Minutes MTR


De Bilt, 16 October 2004

Operational atmospheric chemistry monitoring missions

ITT AO/1-4273/02/NL/GS

Draft minutes of the CAPACITY Mid-Term Review held on 31 Aug + 1 Sep 2004 at


Participants: A. Goede (AG), H. Kelder (HK), M. van Weele (MvW) (KNMI)

B. Kerridge (BK), J. Reburn (JR) (RAL)

H. Bovensmann (HB), C. Verdes (CV) (Univ. Bremen)

M. de Maziere (MM) (BIRA-IASB)

M. Gauss (MG) (UiO)

O. Boucher (OB) (USTL-LOA)

J.-M.. Flaud (JMF), J. Orphal (JO) (CNRS-LISA)

M. Hoepfner (MH) (IMK)

A. Maurellis (AM), R. Jongma (RJ) (SRON)

M. Langemann (ML) (Astrium-D)

H. Sassier (HS) (Alcatel)

J. Langen (JL) (ESA)

Only Day 1, Invitees:

H. Elbern (Eurad,Univ. Koeln)

H. Roscoe (HR) (BAS)

B. Bregman (BB) (KNMI)

S. Tjemkes (ST) (Eumetsat)

J. Bezy (JB), D. Aminou (DA), P. Weltzer (PW), U. Klein(UK) (ESA)

Agenda Day 1 (User Feedback Meeting)



(Joerg Langen)


Capacity Ove rview and International Context (Hennie Kelder)


User Requirements Docume nt

(Albert Goede)


Data Requirements Document (Michiel van Weele)


Ozone Layer and Surface UV (User Reviews and General Discussion)


Air Quality

(User Reviews and General Discussion)


Climate (

User Reviews and General Discussion)



Agenda Day 2 (Internal Meeting)


Opening, Agenda and Minutes (Albert Goede)


WP 1000 Review (Albert Goede)


WP 2100 Review: Ozone Layer and UV (Michael Gauss)


WP 2100 Review: Air Quality (Jean-MarieFlaud)


WP 2100 Review: Climate (Olivier Boucher)


WP 2200 Results (Jolyon Reburn)


WP 2200 Report, Time Schedule (Jolyon Reburn)


WP 2300 Results, Report, Time Schedule (Paul Monks)


WP3000: Start and Schedule WP3000

Split of tasks WP3100, WP3200 (Heinrich Bovensmann, Jolyon Reburn)

Involvement Industry (WP3300, WP3400) (Manfred Langemann, Hugues Sassier


Review of Action Items (Albert Goede)





The meeting started at 9am. JL welcomed guests and project partners.


Capacity Ove rview and International Context (Kelder)

HK gave a short introduction on CAPACITY and its position in the different international contexts (see presentation)


User Requirements Document (Goede)

AG presented the User Requirements Document (see presentation). It was suggested and agreed to rename the ‘understanding’ tables into ‘assessment’. JMF remarked that the section on atmospheric correction was not very convincing. AG remarked that this issue will be addressed again in WP2300.


Data Requirements Document (van Weele)

MvW presented the Data Requirements Document (see presentation).


Ozone Layer and Surface UV (user reviews and general discussion)

MvW presented the three data requirements tables related to the Ozone Layer and

Surface UV. HR asked to increase the attention to the Brewer-Dobson circulation in the document and requirements on trace gases (in ‘assessment’). The addition ‘enhanced’ to

BrO was questioned. The priority ‘B’ species in protocol monitoring A1 were questioned.

It was suggested to move these requirements to ‘assessment’. Stratospheric NO2 should be added to the requirement tables for near-real time and assessment.

An overview of the discussion is given in the notes made by Michael Gauss.


Air Quality (user reviews and general discussion)

MvW presented the three data requirements tables related to Air Quality. The threshold revisit time for AQ applications was readdressed. After some discussion it was decided that a 2-hours threshold requirement would be most appropriate for the Air Quality applications. An overview of the AQ discussion is given in the notes made by Jean-Marie



Climate (user reviews and general discussion)

MvW presented the three data requirements tables related to Climate. Questions were raised on the need for post-Kyoto species in C1 (answer: yes, in anticipation on future policy); the aerosol absorption OD was considered very stringent (yes, this is inevitable).

On a question by JO on missing cloud requirements MvW responded that clouds are not included in the tables because cloud characterization is outside the scope of the study.

Cirrus clouds are considered on the edge. HB remarked that in C3-S the requirements for the solar extraterrestrial radiation are missing. MvW suggested to include in the groundbased observational requirements for climate the application to derive relevant emissions,

as put forward by JRC in their written comments to the data requirements document. An overview of the discussion on climate is given in the notes made by Olivier Boucher.



The user feedback meeting was closed at 5:30pm


Opening, Agenda and Minutes PM2.75

Albert Goede reopened the meeting at 9h. The second day of MTR was an internal project meeting. The minutes of PM2.75 were reviewed and, with some minor changes approved. The minutes will be made available on the internal pages of the CAPACITY website, together with the draft minutes of the Mid-Term Review.

Action MTR-1 : KNMI (MvW) to make available on the CAPACITY website approved minutes of PM2.75 and draft minutes of MTR (as soon as possible)


WP1000 review (Goede)

Minor comments to the WP1000 are given by the partners. Most important is the renaming of ‘understanding’ into ‘assessment’ to better clarify the user community addressed. JMF comments on the ‘atmospheric correction’ section. There is a need for further detail. This is foreseen in WP2300.


WP2100 Review: Ozone Layer and UV (Gauss)

MG presented his notes from yesterday’s discussion on Ozone Layer and UV. Crucial is that stratospheric NO2 is missing in the tables on near-real time and assessment. NO2 requirements will be added. ‘Zonal average’ on the accuracy requirements will be replaced by 1000 km averages if this is considered more appropriate. Several minor comments are given. The update frequency for stratospheric ozone was questioned by

HR. This will be checked with the ozone assimilation system run by Henk Eskes

(KNMI). The minor remaining issues are summarised in the notes by MG.

Action MTR-2 : KNMI (MvW) to check the need for 7-days update frequency for stratospheric ozone (24 Sep 2004)


WP2100 Review: Air Quality (Flaud)

JMF presented his notes from yesterday’s discussion on Air Quality. Most important is the change in the threshold revisit time for AQ applications. From yesterday’s discussion it was concluded that a 2-hours threshold is most appropriate to account for the shortterm variability in the atmospheric boundary layer. Night-time AQ requirements were not fully clear. JMF would contact Gilles Bergametti and Hendrik Elbern to clarify. The minor remaining issues are summarised in the notes by JMF.

Action MTR-3 : LISA (JMF) to clarify with Gilles Bergametti and Hendrik Elbern on the night-time AQ data requirements (8 Sep 2004)


WP2100 Review: Climate (Boucher)

OB presents his notes from yesterday’s discussion on Climate. Most important was the missing requirement on the solar extraterrestrial radiation in ‘assessment’ requirements for climate. It was also suggested to add a requirement on air density in the mesosphere.

The species required for the aerosol indirect effect were shortly summarised. The need for aerosol chemical composition measurements from ground-based networks was put forward as well as the need for more accurate aerosol OD observations from groundbased networks than from space. The minor remaining issues are summarised in the notes of OB.

Action MTR-4 : KNMI (MvW) to update data requirements tables based on the comments received and send an updated version to RAL (24 Sep 2004).

JL asked to further expand in the WP1000 user requirements document and the WP2100 data requirements document on the ancillary requirements for all applications in the

2010-2020 time frame.

Action MTR-5 : KNMI (AG+MvW) to expand on the ancillary requirements for the considered applications in the 2010-2020 time frame.


WP2200 Results (Reburn)

JR presented the WP2200 approach, and current status on information gathered with respect to instrument descriptions, instrument data etc. For the assessment standard processing is being developed. Work will be based on scientific processors or (for planned missions) realistic simulations.


WP2200 Report, Time Schedule

Concerning the WP2200 time schedule it was decided to have an extra meeting at RAL on 19 October. This would give 6 more weeks after MTR to close WP2000.

Action MTR-6 : RAL (JR) to finalise WP2200 assessment by 11 October.


WP2300 Results, Report, Time Schedule (Monks)

The item was skipped. Paul Monks could not attend the meeting.


WP3000: Start and Schedule WP3000;

HB presented a possible time schedule for WP3100 (see presentation)

JR presented some first ideas on WP3200 (see presentation)

HS presented a few slides on ground segment concepts, also in relation to GMES



Review of Action Items

The list of action items was completed



The meeting was closed at 4:30pm

(Open) Actions PM2.75 and MTR

Action PM2.75-6.

PM to distribute a first draft with results of WP2300 before 24 Aug

2004 (one week in advance of MTR).


Action MTR-1 : KNMI (MvW) to make available on the CAPACITY website approved minutes of PM2.75 and draft minutes of MTR (as soon as possible)

Action MTR-2 : KNMI (MvW) to check the need for 7-days update frequency for stratospheric ozone (24 Sep 2004)

Action MTR-3 : LISA (JMF) to clarify with Gilles Bergametti and Hendrik Elbern on the night-time AQ data requirements (8 Sep 2004)

Action MTR-4 : KNMI (MvW) to update data requirements tables based on the comments received and send an updated version to RAL (24 Sep 2004).

Action MTR-5 : KNMI (AG+MvW) to expand on the ancillary requirements for the considered applications in the 2010-2020 time frame.

Action MTR-6 : RAL (JR) to finalise WP2200 assessment by 11 October.
