Submitted to Energy, The International Journal -for publication EXPOSURE TO AIR POLLUTANTS FROM COMBUSTION OF COOKING FUELS: A CASE STUDY OF RURAL TAMIL NADU, INDIA Jyoti Parikh, Kalpana Balakrishnan*, Vijay Laxmi and Haimanti Biswas Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Gen. Vaidya Marg, Santosh Nagar, Goregoan (E), Mumbai –400 065 *Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute, Chennai Abstract -- In this paper linkage between pollution exposures and the type of kitchen and fuel types are established for rural houses by monitoring the indoor air quality of 500 households. The results show that exposure to chief cook is very high when cooking is performed using biofuels in any type or location of kitchen. The individuals who stay inside the house during the cooking activity using biofuels also face high exposures. 1. INTRODUCTION About half the worlds population relies on bio-mass - wood, agricultural residues and charcoal as the primary source of domestic energy burning nearly 2 billion kg of biomass everyday in developing countries [1,2]. Combustion of bio-fuels in poorly vented kitchens using poorly functioning stoves leads to the release of very high concentrations of suspended particulate matter and noxious gases [3,4,5]. Exposure to these pollutants has also been shown in several recent studies to be causally linked to several health effects especially in women who cook with these fuels and young children. Strong associations between bio-fuel exposure and increased incidences of chronic bronchitis in women and acute respiratory infections in children have been documented [6,7,8,9]. 1 In rural India, 90% of the primary energy use is bio-mass, of which wood accounts for 56%, crop residues for 16%, and dung-cakes for 21 % [10]. A disturbing trend in rural India has been the increasing use of lower quality fuels like crop residues and dung cakes. The free access to natural and sub-managed forest lands and the wide gap between the demand and sustainable supply of wood fuel has led to illicit exploitation of forests. Gathering of wood imposes high opportunity costs for the women folk who have to travel long distances to gather fuel [11]. The emissions from the bio-mass fuels vary with the type fuel used. The most polluting fuels are also often the most energy inefficient [13]. Several studies concerning bio-mass combustion, air pollution and health have been conducted in rural Indian villages [12,13,14]. Form information collected during the recent National family Health Survey of India [15], prevalence of acute respiratory infections in children [ARI] has been found to be as high as 6.6% in houses using bio-fuels. One of the main concerns raised in some of these studies has been the paucity of quantitative exposure data for these pollutants. Further, many studies have been conducted with small sample sizes that do not adequately capture the influence of exposure variables such as the type and location of kitchen, type of stove, type fuel etc. on actual exposures. Lack of quantitative exposure information has prevented drawing definitive conclusions and the development of accurate doseresponse relationships. The present study has aimed at assessing exposures to respirable dusts in rural households across four districts of Tamil Nadu. Through a combination of personal 2 monitoring and area measurements, 24 hour average exposures of both cooks and other members of the households has determined in over 400 households that cover all major sociocultural zones across the state. Influence of multiple exposure variables on dispersion and exposures has also been extensively examined. This has been the largest exposure assessment exercise undertaken in Southern India thus far. 2. EMPIRICAL STUDIES Raiyani [16] discusses the indoor concentration of TSP during the cooking hours across the houses belonging to low socio-economic group in eastern Ahmedabad. He concludes that houses using cattle dung, wood and coal emit large amounts of TSP and the levels in houses using kerosene and LPG is mainly contribution of outside environment rather than indoor sources. Ramakrishna [17] tried to establish quantitative estimates of the influence of several environmental and cultural characteristics like stove type, kitchen location, fuel type, etc. on TSP exposures. The variable location of kitchen was found to be statistically significant. However, the difference in exposure between the traditional and improved stove was not found to be significant. At the same time there was no significant seasonal variations on TSP exposures. Smith [3] reveals that ventilation parameters and stove type influence exposures to women. In addition to this outdoor concentrations can also influence indoor exposures. Smith [18] goes on further to saying that population exposure depends on pollution concentration as well as on the number of people involved. Since a large number of variables are involved in studies of air pollution and human health, it is difficult to prove that air pollution has a clearly demonstrable 3 effect on human health at normal concentration. Bart et al [19] had tried to estimate dose response functions for respiratory diseases among children based on data from public clinics in Santiago, Chile. They found that prevalence of respiratory disease among Santiago’s children is significantly affected by air pollution, measured as PM10. Another study conducted in Colombia reported occurrence of obstructive airways diseases among women cooking in open fires [20]. However in this study the confounding effect of passive smoking was not considered. The survey conducted by National Family Health Survey (NFHS) of India 1992-93 reveals that three fourth of the households surveyed used wood or animal dung for cooking leading to 6.6% prevalence rate of ARI among children under three years. The prevalence rate was higher in case of children living in kuchcha houses [15]. The survey carried out by NFHS (92-93) also reveals that women above 30 years of age, attributes 20% of complete blindness and 17% of partial blindness attributable to cooking smoke from biofuels. Women who have higher age, less education and those who are economically and culturally less endowed have relatively higher prevalence of blindness. Similarly the prevalence was higher for women staying in kuchcha houses and without a separate kitchen [21]. 3. DATA AND VARIABLES This article is based on a comprehensive survey conducted in the rural areas of Tamil Nadu covering 5028 households from 30 villages and 4 districts. The objectives of the study were to ascertain the following 4 a) Socio-economic and infrastructure characteristics of the villages b) Socio-economic characteristics of the households c) Fuel consumption pattern in rural Tamil Nadu d) Cooking behavior of the households in rural Tamil Nadu e) Symptoms, disease and lung function test for respiratory symptoms f) Willingness to pay for clean fuels and improved stoves g) Environmental priorities in general and the reasons for not using clean fuels 3.1 Survey Design The selections of the villages were made using multi stage sampling design. At first stage stratification of state was done on the basis of its socio-cultural regions (SCRs). Tamil Nadu (TN) was divided into 4 SCRs. Selection of one district per SCR was done based on population median class. At stage 3 allocation of households to each district based on the universe distribution of rural households were made. Then stratification of districts was done by village population sizes. The villages were divided into 4 stratum on the basis of population. In stratum 1 villages with population less than 1000 were included, stratum 2 had villages with population 10003000, whereas in stratum 3 villages with population between 3000-5000 were included. The 4th stratum was made for the villages having population more than 5000. Stratum 4 was excluded from the sample. The selection of the villages from each stratum was done using population proportion sampling. Selection of households within the selected village was performed using systematic random sampling. 5 The survey of 5028 households was a comprehensive one having following features; Face to face interview Symptoms and health assessment Diagnostic approach Pollution monitoring and exposure. For this particular exercise we are dealing with the fourth aspect which has been stated above. Smaller sub- sample of 10 per cent of households was selected randomly from larger sample of 5028 households for IAQ (indoor air quality) monitoring and physicians’ diagnosis so as to get a complete picture of the larger sample. 3.2 Methodology A Random samples of 500 households were selected as described above for IAQ measurement (valid measurements were however obtained from 418 households due to technical and administrative problems). These households were distributed in 30 villages across four districts of Tamil Nadu. IAQ assessments were conducted by determining respirable dust concentration using personal samplers. Area/personal samples for respirable dusts were collected and analyses according to NIOSH protocol 0600. Pumps and accessories were supplied by SKC Inc and Dupont. For ambient respirable dust measurements, a high volume sampler was used (Envirotech PM 460) 6 Although multiple measurements were taken during cooking as well as in the absence of cooking activity, 3 variables were chosen as indices of exposure viz. RD1 (personal exposure to respirable dust while cooking) RD2 ( area measurement of respirable dust while cooking is going on as a surrogate for personal exposure to others) and RD3 (ambient concentration of respirable dust). For regression analysis the dependent variables chosen were RD1 and RD2. The explanatory variables chosen were type of fuel, location of kitchen, number of meals cooked per day, type of stove and respirable dusts in ambient air (RD3). The values RD1 to RD3 were used to deduce the individual exposure during one cooking period. Simple regression analysis was done to estimate the effect of various factors on the level of pollution i.e, the level of respirable dust. The basic equation estimated is: RDx = constant + Lockit1 + Lockit2 + Lockit3 + Meals/Day + Stove + Fuel + RD3 + x Where, x = 1,2 RD1 RD2 = Personal exposures for respirable dust while cooking in g/m3 = Area measurement for respirable dusts inside the house while cooking in g/m3 7 RD3 = respirable dust in the ambient air in g/m3 Lockit1 =1 if cooking is done inside kitchen without partition =0 otherwise =1 if cooking is done in separate kitchen inside house =0 otherwise =1 if cooking is done in separate kitchen outside house =0 otherwise Lockit2 Lockit3 Lockit4 = When cooking is done in open air Stove =1 if cooking is done in traditional chulha =0 otherwise =1 if biofuel is used for cooking =0 otherwise Fuel Meals/day = Number of meals cooked by the household each day. x = error term The least personal exposure for respirable dust occurs when cooking is done in open air using clean fuel and efficient stove and this is given by: RD1 = constant + Meals/Day + RD3 + And the maximum personal exposure occurs when cooking is done inside kitchen without partition using traditional stove and biofuels and this is given by: RD1 = constant + Lockit1 + Meals/Day + Stove + Fuel + RD3+ 8 The floor layout of different kitchen types and placement of samplers are shown below. Indoor Kitchen without partitions Separate kitchen inside the house Stove Stove 2 Living area 1 2 1 Kitchen Living area Kitchen Kitchen Type I Kitchen Type II Separate Kitchen outside the house Living area 2 Outdoor Kitchen stove Living area stove 1 1 2 Kitchen Kitchen type III Kitchen type-4 1 – Personal exposure for the cook – RD1 2 – Area measurement inside the house while cooking – RD2 Ambient environment high volume sampler – RD3 not shown 9 Kitchen 4. BRIEF PROFILE OF THE SAMPLE UNDER SURVEY The households selected were distributed in 30 villages across 4 districts of Tamil Nadu. The gender ratio in rural Tamil Nadu is 980 females per thousand males. Across the sample the literacy rate for males was 68% and among females was 51%. 1. The education profile is important because the socio-economic characteristics of the households as well as its health are influenced by the education of the women class. The average monthly per capita consumption expenditure on fuel and light in rural Tamil Nadu is Rs. 11.20, which is comparatively less than what is spent by the individuals in the urban areas (Rs. 15.37) (CMIE, 1999). Lower expenditure on fuels means usage of fuels that are cheap and hence less efficient. In the study area about 96% of the household (See Fig-1) used only biofuels (firewood, wood-chips and agricultural waste). Firewood was most common (75% of the households) followed by agricultural waste (12% households) and wood-chips (4% of the households)2. Of the biofuel users 36% used it in indoor kitchens without partitions, 30% in separate kitchens inside the house, 19% used them in separate kitchen outside the house and 16% used them in open air cooking. Less than 10% of the households used clean fuels (kerosene, LPG and biogas). Most of the households use traditional stoves, which have high emission rates. (Figure given below). About 81% of the households under survey cook two meals per day. 1 The rural literacy rate for the entire state is 62.66%. The male literacy rate is considerably higher at 73.75% and the female literacy rate is much lower at 51.33%. 2 In rural India, 91% of the households use biofuel for cooking of which the share of wood alone is 71.7%. 10 Figure –1:Fuel Consumption Pattern Only Biofuels 8% Biofuels & Clean fuels Only Clean fuels 31% 61% Figure2: Distribution of stoves 13% Figure3: Kitchen Types Polluting Stove Clean Stove 16% 36% 19% 87% 30% Figure4: Distribution of Meals cooked/Day 13% 6% One meal/day Two meals/day Three meals/day 81% 11 Inside kitchen without partition Separate kitchen inside house Separate kitchen outside house Open air cooking 5. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 5.1 Results of respirable dust measurements The results of field measurements of respirable dust (RD) show that the concentration of RD was the highest during cooking with biofuels. Personal exposures ranged from around 70 g/m3 for houses using clean fuel to around 2000 g/m3 in houses using biofuels. The concentration at various locations during cooking with biofuels depended on the type of kitchen. Agricultural waste resulted in the highest personal exposure. The results are shown in the bar charts given below. Another important feature that is worth mentioning is that Tamil Nadu does not appear to have the practise of cooking with animal dung. 12 Fig 5 Mean Concentration of RD 1 for Different Kitchen Location and Fuel Types Me an co nce ntr ati on in ug/ m3 2500 Indoor kitchen with no partition 2000 1500 Separate kitchen inside the house 1000 500 0 Firewood Kerosene Woodchips Agricultural waste LPG Separate kitchen outside the house Outdoor cooking Fig 6 Mean Concentration of RD 2 for Different Kitchen Location and Fuel Types Inside kitchen without partition Separate kitchen inside house 2000 Me1800 an1600 co 1400 1200 nc.1000 in 800 ug/ 600 400 m3 200 0 Kerosene Firewood Woodchips Agricultural waste 13 LPG Separate kitchen outside house Open air cooking 5.2 Analysis of Regression Results RD1, RD2 and RD3 were estimated and the results are summarised in the tables given below. RD1 was used as a dependent variable. For subsequent regressions Natural log of RD1 was used as an explained variable because the variations in RD1 were considerably higher and with this transformation the adjusted R2 increases from 0.35 to 0.67. The location of kitchen is an important explanatory variable given the fact that most of them used biofuels. The exposure of chief cook increases as one shift from location4 (cooking in the open air) to location1 (cooking is done inside kitchen which has no partition). This can be explained on the grounds that in open air concentration of respirable dust is lower because it gets readily diffused into the atmosphere. Surprisingly the variable RD3 was found to be significant at 5% confidence level3 which, can be explained in terms of diffusion from outside air to indoor air through the doors, windows and ventilators. The variables meals cooked per day and fuel was found to be insignificant. Insignificance of ‘fuel’ can be explained on the ground that there is a strong multi-collinearity between the fuel and the type of stove4 used for cooking. This is because each major fuel requires a unique type of stove. Stove variations were not significant among biofuels and the number of households using improved chulha was none in the sample. Moreover the sample being a random representative did not contain adequate number of clean fuels (More than 90% of the households used biofuels), thereby the variable ‘fuel’ turned out to be 3 4 The t-value was found to be 6 approximately. The regression between type of fuel and type of stove gave R2 value above 70%. 14 insignificant. To avoid multi-collinearity trap one of the variable i.e, fuel was dropped. As a result the t-value of stove increased sharply. 15 Table – 1: Estimation of RD1 Dep. Var Exp Var Coeff. RD1 constant -1437.43 fuel 293.7 lockit1 682.15 lockit2 555.38 lockit3 304.11 meals/day 26.29 RD3 11.51 stove 1120.95 Ln RD1 constant 3.52 lockit1 0.43 lockit2 0.4 lockit3 0.23 meals/day -0.005 RD3 0.008 stove 2.61 Ln RD1 constant 3.5 lockit1 0.44 lockit2 0.4 lockit3 0.23 RD3 0.008 stove 2.62 Sd. error 239.86 438.32 99.42 103.25 130.51 74.44 1.6 425.76 0.19 0.08 0.08 0.1 0.06 0 0.09 0.15 0.08 0.08 0.12 0 0.09 T-Stat -5.1 0.67 6.86 5.38 2.33 0.35 7.21 2.63 18.17 5.34 4.76 2.2 -0.1 5.98 27.82 23.32 5.37 4.76 2.2 6 28.2 2 Adj. R 0.35 0.67 0.67 Initially we started with the notion that there is a positive relationship between RD1 and number of meals cooked per day but the variable was found to be insignificant and relationship turned out to be negative. This can be explained on the ground that personalised exposure was done for one meal cooked and not for all the meals in a day or 24-hour period. Since the number of meals cooked is observed on a 24-hour basis, the relationship was found to be insignificant and the correlation negative. Overall the variable ‘number of meals cooked per day’ is highly important as this determines exposure to the chief cook. Hopefully when we look at the symptoms and health aspects of pollution this variable would feature differently. Inspite of this and for the reason stated above we had to drop the variable for 16 regression with RD1 and RD2. The mean exposure of the chief cook when the cooking is done inside the house without partition using biofuels and traditional stoves is5: Ln RD1 = 3.499+ 0.435 Lockit1 + 2.62 Stove + 0.008 RD3 + , which comes to 1312.91 g/m3. On the other hand if cooking is done in open air using clean fuel and efficient stove, the concentration of respirable dust is 61.56 g/m3 which is roughly 21 times less. The recommendation to reduce exposure to the chief cook appears to be provision of improved cookstove and clean fuels like LPG and electricity. 5 The average RD3 value is 78.16 g/m3. 17 Table – 2: Estimation of RD2 Dep. Var RD2 Ln RD2 Ln RD2 Ln RD2 Exp Var Coeff. constant -1407.14 fuel 231.54 lockit1 1200.72 lockit2 815.12 lockit3 208.91 meals/day -21.91 RD3 8.25 stove 849.18 constant 2.49 fuel 0.52 lockit1 1.96 lockit2 1.55 lockit3 0.64 meals/day -0.08 RD3 0.005 stove 1.86 constant 2.54 lockit1 1.95 lockit2 1.53 lockit3 0.63 meals/day 0.078 RD3 0.005 stove 2.34 constant 2.4 lockit1 1.96 lockit2 1.53 lockit3 0.63 RD3 0.005 stove 2.34 Sd. error T-Stat 214.78 354.05 89.53 97.21 126.98 66.7 1.63 342.29 0.26 0.43 0.11 0.12 0.15 0.08 0 0.41 0.26 0.11 0.11 0.15 0.08 0.001 0.13 0.21 0.11 0.12 0.15 0.002 0.12 -6.55 0.65 13.41 8.39 1.65 -0.33 5.05 2.48 9.6 1.21 18.13 13.17 4.16 -0.94 2.72 4.5 9.92 18.08 13.1 4.12 -0.97 2.72 18.75 11.38 18.13 13.07 4.11 2.6 18.76 2 Adj. R 0.49 0.67 0.67 0.67 Estimation of RD2 gives more or less the same result in terms of R2, which implies that the variables that explain RD1 also explain RD2. But the coefficient associated with location of kitchen as well as their associated t-value has increased sharply. Each of the variable included except meals per day is insignificant at 5% level of significance. So it was dropped in further analysis. 18 The mean exposure of inmates when cooking is done inside the house in a kitchen with no partition using biofuels and traditional stove is: Ln RD2 = 2.399+ 1.957Lockit1 + 2.336 Stove + 0.005 RD3 + , which comes to 1187.97 g/m3. Thus we see the exposure of respirable dust is very high for the individuals who are not involved in the cooking activity but stay indoors. This includes the children, the sick as well as the aged people. These people are vulnerable in case they are not mobile. The mean exposure when cooking is done in the open air using clean fuels is 16.28 g/m3, which is 73 times less than when cooking, is done in closed space using traditional stoves. 5.3 Discussion The latest WHO air quality guidelines prescribe no thresholds for health effects associated with particulate exposure. However, the national air quality standards from Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) on respirable dust for 24hours in rural residential areas is 100 g/m3 (TEDDY, 98-99). On studying the sample closely we observe that for various kitchen types (whether lockit1 or lockit2 or lockit3 or lockit4) the pollution level is much above the specified standard during cooking hours. Only when clean fuel is used for cooking in open air, we observe the pollution level below the specified standard. From the graph it is quite clear that the chief cook face greater exposure levels in material of whether they cook inside the house or in the open air. The exposure levels are largely reduced if cooking is done with the efficient stoves. Likewise the 19 concentration profile of respirable dust inside the house two metres from the cooking zone face a similar trend. The maximum concentration of respirable dust is observed when cooking is done inside kitchen with no partition using traditional stoves. Figure 7: Personal exposure for chief cooks at various concentration during two 1400 (127) (103) 1200 (48) 1000 (9) 800 600 400 200 (37) The numbers in paranthesis indicate number the number of measurements for each type of stove/kitchen 1 le an st ov e/ Lo ck Tr it4 ad .S to ve /L oc ki Tr t2 ad .S to ve /L oc ki Tr t1 ad .S to ve /L oc ki Tr t3 ad .S to ve /L oc ki C t4 le an st ov e/ Lo ck it2 0 C Mean concentration in ug/m3 hours of cooking NB:- Lockit1 - Inside kitchen without partition, Lockit-2 – Separate kitchen inside house, Lockit3 – Separate kitchen outside house, Lockit4 – Open air cooking 20 Figure 8:Concentration profile for various kitchen and stove types at two metres from cooking 1400 1200 1000 C Mean concentration in ug/m3 le an st ov e/ Lo Tr ck ad it4 .S to ve /L oc Tr ki ad t2 .S to ve /L oc Tr ki ad t1 .S to ve /L oc Tr ki ad t3 .S to ve /L oc C ki le t4 an st ov e/ Lo ck it2 800 600 400 200 0 NB:- Lockit1 - Inside kitchen without partition, Lockit-2 – Separate kitchen inside house, Lockit3 – Separate kitchen outside house, Lockit4 – Open air cooking One of the surprising aspects of the random sample selected was the extraordinary low frequency of households using clean fuels or improved stoves. Larger samples that purposively included houses with interventions and inclusion of parameters such as ventilation, type of house and quantity of fuel would allow better judgements to be made regarding the dispersion of pollutants. 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The basic premise of this exercise is to determine the linkages between exposures (of the chief cook and the residents of the households) and the kitchen and 21 fuel types. Across the random and representative sample we observed predominant use of wood as cooking fuel. The regression analysis reveals that there is a strong correlation between exposure to pollutants and location of kitchen. The concentration of respirable dust is maximum when cooking is done inside the house without partition using traditional stove. The exposure to chief cook (RD1) is maximum when cooking is done indoors or outdoors using biofuels. One of the important findings is that the individuals who are inside the house during the cooking activity denoted by variable RD2 too face high exposures. The regression analysis also reveals a positive correlation between the type of fuel and type of stove used for cooking, since every fuel has a specific type of stove and variations among types of traditional stove was rarely found. As a result we had to drop one of the variable. The significance of the variable ‘stove’ improved dramatically by removing fuel variable. The variable meals per day was found to be insignificant. The most important variable found was location of kitchen followed by type of stove and open air emissions (RD3). The exposure to biofuels is more a problem of poor to middle class income group than the very poor because the very poor generally cook in the open air, cook fewer meals and eat less number of dishes. For open air emissions (RD3) only explained variable relevant was number of meals cooked per day because concentration of respirable dust increases with the increase in number of meals cooked by the households. The results from the regression analysis suggest that opting for good ventilation, cleaner fuels, rational cooking technology and practices can substantially reduce the level of pollution. Another feasible policy would be to make available clean fuels especially kerosene, which is the next clean fuel in the energy ladder after 22 wood, for those who can afford to buy it at market rate. Marketing and promotion of Improved cook stoves (IC) can also reduce exposures. Presently improved cook stoves are not very popular in the study area. Our socio-economic study of 5000 households reveals that even those who have IC are not using it because it is inconvenient to use. For future analysis we wish to incorporate other confounding variables like type of housing (mud or cement), ventilation, income of the households, female education, etc. A better analysis is expected if one has at-least 8 hour or 24-hours of exposure monitoring with some control group using clean fuels and efficient stoves. The major strength of the study has been determination of actual exposure under a variety of exposure situations prevailing in the rural houses. The study therefore can lay down the framework for the evaluation and even the design of interventions to further establish definitively the linkages between bio-fuel smoke exposure and health. REFERENCES 1. Barnes, D.F.; Openshaw, K.; Smith, K.R.. van der Plas, R. What makes people cook with improved biomass stoves? A comparative International review of stove programs, The World Bank: Washington, DC, 1 994. 2. Reddy, A.K.N.; Williams, R.H.; Johansson, T.B. 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