Harmful Insects - Nuneaton District Scouts

Insect Chart
Greenfly (aphid)
 Aphids are sap-sucking insects, ranging in size from 1-7mm
 Aphids feed on foliage, stems and flowers but some suck
sap from roots.
 There are more than 500 aphid species in Britain. Some
species only attack one or two plant species, but others
attack a wide range of plant hosts. Almost all plants can
be affected, including ornamentals, vegetables, fruits,
greenhouse plants and houseplants.
 :It is usually possible to see aphid infestations with the naked
eye, and they tend to colonise shoot tips, flower buds and
the underside of younger leaves
 Aphids cause stunted growth with curled or distorted leaves.
This can weaken the plant
 Many aphids also excrete a sticky honeydew on foliage,
stems and fruits, which allows the growth of black sooty
 White cast skins of aphids accumulate on the upper surface
of leaves
Ground Beetle
Both larvae and adults are carnivorous and often specialise
in eating slugs and snails, as well as eating a range of
Depending on the ground beetle species, they will also
attack aphids and other pest insects.
Cabbage White Butterfly Caterpillar
 All types of brassica are affected by cabbage white
caterpillars, including cabbages, cauliflower, Brussels
sprouts, Swede and turnips
 can cause extensive damage to, eating holes in leaves and
tunnelling into the hearts. Plants begin to rot and become
spoiled with excrement.
Brown Tomato Moth Caterpillar
 The tomato moth caterpillar can devastate tomato plants
(and peppers), stripping the leaves from healthy plants and
eating into the fruits.
Codling Moth
Codling moth is a small moth whose caterpillars bore into the
fruits of apple and pear trees during mid- to late-summer.
Each larva burrows into the fruit, eats for around three
weeks, then leaves the fruit to overwinter and pupate
It also attacks pears, walnuts, and other tree fruits.
Harlequin Ladybird
 Harlequin ladybirds feed most commonly on aphids, but have
a wide food range, also feeding on scale insects, the eggs
and larvae of butterflies and moths, many other small
insects, including other ladybirds, pollen, nectar, and sugary
fluids, including honeydew and the juice from ripe fruits.
Harlequin ladybirds are posing a new threat to Britain’s native species
as they are spreading a virulent fungal infection which kills native
Ladybirds are generally considered useful insects and one of
the greatest allies of the farmer and the gardener as they
feed on aphids and scale insects, which are pests in
gardens, agricultural fields and orchards
By the end of its three-to-six-week life, a ladybird may eat
some 5,000 aphids.
Bumble Bee
Pollinates your flowers, fruit and vegetables
Hover fly
 Hoverflies are important pollinators of flowering plants
 In some species, the larvae eat decaying plant and
animal matter in the soil or in ponds and streams. In other
species, the larvae are insectivores and prey on aphids,
thrips, and other plant-sucking insects.
Carrot weevil
Larvae tunnel through stems and roots of carrot family
plants, stunting or killing plants.
Infested carrot roots and celery stalks may be unfit to
Lacewing larva
 Adult lacewings do not kill other insects but subsist on pollen
and nectar.
 The larva feed on aphids, citrus mealy bugs, spider mites,
thrips, caterpillars, insect eggs.
 It is known to be cannibalistic if no other food source is
 During the two to three weeks in this stage it will devour up
to 200 victims a week
Red Admiral Butterfly
 The larva eat nettles
 Adults drink nectar
Suppress pest populations and aerate the soil.
Adults will eat just about any insect it
can capture in flight, especially
Hawthorn Shield bug
 Larvae feed mainly on hawthorn berries, although a range of
other deciduous trees are also used, including oak, hazel
and birch.
Eat plant matter, flowers, carrion and small insects common
A common myth suggests that earwigs can crawl through the
ear and lay eggs on the sleeping victim's brain. This is
Eat grass