Microbial fuel cell (MFC): Novel biotechnological approach for harnessing bioelectricity in association with wastewater treatment S Venkata Mohan, S. Veer Raghavulu, G Mohanakrishna, S Srikanth, G Velvizhi, R Kannaiah Goud, P. N. Sarma Bioengineering and Environmental Center, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad-500 007, India E-mail: vmohan_s@yahoo.com; svmohan@iict.res.in The global energy demand increases the difficulty in sustained supply and the associated problems of pollution and global warming are acting as a major impetus for research into alternative renewable energy technologies. It is well known that microorganisms can produce fuels such as ethanol, methane and hydrogen from organic matter. More recently, it has been reported that microorganisms can also convert organic matter into electricity using microbial fuel cell (MFC). MFC is a hybrid bio-electrochemical system, which converts the substrate directly into electricity by the oxidation of organic matter in the presence of bacteria (bio-catalyst) at ambient temperature/pressure. The potential developed between the bacterial metabolic activity [reduction reaction generating electrons (e−) and protons (H+)] and electron acceptor conditions separated by a membrane manifests bioelectricity generation. In view of environmental sustainability, using wastewater reduces the cost of wastewater treatment and also generates bio-energy from microbial metabolism at the same time accomplishing treatment. Wastewaters generated from various industrial processes can be considered as ideal substrate as they contain high concentrations of biodegradable organic material, which results in a net positive energy or economic balance. Exploiting wastewater as substrates to generate electricity and feasibility to operate with mixed culture at ambient temperatures and pressures makes this process less energy intensive and more environmental friendly. Employing wastewaters in MFC for energy generation is in the early stages of research. In this direction for past five years we have focused our research on the feasibility of harnessing bioelectricity from various types of wastewater employing low-cost, mediatorless, non-catalyzed MFC using mixed culture as anodic biocatalyst. In this communication, we have made an attempt to consolidate work carried out in our laboratory using various wastewater viz., chemical, domestic, dairy, market based vegetable and molasses based distillery wastewaters as substrates using mixed consortia [1-12]. Process is evaluated based on bioelectricity generation in concurrence with substrate degradation. An attempt was also made to evaluate the process parameters such as type and nature of wastewater, loading rate, retention time, nature of anodic inoculum used (aerobic and anaerobic), pH of wastewater (acidophilic/neutral/basic), distance between electrode, nature of electrode materials (graphite, steel, nickel, copper and aluminum), membrane electrode assembly, electrolytes used, fuel cell configuration (single and dual) and nature of anodic microenvironment (aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic) on the performance of the fuel cell based on power output parameters and substrate removal efficiency. MFC behavior was evaluated based on polarization, cell potentials, columbic efficiency, impedance analysis, and bioprocess monitoring. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was done to characterize and evaluate the redox reactions occuring during the fuel cell operation. Relative decrease in anodic potential (RDAP) with the function of applied external resistance was also evaluated to derive the maximum sustainable power. All the process parameters evaluated showed marked influence on both power generation and substrate degradation. During MFC operation, there exists a possibility to integrate diverse components (biological, physical and chemical) which provides an opportunity to trigger multiple reactions (bio-chemical, physical, physico-chemical, electrochemical, oxidation, etc.) cohesively termed as bio-electrochemical reactions as a result of bacterial metabolic activity and subsequent secondary reactions resulting ins power generation and simultaneous wastewater treatment. Our results enumerated the potentiality of MFC technology more promising compared to conventional chemical fuel cells. Reference 1. S.Veer Raghuvulu, S.Venkata Mohan, M.V.Reddy, G. Mohanakrishna, P.N.Sarma. (2009). 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