes of the groundwater state, and forecast of changes in future. Five years observations resulted with conclusions: both states in the cross-bordercare exploit groundwater of high quality; 6 according to macrocomponents the crossborder area can be subdivided into two parts: southeastern and northwestern; In the northwestern part values of main macrocomponentic indicators are higher than in southeastern part. This seems is caused by peculiarities of conditions of groundwater forming environments; trends of some groundwater chemistry indicators are not equal and depend on different intensity of land use and economic activities in both countries; in Lithuanian side in some stations are more visible trend of increase of sulfates, chloride ions (Aukštakalnis, Jurgežeris stations) (Fig.2); Due to diminished demand for exploitation in artesian aquifers hydrodynamic situation is changing. For instance, in Aukštakalnis station (Lithuania), where the groundwater level of Quaternary intertills and Paleogene aquifers is under observation, significant seasonal variations of groundwater level have been determined – from 0,5 to 3,5 m, which is uncommon for natural conditions; Anyway, as it was mentioned, main aim of the groundwater examinations is determination of long term changes of groundwater state and its 20 15 Cl (Aukštakalnis) 5 0 94.06. 95.10. 97.03. 40 98.07. 99.12. 01.04. SO4 (Jurgežeriai) mg/l 30 20 10 0 94.06. 95.10. 97.03. 98.07. 99.12. 01.04. Fig. 2. Trends of Cl, SO4 and pH SO 4 (Giby) mg/l mg/l 10 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 94.06. This trend is opposite in Polish side in Jenorajscie station; The same trends are characteristic for the main cations (Ca and Mg); 7,7 7,6 7,5 7,4 7,3 7,2 7,1 7 94.06. 95.10. 97.03. 98.07. 99.12. 01.04. pH (Burbiszki) 95.10. 97.03. 98.07. 99.12. 01.04. prognosis. Taking in mind the intensive crossborder use, necessity of environmental impact assessment (due to implementation of the Espoo convention) etc. the groundwater monitoring must be continued . REFERENCES ATLAS “Geology for environmental protection and territorial planning in the Polish-Lithuanian cross-border area”. Scale 1:500 000. Warsaw 1997. P. 89. GRAUTE, U. (ed.) 1995: Newsletter 5. Network of Spatial Research Institutes in Central and Eastern Europe. Dresden, p.72. INVENTORY OF TRANSBOUNDARY GROUNDWATERS. Volume 1. UN/ECE Task Force on Monitoring and Assessment. Lelystad 1999. 284p. SATKUNAS J. and GRANICZNY M. 1997 . Lithuanian Polish cross-border geoenvironmental mapping and its relevancy to spatial development. Engineering Geology and Environment (Marinos, Koukis, Tsiambaos and Stoumaras eds.) 1997, Balkema 1483- 1486. 7