HYDROPHOBICITY - A CONCERN FOR HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING? Müller, K.,1 Mason, K.,1 Simpson, R.,1 Van den Dijssel, C.,1 Robertson, C.,1 Clothier, B.1 1 The New Zealand Plant & Food Research Institute Ltd. Introduction and aims Hydrophobicity or soil water repellency (SWR) is a surface condition that reduces the affinity of soil to water. It causes water infiltration rates to decrease, rain or irrigation water to pond on soil surfaces, time to the start of runoff to decrease, and runoff rates and volumes to increase. It is a transient soil property and its prediction is challenging mainly because we do not understand its ecological significance and root source. Some research showed that the degree of SWR was positively correlated with soil water content, and the concept of a site- and soil-specific critical water content was introduced (Dekker et al. 2001). But other authors have reported that SWR varied non-linearly with soil water contents (de Jonge et al. 2007). In addition, the expression of SWR is also highly variable at the micro-scale (Hallett et al. 2004) as well as at larger scales (Regalado and Ritter 2006). A lot of research has been directed at investigating potential causal relationships between SWR and other soil properties including texture, pH, bulk density, mineralogy of the clay fraction, organic carbon content and quality, and microbiological community composition (Doerr et al. 2007). In addition, the unambiguous isolation of the effects of SWR on water dynamics in soils from other hydrological parameters is extremely difficult. In particular, its effects on runoff and solute loss have been only poorly quantified. Our aims were thus to directly quantify the effects of SWR on runoff and phosphorus (P) losses at a hillslope site, and to measure how SWR changes sorptivity and infiltration dynamics over seasons. Method For this purpose, we conducted runoff experiments with our runoff measurement apparatus (Jeyakumar et al. 2014) on a severely water-repellent pastoral Pumice Soil in the laboratory and field (Fig. 1). Prior to all experiments, superphosphate was applied at 45 kg P/ha to the pasture to quantify the potential risk of fertilizer loss. To isolate the effect of SWR from those of other potential hydrological parameters, we sequentially simulated run-on with two liquids (i) water and (ii) aqueous ethanol (30% ethanol, v/v, as a reference fully wetting liquid), to the same intact soil slab in the laboratory, with air-drying to the initial water content between the two events. In the field, we compared results of runoff experiments conducted in parallel on adjacent fields with the same two liquids. We analyzed the runoff response to 60-min long runoff events (60 mm/h) from (i) air-dried undisturbed slabs in the laboratory (0.08 m 2, Fig. 1a), and (ii) field plots of 0.5 m 2 (Fig. 1b). We used the same principle to isolate the effect of repellency from other soil parameters on sorptivity and infiltration by measuring water and 30% ethanol infiltration into intact soil cores with our fully automated solute transport apparatus (Fig. 1c). A tension disc infiltrometer applied the liquids to the top of a core of 10-cm diameter at -50 kPa tension for the water experiments. The tension was adjusted for the experiments with ethanol taking into consideration the solution’s specific density and surface tension. We determined the degree and persistence of SWR prior to the start of all experiments using the molarity of ethanol droplet (MED) and the water drop penetration time test (WDPT), respectively (King 1981). Figure 1: Our runoff measurement apparatus (ROMA) operates with intact soil slabs of 0.08 m2 in the laboratory (a) and at the 0.5 m2-plot scale in the field (b). To determine sorptivity and hydraulic conductivities of repellent soils we use our fully automated solute transport apparatus (SOLO) (c). Results In our laboratory runoff experiments with ethanol no runoff occurred. The final drainage coefficient was around 80% (Fig. 2a). These measurements demonstrate the soil’s runoff behavior under hydrophilic conditions. In the water experiments, the high persistence of SWR was reflected in a runoff coefficient of about 80% throughout the 1-h runoff experiments. Drainage started after approximately 30 min, and stayed below 10% of the water rate applied (Fig. 2b). Dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) concentrations in runoff samples were highest in the first sample and decreased exponentially with time (Fig. 2c). In total, 18 ±6.9% and 1.5 ±0.1% of the applied P were lost as DRP in runoff and drainage, respectively. The field experiments confirmed that SWR increased runoff and P losses (Fig. 3). About 19.3 ±5% of applied P was lost as DRP in runoff. The field runoff coefficients were generally lower than those measured in the laboratory reflecting the increased likelihood for water to re-infiltrate into the soil along the longer plots. The infiltration experiments are on-going. We conclude that SWR is an important factor in hydrological modelling and should be included in models to address appropriately this increased risk of surface water contamination by solutes exogenously applied to water-repellent soils. Figure 2: (a) Runoff and drainage coefficients in lab experiments with 30% ethanol. Initial average soil water repellency (SWR) characteristic of the slabs: Persistence of SWR measured by the water drop penetration time test: WDPTact = 6267 ± 2135 s; WDPTpot = 9800 ± 1470 s; Degree of SWR measured by the molarity of the ethanol droplet test MED: 102.5 ± 0.6° (b) Runoff and drainage coefficients in preceding experiments on the same slab with water. Initial conditions: Persistence of SWR: WDPTact = 7867 ±3137 s; WDPTpot = 10333 ±4382 s; Degree of SWR: 102 ±1.2° (c) Dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) concentrations in runoff. All results are averaged over three slabs. Bars represent standard deviations of the means. Figure 3: (a) Runoff and drainage coefficients in field experiments with 30% ethanol (initial average SWR characteristic of the plots: Persistence of SWR: WDPTact = 4950 ±5224 s; WDPTpot = 9300 ±2235 s; Degree of SWR: 102.8 ±1.6°) and water (initial average SWR characteristic of the plots: Persistence of SWR: WDPTact = 1117 ±723 s; WDPTpot = 6750 ±995 s; Degree of SWR: 102.7 ±1°. (b) Dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) concentrations in runoff. All results are averaged over three plots. Bars represent standard deviations of the means. References de Jonge, L. W., Moldrup, P. & Jacobsen, O. H. (2007) Soil-water content dependency of water repellency in soils. Soil Science, 172(8), 577-588. Dekker, L. W., Doerr, S. H., Oostindie, K., Ziogas, A. K. & Ritsema, C. J. (2001) Water repellency and critical soil water content in a dune sand. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 65, 1667-1675. Doerr, S. H., Ritsema, C. J., Dekker, L. W., Scott, D. F. & Carter, D. (2007) Preface: Water repellence of soils: new insights and emerging research needs. Hydrological Processes, 21(17), 2223-2228. Hallett, P. D., Nunan, N., Douglas, J. T. & Young, I. M. (2004) Millimeter-Scale Spatial Variability in Soil Water Sorptivity: Scale, Surface Elevation, and Subcritical Repellency Effects. Soil Sci Soc Am J, 68(2), 352-358. Jeyakumar, P., Müller, K., Deurer, M., van den Dijssel, C., Mason, K., Le Mire, G. & Clothier, B. (2014) A novel approach to quantify the impact of soil water repellency on run-off and solute loss. Geoderma, 221222, 121-130. King, P. M. (1981) Comparison of methods for measuring severity of water repellence of sandy soils and assessment of some factors that affect its measurement. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 19, 275-285. Regalado, C. M. & Ritter, A. (2006) Geostatistical tools for characterizing the spatial variability of soil water repellency parameters in a laurel forest watershed. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70, 1071-1081.