Johan Uddling Fredin, 721006-4031 Publications International journals with peer review (► denotes publication included in thesis) ►Karlsson PE, Uddling J, Skärby L, Wallin G, Selldén G (2003). Impact of ozone on the growth of birch (Betula pendula) saplings. Environmental Pollution 124: 485-495. Karlsson PE, Uddling J, Braun S, Broadmeadow M, Elvira S, Gimeno BS, Le Thiec D, Oksanen, E, Vandermaieren K, Wilkinson M., Emberson L (2004) New critical levels for ozone impact on young trees of different European species based on AOT40 and simulated cumulative leaf uptake of ozone. Atmospheric Environment 38: 2283-2294. ►Uddling J, Pleijel H, Karlsson PE (2004) Measuring and modelling leaf diffusive conductance in juvenile birch, Betula pendula. Trees 18: 686-695. ►Uddling J, Günthardt-Goerg MS, Matyssek R, Oksanen E, Pleijel H, Selldén G, Karlsson PE (2004) Biomass reduction of juvenile birch is more strongly related to stomatal uptake of ozone than to indices based on external exposure. Atmospheric Environment 38: 4709-4719. ►Uddling J, Hall M, Wallin G, Karlsson PE (2005) Measuring and modelling stomatal conductance and photosynthesis in mature birch in Sweden. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 132: 115-131. ►Uddling J, Karlsson PE, Glorvigen A, Selldén G (2006) Ozone impairs autumnal resorption of nitrogen from birch (Betula pendula) leaves, causing an increase in whole-tree nitrogen loss through litter fall. Tree Physiology 26: 113-120. Uddling J, Pleijel H (2006) Changes in stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis during phenological development in spring wheat: implications for gas exchange modelling. International Journal of Biometeorology 51: 37-48. Karlsson PE, Orlander G, Langvall O, Uddling J, Hjorth U, Wiklander K, Areskoug B, Grennfelt P (2006) Negative impact of ozone on the stem basal area increment of mature Norway spruce in south Sweden. Forest Ecology and Management 232: 146-151. Uddling J, Gelang-Alfredsson J, Piikki K, Pleijel H (2007) Evaluating the relationship between SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter readings and leaf chlorophyll concentration. Photosynthesis Research 91: 37-46. Karlsson PE, Braun S, Broadmeadow M, Elvira S, Emberson L, Gimeno BS, Le Thiec D, Novak C, Oksanen E, Schaub M, Uddling J, Wilkinson M (2007) Risk assessments for forest trees: the performance of the ozone flux versus the AOT concepts. Environmental Pollution 146: 608-616. Oksanen E, Kontunen-Soppela S, Riikonen J, Peltonen P, Uddling J, Vapaavuori E (2007) Northern environment predisposes birches to ozone damage. Plant Biology 9: 191-196. Hogg A, Uddling J, Ellsworth D, Carroll MA, Pressley S, Lamb B, Vogel C (2007). Stomatal and non-stomatal fluxes of ozone to a northern mixed hardwood forest. Tellus B 59: 514-525. Uddling J, Teclaw RM, Kubiske ME, Pregitzer KS, Ellsworth DS (2008) Sap flux in pure aspen and mixed aspen-birch forests exposed to elevated carbon dioxide and ozone. Tree Physiology 28: 1231-1243. Johan Uddling Fredin, 721006-4031 Uddling J, Gelang-Alfredsson J, Karlsson PE, Selldén G, Pleijel H (2008) Source–sink balance of wheat determines responsiveness of grain production to increased [CO2] and water supply. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 127: 215-222. Uddling J, Teclaw RM, Pregitzer KS, Ellsworth DS (2009) Leaf and canopy conductance in aspen and aspen-birch forests under free air enrichment of carbon dioxide and ozone. Tree Physiology 29: 1367-1380. Karlsson PE, Pleijel H, Danielsson H, Pihl Karlsson G, Piikki K, Uddling J (2009) Evidences for impacts of near ambient ozone concentrations on vegetation in southern Sweden. Ambio 38: 425–432. Uddling J, Hogg AJ, Teclaw RM, Carroll MA, Ellsworth DS (2010) Stomatal uptake of O3 in aspen and aspen-birch forests under free-air CO2 and O3 enrichment. Environmental Pollution 158: 2023-2031. Renaud A, Baralotoa C, Costea S, Marconb E, Schimanna H, Roggya J-C, Uddling J, Héraultc B (2010). Assessing foliar chlorophyll contents with the SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter: a calibration test with thirteen tree species of tropical rainforest in French Guiana. Annals of Forest Science 67: 607p1-607p5. Klingberg J, Engardt M, Uddling J, Karlsson PE, Pleijel H (2011). Ozone risk for vegetation in the future climate of Europe based on stomatal ozone uptake calculations. Tellus A 61: 174-187. Onandia G, Olsson AK, Barth S, King JS, Uddling J. Exposure to moderate concentrations of tropospheric ozone impairs tree stomatal response to carbon dioxide. Environmental Pollution 159: 2350-2354. Pleijel H, Uddling J. Yield vs. quality trade-offs for wheat in response to carbon dioxide and ozone. Global Change Biology DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.2489. Feng Z, Tang H, Uddling J, Pleijel H, Kobayashi K, Zhu J, Oue H, Guo W. Stomatal ozone flux and flux-response relationship to assess ozone-induced yield loss of winter wheat in sub-tropical China. Accepted for publication in Environmental Pollution. Büker P, Morrissey T, Briolat A, Falk R, Simpson D, Tuovinen J-P, Alonso R, Barth S, Baumgarten M, Grulke N, Karlsson PE, King J, Lagergren F, Matyssek R, Nunn A, Ogaya R, Peñuelas J, Rhea L, Schaub M, Uddling J, Werner W, Emberson LD. DO3SE modelling of soil moisture to determine ozone flux to European forest trees. Accepted for publication in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Sun G, McLaughlin SB, Porter JH, Uddling J, Mulholland PH, AdamsMB, Pederson N. Ozone Exposures Reduce Streamflow of Forested Watersheds. Resubmitted to Nature Geoscience, as encouraged. Uddling J, Wallin G. Modification of CO2-induced photosynthetic enhancement by temperature and radiation variability in mature Norway spruce. Submitted to Tree Physiology. Uddling J, Matyssek R, Wieser G. Do molecule collisions with stomatal vapour efflux impede leaf-level O3 influx? Submitted to Environmental Pollution. Manuscripts: Hogg A, Uddling J, Ellsworth D, Carroll MA, Pressley S, Lamb B, Vogel C. Multiple year stomatal and non-stomatal ozone fluxes and growing season ozone burden to a northern mixed hardwood forest. Johan Uddling Fredin, 721006-4031 Vårhammar A, Wallin G, Nsabimana D, Uddling J. Photosynthetic temperature responses of tropical tree species in Rwanda. Books and Chapters in books Uddling J (2004) Uptake of ozone and its impact on silver birch. Doctoral thesis, Göteborg University, Department of Botany. ISBN 91-628-6238-3. Selldén G, Karlsson PE, Uddling J, Pleijel H, Skärby L (2002) Forest vitality and stress implications. Air pollution effects – Ground-level ozone. In: Harald Sverdrup and Ingrid Stjernquist (Eds.), Developing Principles and Models for Sustainable Forestry in Sweden. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 216-222. Proceedings and reports Karlsson PE, Skärby L, Wallin G, Uddling J, Ottosson S, Medin EL, Pleijel H, Selldén G (2003) Multi-year experiments with ozone exposure of Norway spruce and Silver birch in open-top chambers at Östad, Sweden. In: Karlsson PE, Selldén G, Pleijel H (eds.) Establishing Ozone Critical Levels II. UN-ECE Workshop Report. IVL report B 1523. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 308-315. Karlsson PE, Uddling J, Peterson M, Langvall G, Örlander G, Grennfelt P (2003) Verifying the impact of tropospheric ozone on mature Norway spruce trees – A statistical analysis of stem growth of Norway spruce trees in relation to climate and ozone exposure. In: Karlsson PE, Selldén G, Pleijel H (eds.) Establishing Ozone Critical Levels II. UN-ECE Workshop Report. IVL report B 1523. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 308-315. Popular science articles Karlsson PE, Skärby L, Uddling J, Selldén G (1999) Är vårtbjörk känslig för ozon? Chapter in the Mistra research programme SUFOR’s yearly rapport 1999, pp. 2729. Conference presentations Oral presentations: Stomatal O3 uptake of forest trees under rising atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3. 23rd IUFRO Conference for Specialists in Air Pollution and Climate Change Effects on Forest Ecosystems: Air Pollution and Climate Change at Contrasting Altitude and Latitude. Murten, Switzerland, 7-12 Sept 2008. Does atmosphere and climate affect water-use in aspen and mixed aspen-birch forests? Rhinelander Investigators’ Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA, 6-7 Dec 2005. * Uptake of ozone and its impact on silver birch. Pre-UNECE workshop 2005 forest flux meeting*. York, UK, 17-18 Jan 2005. Modelling stomatal O3 uptake in birch – comparison of stomatal conductance models. 36th Annual Air Pollution Workshop. Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA, 26-29 Apr 2004. Johan Uddling Fredin, 721006-4031 * O3 uptake–response relationship for birch (Betula pendula). Committee on Air Pollution Effects Research (CAPER) meeting. Newcastle, UK, 5-7 Apr 2004. Stomatal uptake of ozone and its relation to biomass accumulation of juvenile silver birch, Betula pendula. 35th Air Pollution Workshop. Vancouver, Canada, 7-10 Apr 2003. * denotes that I was personally invited to present the results of my doctoral thesis. First-authored posters: Ozone flux–response relationships for birch. 35th Air Pollution Workshop. Vancouver, Canada, 7-10 Apr 2003 + UNECE Workshop: Establishing Ozone Critical Levels II. Göteborg, Sweden, 19-22 Nov 2002. Impact of ozone on senescence and nitrogen resorption by leaves in silver birch, Betula pendula. SUFOR Workshop: Sustainable Forestry in Temperate Regions. Lund, Sweden, 7-9 Apr 2002 + UNECE ICP Vegetation, 15th task force meeting. Trier, Germany, 11-14 Feb 2002. Ozone and birch. Plant Physiology – Today and Tomorrow. The SPPS Ph.D. student Conference. Tanumstrand, Sweden, 10-14 Aug 2000.