Full project report

Live-Wire Segmentation with "shortest path"
By Ilan Smoly
Feb, 2011
1. Introduction
What is segmentation? Segmentation is merely labeling pixels in an image, such that each
pixel p is labeled F(p). Segmentation’s goal is to group image pixels into logical groups or
segments which may represent objects in the scene. Segmentation is typically posed as a
binary labeling problem where foreground and background constitutes the set of labels
assigned to pixels. To get accurate segmentations, occasionally, user input is provided into the
labeling problem by allowing the user to pre-label some pixels as foreground and some as
Fully and partly automatic general image segmentation is one of the biggest riddle of the 2dimensional computational vision these days due to the wide variety of image sources,
contents and complexities. It is considered to be the main output of the biological visual
system to cognition (in addition to 3D conception, etc.). We like to receive data to our
cognitive mind as whole objects, instead of merely colorful dots (pixels) in space, but how
this data is being analyzed in the visual cortex is still a mystery.
Several methods (such as ‘relaxation labeling’ and 'normalized cut', etc.) has been introduced
to us during the course, in addition to the variety of semi-automated approaches that in use
today. In my project, I will present a powerful tool that uses the 'optimal path' (also known as
'shortest path') algorithm to solve the segmentation problem in 2D images with a low order
polynomial running time, known as 'Live-wire'. I will explain shortly about the tool and
display the results I got while testing Livewire personally.
Livewire is a computational segmentation technique that is used in many image editors (as
plug-in) and medical applications. It is based on a modification of Dikstra's algorithm, which
in a modular form finds the shortest path between 2 pixels that were received as input from
the user. In such a way, a user can easily crop an image into pieces, with minimum manual
intervene and a lot of computer's assistance, which leads to significant high-quality results, as
shown in the figure to the right:
2. Livewire Algorithm
Livewire algorithm provides the user with full control over segmentation while the
computer does most of the detail work. Therefore, the user’s knowledge complements
the ability of the computer to segment an image properly. In Livewire, the user clicks
to indicate a starting point, and then as the mouse is moved it trails a “live wire”
behind it. When the user clicks again, this live wire freezes, and a new live wire starts
from the clicked point.
In Livewire, the user draws a “sticky contour” that shape boundaries in the image.
The “stickiness” of each pixel in the image is determined by measuring its local image
characteristics. The stickiest pixels are those near a boundary between structures in
the image. These pixels attract the livewire. Consequently, when the user selects
points of interest for segmentation, the contour is drawn along the “stickiest” pixel
path between them.
There are 2 main steps of Live-wire (which will be discussed next):
1) The creation of a weighted graph using image information.
2) Calculation and display of the shortest paths in the graph.
2.1 Creation of the Weighted Graph
The first step of Livewire employs image filtering to extract features of interest in the
image, which are then passed through a cost function to produce graph weights.
A directed weighted graph G = (V,E), consists of a set of nodes V and a set of
directed edges E that connect them. The nodes correspond to pixels, voxels, or other
features. Edges connect pairs of neighboring pixels (where a neighborhood could be
defined variously). The cost of an edge corresponds to a penalty for discontinuity
between the pixels.
How the weights should be calculated? The weight, or cost, is the penalty for
traveling from one node to another along the edge. The shortest path between any two
nodes is defined as that path which has the lowest total cost (a sum of costs along all
edges in the path). Hence, the edges weights are derived from some combination of
image features, such as gradients, Laplacian zero-crossings and intensity values.
Generally, the features are computed in a neighborhood around each graph edge,
giving low edge costs to more desirable feature values.
These features contribute to three main areas that are used to evaluate the weight:
1) Edge Detection. Edge detection is fundamental in the livewire segmentation
process. The gradient and the Laplacian zero-crossing are primarily useful in
edge detection. These features are the main attractors for the livewire.
2) Directionality. In the presence of noise or near other attractive structures,
small incorrect steps may happened, even though the overall summing of costs
along the path leads to higher path cost in the end. Various features can
influence which direction the path should take locally. Directional gradients
computed with oriented kernels, based on the angle between each potential
edge direction and the local gradients, provide local direction information. If
the direction of segmentation is known, Livewire distinguishes between inside
and outside pixels. Consequently, instead of being attracted by all areas with
gradient of X, the livewire can pay attention only to those regions with such a
gradient where the inside is, for example, brighter than the outside.
3) Training. The process by which the user indicates (in a pre-set popup box) a
preference for a certain type of boundary, and the features are transformed
accordingly to give low graph edge costs to the regions preferred by the user.
2.1.1 Methods
Aligning the graph with the image data can be done in 2 ways according to literature:
1) Pixels cracks. A node is a corner of a pixel. The edges are aligned with the
“cracks” between pixels. In this approach, the boundary may appear as a
whole pixel.
2) Path along pixels. Each pixel is aligned to a node in the graph. The edges are
connectors between pixels. Here, the boundary cuts edges, so pixels that
should belong to both regions may be chosen as part of the “boundary line”.
Two methods of
and the image. The
Squares represent
pixels in the image.
The circles are
graph nodes, and
all edges leaving
the blue center nodes have been drawn. On the left, the graph is aligned with the image such that the
pixel corners are the graph nodes, and the edges separate pixels. On the right, the graph is aligned so
that nodes are in the center of each pixel, and edges connect pixels.
Pixel cracks - "Oriented Boundary". The neighborhood on this approach (nodes are
pixel corners) is used to compute features relevant to the dark graph edge in the center
of the two colored pixels. Note that this neighborhood is rotated for all possible
orientations and directions of the graph edge, and the features are computed with each
1) Intensity on the “positive” and "negative" sides of the edge, where positive
and negative are defined relative to the local gradient direction.
2) Various gradient magnitude:
3) Orientation-sensitive gradient magnitude, which multiplies the gradient
magnitude defined above by (-1) if the local gradient orientation does not
match the neighborhood orientation.
4) Distance from boundary traced on the last item (3).
One local neighborhood for computing livewire features. Each square
represents a pixel, and in this system the graph edges are the “cracks”
between pixels. So the dark line separating the blue and green pixels is
an edge in the weighted graph.
The advantage of the preceding definitions is that they are selective for
boundary orientation. This means that the algorithm can tell the
difference between a boundary with 40 darker pixels inside than
outside, and the reverse: a similar boundary with light pixels inside
and dark outside. This, however, assumes that the user is consistently
tracing either clockwise or counterclockwise.
Paths along Pixels - “Intelligent Scissors".
1) Laplacian Zero-Crossing. Convolution with a Laplacian kernel, and zerocrossing the pixel closest to 0.
2) Gradient Magnitude 3) Gradient Direction: a constraint that says that the link between two pixels
should run according to the gradient directions at both pixels. This is evaluated
by using the 2 direction vectors of the local gradient and the graph edge
The advantage of this formulation is that it includes an explicit directional smoothness
constraint. But it does not differentiate between boundary orientations.
2.2 Finding Shortest Paths
The second step uses Dijkstra’s algorithm, a well-known shortest-path algorithm, to
find shortest paths in the graph. So each “sticky contour” drawn on the image is
actually a shortest path, where the distance metric that defines “shortest” is based on
image information.
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
In the standard Dijkstra’s algorithm, shortest paths to all nodes from an initial node
are found. The algorithm works by finding paths in order of increasing path length,
until all shortest paths have been found. In the context of image segmentation,
shortest paths are found from the original point to all points in the image. This does
not make much sense, as the user is highly unlikely to segment from the center of the
image to a corner in one step.
So using Dijkstra’s algorithm as is would be computationally wasteful.
Livewire on the Fly
"Livewire on the Fly" algorithm computes the shortest paths for only as much of the
image as necessary. It uses a modified version of Dijkstra’s algorithm that stores
nodes currently under investigation in a sorted circular queue, and is able to stop
executing when it reaches the user-defined endpoint. Computed shortest path
information is retained and re-used when the user moves the mouse again to choose
another endpoint. This is possible because of the classic characteristic of Dijkstra’s
algorithm, that each shortest path is comprised of prior shortest paths
3. Results
I tested the Livewire plug-in for ImageJ 1.42q using 'intelligent scissors' method.
The ‘Magnitude’,’ Directionality’ and ‘power’ define the relative weight when
combining the edges weights by adding the features ‘gradient magnitude’, ‘gradient
direction’ and ‘laplacian zero-crossing’, respectively.
3.1 One parameter only
Directionality = 80
Power = 0
Magnitude = 0
Directionality = 0
Power = 0
Magnitude = 80
Directionality = 0
Power = 80
Magnitude = 0
Clearly, we can see that lacking the intensity property (that leaves us with direction)
for the edges weight results in an inexact contour in areas where intensities contrast
are dominant (as shown in 1).
However, losing the directionality results in miss-segmentation where the intensities
contrast are relatively small (as shown in 2, 3 in the central fingers area).
3.2 One parameter elimination
Directionality = 80
Power = 80
Magnitude = 0
Directionality = 0
Power = 80
Magnitude = 80
Directionality = 80
Power = 0
Magnitude = 80
As in the previous results, the absence of directionality element to edges weight
affects the central area where intensities of the "object" and "background" are similar.
The lack of magnitude and power leads to incoherent contour (on the right hand in the
image), where edges direction fits, but pixels intensities differential can lead to many
The magnitude, clearly, helps to decrease extensive wide edges and to tighten up the
"object" limits. (As shown in the right hand where the background is brown.)
3.3 Three parameters combinations
Directionality = 80
Power = 80
Magnitude = 80
Directionality = 13
Power = 30
Magnitude = 43
Directionality = 50
Power = 10
Magnitude = 50
Directionality = 50
Power = 50
Magnitude = 10
Directionality = 10
Power = 50
Magnitude = 50
4. Discussion
On general, the Livewire tool provides the user the ability to segment the image
efficiently with minimal error. Moreover, if errors occurred, the pre-set properties can
be changed to fit the image properties. In addition to this, the user can always choose
to label pixels with smaller distance between them. All of the above and the fact that
all calculations are performed in a blink of an eye, make the Livewire a powerful and
efficient tool for image editing and analyzing.
However, trying to apply Livewire algorithm to long distance pathways, I found that
the algorithm had many errors contouring parts of the image where intensities do not
change significantly or where directionality can continue in several ways. I found that
using the mentioned pre-set options did not help much and no other solution but
reducing the pathways distance, led to sufficiently acceptable results.
In conclusion, this imply that as an image editor, Livewire increases user's capabilities
to crop images to "objects", but yet, one cannot employ the algorithm to complex
images with long-distance object boundaries.
Changing the neighborhood definition when determining edges weight, by using
random long distance relations between pixels located far from one another. This will
help evaluating contour and orientation, without changing running time. This solution
brings biological elements, as we showed in class that neurons send long axons
randomly to other neurons located far away. However, a profound modulation of
Dikstra’s algorithms must be considered for this.
5. Bibliography
Graph Cut Matching In Computer Vision,Toby Collins
 Interactive Segmentation with Intelligent Scissors, Eric N. Mortensen,William A.
Barrett, Brigham Young University
 Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation, F.Felzenszwalb,Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Daniel P. Huttenlocher, Cornell University
 Semi-Automatic Medical Image Segmentation, Lauren O’Donnell, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
 http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=plugin:segmentation:livewire_plugin:start